path: root/etc/private/install
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'etc/private/install')
10 files changed, 1561 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/etc/private/install/README b/etc/private/install/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef3ae70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/private/install/README
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+This directory contains scripts, configuration files, etc., that are used to
+prepare the virtual machine (VM) with a build2 repository web interface (brep)
+described in ../README. This document provides terse notes on how this VM is
+The VM is prepared and tested using user brep:
+# groupadd --gid 63700 brep
+# useradd --uid 63700 --gid 63700 --create-home brep
+# usermod --lock brep
+# usermod -G kvm brep
+Note: different UID/GID can be used by passing the --brep-user option to the
+brep-install script.
+# su - brep
+$ mkdir -p bin vm state/bpkg
+Next copy the prepared VM image:
+$ cp .../linux_debian_10.img vm/brep.img
+The brep-install script assumes a Debian-based VM distribution. Other
+distributions can probably be made to work but will require changes to
+brep-install. The VM normally already has the following changes applied:
+ # apt-get install acpid # For QEMU system_powerdown to work.
+ # systemctl enable acpid
+ # systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyS0.service
+ # systemctl start serial-getty@ttyS0.service
+ # nano /etc/default/grub
+ # # GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=ttyS0"
+ # # GRUB_TERMINAL="serial console"
+ # update-grub
+ # echo localhost >/etc/hostname
+ # nano /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
+ # # Comment out `send host-name ...`.
+ # # Add `send dhcp-client-identifier = hardware;`
+Clone or copy the brep repository and create the directory structure:
+$ cp -r .../brep ./
+$ cp brep/etc/private/vm-* bin/
+$ cp -r brep/etc/private ./etc
+Download the build2 toolchain installation script:
+$ curl -sSfO https://download.build2.org/X.Y.Z/build2-install-X.Y.Z.sh
+$ # Verify the checksum.
+$ mv build2-install-*.sh etc/install/
+Start the VM (give as much CPU/RAM as available to speed up compilation):
+$ ~/bin/vm-start --install etc/install/ --cpu 8 --ram 8G \
+ --tap tap0 --mac de:ad:be:ef:de:ad vm/brep.img
+Login into the VM as root, then perform the following steps:
+ # mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L install /mnt
+ # /mnt/brep-install --mount
+After the installation is complete, test the result as described in ../README.
+Note: to create a "clean" VM for distribution, pass the --clean option to
+brep-install, shut the VM down immediately after installation, save the clean
+VM image, then boot a copy for testing.
+Generate the systemd service template file:
+~/etc/install/vm-gen-service --bin bin --etc vm --var vm --run .
+Test starting the VM as a systemd service as described in ../README.
diff --git a/etc/private/install/brep-apache2.conf b/etc/private/install/brep-apache2.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99186d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/private/install/brep-apache2.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Keep in the main server configuration context. This way the directive will
+# be in effect during module initialization and request handling.
+# Note that initialization log messages are written to the main server log
+# file (/var/log/apache2/error.log), and request handling messages to the
+# virtual server log file (/var/www/brep/log/error.log).
+LogLevel brep:info
+<VirtualHost *:80>
+ #ServerName <brep-hostname>
+ #ServerAdmin <brep-admin-email>
+ #DocumentRoot /var/www/brep/public
+ #Options +Indexes
+ AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
+ AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/manifest
+ AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
+ AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
+ Alias "/1" "/var/brep/bpkg/pkg/1"
+ ErrorLog /var/www/brep/log/error.log
+ CustomLog /var/www/brep/log/access.log combined
+ # brep configuration
+ #
+ # Load the brep module.
+ #
+ <IfModule !brep_module>
+ LoadModule brep_module /home/brep/install/libexec/brep/mod_brep.so
+ </IfModule>
+ # Repository email. This email is used for the From: header in emails send
+ # by brep (for example, build failure notifications).
+ #
+ #brep-email <brep-admin-email>
+ # Repository host. It specifies the scheme and the host address (but not the
+ # root path; see brep-root below) that will be used whenever brep needs to
+ # construct an absolute URL to one of its locations (for example, a link to
+ # a build log that is being send via email).
+ #
+ #brep-host http://<brep-hostname>
+ # Repository root. This is the part of the URL between the host name and the
+ # start of the repository. For example, root value /pkg means the repository
+ # URL is http://example.org/pkg/. Specify / to use the web server root
+ # (e.g., http://example.org/). If using a different repository root, don't
+ # forget to also change Location and Alias directives below.
+ #
+ brep-root /
+ <Location "/">
+ SetHandler brep
+ <IfModule dir_module>
+ DirectoryIndex disabled
+ DirectorySlash Off
+ </IfModule>
+ </Location>
+ # Brep module configuration. If you prefer, you can paste the contents of
+ # this file here. However, you will need to prefix every option with
+ # 'brep-'.
+ #
+ brep-conf /home/brep/config/brep-module.conf
+ # Static brep content (CSS files).
+ #
+ <IfModule !alias_module>
+ Error "mod_alias is not enabled"
+ </IfModule>
+ # Note: trailing slashes are important!
+ #
+ Alias /@/ /home/brep/install/share/brep/www/
+ <Directory "/home/brep/install/share/brep/www">
+ Require all granted
+ </Directory>
+ # brep config override (must come after).
+ #
+ <LocationMatch "^/([0-9]|icons)(/.*)?$">
+ SetHandler none
+ DirectoryIndex enabled
+ DirectorySlash On
+ </LocationMatch>
+<Directory /var/brep/bpkg/pkg/>
+ Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
+ AllowOverride None
+ Require all granted
diff --git a/etc/private/install/brep-install b/etc/private/install/brep-install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..37179c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/private/install/brep-install
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# file : etc/private/install/brep-install
+# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+# Setup HTTP-only brep instance with unsigned package submission support via
+# direct repository publishing (brep/handler/submit/submit-pub).
+# NOTE: this setup should only be used in private/trusted environments.
+# Unless the --setup option is specified, create the 'brep' group and user and
+# re-run itself with the --setup option under this user. In the setup mode
+# install and configure the brep instance, automating the instructions from
+# the INSTALL file, including:
+# - Build the build2 toolchain (installing it to /usr/local/) and brep
+# (installing it to ~brep/install/).
+# - Install PostgreSQL and create brep users/databases.
+# - Installing Apache2 and configure HTTP server with the brep module.
+# Note that the script is written for use on Debian-based distributions so you
+# will need to adjust it to match other distributions or operating systems.
+# Options:
+# --mount
+# Mount the virtio-9p device with id 'state' as the /var/brep directory.
+# This directory is expected to either contain the pkg repository or be
+# empty, in which case an empty repository will be automatically
+# initialized. If this option is unspecified, the directory will be created
+# in the local filesystem.
+# --brep-user
+# User and group ids to use when creating the 'brep' group and user. If
+# unspecified, 63700 is used.
+# --setup
+# Install and configure the brep instance, assuming that the 'brep' user
+# already exists and this script is executed as this user.
+# --clean
+# At the end of the brep instance setup remove installation environment-
+# specific traces (host name/IP from the configuration files, etc). Normally
+# you would use this option to make the "clean" machine copy for
+# distribution. Note that if this option is specified, then the brep
+# instance will only be unusable after the machine reboot.
+usage="Usage: $0 [<options>]"
+# build2 toolchain repository certificate fingerprint. Note: this is a
+# repository the toolchain installation script downloads the build2 packages
+# from.
+# brep package repository URL and certificate fingerprint.
+trap "{ exit 1; }" ERR
+trap "{ cd $owd; }" EXIT
+set -o errtrace # Trap in functions.
+function info () { echo "$*" 1>&2; }
+function error () { info "error: $*"; exit 1; }
+# Trace a command line, quoting empty arguments as well as those that contain
+# spaces.
+function trace () # <cmd> <arg>...
+ local s="+"
+ while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
+ if [ -z "$1" -o -z "${1##* *}" ]; then
+ s="$s \"$1\""
+ else
+ s="$s $1"
+ fi
+ shift
+ done
+ info "$s"
+# Trace and run a command.
+run () # <args>...
+ trace "$@"
+ "$@"
+# The chosen fixed id for the 'brep' user. Note: must match the id of the
+# 'brep' user on the host.
+# Note that Linux assigns the [0 99] range for the statically allocated system
+# users and [100 499] -- for dynamic allocations by administrators and post-
+# install scripts. Debian, in turn, assigns the [100 999] range for the
+# dynamically allocated system users and [60000 64999] -- for statically
+# allocated on demand "obscure package users".
+brep_id=63700 # Update the README file on change.
+# Parse the command line options and, while at it, compose the options array
+# for potential re-execution as the 'brep' user.
+while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --mount)
+ mount=true
+ ops+=("$1")
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --brep-user)
+ shift
+ brep_id="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --setup)
+ setup=true
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --clean)
+ clean=true
+ ops+=("$1")
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break # The end of options is encountered.
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [ "$#" -ne 0 ]; then
+ error "$usage"
+scr_exe="$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
+scr_dir="$(dirname "$scr_exe")"
+# Unless we are not in the setup mode, non-interactively add the 'brep'
+# user/group and re-execute the script in the setup mode as this user.
+if [ ! "$setup" ]; then
+ run sudo addgroup --gid "$brep_id" brep
+ run sudo adduser --uid "$brep_id" --gid "$brep_id" --disabled-password \
+ --gecos "" brep
+ run sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/brep >/dev/null <<EOF
+ run sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/brep
+ # Use --session-command rather than --command|-c to make sure that when the
+ # su program receives SIGINT (Ctrl-C) it kills not just its child process
+ # but also all its descendants.
+ #
+ # Note: here we rely on ops to not contain spaces or be empty.
+ #
+ run exec sudo su -l brep --session-command "'$scr_exe' --setup ${ops[*]}"
+# Here we assume that we are executed as brep user.
+run cd "$HOME"
+# Mount the brep state directory, if requested. Note that otherwise, the
+# directory will be created later, in the local filesystem by the brep-startup
+# script.
+if [ "$mount" ]; then
+ run sudo mkdir -p /var/brep
+ run sudo tee -a /etc/fstab >/dev/null <<EOF
+state /var/brep 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,posixacl,cache=none,_netdev 0 0
+ run sudo mount -a
+# Install the prerequisite binary packages.
+run sudo apt-get --yes update
+run sudo apt-get --yes install --no-install-recommends g++
+run sudo apt-get --yes install --no-install-recommends postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev
+run sudo apt-get --yes install --no-install-recommends apache2 libapr1-dev libapreq2-dev apache2-dev
+run sudo apt-get --yes install --no-install-recommends acl rsync
+run sudo apt-get clean
+# Install build2 toolchain.
+run mkdir build2-build
+run cd build2-build
+# Look for the toolchain installation script in this script directory.
+run cp "$(echo "$scr_dir"/build2-install-*.sh)" .
+run sh ./build2-install-*.sh --no-check --yes --trust "$toolchain_repo_cert_fp"
+#run sh ./build2-install-*.sh --no-check --yes --local
+run cd .. # Back to brep home.
+# Grant Apache2 read access to the module and configuration.
+run setfacl -m g:www-data:rx "$HOME"
+run setfacl -dm g:www-data:rx "$HOME"
+# Install brep.
+run mkdir brep
+run cd brep
+run bpkg create \
+ cc \
+ config.cc.coptions="-O3" \
+ config.cc.poptions="-I$(apxs -q includedir)" \
+ config.bin.lib=shared \
+ config.bin.rpath="$HOME/install/lib" \
+ config.install.root="$HOME/install"
+run bpkg add "$brep_repo_url"
+run bpkg fetch --trust "$brep_repo_cert_fp"
+run bpkg build --yes brep ?sys:libapr1 ?sys:libapreq2 ?sys:libpq
+run bpkg install brep
+run cd .. # Back to brep home.
+# Create PostgreSQL user and databases.
+# Note that while we could probably omit the build-related setup, let's keep
+# it to stay close to the instructions in the INSTALL file and to simplify the
+# potential future configuration of the brep instance as a build2 build bot
+# controller.
+run sudo sudo -u postgres psql <<EOF
+CREATE DATABASE brep_package
+TEMPLATE template0
+TEMPLATE template0
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE brep_package, brep_build TO brep;
+\c brep_package
+\c brep_build
+# Create the "staging" package database for the submit-pub package submission
+# handler.
+run sudo sudo -u postgres psql <<EOF
+CREATE DATABASE brep_submit_package
+TEMPLATE template0
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE brep_submit_package TO brep;
+\c brep_submit_package
+# Make sure the 'brep' and Apache2 user's logins work properly.
+q="SELECT current_database();"
+run psql -d brep_package -c "$q" >/dev/null
+run psql -d brep_build -c "$q" >/dev/null
+run psql -d brep_submit_package -c "$q" >/dev/null
+run sudo sudo -u www-data psql -d brep_package -c "$q" >/dev/null
+run sudo sudo -u www-data psql -d brep_build -c "$q" >/dev/null
+# Setup the connection between the databases.
+run sudo sudo -u postgres psql -d brep_build <<EOF
+CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;
+CREATE SERVER package_server
+OPTIONS (dbname 'brep_package', updatable 'true');
+GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER package_server to brep;
+SERVER package_server
+OPTIONS (user 'brep-build', password '-');
+# Allow brep-build user to access the brep_package database.
+f="$(run sudo sudo -u postgres psql -t -A -c "show hba_file;")"
+s="# TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD\nlocal brep_package brep-build md5\n\n"
+run sudo sed --in-place=.bak "1s/^/$s/" "$f"
+run sudo systemctl restart postgresql
+# Enable creating database tables with columns of the case-insensitive
+# character string type.
+run sudo sudo -u postgres psql -d brep_package <<<"$q"
+run sudo sudo -u postgres psql -d brep_build <<<"$q"
+run sudo sudo -u postgres psql -d brep_submit_package <<<"$q"
+# Copy the brep module configuration.
+# Note: must be done before bin/brep-startup execution, which adjusts the
+# configuration.
+run mkdir config
+run cp "$scr_dir/brep-module.conf" config/
+# Initialize the brep private instance, in particular creating the database
+# schemas and running the brep loader.
+run mkdir bin/
+run cp "$scr_dir/brep-startup" bin/
+run bin/brep-startup
+# Smoke test the database schemas.
+run psql -d brep_package -c 'SELECT canonical_name, summary FROM repository' >/dev/null
+run psql -d brep_build -c 'SELECT package_name FROM build' >/dev/null
+run psql -d brep_build -c 'SELECT DISTINCT name FROM build_package' >/dev/null
+run psql -d brep_submit_package -c 'SELECT canonical_name, summary FROM repository' >/dev/null
+# Setup executing the brep-startup script on boot.
+run sudo cp "$scr_dir/brep-startup.service" /etc/systemd/system/
+run sudo systemctl start brep-startup.service # Make sure there are no issues.
+run sudo systemctl enable brep-startup.service
+# Prepare directories for the package submission service.
+run mkdir submit-data
+run mkdir submit-temp
+run setfacl -m g:www-data:rwx submit-data
+run setfacl -m g:www-data:rwx submit-temp
+# Make the Apache2 user owned directories fully accessible by the 'brep' user
+# (which the submit-pub submission handler will run as).
+run setfacl -dm g:brep:rwx submit-data
+run setfacl -dm g:brep:rwx submit-temp
+# Add the Apache2 user to sudoers, so the submission handler can re-execute
+# itself as the 'brep' user.
+run sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/www-data >/dev/null <<EOF
+run sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/www-data
+# Setup the Apache2 module.
+run sudo mkdir -p /var/www/brep/log/
+run sudo cp "$scr_dir/brep-apache2.conf" /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-brep.conf
+run sudo cp "$scr_dir/brep-logrotate" /etc/logrotate.d/brep
+run sudo a2dissite --purge -q 000-default
+run sudo a2ensite -q 000-brep
+run sudo systemctl restart apache2
+run sudo systemctl status apache2 >/dev/null
+# Make sure the Apache2 service depends on PostgreSQL and
+# brep-startup.service, so that they are started in proper order.
+run sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/apache2.service.d/
+run sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/apache2.service.d/postgresql.conf >/dev/null <<EOF
+run sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/apache2.service.d/brep-startup.conf >/dev/null <<EOF
+run sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/postgresql.service.d/
+run sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/postgresql.service.d/apache2.conf >/dev/null <<EOF
+run sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+# Verify that Apache2 is stopped after PostgreSQL is stopped.
+run sudo systemctl stop postgresql
+run sudo systemctl status apache2 >/dev/null || ec="$?"
+if [ "$ec" -ne 3 ]; then
+ error "exit code 3 (unit is not active) is expected instead of $ec"
+# Verify that Apache2 is started after PostgreSQL is started.
+run sudo systemctl start postgresql
+run sleep 3
+run sudo systemctl status apache2 >/dev/null
+# Setup periodic loader execution.
+run sudo cp "$scr_dir/brep-load.service" /etc/systemd/system/
+run sudo cp "$scr_dir/brep-load.timer" /etc/systemd/system/
+run sudo systemctl start brep-load.service # Make sure there are no issues.
+run sudo systemctl start brep-load.timer
+run sudo systemctl status brep-load.timer >/dev/null
+run sudo systemctl enable brep-load.timer
+run sudo systemctl status brep-load.timer >/dev/null
+# Cleanup the installation environment-specific traces, if requested.
+if [ "$clean" ]; then
+ # Stop the relevant services.
+ #
+ run sudo systemctl stop brep-load.timer
+ run sudo systemctl stop apache2
+ # Remove the host name/IP from the configuration.
+ #
+ run cp "$scr_dir/brep-module.conf" config/ # Adjusted by brep-startup.
+ run rm config/loadtab # Recreated by brep-startup.
+ # Finally, stop networking and cleanup the DHCP lease information.
+ #
+ # Note that after networking is stopped, sudo prints the 'unable to resolve
+ # host' diagnostics while trying to obtain the host IP. Thus, we execute the
+ # last two commands via a single sudo call.
+ #
+ run sudo bash -c "systemctl stop networking && rm -rf /var/lib/dhcp/*.leases"
diff --git a/etc/private/install/brep-load.service b/etc/private/install/brep-load.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..272a124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/private/install/brep-load.service
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description=brep repository loader service
+ExecStart=/home/brep/install/bin/brep-load /home/brep/config/loadtab
diff --git a/etc/private/install/brep-load.timer b/etc/private/install/brep-load.timer
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bf78c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/private/install/brep-load.timer
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Description=brep repository loader timer
+# Note that due to brep-startup service's oneshot type, this unit won't be
+# started until the brep-startup process exits successfully.
+# Also note that if brep-startup fails and is restarted manually, similar to
+# services, the timer is not started automatically. Instead, it has to be
+# started manually with `systemctl start brep-load.timer`.
+# Don't keep track of the timer across reboots.
+# Start the timer for the first time.
+# Then wait 4-5 seconds until the next run.
diff --git a/etc/private/install/brep-logrotate b/etc/private/install/brep-logrotate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67c7c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/private/install/brep-logrotate
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/var/www/brep/log/*.log {
+ weekly
+ missingok
+ rotate 4
+ compress
+ delaycompress
+ notifempty
+ create 640 root adm
+ sharedscripts
+ postrotate
+ if /etc/init.d/apache2 status > /dev/null ; then \
+ /etc/init.d/apache2 reload > /dev/null; \
+ fi;
+ endscript
+ prerotate
+ if [ -d /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate ]; then \
+ run-parts /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate; \
+ fi; \
+ endscript
diff --git a/etc/private/install/brep-module.conf b/etc/private/install/brep-module.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfaa8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/private/install/brep-module.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+# Configuration file for the brep module (note: this is not an apache2 .conf
+# file but it can be converted to one by prefixing all the options with
+# brep-). See brep(1) for detailed description of each configuration option.
+# Commented out options indicate their default values.
+# Besides being parsed by the brep module, this file may also be parsed by
+# brep utilities that are normally only interested in the subset of the
+# options. To simplify skipping of unrecognized, this file must always have an
+# option name and its value on the same line.
+# Package search page title. It is placed inside XHTML5 <title> element.
+# search-title Packages
+# Package search page description. If specified, it is displayed before the
+# search form on the first page only. The value is treated as an XHTML5
+# fragment.
+# search-description ""
+# Web page logo. It is displayed in the page header aligned to the left edge.
+# The value is treated as an XHTML5 fragment.
+# logo ""
+# Web page menu. Each entry is displayed in the page header in the order
+# specified and aligned to the right edge. A link target that starts with '/'
+# or contains ':' is used as is. Otherwise, it is prefixed with the repository
+# web interface root.
+menu Packages=
+# menu Builds=?builds
+# menu Configs=?build-configs
+menu Submit=?submit
+# menu CI=?ci
+menu About=?about
+# Number of packages per page.
+# search-page-entries 20
+# Number of pages in navigation (pager).
+# search-pages 5
+# Number of package description characters to display in brief pages.
+# package-description 500
+# Number of package changes characters to display in brief pages.
+# package-changes 5000
+# The package database connection configuration. By default, brep will try to
+# connect to the local instance of PostgreSQL with the operating system-
+# default mechanism (Unix-domain socket, etc) and use operating system
+# (login) user name and the database called 'brep_package'. If the role name
+# is not empty then the login user will be switched (with SET ROLE) to this
+# user prior to executing any statements. If not specified, then 'brep' is
+# used. See brep(1) for details.
+# package-db-user
+# package-db-role brep
+# package-db-password
+# package-db-name brep_package
+# package-db-host
+# package-db-port
+# The maximum number of concurrent package database connections per web server
+# process. If 0, then no limitation is applied.
+# package-db-max-connections 5
+# The maximum number of times to retry package database transactions in the
+# face of recoverable failures (deadlock, loss of connection, etc).
+# package-db-retry 10
+# Build configuration file. If not specified (default), then the package
+# building functionality will be disabled. If specified, then the build
+# database must be configured (see next). Note: must be an absolute path.
+# build-config
+# Number of build configurations per page.
+# build-config-page-entries 20
+# Number of pages in navigation (pager).
+# build-config-pages 5
+# Directory containing build bot agent public keys. If specified, then brep
+# will perform agent authentication and will reject build results from
+# unauthenticated ones. If not specified, then build results are accepted from
+# all agents (which will be a security risk if the brep instance is publicly
+# accessible).
+# The directory is expected to contain one PEM-encoded public key per file with
+# the .pem extension. All other files and subdirectories are ignored. The brep
+# instance needs to be restarted after adding new key files for the changes to
+# take effect.
+# build-bot-agent-keys
+# Regular expressions in the /<regex>/<replacement>/ form for transforming the
+# interactive build login information, for example, into the actual command
+# that can be used by the user. The regular expressions are matched against
+# the "<agent> <interactive-login>" string containing the respective task
+# request manifest values. The first matching expression is used for the
+# transformation. If no expression matches, then the task request is
+# considered invalid, unless no expressions are specified. Repeat this option
+# to specify multiple expressions.
+# build-interactive-login
+# Order in which packages are considered for build. The valid values are
+# 'stable' and 'random'. If not specified, then 'stable' is assumed. Note that
+# interactive builds are always preferred.
+#build-package-order stable
+# Number of builds per page.
+# build-page-entries 20
+# Number of pages in navigation (pager).
+# build-pages 5
+# Time to wait before considering a package for a forced rebuild. Must be
+# specified in seconds. Default is 10 minutes.
+# build-forced-rebuild-timeout 600
+# Time to wait before considering a package for a soft rebuild (only to be
+# performed if the build environment or any of the package dependencies have
+# changed). Must be specified in seconds. The special zero value disables soft
+# rebuilds. Default is 24 hours.
+# build-soft-rebuild-timeout 86400
+# Alternative package soft rebuild timeout to use instead of the soft rebuild
+# timeout (see the build-soft-rebuild-timeout option for details) during the
+# specified time interval. Must be specified in seconds. Default is the time
+# interval length plus (build-soft-rebuild-timeout - 24h) if soft rebuild
+# timeout is greater than 24 hours (thus the rebuild is only triggered within
+# the last 24 hours of the build-soft-rebuild-timeout expiration).
+# The alternative rebuild timeout can be used to "pull" the rebuild window to
+# the specified time of day, for example, to optimize load and/or power
+# consumption of the build infrastructure (off-work hours, solar, off-peak
+# electricity tariffs, etc). A shorter than the time interval rebuild timeout
+# can also be used to force continuous rebuilds, for example, to shake out
+# flaky tests. Note also that if the alternative rebuild timeout is greater
+# than the normal rebuild timeout, then this will result in slower rebuilds
+# during the alternative time interval. In this case, if the build
+# infrastructure is monitored for delayed package builds, then the alternative
+# rebuild timeout should only be made slightly greater than the normal timeout
+# (see brep-monitor(1) for details).
+# The time interval boundaries must be specified as times of day (in the local
+# timezone) in the <hours>:<minutes> form. If the stop time is less than the
+# start time then the interval extends through midnight. The start and stop
+# times must both be either specified or absent. If unspecified, then no
+# alternative rebuild timeout will be used.
+# build-alt-soft-rebuild-timeout
+# build-alt-soft-rebuild-start
+# build-alt-soft-rebuild-stop
+# Time to wait before considering a package for a hard rebuild (to be
+# performed unconditionally). Must be specified in seconds. The special zero
+# value disables hard rebuilds. Default is 7 days.
+# build-hard-rebuild-timeout 604800
+# Alternative package hard rebuild timeout. The semantics is the same as for
+# the build-alt-soft-rebuild-* options but for the build-hard-rebuild-timeout
+# option.
+# build-alt-hard-rebuild-timeout
+# build-alt-hard-rebuild-start
+# build-alt-hard-rebuild-stop
+# Time to wait before assuming the 'queued' notifications are delivered for
+# package CI requests submitted via third-party services (GitHub, etc). During
+# this time a package is not considered for a build. Must be specified in
+# seconds. Default is 30 seconds.
+# build-queued-timeout 30
+# The maximum size of the build task request manifest accepted. Note that the
+# HTTP POST request body is cached to retry database transactions in the face
+# of recoverable failures (deadlock, loss of connection, etc). Default is
+# 100K.
+# build-task-request-max-size 102400
+# Time to wait before considering the expected task result lost. Must be
+# specified in seconds. Default is 3 hours.
+# build-result-timeout 10800
+# The maximum size of the build result manifest accepted. Note that the HTTP
+# POST request body is cached to retry database transactions in the face of
+# recoverable failures (deadlock, loss of connection, etc). Default is 10M.
+# build-result-request-max-size 10485760
+# Enable or disable package build notification emails in the <name>=<mode>
+# form. The valid <mode> values are 'none', 'latest', and 'all'. If 'all' is
+# specified for a toolchain name, then emails are sent according to the
+# build-*email package manifest values when all versions of a package are
+# built with this toolchain. If 'latest' is specified, then for this toolchain
+# name the emails are only sent for the latest version of a package. If 'none'
+# is specified, then no emails are sent for this toolchain name. By default
+# the 'latest' mode is assumed. Repeat this option to enable/disable emails
+# for multiple toolchains.
+# build-toolchain-email <toolchain-name>=latest|none|all
+# The build database connection configuration. By default, brep will try to
+# connect to the local instance of PostgreSQL with the operating system-default
+# mechanism (Unix-domain socket, etc) and use operating system (login) user
+# name and the database called 'brep_build'. If the role name is not empty
+# then the login user will be switched (with SET ROLE) to this user prior
+# to executing any statements. If not specified, then 'brep' is used. See
+# brep(1) for details.
+# build-db-user
+# build-db-role brep
+# build-db-password
+# build-db-name brep_build
+# build-db-host
+# build-db-port
+# The maximum number of concurrent build database connections per web server
+# process. If 0, then no limitation is applied.
+# build-db-max-connections 5
+# The maximum number of times to retry build database transactions in the
+# face of recoverable failures (deadlock, loss of connection, etc).
+# build-db-retry 10
+# The root directory where the uploaded binary distribution packages are
+# saved to under the following directory hierarchy:
+# [<tenant>/]<distribution>/<os-release>/<project>/<package>/<version>/<package-config>
+# The package configuration directory symlinks that match these paths are
+# mapped to web URLs based on the bindist-url value and displayed on the
+# package version details page. If this option is specified, then bindist-url
+# must be specified as well."
+# bindist-root
+# The root URL of the directory specified with the bindist-root option. This
+# option must be specified if bindist-root is specified.
+# bindist-url
+# The openssl program to be used for crypto operations. You can also specify
+# additional options that should be passed to the openssl program with
+# openssl-option. If the openssl program is not explicitly specified, then brep
+# will use openssl by default.
+# openssl openssl
+# Additional option to be passed to the openssl program (see openssl for
+# details). Repeat this option to specify multiple openssl options.
+# openssl-option
+# Environment variable to be set (<name>=<value>) or unset (just <name>) for
+# the openssl program (see openssl for details). Repeat this option to specify
+# multiple openssl variables. Note that unspecified variables are inherited
+# from the web server process.
+# You need to at least set the RANDFILE environment variable to change the
+# default location of the openssl program seed file and maybe also the
+# OPENSSL_CONF variable if you would like to use a custom openssl configuration
+# file.
+# openssl-envvar RANDFILE=/home/brep/www-data-openssl.rnd
+# openssl-envvar OPENSSL_CONF=/home/brep/www-data-openssl.cnf
+# To create www-data-openssl.rnd with suitable permissions, run (as user brep):
+# $ touch www-data-openssl.rnd
+# $ setfacl -b -m g:www-data:rw www-data-openssl.rnd
+# The directory to save final submission data to. If unspecified, the package
+# submission functionality will be disabled. If specified, then submit-temp
+# must be specified as well.
+# Note that the directory path must be absolute and the directory itself must
+# exist and have read, write, and execute permissions granted to the user that
+# runs the web server.
+submit-data /home/brep/submit-data
+# The directory to save temporary submission data to. Must be specified if the
+# package submission functionality is enabled.
+# Note that this directory must be on the same filesystem and satisfy the same
+# requirements as submit-data. It is also the user's responsibility to clean
+# it up after an unclean web server shutdown.
+submit-temp /home/brep/submit-temp
+# The maximum size of the submission data accepted. Note that currently the
+# entire submission request is read into memory. Default is 10M.
+# 100M.
+submit-max-size 104857600
+# The package submission form fragment. If specified, then its contents are
+# treated as an XHTML5 fragment that is inserted into the <body> element of
+# the submission page. If unspecified, then no submission page will be
+# displayed. Note that the file path must be absolute.
+submit-form /home/brep/install/share/brep/www/submit.xhtml
+# The package submission email. If specified, the submission request and
+# result manifests will be sent to this address.
+# submit-email
+# The handler program to be executed on package submission. The handler is
+# executed as part of the HTTP request and is passed additional arguments that
+# can be specified with submit-handler-argument followed by the absolute path
+# to the submission directory. Note that the program path must be absolute.
+submit-handler /home/brep/install/bin/brep-submit-pub
+# Additional arguments to be passed to the submission handler program (see
+# submit-handler for details). Repeat this option to specify multiple
+# arguments.
+submit-handler-argument --user
+submit-handler-argument brep
+submit-handler-argument --result-url
+submit-handler-argument http://unknown
+submit-handler-argument /home/brep/install/bin/brep-load
+submit-handler-argument --db-name=brep_submit_package
+submit-handler-argument /var/brep/bpkg/pkg
+# The handler program timeout in seconds. If specified and the handler does
+# not exit in the alloted time, then it is killed and its termination is
+# treated as abnormal.
+submit-handler-timeout 120
+# The directory to save CI request data to. If unspecified, the package CI
+# functionality will be disabled.
+# Note that the directory path must be absolute and the directory itself must
+# exist and have read, write, and execute permissions granted to the user that
+# runs the web server.
+# ci-data
+# The package CI form fragment. If specified, then its contents are treated as
+# an XHTML5 fragment that is inserted into the <body> element of the CI page.
+# If unspecified, then no CI page will be displayed. Note that the file path
+# must be absolute.
+# ci-form
+# The package CI email. If specified, the CI request and result manifests will
+# be sent to this address.
+# ci-email
+# The handler program to be executed on CI request. The handler is executed as
+# part of the HTTP request and is passed additional arguments that can be
+# specified with ci-handler-argument followed by the absolute path to the CI
+# request directory. Note that the program path must be absolute.
+# ci-handler
+# Additional arguments to be passed to the CI handler program (see ci-handler
+# for details). Repeat this option to specify multiple arguments.
+# ci-handler-argument
+# The CI handler program timeout in seconds. If specified and the handler does
+# not exit in the allotted time, then it is killed and its termination is
+# treated as abnormal.
+# ci-handler-timeout
+# The directory to save upload data to for the specified upload type. If
+# unspecified, the build artifacts upload functionality will be disabled for
+# this type.
+# Note that the directory path must be absolute and the directory itself must
+# exist and have read, write, and execute permissions granted to the user that
+# runs the web server.
+# upload-data <type>=<dir>
+# The maximum size of the upload data accepted for the specified upload type.
+# Note that currently the entire upload request is read into memory. The
+# default is 10M.
+# upload-max-size <type>=10485760
+# The build artifacts upload email. If specified, the upload request and
+# result manifests will be sent to this address.
+# upload-email <type>=<email>
+# The handler program to be executed on build artifacts upload of the
+# specified type. The handler is executed as part of the HTTP request and is
+# passed additional arguments that can be specified with
+# upload-handler-argument followed by the absolute path to the upload
+# directory (upload-data). Note that the program path must be absolute.
+# upload-handler <type>=<path>
+# Additional arguments to be passed to the upload handler program for the
+# specified upload type (see upload-handler for details). Repeat this option
+# to specify multiple arguments.
+# upload-handler-argument <type>=<arg>
+# The upload handler program timeout in seconds for the specified upload type.
+# If specified and the handler does not exit in the allotted time, then it is
+# killed and its termination is treated as abnormal.
+# upload-handler-timeout <type>=<seconds>
+# Disable upload of the specified type for the specified toolchain name.
+# Repeat this option to disable uploads for multiple toolchains.
+# upload-toolchain-exclude <type>=<name>
+# Disable upload of the specified type for packages from the repository with
+# the specified canonical name. Repeat this option to disable uploads for
+# multiple repositories.
+# upload-repository-exclude <type>=<name>
+# The default view to display for the global repository root. The value is one
+# of the supported services (packages, builds, submit, ci, etc). Default is
+# packages.
+# root-global-view packages
+# The default view to display for the tenant repository root. The value is one
+# of the supported services (packages, builds, submit, ci, etc). Default is
+# packages.
+# root-tenant-view packages
+# Name to call the tenant values on web pages. If not specified, then 'tenant'
+# is used.
+# tenant-name tenant
+# Trace verbosity. Disabled by default.
+# verbosity 0
diff --git a/etc/private/install/brep-startup b/etc/private/install/brep-startup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..780a2c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/private/install/brep-startup
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# file : etc/private/install/brep-startup
+# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+# (Re-)initialize the brep private instance, normally on the machine startup.
+# Specifically:
+# - Create the pkg repository and symlink to it, unless already exists.
+# - Migrate the brep databases as a sanity check.
+# - Adjust the brep module configuration file using the current host name/IP.
+# - Generate the loadtab using the current host name/IP and run the loader.
+trap "{ exit 1; }" ERR
+set -o errtrace # Trap in functions.
+function info () { echo "$*" 1>&2; }
+function error () { info "error: $*"; exit 1; }
+# Create the pkg repository, if required.
+if [ ! -L "$d/pkg" ]; then
+ rd="$(date "+pkg-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%N")"
+ mkdir -p "$d/$rd/1"
+ ln -s "$rd" "$d/pkg"
+if [ ! -f "$r/repositories.manifest" ]; then
+ cat <<EOF >"$r/repositories.manifest"
+: 1
+#summary: Private repository
+#description: \\
+#This is a private repository.
+#And this description can contain multiple lines.
+#email: admin@example.org
+#role: prerequisite
+#location: https://pkg.cppget.org/1/stable
+#trust: ...
+if [ ! -f "$r/packages.manifest" ]; then
+ bpkg rep-create -q "$r"
+# Migrate the databases.
+"$HOME/install/bin/brep-migrate" package
+"$HOME/install/bin/brep-migrate" build
+"$HOME/install/bin/brep-migrate" -n brep_submit_package package
+# Deduce the machine host name.
+h="$(hostname -f)"
+if [ "$h" == "localhost" ]; then
+ h="$(hostname -I | sed 's/ *$//')" # Strip the potential trailing space(s).
+if [ -z "$h" ]; then
+ error "unable to obtain host name or IP address"
+# Adjust the submission result URL host name in the brep module configuration
+# file.
+sed --in-place -re \
+\s*(submit-handler-argument\s+https?://)[^/]*(.*)\$%\1\2$h\3%;P;D" \
+# (Re-)generate the loadtab file and reload the repository.
+echo "http://$h/1 private cache:$r" >"$f"
+"$HOME/install/bin/brep-load" "$f"
diff --git a/etc/private/install/brep-startup.service b/etc/private/install/brep-startup.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3dc546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/private/install/brep-startup.service
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Description=brep instance initialization service
diff --git a/etc/private/install/vm-gen-service b/etc/private/install/vm-gen-service
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ae49a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/private/install/vm-gen-service
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# Generate systemd .service file for QEMU/KVM virtual machines.
+# Normally the machines are run from a dedicated user account with its home
+# directory containing all the relevant files (management scripts, images,
+# configurations, and sockets). However, this can be overriden with the
+# following options
+# --home <dir>
+# The virtual machines "home" directory. If unspecified, the user's home
+# directory is assumed.
+# --bin <dir>
+# The virtual machines management scripts directory. If unspecified,
+# <home>/bin is assumed. If specified as relative, then assumed relative
+# to <home>.
+# --etc <dir>
+# The virtual machines configuration files directory. If unspecified,
+# <home>/etc is assumed. If specified as relative, then assumed relative
+# to <home>.
+# --var <dir>
+# The virtual machines image files directory. If unspecified, <home>/var is
+# assumed. If specified as relative, then assumed relative to <home>.
+# --run <dir>
+# The virtual machines sockets directory. If unspecified, <home>/run is
+# assumed. If specified as relative, then assumed relative to <home>.
+# If <user> is unspecified, the current user is assumed. If <group> is
+# unspecified, the user's primary group is assumed.
+usage="usage: $0 [<options>] [<user>] [<group>]"
+trap "{ cd '$owd'; exit 1; }" ERR
+set -o errtrace # Trap in functions.
+function info () { echo "$*" 1>&2; }
+function error () { info "$*"; exit 1; }
+while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --home)
+ shift
+ home="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --bin)
+ shift
+ bin="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --etc)
+ shift
+ etc="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --var)
+ shift
+ var="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --run)
+ shift
+ run="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [ -z "$user" ]; then
+ user="$(id -un)"
+if [ -z "$group" ]; then
+ group="$(id -un "$user")"
+if [ -z "$home" ]; then
+ home="$(eval echo ~$user)"
+function complete_dir () # <default> <home> <dir>
+ local r
+ if [ -z "$3" ]; then
+ r="$2/$1"
+ elif [ "${3:0:1}" != "/" ]; then
+ r="$2/$3"
+ else
+ r="$3"
+ fi
+ echo "$(realpath --no-symlinks --canonicalize-missing "$r")"
+bin="$(complete_dir bin "$home" "$bin")"
+etc="$(complete_dir etc "$home" "$etc")"
+var="$(complete_dir var "$home" "$var")"
+run="$(complete_dir run "$home" "$run")"
+# Thinks that must be \-escaped:
+# - $ (including in comments)
+# - \ (e.g., in line continuations)
+cat <<EOF >"$file"
+# $file -- QEMU/KVM machine service template for systemd
+# user: $user
+# group: $group
+# bin: $bin
+# etc: $etc
+# var: $var
+# run: $run
+# To install:
+# sudo cp $file /etc/systemd/system/
+# sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/$file
+# cp ... $var/<machine>.img
+# nano $etc/<machine>.conf # Specify RAM, CPU, TAP, MAC, etc.
+# sudo systemctl start $name@<machine>
+# sudo systemctl status $name@<machine>
+# login-machine $run/<machine>-con.sock
+# sudo systemctl stop $name@<machine>
+# sudo systemctl enable $name@<machine>
+Description=QEMU/KVM virtual machine %I
+# These MUST be specific in EnvironmentFile!
+# Note that using variable expansion in EnvironmentFile does not work (at
+# least not with systemd 229).
+# Note that the first word of ExecStart cannot contain variable expansions.
+ExecStart=$bin/vm-start \\
+ --cpu \${CPU} \\
+ --ram \${RAM} \\
+ --tap \${TAP} \\
+ --mac \${MAC} \\
+ --pid $run/%i.pid \\
+ --monitor $run/%i-mon.sock \\
+ --console $run/%i-con.sock \\
+ $var/%i.img
+ExecStop=$bin/vm-stop $run/%i.pid $run/%i-mon.sock
+# This makes sure systemd waits for the ExecStart command to exit rather
+# than killing it as soon as ExecStop exits (this is necessary since our
+# vm-stop may exit just before vm-start).
+info "generated $file for"
+info " user: $user"
+info " group: $group"
+info " bin: $bin"
+info " etc: $etc"
+info " var: $var"
+info " run: $run"