path: root/mysql/my_dbug.h
diff options
authorKaren Arutyunov <>2019-04-05 10:30:58 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <>2019-04-05 17:53:59 +0300
commit72e7f011b29998d8a3e15eb5b381ef962af5fe5b (patch)
tree9fd87a0c6f545552849f466b20d3969a21e21e15 /mysql/my_dbug.h
parent4e0bcdb33411afb02d60b72cbffa278344a572a6 (diff)
Upgrade to 8.0.15
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql/my_dbug.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/mysql/my_dbug.h b/mysql/my_dbug.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2af2e66..0000000
--- a/mysql/my_dbug.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "my_global.h" /* MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#if !defined(DBUG_OFF)
-struct _db_stack_frame_ {
- const char *func; /* function name of the previous stack frame */
- const char *file; /* filename of the function of previous frame */
- uint level; /* this nesting level, highest bit enables tracing */
- struct _db_stack_frame_ *prev; /* pointer to the previous frame */
-struct _db_code_state_;
-extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT my_bool _dbug_on_;
-extern my_bool _db_keyword_(struct _db_code_state_ *, const char *, int);
-extern int _db_explain_(struct _db_code_state_ *cs, char *buf, size_t len);
-extern int _db_explain_init_(char *buf, size_t len);
-extern int _db_is_pushed_(void);
-extern void _db_setjmp_(void);
-extern void _db_longjmp_(void);
-extern void _db_process_(const char *name);
-extern void _db_push_(const char *control);
-extern void _db_pop_(void);
-extern void _db_set_(const char *control);
-extern void _db_set_init_(const char *control);
-extern void _db_enter_(const char *_func_, const char *_file_, uint _line_,
- struct _db_stack_frame_ *_stack_frame_);
-extern void _db_return_(uint _line_, struct _db_stack_frame_ *_stack_frame_);
-extern void _db_pargs_(uint _line_,const char *keyword);
-extern int _db_enabled_();
-extern void _db_doprnt_(const char *format,...)
- MY_ATTRIBUTE((format(printf, 1, 2)));
-extern void _db_doputs_(const char *log);
-extern void _db_dump_(uint _line_,const char *keyword,
- const unsigned char *memory, size_t length);
-extern void _db_end_(void);
-extern void _db_lock_file_(void);
-extern void _db_unlock_file_(void);
-extern FILE *_db_fp_(void);
-extern void _db_flush_();
-extern const char* _db_get_func_(void);
-#define DBUG_ENTER(a) struct _db_stack_frame_ _db_stack_frame_; \
- _db_enter_ (a,__FILE__,__LINE__,&_db_stack_frame_)
-#define DBUG_LEAVE _db_return_ (__LINE__, &_db_stack_frame_)
-#define DBUG_RETURN(a1) do {DBUG_LEAVE; return(a1);} while(0)
-#define DBUG_VOID_RETURN do {DBUG_LEAVE; return;} while(0)
-#define DBUG_EXECUTE(keyword,a1) \
- do {if (_db_keyword_(0, (keyword), 0)) { a1 }} while(0)
-#define DBUG_EXECUTE_IF(keyword,a1) \
- do {if (_db_keyword_(0, (keyword), 1)) { a1 }} while(0)
-#define DBUG_EVALUATE(keyword,a1,a2) \
- (_db_keyword_(0,(keyword), 0) ? (a1) : (a2))
-#define DBUG_EVALUATE_IF(keyword,a1,a2) \
- (_db_keyword_(0,(keyword), 1) ? (a1) : (a2))
-#define DBUG_PRINT(keyword,arglist) \
- do \
- { \
- if (_dbug_on_) \
- { \
- _db_pargs_(__LINE__,keyword); \
- if (_db_enabled_()) \
- { \
- _db_doprnt_ arglist; \
- } \
- } \
- } while(0)
- An alternate to DBUG_PRINT() macro, which takes a single string
- as the second argument.
-#define DBUG_PUTS(keyword,arg) \
- do \
- { \
- if (_dbug_on_) \
- { \
- _db_pargs_(__LINE__,keyword); \
- if (_db_enabled_()) \
- { \
- _db_doputs_(arg); \
- } \
- } \
- } while(0)
-#define DBUG_PUSH(a1) _db_push_ (a1)
-#define DBUG_POP() _db_pop_ ()
-#define DBUG_SET(a1) _db_set_ (a1)
-#define DBUG_SET_INITIAL(a1) _db_set_init_ (a1)
-#define DBUG_PROCESS(a1) _db_process_(a1)
-#define DBUG_FILE _db_fp_()
-#define DBUG_SETJMP(a1) (_db_setjmp_ (), setjmp (a1))
-#define DBUG_LONGJMP(a1,a2) (_db_longjmp_ (), longjmp (a1, a2))
-#define DBUG_DUMP(keyword,a1,a2) _db_dump_(__LINE__,keyword,a1,a2)
-#define DBUG_END() _db_end_ ()
-#define DBUG_LOCK_FILE _db_lock_file_()
-#define DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE _db_unlock_file_()
-#define DBUG_ASSERT(A) assert(A)
-#define DBUG_EXPLAIN(buf,len) _db_explain_(0, (buf),(len))
-#define DBUG_EXPLAIN_INITIAL(buf,len) _db_explain_init_((buf),(len))
-#define DEBUGGER_OFF do { _dbug_on_= 0; } while(0)
-#define DEBUGGER_ON do { _dbug_on_= 1; } while(0)
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#define DBUG_ABORT() (_db_flush_(), abort())
- Avoid popup with abort/retry/ignore buttons. When BUG#31745 is fixed we can
- call abort() instead of _exit(2) (now it would cause a "test signal" popup).
-#include <crtdbg.h>
-#define DBUG_ABORT() (_db_flush_(),\
- (void)_CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE),\
- (void)_CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR),\
- _exit(2))
-#define DBUG_CHECK_CRASH(func, op) \
- do { char _dbuf_[255]; strxnmov(_dbuf_, sizeof(_dbuf_)-1, (func), (op)); \
- DBUG_EXECUTE_IF(_dbuf_, DBUG_ABORT()); } while(0)
-#define DBUG_CRASH_ENTER(func) \
- DBUG_ENTER(func); DBUG_CHECK_CRASH(func, "_crash_enter")
-#define DBUG_CRASH_RETURN(val) \
- DBUG_CHECK_CRASH(_db_get_func_(), "_crash_return")
- DBUG_CHECK_CRASH (_db_get_func_(), "_crash_return")
- Make the program fail, without creating a core file.
- abort() will send SIGABRT which (most likely) generates core.
- Use SIGKILL instead, which cannot be caught.
- We also pause the current thread, until the signal is actually delivered.
- An alternative would be to use _exit(EXIT_FAILURE),
- but then valgrind would report lots of memory leaks.
- */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-extern void _db_suicide_();
-extern void _db_flush_gcov_();
-#define DBUG_SUICIDE() (_db_flush_(), _db_suicide_())
-#else /* No debugger */
-#define DBUG_ENTER(a1)
-#define DBUG_LEAVE
-#define DBUG_RETURN(a1) do { return(a1); } while(0)
-#define DBUG_VOID_RETURN do { return; } while(0)
-#define DBUG_EXECUTE(keyword,a1) do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_EXECUTE_IF(keyword,a1) do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_EVALUATE(keyword,a1,a2) (a2)
-#define DBUG_EVALUATE_IF(keyword,a1,a2) (a2)
-#define DBUG_PRINT(keyword,arglist) do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_PUTS(keyword,arg) do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_LOG(keyword,arglist) do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_PUSH(a1) do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_SET(a1) do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_SET_INITIAL(a1) do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_POP() do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_PROCESS(a1) do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_SETJMP(a1) setjmp(a1)
-#define DBUG_LONGJMP(a1) longjmp(a1)
-#define DBUG_DUMP(keyword,a1,a2) do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_END() do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_ASSERT(A) do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_LOCK_FILE do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_FILE (stderr)
-#define DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_EXPLAIN(buf,len)
-#define DBUG_EXPLAIN_INITIAL(buf,len)
-#define DEBUGGER_OFF do { } while(0)
-#define DEBUGGER_ON do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_ABORT() do { } while(0)
-#define DBUG_CRASH_ENTER(func)
-#define DBUG_CRASH_RETURN(val) do { return(val); } while(0)
-#define DBUG_CRASH_VOID_RETURN do { return; } while(0)
-#define DBUG_SUICIDE() do { } while(0)
- Sync points allow us to force the server to reach a certain line of code
- and block there until the client tells the server it is ok to go on.
- The client tells the server to block with SELECT GET_LOCK()
- and unblocks it with SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(). Used for debugging difficult
- concurrency problems
-#define DBUG_SYNC_POINT(lock_name,lock_timeout) \
- debug_sync_point(lock_name,lock_timeout)
-void debug_sync_point(const char* lock_name, uint lock_timeout);
-#define DBUG_SYNC_POINT(lock_name,lock_timeout)
-#endif /* EXTRA_DEBUG */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#if !defined(DBUG_OFF)
-#include <sstream>
- A C++ interface to the DBUG_PUTS macro. The DBUG_LOG macro also
- takes two arguments. The first argument is the keyword, as that of the
- DBUG_PRINT. The 2nd argument 'v' will be passed to a C++ output stream.
- This enables the use of C++ style output stream operator. In the code, it
- will be used as follows:
- DBUG_LOG("blob", "space: " << space_id);
- Note: DBUG_PRINT() has a limitation of 1024 bytes for a single
- print out. This limitation is not there for DBUG_PUTS and DBUG_LOG
- macros.
-#define DBUG_LOG(keyword, v) do { \
- std::ostringstream sout; \
- sout << v; \
- DBUG_PUTS(keyword, sout.str().c_str()); \
-} while(0)
-#endif /* DBUG_OFF */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* MY_DBUG_INCLUDED */