path: root/libbutl/fdstream.cxx
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authorKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2017-05-01 16:08:43 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2017-05-01 16:59:24 +0300
commit61377c582e0f2675baa5f5e6e30a35d1a4164b33 (patch)
tree11cdca992834d7f7f197f72856712fbcb3020e3d /libbutl/fdstream.cxx
parent442c1a6790e52baa0c081f310d4d9e9b6f1ff638 (diff)
Add hxx extension for headers and lib prefix for library dir
Diffstat (limited to 'libbutl/fdstream.cxx')
1 files changed, 1085 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbutl/fdstream.cxx b/libbutl/fdstream.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77e48e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbutl/fdstream.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1085 @@
+// file : libbutl/fdstream.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbutl/fdstream.hxx>
+#ifndef _WIN32
+# include <fcntl.h> // open(), O_*, fcntl()
+# include <unistd.h> // close(), read(), write(), lseek(), dup(), pipe(),
+ // ssize_t, STD*_FILENO
+# include <sys/uio.h> // writev(), iovec
+# include <sys/stat.h> // S_I*
+# include <sys/types.h> // off_t
+# include <libbutl/win32-utility.hxx>
+# include <io.h> // _close(), _read(), _write(), _setmode(), _sopen(),
+ // _lseek(), _dup(), _pipe(), _get_osfhandle()
+# include <share.h> // _SH_DENYNO
+# include <stdio.h> // _fileno(), stdin, stdout, stderr
+# include <fcntl.h> // _O_*
+# include <sys/stat.h> // S_I*
+#include <errno.h> // errno, E*
+#include <ios> // ios_base::openmode, ios_base::failure
+#include <new> // bad_alloc
+#include <limits> // numeric_limits
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstring> // memcpy(), memmove()
+#include <exception> // uncaught_exception()
+#include <stdexcept> // invalid_argument
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <system_error>
+#include <libbutl/process-details.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+using namespace butl::win32;
+namespace butl
+ // throw_ios_failure
+ //
+ template <bool v>
+ [[noreturn]] static inline typename enable_if<v>::type
+ throw_ios_failure (error_code e, const char* m)
+ {
+ // The idea here is to make an error code to be saved into failure
+ // exception and to make a string returned by what() to contain the error
+ // description plus an optional custom message if provided. Unfortunatelly
+ // there is no way to say that the custom message is absent. Passing an
+ // empty string results for libstdc++ (as of version 5.3.1) with a
+ // description like this (note the ': ' prefix):
+ //
+ // : No such file or directory
+ //
+ // Note that our custom operator<<(ostream, exception) strips this prefix.
+ //
+ throw ios_base::failure (m != nullptr ? m : "", e);
+ }
+ template <bool v>
+ [[noreturn]] static inline typename enable_if<!v>::type
+ throw_ios_failure (error_code e, const char* m)
+ {
+ throw ios_base::failure (m != nullptr ? m : e.message ().c_str ());
+ }
+ // Throw system_error with generic_category.
+ //
+ [[noreturn]] static inline void
+ throw_ios_failure (int errno_code, const char* m = nullptr)
+ {
+ error_code ec (errno_code, generic_category ());
+ throw_ios_failure<is_base_of<system_error, ios_base::failure>::value> (
+ ec, m);
+ }
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ // Throw system_error with system_category.
+ //
+ static inline void
+ throw_ios_system_failure (int system_code)
+ {
+ // Here we work around MinGW libstdc++ that interprets Windows system error
+ // codes (for example those returned by GetLastError()) as errno codes.
+ //
+ // Note that the resulting system_error description will have ': Success.'
+ // suffix that is stripped by our custom operator<<(ostream, exception).
+ //
+ error_code ec (0, system_category ());
+ string m (win32::error_msg (system_code));
+ throw_ios_failure<is_base_of<system_error, ios_base::failure>::value> (
+ ec, m.c_str ());
+ }
+ // auto_fd
+ //
+ void auto_fd::
+ close ()
+ {
+ if (fd_ >= 0)
+ {
+ bool r (fdclose (fd_));
+ // If fdclose() failed then no reason to expect it to succeed the next
+ // time.
+ //
+ fd_ = -1;
+ if (!r)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ }
+ }
+ // fdbuf
+ //
+ fdbuf::
+ fdbuf (auto_fd&& fd)
+ {
+ if (fd.get () >= 0)
+ open (move (fd));
+ }
+ void fdbuf::
+ open (auto_fd&& fd)
+ {
+ close ();
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ int flags (fcntl (fd.get (), F_GETFL));
+ if (flags == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ non_blocking_ = (flags & O_NONBLOCK) == O_NONBLOCK;
+ setg (buf_, buf_, buf_);
+ setp (buf_, buf_ + sizeof (buf_) - 1); // Keep space for overflow's char.
+ fd_ = move (fd);
+ }
+ streamsize fdbuf::
+ showmanyc ()
+ {
+ if (!is_open ())
+ return -1;
+ streamsize n (egptr () - gptr ());
+ if (n > 0)
+ return n;
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ if (non_blocking_)
+ {
+ ssize_t n (read (fd_.get (), buf_, sizeof (buf_)));
+ if (n == -1)
+ {
+ if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)
+ return 0;
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ }
+ if (n == 0) // EOF.
+ return -1;
+ setg (buf_, buf_, buf_ + n);
+ return n;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fdbuf::int_type fdbuf::
+ underflow ()
+ {
+ int_type r (traits_type::eof ());
+ if (is_open ())
+ {
+ // The underflow() function interface doesn't support the non-blocking
+ // semantics as it must return either the next character or EOF. In the
+ // future we may implement the blocking behavior for a non-blocking file
+ // descriptor.
+ //
+ if (non_blocking_)
+ throw_ios_failure (ENOTSUP);
+ if (gptr () < egptr () || load ())
+ r = traits_type::to_int_type (*gptr ());
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool fdbuf::
+ load ()
+ {
+ // Doesn't handle blocking mode and so should not be called.
+ //
+ assert (!non_blocking_);
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ ssize_t n (read (fd_.get (), buf_, sizeof (buf_)));
+ int n (_read (fd_.get (), buf_, sizeof (buf_)));
+ if (n == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ setg (buf_, buf_, buf_ + n);
+ return n != 0;
+ }
+ fdbuf::int_type fdbuf::
+ overflow (int_type c)
+ {
+ int_type r (traits_type::eof ());
+ if (is_open () && c != traits_type::eof ())
+ {
+ // The overflow() function interface doesn't support the non-blocking
+ // semantics since being unable to serialize the character is supposed
+ // to be an error. In the future we may implement the blocking behavior
+ // for a non-blocking file descriptor.
+ //
+ if (non_blocking_)
+ throw_ios_failure (ENOTSUP);
+ // Store last character in the space we reserved in open(). Note
+ // that pbump() doesn't do any checks.
+ //
+ *pptr () = traits_type::to_char_type (c);
+ pbump (1);
+ if (save ())
+ r = c;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ int fdbuf::
+ sync ()
+ {
+ if (!is_open ())
+ return -1;
+ // The sync() function interface doesn't support the non-blocking
+ // semantics since it should either completely sync the data or fail. In
+ // the future we may implement the blocking behavior for a non-blocking
+ // file descriptor.
+ //
+ if (non_blocking_)
+ throw_ios_failure (ENOTSUP);
+ return save () ? 0 : -1;
+ }
+ bool fdbuf::
+ save ()
+ {
+ size_t n (pptr () - pbase ());
+ if (n != 0)
+ {
+ // Note that for MinGW GCC (5.2.0) _write() returns 0 for a file
+ // descriptor opened for read-only access (while -1 with errno EBADF is
+ // expected). This is in contrast with VC's _write() and POSIX's write().
+ //
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ ssize_t m (write (fd_.get (), buf_, n));
+ int m (_write (fd_.get (), buf_, n));
+ if (m == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ if (n != static_cast<size_t> (m))
+ return false;
+ setp (buf_, buf_ + sizeof (buf_) - 1);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ streamsize fdbuf::
+ xsputn (const char_type* s, streamsize sn)
+ {
+ // The xsputn() function interface doesn't support the non-blocking
+ // semantics since the only excuse not to fully serialize the data is
+ // encountering EOF (the default behaviour is defined as a sequence of
+ // sputc() calls which stops when either sn characters are written or a
+ // call would have returned EOF). In the future we may implement the
+ // blocking behavior for a non-blocking file descriptor.
+ //
+ if (non_blocking_)
+ throw_ios_failure (ENOTSUP);
+ // To avoid futher 'signed/unsigned comparison' compiler warnings.
+ //
+ size_t n (static_cast<size_t> (sn));
+ // Buffer the data if there is enough space.
+ //
+ size_t an (epptr () - pptr ()); // Amount of free space in the buffer.
+ if (n <= an)
+ {
+ memcpy (pptr (), s, n);
+ pbump (n);
+ return n;
+ }
+ size_t bn (pptr () - pbase ()); // Buffered data size.
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ ssize_t r;
+ if (bn > 0)
+ {
+ // Write both buffered and new data with a single system call.
+ //
+ iovec iov[2] = {{pbase (), bn}, {const_cast<char*> (s), n}};
+ r = writev (fd_.get (), iov, 2);
+ }
+ else
+ r = write (fd_.get (), s, n);
+ if (r == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ size_t m (static_cast<size_t> (r));
+ // If the buffered data wasn't fully written then move the unwritten part
+ // to the beginning of the buffer.
+ //
+ if (m < bn)
+ {
+ memmove (pbase (), pbase () + m, bn - m);
+ pbump (-m); // Note that pbump() accepts negatives.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ setp (buf_, buf_ + sizeof (buf_) - 1);
+ return m - bn;
+ // On Windows there is no writev() available so sometimes we will make two
+ // system calls. Fill and flush the buffer, then try to fit the data tail
+ // into the empty buffer. If the data tail is too long then just write it
+ // to the file and keep the buffer empty.
+ //
+ // We will end up with two _write() calls if the total data size to be
+ // written exceeds double the buffer size. In this case the buffer filling
+ // is redundant so let's pretend there is no free space in the buffer, and
+ // so buffered and new data will be written separatelly.
+ //
+ if (bn + n > 2 * (bn + an))
+ an = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy (pptr (), s, an);
+ pbump (an);
+ }
+ // Flush the buffer.
+ //
+ size_t wn (bn + an);
+ int r (wn > 0 ? _write (fd_.get (), buf_, wn) : 0);
+ if (r == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ size_t m (static_cast<size_t> (r));
+ // If the buffered data wasn't fully written then move the unwritten part
+ // to the beginning of the buffer.
+ //
+ if (m < wn)
+ {
+ memmove (pbase (), pbase () + m, wn - m);
+ pbump (-m); // Note that pbump() accepts negatives.
+ return m < bn ? 0 : m - bn;
+ }
+ setp (buf_, buf_ + sizeof (buf_) - 1);
+ // Now 'an' holds the size of the data portion written as a part of the
+ // buffer flush.
+ //
+ s += an;
+ n -= an;
+ // Buffer the data tail if it fits the buffer.
+ //
+ if (n <= static_cast<size_t> (epptr () - pbase ()))
+ {
+ memcpy (pbase (), s, n);
+ pbump (n);
+ return sn;
+ }
+ // The data tail doesn't fit the buffer so write it to the file.
+ //
+ r = _write (fd_.get (), s, n);
+ if (r == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ return an + r;
+ }
+ inline static bool
+ flag (fdstream_mode m, fdstream_mode flag)
+ {
+ return (m & flag) == flag;
+ }
+ inline static auto_fd
+ mode (auto_fd fd, fdstream_mode m)
+ {
+ if (fd.get () >= 0 &&
+ (flag (m, fdstream_mode::text) ||
+ flag (m, fdstream_mode::binary) ||
+ flag (m, fdstream_mode::blocking) ||
+ flag (m, fdstream_mode::non_blocking)))
+ fdmode (fd.get (), m);
+ return fd;
+ }
+ // fdstream_base
+ //
+ fdstream_base::
+ fdstream_base (auto_fd&& fd, fdstream_mode m)
+ : fdstream_base (mode (move (fd), m)) // Delegate.
+ {
+ }
+ static fdopen_mode
+ translate_mode (ios_base::openmode m)
+ {
+ enum
+ {
+ in = ios_base::in,
+ out = ios_base::out,
+ app = ios_base::app,
+ bin = ios_base::binary,
+ trunc = ios_base::trunc,
+ ate = ios_base::ate
+ };
+ const fdopen_mode fd_in (fdopen_mode::in);
+ const fdopen_mode fd_out (fdopen_mode::out);
+ const fdopen_mode fd_inout (fdopen_mode::in | fdopen_mode::out);
+ const fdopen_mode fd_app (fdopen_mode::append);
+ const fdopen_mode fd_trunc (fdopen_mode::truncate);
+ const fdopen_mode fd_create (fdopen_mode::create);
+ const fdopen_mode fd_bin (fdopen_mode::binary);
+ const fdopen_mode fd_ate (fdopen_mode::at_end);
+ fdopen_mode r;
+ switch (m & ~(ate | bin))
+ {
+ case in : r = fd_in ; break;
+ case out :
+ case out | trunc : r = fd_out | fd_trunc | fd_create ; break;
+ case app :
+ case out | app : r = fd_out | fd_app | fd_create ; break;
+ case out | in : r = fd_inout ; break;
+ case out | in | trunc : r = fd_inout | fd_trunc | fd_create ; break;
+ case out | in | app :
+ case in | app : r = fd_inout | fd_app | fd_create ; break;
+ default: throw invalid_argument ("invalid open mode");
+ }
+ if (m & ate)
+ r |= fd_ate;
+ if (m & bin)
+ r |= fd_bin;
+ return r;
+ }
+ // ifdstream
+ //
+ ifdstream::
+ ifdstream (const char* f, openmode m, iostate e)
+ : ifdstream (f, translate_mode (m | in), e) // Delegate.
+ {
+ }
+ ifdstream::
+ ifdstream (const char* f, fdopen_mode m, iostate e)
+ : ifdstream (fdopen (f, m | fdopen_mode::in), e) // Delegate.
+ {
+ }
+ ifdstream::
+ ~ifdstream ()
+ {
+ if (skip_ && is_open () && good ())
+ {
+ // Clear the exception mask to prevent ignore() from throwing.
+ //
+ exceptions (goodbit);
+ ignore (numeric_limits<streamsize>::max ());
+ }
+ // Underlying file descriptor is closed by fdbuf dtor with errors (if any)
+ // being ignored.
+ //
+ }
+ void ifdstream::
+ open (const char* f, openmode m)
+ {
+ open (f, translate_mode (m | in));
+ }
+ void ifdstream::
+ open (const char* f, fdopen_mode m)
+ {
+ open (fdopen (f, m | fdopen_mode::in));
+ }
+ void ifdstream::
+ close ()
+ {
+ if (skip_ && is_open () && good ())
+ ignore (numeric_limits<streamsize>::max ());
+ buf_.close ();
+ }
+ ifdstream&
+ getline (ifdstream& is, string& s, char delim)
+ {
+ ifdstream::iostate eb (is.exceptions ());
+ assert (eb & ifdstream::badbit);
+ // Amend the exception mask to prevent exceptions being thrown by the C++
+ // IO runtime to avoid incompatibility issues due to ios_base::failure ABI
+ // fiasco (#66145). We will not restore the mask when ios_base::failure is
+ // thrown by fdbuf since there is no way to "silently" restore it if the
+ // corresponding bits are in the error state without the exceptions() call
+ // throwing ios_base::failure. Not restoring exception mask on throwing
+ // because of badbit should probably be ok since the stream is no longer
+ // usable.
+ //
+ if (eb != ifdstream::badbit)
+ is.exceptions (ifdstream::badbit);
+ std::getline (is, s, delim);
+ // Throw if any of the newly set bits are present in the exception mask.
+ //
+ if ((is.rdstate () & eb) != ifdstream::goodbit)
+ throw_ios_failure (EIO, "getline failure");
+ if (eb != ifdstream::badbit)
+ is.exceptions (eb); // Restore exception mask.
+ return is;
+ }
+ // ofdstream
+ //
+ ofdstream::
+ ofdstream (const char* f, openmode m, iostate e)
+ : ofdstream (f, translate_mode (m | out), e) // Delegate.
+ {
+ }
+ ofdstream::
+ ofdstream (const char* f, fdopen_mode m, iostate e)
+ : ofdstream (fdopen (f, m | fdopen_mode::out), e) // Delegate.
+ {
+ }
+ ofdstream::
+ ~ofdstream ()
+ {
+ // Enforce explicit close(). Note that we may have false negatives but not
+ // false positives. Specifically, we will fail to enforce if someone is
+ // using ofdstream in a dtor being called while unwinding the stack due to
+ // an exception.
+ //
+ assert (!is_open () || !good () || uncaught_exception ());
+ }
+ void ofdstream::
+ open (const char* f, openmode m)
+ {
+ open (f, translate_mode (m | out));
+ }
+ void ofdstream::
+ open (const char* f, fdopen_mode m)
+ {
+ open (fdopen (f, m | fdopen_mode::out));
+ }
+ // Utility functions
+ //
+ auto_fd
+ fdopen (const char* f, fdopen_mode m, permissions p)
+ {
+ mode_t pf (S_IREAD | S_IWRITE | S_IEXEC);
+#ifdef S_IRWXG
+ pf |= S_IRWXG;
+#ifdef S_IRWXO
+ pf |= S_IRWXO;
+ pf &= static_cast<mode_t> (p);
+ // Return true if the open mode contains a specific flag.
+ //
+ auto mode = [m](fdopen_mode flag) -> bool {return (m & flag) == flag;};
+ int of (0);
+ bool in (mode (fdopen_mode::in));
+ bool out (mode (fdopen_mode::out));
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ if (in && out)
+ of |= O_RDWR;
+ else if (in)
+ of |= O_RDONLY;
+ else if (out)
+ of |= O_WRONLY;
+ if (out)
+ {
+ if (mode (fdopen_mode::append))
+ of |= O_APPEND;
+ if (mode (fdopen_mode::truncate))
+ of |= O_TRUNC;
+ }
+ if (mode (fdopen_mode::create))
+ {
+ of |= O_CREAT;
+ if (mode (fdopen_mode::exclusive))
+ of |= O_EXCL;
+ }
+ of |= O_LARGEFILE;
+ int fd (open (f, of | O_CLOEXEC, pf));
+ if (in && out)
+ of |= _O_RDWR;
+ else if (in)
+ of |= _O_RDONLY;
+ else if (out)
+ of |= _O_WRONLY;
+ if (out)
+ {
+ if (mode (fdopen_mode::append))
+ of |= _O_APPEND;
+ if (mode (fdopen_mode::truncate))
+ of |= _O_TRUNC;
+ }
+ if (mode (fdopen_mode::create))
+ {
+ of |= _O_CREAT;
+ if (mode (fdopen_mode::exclusive))
+ of |= _O_EXCL;
+ }
+ of |= mode (fdopen_mode::binary) ? _O_BINARY : _O_TEXT;
+ // According to Microsoft _sopen() should not change the permissions of an
+ // existing file. However it does if we pass them (reproduced on Windows
+ // XP, 7, and 8). And we must pass them if we have _O_CREATE. So we need
+ // to take care of preserving the permissions ourselves. Note that Wine's
+ // implementation of _sopen() works properly.
+ //
+ bool pass_perm (of & _O_CREAT);
+ if (pass_perm && file_exists (path (f)))
+ {
+ // If the _O_CREAT flag is set then we need to clear it so that we can
+ // omit the permissions. But if the _O_EXCL flag is set as well we can't
+ // do that as fdopen() wouldn't fail as expected.
+ //
+ if (of & _O_EXCL)
+ throw_ios_failure (EEXIST);
+ of &= ~_O_CREAT;
+ pass_perm = false;
+ }
+ // Make sure the file descriptor is not inheritable by default.
+ //
+ of |= _O_NOINHERIT;
+ int fd (pass_perm
+ ? _sopen (f, of, _SH_DENYNO, pf)
+ : _sopen (f, of, _SH_DENYNO));
+ if (fd == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ if (mode (fdopen_mode::at_end))
+ {
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ bool r (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END) != static_cast<off_t> (-1));
+ bool r (_lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END) != -1);
+ // Note that in the case of an error we don't delete the newly created
+ // file as we have no indication if it is a new one.
+ //
+ if (!r)
+ {
+ int e (errno);
+ fdclose (fd); // Doesn't throw, but can change errno.
+ throw_ios_failure (e);
+ }
+ }
+ return auto_fd (fd);
+ }
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ auto_fd
+ fddup (int fd)
+ {
+ // dup() doesn't copy FD_CLOEXEC flag, so we need to do it ourselves. Note
+ // that the new descriptor can leak into child processes before we copy the
+ // flag. To prevent this we will acquire the process_spawn_mutex (see
+ // process-details header) prior to duplicating the descriptor. Also note
+ // there is dup3() (available on Linux and FreeBSD but not on Max OS) that
+ // takes flags, but it's usage tends to be hairy (need to preopen a dummy
+ // file descriptor to pass as a second argument).
+ //
+ auto dup = [fd] () -> auto_fd
+ {
+ auto_fd nfd (::dup (fd));
+ if (nfd.get () == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ return nfd;
+ };
+ int f (fcntl (fd, F_GETFD));
+ if (f == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ // If the source descriptor has no FD_CLOEXEC flag set then no flag copy is
+ // required (as the duplicate will have no flag by default).
+ //
+ if ((f & FD_CLOEXEC) == 0)
+ return dup ();
+ slock l (process_spawn_mutex);
+ auto_fd nfd (dup ());
+ f = fcntl (nfd.get (), F_GETFD);
+ if (f == -1 || fcntl (nfd.get (), F_SETFD, f | FD_CLOEXEC) == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ return nfd;
+ }
+ bool
+ fdclose (int fd) noexcept
+ {
+ return close (fd) == 0;
+ }
+ auto_fd
+ fdnull () noexcept
+ {
+ int fd (open ("/dev/null", O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC));
+ if (fd == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ return auto_fd (fd);
+ }
+ fdstream_mode
+ fdmode (int fd, fdstream_mode m)
+ {
+ int flags (fcntl (fd, F_GETFL));
+ if (flags == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ if (flag (m, fdstream_mode::blocking) ||
+ flag (m, fdstream_mode::non_blocking))
+ {
+ m &= fdstream_mode::blocking | fdstream_mode::non_blocking;
+ // Should be exactly one blocking mode flag specified.
+ //
+ if (m != fdstream_mode::blocking && m != fdstream_mode::non_blocking)
+ throw invalid_argument ("invalid blocking mode");
+ int new_flags (
+ m == fdstream_mode::non_blocking
+ ? flags | O_NONBLOCK
+ : flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);
+ if (fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, new_flags) == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ }
+ return fdstream_mode::binary |
+ ((flags & O_NONBLOCK) == O_NONBLOCK
+ ? fdstream_mode::non_blocking
+ : fdstream_mode::blocking);
+ }
+ fdstream_mode
+ stdin_fdmode (fdstream_mode m)
+ {
+ return fdmode (STDIN_FILENO, m);
+ }
+ fdstream_mode
+ stdout_fdmode (fdstream_mode m)
+ {
+ return fdmode (STDOUT_FILENO, m);
+ }
+ fdstream_mode
+ stderr_fdmode (fdstream_mode m)
+ {
+ return fdmode (STDERR_FILENO, m);
+ }
+ fdpipe
+ fdopen_pipe (fdopen_mode m)
+ {
+ assert (m == fdopen_mode::none || m == fdopen_mode::binary);
+ // Note that the pipe file descriptors can leak into child processes before
+ // we set FD_CLOEXEC flag for them. To prevent this we will acquire the
+ // process_spawn_mutex (see process-details header) prior to creating the
+ // pipe. Also note there is pipe2() (available on Linux and FreeBSD but not
+ // on Max OS) that takes flags.
+ //
+ slock l (process_spawn_mutex);
+ int pd[2];
+ if (pipe (pd) == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ fdpipe r {auto_fd (pd[0]), auto_fd (pd[1])};
+ for (size_t i (0); i < 2; ++i)
+ {
+ int f (fcntl (pd[i], F_GETFD));
+ if (f == -1 || fcntl (pd[i], F_SETFD, f | FD_CLOEXEC) == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ auto_fd
+ fddup (int fd)
+ {
+ // _dup() doesn't copy _O_NOINHERIT flag, so we need to do it ourselves.
+ // Note that the new descriptor can leak into child processes before we
+ // copy the flag. To prevent this we will acquire the process_spawn_mutex
+ // (see process-details header) prior to duplicating the descriptor.
+ //
+ // We can not ammend file descriptors directly (nor obtain the flag value),
+ // so need to resolve them to Windows HANDLE first. Such handles are closed
+ // either when CloseHandle() is called for them or when _close() is called
+ // for the associated file descriptors. Make sure that either the original
+ // file descriptor or the resulting HANDLE is closed but not both of them.
+ //
+ auto handle = [] (int fd) -> HANDLE
+ {
+ HANDLE h (reinterpret_cast<HANDLE> (_get_osfhandle (fd)));
+ throw_ios_failure (errno); // EBADF (POSIX value).
+ return h;
+ };
+ auto dup = [fd] () -> auto_fd
+ {
+ auto_fd nfd (_dup (fd));
+ if (nfd.get () == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ return nfd;
+ };
+ DWORD f;
+ if (!GetHandleInformation (handle (fd), &f))
+ throw_ios_system_failure (GetLastError ());
+ // If the source handle is inheritable then no flag copy is required (as
+ // the duplicate handle will be inheritable by default).
+ //
+ return dup ();
+ slock l (process_spawn_mutex);
+ auto_fd nfd (dup ());
+ if (!SetHandleInformation (handle (nfd.get ()), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0))
+ throw_ios_system_failure (GetLastError ());
+ return nfd;
+ }
+ bool
+ fdclose (int fd) noexcept
+ {
+ return _close (fd) == 0;
+ }
+ auto_fd
+ fdnull (bool temp) noexcept
+ {
+ // No need to translate \r\n before sending it to void.
+ //
+ if (!temp)
+ {
+ int fd (_sopen ("nul", _O_RDWR | _O_BINARY | _O_NOINHERIT, _SH_DENYNO));
+ if (fd == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ return auto_fd (fd);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // We could probably implement a Windows-specific version of getting
+ // the temporary file that avoid any allocations and exceptions.
+ //
+ path p (path::temp_path ("null")); // Can throw.
+ int fd (_sopen (p.string ().c_str (),
+ (_O_CREAT |
+ _O_RDWR |
+ _O_BINARY | // Don't translate.
+ _O_TEMPORARY | // Remove on close.
+ _O_SHORT_LIVED | // Don't flush to disk.
+ _O_NOINHERIT), // Don't inherit by child process.
+ if (fd == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ return auto_fd (fd);
+ }
+ catch (const bad_alloc&)
+ {
+ throw_ios_failure (ENOMEM);
+ }
+ catch (const system_error& e)
+ {
+ // Make sure that the error denotes errno portable code.
+ //
+ assert (e.code ().category () == generic_category ());
+ throw_ios_failure (e.code ().value ());
+ }
+ }
+ fdstream_mode
+ fdmode (int fd, fdstream_mode m)
+ {
+ m &= fdstream_mode::text | fdstream_mode::binary;
+ // Should be exactly one translation flag specified.
+ //
+ // It would have been natural not to change translation mode if none of
+ // text or binary flags are passed. Unfortunatelly there is no (easy) way
+ // to obtain the current mode for the file descriptor without setting a
+ // new one. This is why not specifying one of the modes is an error.
+ //
+ if (m != fdstream_mode::binary && m != fdstream_mode::text)
+ throw invalid_argument ("invalid translation mode");
+ // Note that _setmode() preserves the _O_NOINHERIT flag value.
+ //
+ int r (_setmode (fd, m == fdstream_mode::binary ? _O_BINARY : _O_TEXT));
+ if (r == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno); // EBADF or EINVAL (POSIX values).
+ return fdstream_mode::blocking |
+ ((r & _O_BINARY) == _O_BINARY
+ ? fdstream_mode::binary
+ : fdstream_mode::text);
+ }
+ fdstream_mode
+ stdin_fdmode (fdstream_mode m)
+ {
+ int fd (_fileno (stdin));
+ if (fd == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ return fdmode (fd, m);
+ }
+ fdstream_mode
+ stdout_fdmode (fdstream_mode m)
+ {
+ int fd (_fileno (stdout));
+ if (fd == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ return fdmode (fd, m);
+ }
+ fdstream_mode
+ stderr_fdmode (fdstream_mode m)
+ {
+ int fd (_fileno (stderr));
+ if (fd == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ return fdmode (fd, m);
+ }
+ fdpipe
+ fdopen_pipe (fdopen_mode m)
+ {
+ assert (m == fdopen_mode::none || m == fdopen_mode::binary);
+ int pd[2];
+ if (_pipe (
+ pd,
+ 64 * 1024, // Set buffer size to 64K.
+ _O_NOINHERIT | (m == fdopen_mode::none ? _O_TEXT : _O_BINARY)) == -1)
+ throw_ios_failure (errno);
+ return {auto_fd (pd[0]), auto_fd (pd[1])};
+ }