path: root/mysql/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/rsa.hpp
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authorKaren Arutyunov <>2019-04-05 10:30:58 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <>2019-04-05 17:53:59 +0300
commit72e7f011b29998d8a3e15eb5b381ef962af5fe5b (patch)
tree9fd87a0c6f545552849f466b20d3969a21e21e15 /mysql/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/rsa.hpp
parent4e0bcdb33411afb02d60b72cbffa278344a572a6 (diff)
Upgrade to 8.0.15
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/rsa.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/mysql/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/rsa.hpp b/mysql/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/rsa.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ee3e378..0000000
--- a/mysql/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/rsa.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- MA 02110-1301 USA.
-/* rsa.hpp provides RSA ES encrypt/decrypt, SSL (block type 1) sign and verify
-#include "integer.hpp"
-#include "random.hpp"
-namespace TaoCrypt {
-class Source;
-// Public Key Length helper
-class PK_Lengths {
- const Integer& image_;
- explicit PK_Lengths(const Integer& i) : image_(i) {}
- word32 PaddedBlockBitLength() const {return image_.BitCount() - 1;}
- word32 PaddedBlockByteLength() const
- {return BitsToBytes(PaddedBlockBitLength());}
- word32 FixedCiphertextLength() const {return image_.ByteCount();}
- word32 FixedMaxPlaintextLength() const
- {return SaturatingSubtract(PaddedBlockBitLength() / 8, 10U); }
-// RSA Public Key
-class RSA_PublicKey {
- Integer n_;
- Integer e_;
- RSA_PublicKey() {}
- explicit RSA_PublicKey(Source&);
- void Initialize(const Integer& n, const Integer& e) {n_ = n; e_ = e;}
- void Initialize(Source&);
- Integer ApplyFunction(const Integer& x) const;
- const Integer& GetModulus() const {return n_;}
- const Integer& GetPublicExponent() const {return e_;}
- void SetModulus(const Integer& n) {n_ = n;}
- void SetPublicExponent(const Integer& e) {e_ = e;}
- word32 FixedCiphertextLength()
- {
- return PK_Lengths(n_).FixedCiphertextLength();
- }
- RSA_PublicKey(const RSA_PublicKey& other) : n_(other.n_), e_(other.e_) {}
- RSA_PublicKey& operator=(const RSA_PublicKey& that)
- {
- RSA_PublicKey tmp(that);
- Swap(tmp);
- return *this;
- }
- void Swap(RSA_PublicKey& other)
- {
- n_.Swap(other.n_);
- e_.Swap(other.e_);
- }
-// RSA Private Key
-class RSA_PrivateKey : public RSA_PublicKey {
- Integer d_;
- Integer p_;
- Integer q_;
- Integer dp_;
- Integer dq_;
- Integer u_;
- RSA_PrivateKey() {}
- explicit RSA_PrivateKey(Source&);
- void Initialize(const Integer& n, const Integer& e, const Integer& d,
- const Integer& p, const Integer& q, const Integer& dp,
- const Integer& dq, const Integer& u)
- {n_ = n; e_ = e; d_ = d; p_ = p; q_ = q; dp_ = dp; dq_ = dq; u_ = u;}
- void Initialize(Source&);
- Integer CalculateInverse(RandomNumberGenerator&, const Integer&) const;
- const Integer& GetPrime1() const {return p_;}
- const Integer& GetPrime2() const {return q_;}
- const Integer& GetPrivateExponent() const {return d_;}
- const Integer& GetModPrime1PrivateExponent() const {return dp_;}
- const Integer& GetModPrime2PrivateExponent() const {return dq_;}
- const Integer& GetMultiplicativeInverseOfPrime2ModPrime1() const
- {return u_;}
- void SetPrime1(const Integer& p) {p_ = p;}
- void SetPrime2(const Integer& q) {q_ = q;}
- void SetPrivateExponent(const Integer& d) {d_ = d;}
- void SetModPrime1PrivateExponent(const Integer& dp) {dp_ = dp;}
- void SetModPrime2PrivateExponent(const Integer& dq) {dq_ = dq;}
- void SetMultiplicativeInverseOfPrime2ModPrime1(const Integer& u) {u_ = u;}
- RSA_PrivateKey(const RSA_PrivateKey&); // hide copy
- RSA_PrivateKey& operator=(const RSA_PrivateKey&); // and assign
-// block type 2 padding
-class RSA_BlockType2 {
- void Pad(const byte*, word32, byte*, word32,
- RandomNumberGenerator&) const;
- word32 UnPad(const byte*, word32, byte*) const;
-// block type 1 padding
-class RSA_BlockType1 {
- void Pad(const byte*, word32, byte*, word32,
- RandomNumberGenerator&) const;
- word32 UnPad(const byte*, word32, byte*) const;
-// RSA Encryptor, can use any padding
-template<class Pad = RSA_BlockType2>
-class RSA_Encryptor {
- const RSA_PublicKey& key_;
- Pad padding_;
- explicit RSA_Encryptor(const RSA_PublicKey& k) : key_(k) {}
- void Encrypt(const byte*, word32, byte*, RandomNumberGenerator&);
- bool SSL_Verify(const byte* msg, word32 sz, const byte* sig);
-// RSA Decryptor, can use any padding
-template<class Pad = RSA_BlockType2>
-class RSA_Decryptor {
- const RSA_PrivateKey& key_;
- Pad padding_;
- explicit RSA_Decryptor(const RSA_PrivateKey& k) : key_(k) {}
- word32 Decrypt(const byte*, word32, byte*, RandomNumberGenerator&);
- void SSL_Sign(const byte*, word32, byte*, RandomNumberGenerator&);
-// Public Encrypt
-template<class Pad>
-void RSA_Encryptor<Pad>::Encrypt(const byte* plain, word32 sz, byte* cipher,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
- PK_Lengths lengths(key_.GetModulus());
- if (sz > lengths.FixedMaxPlaintextLength())
- return;
- ByteBlock paddedBlock(lengths.PaddedBlockByteLength());
- padding_.Pad(plain, sz, paddedBlock.get_buffer(),
- lengths.PaddedBlockBitLength(), rng);
- key_.ApplyFunction(Integer(paddedBlock.get_buffer(), paddedBlock.size())).
- Encode(cipher, lengths.FixedCiphertextLength());
-// Private Decrypt
-template<class Pad>
-word32 RSA_Decryptor<Pad>::Decrypt(const byte* cipher, word32 sz, byte* plain,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
- PK_Lengths lengths(key_.GetModulus());
- if (sz != lengths.FixedCiphertextLength())
- return 0;
- ByteBlock paddedBlock(lengths.PaddedBlockByteLength());
- Integer x = key_.CalculateInverse(rng, Integer(cipher,
- lengths.FixedCiphertextLength()).Ref());
- if (x.ByteCount() > paddedBlock.size())
- x = Integer::Zero(); // don't return false, prevents timing attack
- x.Encode(paddedBlock.get_buffer(), paddedBlock.size());
- return padding_.UnPad(paddedBlock.get_buffer(),
- lengths.PaddedBlockBitLength(), plain);
-// Private SSL type (block 1) Encrypt
-template<class Pad>
-void RSA_Decryptor<Pad>::SSL_Sign(const byte* message, word32 sz, byte* sig,
- RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
- RSA_PublicKey inverse;
- inverse.Initialize(key_.GetModulus(), key_.GetPrivateExponent());
- RSA_Encryptor<RSA_BlockType1> enc(inverse); // SSL Type
- enc.Encrypt(message, sz, sig, rng);
-word32 SSL_Decrypt(const RSA_PublicKey& key, const byte* sig, byte* plain);
-// Public SSL type (block 1) Decrypt
-template<class Pad>
-bool RSA_Encryptor<Pad>::SSL_Verify(const byte* message, word32 sz,
- const byte* sig)
- ByteBlock plain(PK_Lengths(key_.GetModulus()).FixedMaxPlaintextLength());
- if (SSL_Decrypt(key_, sig, plain.get_buffer()) != sz)
- return false; // not right justified or bad padding
- if ( (memcmp(plain.get_buffer(), message, sz)) == 0)
- return true;
- return false;
-typedef RSA_Encryptor<> RSAES_Encryptor;
-typedef RSA_Decryptor<> RSAES_Decryptor;
-} // namespace
-#endif // TAO_CRYPT_RSA_HPP