path: root/libbuild2/cc/compiledb.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/cc/compiledb.cxx')
1 files changed, 1100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/compiledb.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/compiledb.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccf08a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/compiledb.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1100 @@
+// file : libbuild2/cc/compiledb.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbuild2/cc/compiledb.hxx>
+#include <cstring> // strlen()
+#include <iostream> // cout
+# include <libbutl/json/parser.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/filesystem.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/cc/module.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/cc/target.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/bin/target.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace build2
+ namespace cc
+ {
+ compiledb_set compiledbs;
+ // compiledb
+ //
+ compiledb::
+ ~compiledb ()
+ {
+ }
+ // Return true if this entry should be written to the database with the
+ // specified name.
+ //
+ static bool
+ filter (const scope& rs,
+ const core_module& m,
+ const string& name,
+ const file& ot, const file& it)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("cc::compiledb_filter");
+ bool r (true);
+ const char* w (nullptr); // Why r is false.
+ // First check if writing to this database is enabled.
+ //
+ // No filter means not enabled.
+ //
+ if (m.cdb_filter_ == nullptr)
+ {
+ r = false;
+ w = "no database name filter";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Iterate in reverse (so that later values override earlier) and take
+ // the first name match.
+ //
+ r = false;
+ for (const pair<optional<string>, bool>& p:
+ reverse_iterate (*m.cdb_filter_))
+ {
+ if (!p.first || *p.first == name)
+ {
+ r = p.second;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!r)
+ w = "no match in database name filter";
+ }
+ // Verify the name is known in this amalgamation. Note that without
+ // this check we may end up writing to unrelated databases in other
+ // amalgamations (think linked configurations).
+ //
+ if (r)
+ {
+ r = false;
+ for (const core_module* pm (&m);
+ pm != nullptr;
+ pm = pm->outer_module_)
+ {
+ const strings& ns (pm->cdb_names_);
+ if (find (ns.begin (), ns.end (), name) != ns.end ())
+ {
+ r = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!r)
+ w = "database name unknown in amalgamation";
+ }
+ // Filter based on the output target.
+ //
+ // If there is no filter specified, then accept all targets.
+ //
+ if (r && m.cdb_filter_output_ != nullptr)
+ {
+ // If the filter is empty, then there is no match.
+ //
+ if (m.cdb_filter_output_->empty ())
+ {
+ r = false;
+ w = "empty output target type filter";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const target_type& ott (ot.type ());
+ // Iterate in reverse (so that later values override earlier) and
+ // take the first name match.
+ //
+ r = false;
+ for (const pair<optional<string>, string>& p:
+ reverse_iterate (*m.cdb_filter_output_))
+ {
+ if (p.first && *p.first != name)
+ continue;
+ using namespace bin;
+ const string& n (p.second);
+ if (ott.name == n || n == "target")
+ {
+ r = true;
+ }
+ //
+ // Handle obj/bmi/hbmi{} groups ad hoc.
+ //
+ else if (n == "obj")
+ {
+ r = ott.is_a<obje> () || ott.is_a<objs> () || ott.is_a<obja> ();
+ }
+ else if (n == "bmi")
+ {
+ r = ott.is_a<bmie> () || ott.is_a<bmis> () || ott.is_a<bmia> ();
+ }
+ else if (n == "hbmi")
+ {
+ r = ott.is_a<hbmie> () || ott.is_a<hbmis> () || ott.is_a<hbmia> ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Handle the commonly-used, well-known targets directly (see
+ // note in core_config_init() for why we cannot pre-lookup
+ // them).
+ //
+ const target_type* tt (
+ n == "obje" ? &obje::static_type :
+ n == "objs" ? &objs::static_type :
+ n == "obja" ? &obja::static_type :
+ n == "bmie" ? &bmie::static_type :
+ n == "bmis" ? &bmis::static_type :
+ n == "bmia" ? &bmia::static_type :
+ n == "hbmie" ? &hbmie::static_type :
+ n == "hbmis" ? &hbmis::static_type :
+ n == "hbmia" ? &hbmia::static_type :
+ rs.find_target_type (n));
+ if (tt == nullptr)
+ fail << "unknown target type '" << n << "' in "
+ << "config.cc.compiledb.filter.output value";
+ r = ott.is_a (*tt);
+ }
+ if (r)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!r)
+ w = "no match in output target type filter";
+ }
+ }
+ // Filter based on the input target.
+ //
+ // If there is no filter specified, then accept all targets.
+ //
+ if (r && m.cdb_filter_input_ != nullptr)
+ {
+ // If the filter is empty, then there is no match.
+ //
+ if (m.cdb_filter_input_->empty ())
+ {
+ r = false;
+ w = "empty input target type filter";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const target_type& itt (it.type ());
+ // Iterate in reverse (so that later values override earlier) and
+ // take the first name match.
+ //
+ r = false;
+ for (const pair<optional<string>, string>& p:
+ reverse_iterate (*m.cdb_filter_input_))
+ {
+ if (p.first && *p.first != name)
+ continue;
+ const string& n (p.second);
+ if (itt.name == n || n == "target")
+ r = true;
+ else
+ {
+ // The same optimization as above. Note: cxx{}, etc., are in the
+ // cxx module so we have to look them up.
+ //
+ const target_type* tt (
+ n == "c" ? &c::static_type :
+ n == "m" ? &m::static_type :
+ n == "S" ? &m::static_type :
+ rs.find_target_type (n));
+ if (tt == nullptr)
+ fail << "unknown target type '" << n << "' in "
+ << "config.cc.compiledb.filter.input value";
+ r = itt.is_a (*tt);
+ }
+ if (r)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!r)
+ w = "no match in input target type filter";
+ }
+ }
+ l6 ([&]
+ {
+ if (r)
+ trace << "keep " << ot << " in " << name;
+ else
+ trace << "omit " << ot << " from " << name << ": " << w;
+ });
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool compiledb::
+ match (const scope& bs,
+ const file& ot, const path_type& op,
+ const file& it,
+ bool changed)
+ {
+ if (compiledbs.empty ())
+ return false;
+ const scope& rs (*bs.root_scope ());
+ const auto* m (rs.find_module<core_module> (core_module::name));
+ assert (m != nullptr);
+ bool u (false);
+ for (const unique_ptr<compiledb>& db: compiledbs)
+ {
+ if (filter (rs, *m, db->name, ot, it))
+ u = db->match (ot, op, changed) || u;
+ }
+ return u;
+ }
+ void compiledb::
+ execute (const scope& bs,
+ const file& ot, const path_type& op,
+ const file& it, const path_type& ip,
+ const process_path& cpath, const cstrings& args,
+ const path_type& relo, const path_type& abso,
+ const path_type& relm, const path_type& absm)
+ {
+ if (compiledbs.empty ())
+ return;
+ const scope& rs (*bs.root_scope ());
+ const auto* m (rs.find_module<core_module> (core_module::name));
+ assert (m != nullptr);
+ assert (relo.empty () == abso.empty () &&
+ relm.empty () == absm.empty ());
+ for (const unique_ptr<compiledb>& db: compiledbs)
+ {
+ if (filter (rs, *m, db->name, ot, it))
+ db->execute (ot, op, it, ip, cpath, args, relo, abso, relm, absm);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ compiledb_pre (context& ctx, action a, const action_targets&)
+ {
+ // Note: won't be registered if compiledbs is empty.
+ // Note: may be called directly with empty action_targets.
+ assert (a.inner_action () == perform_update_id);
+ tracer trace ("cc::compiledb_pre");
+ bool mctx (ctx.module_context == &ctx);
+ l6 ([&]{trace << (mctx ? "module" : "normal") << " context " << &ctx;});
+ for (const unique_ptr<compiledb>& db: compiledbs)
+ db->pre (ctx);
+ }
+ void
+ compiledb_post (context& ctx,
+ action a,
+ const action_targets& ts,
+ bool failed)
+ {
+ // Note: won't be registered if compiledbs is empty.
+ assert (a.inner_action () == perform_update_id);
+ tracer trace ("cc::compiledb_post");
+ bool mctx (ctx.module_context == &ctx);
+ l6 ([&]{trace << (mctx ? "module" : "normal") << " context " << &ctx
+ << ", failed: " << failed;});
+ for (const unique_ptr<compiledb>& db: compiledbs)
+ db->post (ctx, ts, failed);
+ }
+ namespace json = butl::json;
+ // compiledb_stdout
+ //
+ compiledb_stdout::
+ compiledb_stdout (string n)
+ : compiledb (move (n), path_type ()),
+ state_ (state::init),
+ nesting_ (0),
+ js_ (cout, 0 /* indentation */, "" /* multi_value_separator */)
+ {
+ }
+ void compiledb_stdout::
+ pre (context&)
+ {
+ // If the previous operation batch failed, then we shouldn't be here.
+ //
+ assert (state_ != state::failed);
+ // The module context (used to build build system modules) poses a
+ // problem: we can receive its callbacks before the main context's or
+ // nested in the pre/post calls of the main context (or both, in
+ // fact). Plus there may be multiple pre/post sequences corresponding to
+ // the module context of both kinds. The three distinct cases are:
+ //
+ // 1. Module is loaded as part of the initial buildfile load (e.g., from
+ // root.build) -- in this case we will observe module pre/post before
+ // the main context's pre/post.
+ //
+ // In fact, to be precise, we will only observe them if cc is loaded
+ // before such a module.
+ //
+ // 2. Module is loaded via the interrupting load (e.g., from a directory
+ // buildfile that is loaded implicitly during match) -- in this case
+ // we will observe pre/post calls nested into the main context's
+ // pre/post.
+ //
+ // 3. The module context is used to build an ad hoc C++ recipe -- in
+ // this case we also get nested calls like in (2) since this happens
+ // during the recipe's match().
+ //
+ // One thing to keep in mind (and which we rely upon quite a bit below)
+ // is that the main context's post will always be last (within any given
+ // operation; there could be another for the subsequent operation in a
+ // batch).
+ //
+ // Handling the nested case is relatively straightforward: we can keep
+ // track and ignore all the nested calls.
+ //
+ // The before case is where things get complicated. We could "take" the
+ // first module pre call and then wait until the main post, unless we
+ // see a module post call with failed=true, in which case there will be
+ // no further pre/post calls. There is, however, a nuance: the module is
+ // loaded and build for any operation, not just update, which means that
+ // if the main operation is not update (say, it's clean), we won't see
+ // any of the main context's pre/post calls.
+ //
+ // The way we are going to resolve this problem is different for the
+ // stdout and file implementations:
+ //
+ // For stdout we will just say that it should only be used with the
+ // update operation. There is really no good reason to use it with
+ // anything else anyway. See compiledb_stdout::post() for additional
+ // details.
+ //
+ // For file we will rely on its persistence and simply close and reopen
+ // the database for each pre/post sequence, the same way as if they were
+ // separate operations in a batch.
+ //
+ if (nesting_++ != 0) // Nested pre() call.
+ return;
+ if (state_ == state::init) // First pre() call.
+ {
+ state_ = state::empty;
+ cout << "[\n";
+ }
+ }
+ bool compiledb_stdout::
+ match (const file&, const path_type&, bool)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ static inline const char*
+ rel_to_abs (const char* a,
+ const string& rs, const string& as,
+ string& buf)
+ {
+ if (size_t rn = rs.size ())
+ {
+ size_t an (strlen (a));
+ if (an >= rn && rs.compare (0, rn, a, rn) == 0)
+ {
+ if (an == rn)
+ return as.c_str ();
+ buf = as;
+ buf.append (a + rn, an - rn);
+ return buf.c_str ();
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ void compiledb_stdout::
+ execute (const file&, const path_type& op,
+ const file&, const path_type& ip,
+ const process_path& cpath, const cstrings& args,
+ const path_type& relo, const path_type& abso,
+ const path_type& relm, const path_type& absm)
+ {
+ const string& ro (relo.string ());
+ const string& ao (abso.string ());
+ const string& rm (relm.string ());
+ const string& am (absm.string ());
+ mlock l (mutex_);
+ switch (state_)
+ {
+ case state::full:
+ {
+ cout << ",\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ case state::empty:
+ {
+ state_ = state::full;
+ break;
+ }
+ case state::failed:
+ return;
+ case state::init:
+ assert (false);
+ return;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // Duplicate what we have in the file implementation (instead of
+ // factoring it out to something common) in case here we need to
+ // adjust things (change order, omit some values; for example to
+ // accommodate broken consumers). We have this freedom here but not
+ // there.
+ //
+ js_.begin_object ();
+ {
+ js_.member ("output", op.string ());
+ js_.member ("file", ip.string ());
+ js_.member_begin_array ("arguments");
+ {
+ string buf; // Reuse.
+ for (auto b (args.begin ()), i (b), e (args.end ());
+ i != e && *i != nullptr;
+ ++i)
+ {
+ const char* r;
+ if (i == b)
+ r = cpath.effect_string ();
+ else
+ {
+ // Untranslate relative paths back to absolute.
+ //
+ const char* a (*i);
+ if ((r = rel_to_abs (a, ro, ao, buf)) == nullptr &&
+ (r = rel_to_abs (a, rm, am, buf)) == nullptr)
+ r = a;
+ }
+ js_.value (r);
+ }
+ }
+ js_.end_array ();
+ js_.member ("directory", work.string ());
+ }
+ js_.end_object ();
+ }
+ catch (const json::invalid_json_output& e)
+ {
+ // There is no way (nor reason; the output will most likely be invalid
+ // anyway) to reuse the failed json serializer so make sure we ignore
+ // all the subsequent callbacks.
+ //
+ state_ = state::failed;
+ l.unlock ();
+ fail << "invalid compilation database json output: " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ void compiledb_stdout::
+ post (context& ctx, const action_targets&, bool failed)
+ {
+ assert (nesting_ != 0);
+ if (--nesting_ != 0) // Nested post() call.
+ return;
+ bool mctx (ctx.module_context == &ctx);
+ switch (state_)
+ {
+ case state::empty:
+ case state::full:
+ {
+ // If this is a module context's post, wait for the main context's
+ // post (last) unless the module load failed (in which case there
+ // will be no main pre/post).
+ //
+ // Note that there is no easy way to diagnose the case where we
+ // won't get the main pre/post calls. Instead, we will just produce
+ // invalid JSON (array won't be closed). In a somewhat hackish way,
+ // this actually makes the `b [-n] clean update` sequence work: we
+ // will take the pre() call from clean and the main post() from
+ // update.
+ //
+ if (mctx && !failed)
+ return;
+ if (state_ == state::full)
+ cout << '\n';
+ cout << "]\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ case state::failed:
+ return;
+ case state::init:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ state_ = state::init;
+ }
+ // compiledb_file
+ //
+ compiledb_file::
+ compiledb_file (string n, path_type p)
+ : compiledb (move (n), move (p)),
+ state_ (state::closed),
+ nesting_ (0)
+ {
+ }
+ void compiledb_file::
+ pre (context&)
+ {
+ // If the previous operation batch failed, then we shouldn't be here.
+ //
+ assert (state_ != state::failed);
+ // See compiledb_stdout::pre() for background on dealing with the module
+ // context. Here are some file-specific nuances:
+ //
+ // We are going to load the database on the first pre call and flush
+ // (but not close) it on the matching post. Flushing means that we will
+ // update the file but still keep the in-memory state, in case there is
+ // another pre/post session coming. This is both a performance
+ // optimization but also the way we handle prunning no longer present
+ // entries, which gets tricky across multiple pre/post sessions (see
+ // post() for details).
+ //
+ if (nesting_++ != 0) // Nested pre() call.
+ return;
+ if (state_ == state::closed) // First pre() call.
+ {
+ // Load the contents of the file if it exists, marking all the entries
+ // as (presumed) absent.
+ //
+ if (exists (path))
+ {
+ uint64_t line (1);
+ try
+ {
+ ifdstream ifs (path, ifdstream::badbit);
+ // Parse the top-level array manually (see post() for the expected
+ // format).
+ //
+ auto throw_invalid_input = [] (const string& d)
+ {
+ throw json::invalid_json_input ("", 0, 1, 0, d);
+ };
+ enum {first, second, next, last, end} s (first);
+ for (string l; !eof (getline (ifs, l)); line++)
+ {
+ switch (s)
+ {
+ case first:
+ {
+ if (l != "[")
+ throw_invalid_input ("beginning of array expected");
+ s = second;
+ continue;
+ }
+ case second:
+ {
+ if (l == "]")
+ {
+ s = end;
+ continue;
+ }
+ s = next;
+ }
+ // Fall through.
+ case next:
+ {
+ if (!l.empty () && l.back () == ',')
+ l.pop_back ();
+ else
+ s = last;
+ break;
+ }
+ case last:
+ {
+ if (l != "]")
+ throw_invalid_input ("end of array expected");
+ s = end;
+ continue;
+ }
+ case end:
+ {
+ throw_invalid_input ("junk after end of array");
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse just the output target path, which must come first.
+ //
+ json::parser jp (l, "" /* name */);
+ jp.next_expect (json::event::begin_object);
+ string op (move (jp.next_expect_member_string ("output")));
+ auto r (db_.emplace (move (op), entry {entry_status::absent, l}));
+ if (!r.second)
+ throw_invalid_input (
+ "duplicate output value '" + r.first->first + '\'');
+ }
+ if (s != end)
+ throw_invalid_input ("corrupt input text");
+ }
+ catch (const json::invalid_json_input& e)
+ {
+ state_ = state::failed;
+ location l (path, line, e.column);
+ fail (l) << "invalid compilation database json input: " << e <<
+ info << "remove this file if it was produced by a different tool";
+ }
+ catch (const io_error& e)
+ {
+ state_ = state::failed;
+ fail << "unable to read " << path << ": " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ absent_ = db_.size ();
+ changed_ = false;
+ state_ = state::open;
+ }
+ }
+ bool compiledb_file::
+ match (const file&, const path_type& op, bool changed)
+ {
+ mlock l (mutex_);
+ switch (state_)
+ {
+ case state::open:
+ break;
+ case state::failed:
+ return false;
+ case state::closed:
+ assert (false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Mark an existing entry as present or changed. And if one does not
+ // exist, then (for now) as missing.
+ //
+ auto i (db_.find (op.string ()));
+ if (i != db_.end ())
+ {
+ entry& e (i->second);
+ // Note: we can end up with present entries via the module context
+ // (see post() below). And we can see changed entries in a subsequent
+ // nested module context.
+ //
+ switch (e.status)
+ {
+ case entry_status::present:
+ case entry_status::changed:
+ assert (!changed);
+ break;
+ case entry_status::absent:
+ {
+ e.status = changed ? entry_status::changed : entry_status::present;
+ absent_--;
+ changed_ = changed_ || (e.status == entry_status::changed);
+ break;
+ }
+ case entry_status::missing:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ db_.emplace (op.string (), entry {entry_status::missing, string ()});
+ changed_ = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ void compiledb_file::
+ execute (const file&, const path_type& op,
+ const file&, const path_type& ip,
+ const process_path& cpath, const cstrings& args,
+ const path_type& relo, const path_type& abso,
+ const path_type& relm, const path_type& absm)
+ {
+ const string& ro (relo.string ());
+ const string& ao (abso.string ());
+ const string& rm (relm.string ());
+ const string& am (absm.string ());
+ mlock l (mutex_);
+ switch (state_)
+ {
+ case state::open:
+ break;
+ case state::failed:
+ return;
+ case state::closed:
+ assert (false);
+ return;
+ }
+ auto i (db_.find (op.string ()));
+ // We should have had the match() call before execute().
+ //
+ assert (i != db_.end () && i->second.status != entry_status::absent);
+ entry& e (i->second);
+ if (e.status == entry_status::present) // Present and unchanged.
+ return;
+ // The entry is either missing or changed.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ e.json.clear ();
+ json::buffer_serializer js (e.json, 0 /* indentation */);
+ js.begin_object ();
+ {
+ js.member ("output", op.string ()); // Note: must come first.
+ js.member ("file", ip.string ());
+ js.member_begin_array ("arguments");
+ {
+ string buf; // Reuse.
+ for (auto b (args.begin ()), i (b), e (args.end ());
+ i != e && *i != nullptr;
+ ++i)
+ {
+ const char* r;
+ if (i == b)
+ r = cpath.effect_string ();
+ else
+ {
+ // Untranslate relative paths back to absolute.
+ //
+ const char* a (*i);
+ if ((r = rel_to_abs (a, ro, ao, buf)) == nullptr &&
+ (r = rel_to_abs (a, rm, am, buf)) == nullptr)
+ r = a;
+ }
+ js.value (r);
+ }
+ }
+ js.end_array ();
+ js.member ("directory", work.string ());
+ }
+ js.end_object ();
+ }
+ catch (const json::invalid_json_output& e)
+ {
+ // There is no way (nor reason; the output will most likely be invalid
+ // anyway) to reuse the failed json serializer so make sure we ignore
+ // all the subsequent callbacks.
+ //
+ state_ = state::failed;
+ l.unlock ();
+ fail << "invalid compilation database json output: " << e;
+ }
+ e.status = entry_status::changed;
+ }
+ void compiledb_file::
+ post (context& ctx, const action_targets& ts, bool failed)
+ {
+ assert (nesting_ != 0);
+ if (--nesting_ != 0) // Nested post() call.
+ return;
+ switch (state_)
+ {
+ case state::open:
+ break;
+ case state::failed:
+ return;
+ case state::closed:
+ assert (false);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool mctx (ctx.module_context == &ctx);
+ tracer trace ("cc::compiledb_file::post");
+ // See if we need to update the file.
+ //
+ if (changed_)
+ l6 ([&]{trace << "updating due to missing/changed entries: " << path;});
+ // Don't prune the stale entries if the operation failed since we may
+ // not have gotten to execute some of them.
+ //
+ // And if this is a module context's post, then also don't prune the
+ // stale entries, instead waiting for the main context's post (if there
+ // will be one; this means we will only prune on update).
+ //
+ // Actually, this pruning business is even trickier than that: if we
+ // are not updating the entire project (say, rather only a subdirectory
+ // or even a specific target), then we will naturally not get any
+ // match/execute calls for targets of this project that don't get pulled
+ // into this build. Which means that we cannot just prune entries that
+ // we did not match/execute. It feels the correct semantics is to only
+ // prune the entries if they are in a subdirectory of the dir{} targets
+ // which we are building.
+ //
+ // What do we do about the module context, where we always update a
+ // specific libs{}? We could use its directory instead but that may lead
+ // to undesirable results. For example, if there are unit tests in the
+ // same directory, we will end up dropping their entries. It feels like
+ // the correct approach is to just ignore module context's entries
+ // entirely. If someone wants to prune the compilation database of a
+ // module, they will just need to update it directly (i.e., via the main
+ // context). Note that we cannot apply the same "simplification" to the
+ // changed entries since we will only observe the change once.
+ //
+ bool absent (false);
+ if (!failed && !mctx && absent_ != 0)
+ {
+ // Pre-scan the entries and drop the appropriate absent ones.
+ //
+ for (auto i (db_.begin ()); i != db_.end (); )
+ {
+ const entry& e (i->second);
+ if (e.status == entry_status::absent)
+ {
+ // Absent entries should be rare enough during the normal
+ // development that we don't need to bother with caching the
+ // directories.
+ //
+ bool a (false);
+ for (const action_target& at: ts)
+ {
+ const target& t (at.as<target> ());
+ if (t.is_a<dir> ())
+ {
+ const string& p (i->first);
+ const string& d (t.out_dir ().string ());
+ if (path_traits::sub (p.c_str (), p.size (),
+ d.c_str (), d.size ()))
+ {
+ // Remove this entry from the in-memory state so that it
+ // matches the file state.
+ //
+ i = db_.erase (i);
+ --absent_;
+ a = absent = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (a)
+ continue;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (absent)
+ l6 ([&]{trace << "updating due to absent entries: " << path;});
+ try
+ {
+ auto_rmfile rm;
+ ofdstream ofs;
+ bool u (changed_ || absent); // Update the file.
+ if (u)
+ {
+ rm = auto_rmfile (path);
+ ofs.open (path);
+ // We parse the top-level array manually (see pre() above) and the
+ // expected format is as follows:
+ //
+ // [
+ // {"output":...},
+ // ...
+ // {"output":...}
+ // ]
+ //
+ ofs.write ("[\n", 2);
+ }
+ // Iterate over the entries resetting their status and writing them to
+ // the file if necessary.
+ //
+ bool first (true);
+ for (auto& p: db_)
+ {
+ entry& e (p.second);
+ // First sort out the status also skipping appropriate entries.
+ //
+ switch (e.status)
+ {
+ case entry_status::absent:
+ {
+ // This is an absent entry that we should keep (see pre-scan
+ // above).
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ case entry_status::missing:
+ {
+ // This should only happen if this operation has failed (see
+ // also below) or we are in the match-only mode.
+ //
+ assert (failed || ctx.match_only);
+ continue;
+ }
+ case entry_status::present:
+ case entry_status::changed:
+ {
+ // This is tricky: if this is a module context, then we don't
+ // want to mark the entries as absent since they will then get
+ // dropped by the main operation context.
+ //
+ if (mctx)
+ e.status = entry_status::present;
+ else
+ {
+ // Note: this is necessary for things to work across multiple
+ // operations in a batch.
+ //
+ e.status = entry_status::absent;
+ absent_++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (u)
+ {
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ ofs.write (",\n", 2);
+ ofs.write (e.json.c_str (), e.json.size ());
+ }
+ }
+ if (u)
+ {
+ ofs.write (first ? "]\n" : "\n]\n", first ? 2 : 3);
+ ofs.close ();
+ rm.cancel ();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const io_error& e)
+ {
+ state_ = state::failed;
+ fail << "unable to write to " << path << ": " << e;
+ }
+ // If this operation has failed, then our state may not be accurate
+ // (e.g., entries with missing status) but we also don't expect any
+ // further pre calls. Let's change out state to failed as a sanity
+ // check.
+ //
+ if (failed)
+ state_ = state::failed;
+ else
+ changed_ = false;
+ // Note: keep in the open state (see pre() for details).
+ }
+ }