path: root/mysql/prealloced_array.h
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authorKaren Arutyunov <>2019-04-05 10:30:58 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <>2019-04-05 17:53:59 +0300
commit72e7f011b29998d8a3e15eb5b381ef962af5fe5b (patch)
tree9fd87a0c6f545552849f466b20d3969a21e21e15 /mysql/prealloced_array.h
parent4e0bcdb33411afb02d60b72cbffa278344a572a6 (diff)
Upgrade to 8.0.15
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql/prealloced_array.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 486 deletions
diff --git a/mysql/prealloced_array.h b/mysql/prealloced_array.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d4a5f70..0000000
--- a/mysql/prealloced_array.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2013, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "my_global.h"
-#include "my_sys.h"
-#include "my_dbug.h"
-#include <algorithm>
- A typesafe replacement for DYNAMIC_ARRAY. We do our own memory management,
- and pre-allocate space for a number of elements. The purpose is to
- pre-allocate enough elements to cover normal use cases, thus saving
- malloc()/free() overhead.
- If we run out of space, we use malloc to allocate more space.
- The interface is chosen to be similar to std::vector.
- We keep the std::vector property that storage is contiguous.
- @remark
- Unlike DYNAMIC_ARRAY, elements are properly copied
- (rather than memcpy()d) if the underlying array needs to be expanded.
- @remark
- Depending on Has_trivial_destructor, we destroy objects which are
- removed from the array (including when the array object itself is destroyed).
- @tparam Element_type The type of the elements of the container.
- Elements must be copyable.
- @tparam Prealloc Number of elements to pre-allocate.
- @tparam Has_trivial_destructor If true, we don't destroy elements.
- We could have used type traits to determine this.
- __has_trivial_destructor is supported by some (but not all)
- compilers we use.
- We set the default to true, since we will most likely store pointers
- (shuffling objects around may be expensive).
- */
-template<typename Element_type,
- size_t Prealloc,
- bool Has_trivial_destructor = true>
-class Prealloced_array
- /**
- Casts the raw buffer to the proper Element_type.
- We use a raw buffer rather than Element_type[] in order to avoid having
- CTORs/DTORs invoked by the C++ runtime.
- */
- Element_type *cast_rawbuff()
- {
- return static_cast<Element_type*>(static_cast<void*>(&[0]));
- }
- /// Standard typedefs.
- typedef Element_type value_type;
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef Element_type *iterator;
- typedef const Element_type *const_iterator;
- explicit Prealloced_array(PSI_memory_key psi_key)
- : m_size(0), m_capacity(Prealloc), m_array_ptr(cast_rawbuff()),
- m_psi_key(psi_key)
- {
- // We do not want a zero-size array.
- compile_time_assert(Prealloc != 0);
- }
- /**
- An object instance "owns" its array, so we do deep copy here.
- */
- Prealloced_array(const Prealloced_array &that)
- : m_size(0), m_capacity(Prealloc), m_array_ptr(cast_rawbuff()),
- m_psi_key(that.m_psi_key)
- {
- if (this->reserve(that.capacity()))
- return;
- for (const Element_type *p= that.begin(); p != that.end(); ++p)
- this->push_back(*p);
- }
- /**
- Range constructor.
- Constructs a container with as many elements as the range [first,last),
- with each element constructed from its corresponding element in that range,
- in the same order.
- */
- Prealloced_array(PSI_memory_key psi_key,
- const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
- : m_size(0), m_capacity(Prealloc), m_array_ptr(cast_rawbuff()),
- m_psi_key(psi_key)
- {
- if (this->reserve(last - first))
- return;
- for (; first != last; ++first)
- push_back(*first);
- }
- /**
- Copies all the elements from 'that' into this container.
- Any objects in this container are destroyed first.
- */
- Prealloced_array &operator=(const Prealloced_array &that)
- {
- this->clear();
- if (this->reserve(that.capacity()))
- return *this;
- for (const Element_type *p= that.begin(); p != that.end(); ++p)
- this->push_back(*p);
- return *this;
- }
- /**
- Runs DTOR on all elements if needed.
- Deallocates array if we exceeded the Preallocated amount.
- */
- ~Prealloced_array()
- {
- if (!Has_trivial_destructor)
- {
- clear();
- }
- if (m_array_ptr != cast_rawbuff())
- my_free(m_array_ptr);
- }
- size_t capacity() const { return m_capacity; }
- size_t element_size() const { return sizeof(Element_type); }
- bool empty() const { return m_size == 0; }
- size_t size() const { return m_size; }
- Element_type &at(size_t n)
- {
- DBUG_ASSERT(n < size());
- return m_array_ptr[n];
- }
- const Element_type &at(size_t n) const
- {
- DBUG_ASSERT(n < size());
- return m_array_ptr[n];
- }
- Element_type &operator[](size_t n) { return at(n); }
- const Element_type &operator[](size_t n) const { return at(n); }
- Element_type &back() { return at(size() - 1); }
- const Element_type &back() const { return at(size() - 1); }
- Element_type &front() { return at(0); }
- const Element_type &front() const { return at(0); }
- /**
- begin : Returns a pointer to the first element in the array.
- end : Returns a pointer to the past-the-end element in the array.
- */
- iterator begin() { return m_array_ptr; }
- iterator end() { return m_array_ptr + size(); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return m_array_ptr; }
- const_iterator end() const { return m_array_ptr + size(); }
- /**
- Reserves space for array elements.
- Copies over existing elements, in case we are re-expanding the array.
- @param n number of elements.
- @retval true if out-of-memory, false otherwise.
- */
- bool reserve(size_t n)
- {
- if (n <= m_capacity)
- return false;
- void *mem= my_malloc(m_psi_key, n * element_size(), MYF(MY_WME));
- if (!mem)
- return true;
- Element_type *new_array= static_cast<Element_type*>(mem);
- // Copy all the existing elements into the new array.
- for (size_t ix= 0; ix < m_size; ++ix)
- {
- Element_type *new_p= &new_array[ix];
- const Element_type &old_p= m_array_ptr[ix];
- ::new (new_p) Element_type(old_p); // Copy into new location.
- if (!Has_trivial_destructor)
- old_p.~Element_type(); // Destroy the old element.
- }
- if (m_array_ptr != cast_rawbuff())
- my_free(m_array_ptr);
- // Forget the old array;
- m_array_ptr= new_array;
- m_capacity= n;
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Copies an element into the back of the array.
- Complexity: Constant (amortized time, reallocation may happen).
- @retval true if out-of-memory, false otherwise.
- */
- bool push_back(const Element_type &element)
- {
- const size_t expansion_factor= 2;
- if (m_size == m_capacity && reserve(m_capacity * expansion_factor))
- return true;
- Element_type *p= &m_array_ptr[m_size++];
- ::new (p) Element_type(element);
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Removes the last element in the array, effectively reducing the
- container size by one. This destroys the removed element.
- */
- void pop_back()
- {
- DBUG_ASSERT(!empty());
- if (!Has_trivial_destructor)
- back().~Element_type();
- m_size-= 1;
- }
- /**
- The array is extended by inserting a new element before the element at the
- specified position.
- This is generally an inefficient operation, since we need to copy
- elements to make a new "hole" in the array.
- We use std::copy_backward to move objects, hence Element_type must be
- assignable.
- @retval An iterator pointing to the inserted value.
- */
- iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type &val)
- {
- const difference_type n= position - begin();
- if (position == end())
- push_back(val);
- else
- {
- resize(m_size + 1);
- // resize() may invalidate position, so do not use it here.
- std::copy_backward(begin() + n, end() - 1, end());
- *(begin() + n) = val;
- }
- return begin() + n;
- }
- /**
- Similar to std::set<>::insert()
- Extends the array by inserting a new element, but only if it cannot be found
- in the array already.
- Assumes that the array is sorted with std::less<Element_type>
- Insertion using this function will maintain order.
- @retval A pair, with its member pair::first set an iterator pointing to
- either the newly inserted element, or to the equivalent element
- already in the array. The pair::second element is set to true if
- the new element was inserted, or false if an equivalent element
- already existed.
- */
- std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_unique(const value_type &val)
- {
- std::pair<iterator, iterator> p= std::equal_range(begin(), end(), val);
- // p.first == p.second means we did not find it.
- if (p.first == p.second)
- return std::make_pair(insert(p.first, val), true);
- return std::make_pair(p.first, false);
- }
- /**
- Similar to std::set<>::erase()
- Removes a single element from the array by value.
- The removed element is destroyed.
- This effectively reduces the container size by one.
- This is generally an inefficient operation, since we need to copy
- elements to fill the "hole" in the array.
- Assumes that the array is sorted with std::less<Element_type>.
- @retval number of elements removed, 0 or 1.
- */
- size_type erase_unique(const value_type &val)
- {
- std::pair<iterator, iterator> p= std::equal_range(begin(), end(), val);
- if (p.first == p.second)
- return 0; // Not found
- erase(p.first);
- return 1;
- }
- /**
- Similar to std::set<>::count()
- @note Assumes that array is maintained with insert_unique/erase_unique.
- @retval 1 if element is found, 0 otherwise.
- */
- size_type count_unique(const value_type& val) const
- {
- return std::binary_search(begin(), end(), val);
- }
- /**
- Removes a single element from the array.
- The removed element is destroyed.
- This effectively reduces the container size by one.
- This is generally an inefficient operation, since we need to copy
- elements to fill the "hole" in the array.
- We use std::copy to move objects, hence Element_type must be assignable.
- */
- iterator erase(iterator position)
- {
- DBUG_ASSERT(position != end());
- if (position + 1 != end())
- std::copy(position + 1, end(), position);
- this->pop_back();
- return position;
- }
- /**
- Removes a single element from the array.
- */
- iterator erase(size_t ix)
- {
- DBUG_ASSERT(ix < size());
- return erase(begin() + ix);
- }
- /**
- Removes tail elements from the array.
- The removed elements are destroyed.
- This effectively reduces the containers size by 'end() - first'.
- */
- void erase_at_end(iterator first)
- {
- iterator last= end();
- const difference_type diff= last - first;
- if (!Has_trivial_destructor)
- {
- for (; first != last; ++first)
- first->~Element_type();
- }
- m_size-= diff;
- }
- /**
- Removes a range of elements from the array.
- The removed elements are destroyed.
- This effectively reduces the containers size by 'last - first'.
- This is generally an inefficient operation, since we need to copy
- elements to fill the "hole" in the array.
- We use std::copy to move objects, hence Element_type must be assignable.
- */
- iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last)
- {
- if (first != last)
- erase_at_end(std::copy(last, end(), first));
- return first;
- }
- /**
- Exchanges the content of the container by the content of rhs, which
- is another vector object of the same type. Sizes may differ.
- We use std::swap to do the operation.
- */
- void swap(Prealloced_array &rhs)
- {
- // Just swap pointers if both arrays have done malloc.
- if (m_array_ptr != cast_rawbuff() &&
- rhs.m_array_ptr != rhs.cast_rawbuff())
- {
- std::swap(m_size, rhs.m_size);
- std::swap(m_capacity, rhs.m_capacity);
- std::swap(m_array_ptr, rhs.m_array_ptr);
- std::swap(m_psi_key, rhs.m_psi_key);
- return;
- }
- std::swap(*this, rhs);
- }
- /**
- Requests the container to reduce its capacity to fit its size.
- */
- void shrink_to_fit()
- {
- // Cannot shrink the pre-allocated array.
- if (m_array_ptr == cast_rawbuff())
- return;
- // No point in swapping.
- if (size() == capacity())
- return;
- Prealloced_array(m_psi_key, begin(), end()).swap(*this);
- }
- /**
- Resizes the container so that it contains n elements.
- If n is smaller than the current container size, the content is
- reduced to its first n elements, removing those beyond (and
- destroying them).
- If n is greater than the current container size, the content is
- expanded by inserting at the end as many elements as needed to
- reach a size of n. If val is specified, the new elements are
- initialized as copies of val, otherwise, they are
- value-initialized.
- If n is also greater than the current container capacity, an automatic
- reallocation of the allocated storage space takes place.
- Notice that this function changes the actual content of the
- container by inserting or erasing elements from it.
- */
- void resize(size_t n, const Element_type &val= Element_type())
- {
- if (n == m_size)
- return;
- if (n > m_size)
- {
- if (!reserve(n))
- {
- while (n != m_size)
- push_back(val);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!Has_trivial_destructor)
- {
- while (n != m_size)
- pop_back();
- }
- m_size= n;
- }
- /**
- Removes (and destroys) all elements.
- Does not change capacity.
- */
- void clear()
- {
- if (!Has_trivial_destructor)
- {
- for (Element_type *p= begin(); p != end(); ++p)
- p->~Element_type(); // Destroy discarded element.
- }
- m_size= 0;
- }
- size_t m_size;
- size_t m_capacity;
- // This buffer must be properly aligned.
- my_aligned_storage<Prealloc * sizeof(Element_type), MY_ALIGNOF(double)>m_buff;
- Element_type *m_array_ptr;
- PSI_memory_key m_psi_key;