path: root/INSTALL
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Diffstat (limited to 'INSTALL')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 3476de0..7986b84 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-This guide shows how to install and configure brep on a "deployment" machine as
-opposed to a "development" one (see INSTALL-DEV for the latter). Here we assume
-you are using a systemd-based distribution. If not, then you will need to
-replace systemctl commands with the equivalent init.d ones.
+This guide describes how to install and configure brep on a "deployment"
+machine as opposed to a "development" one (see INSTALL-DEV for the
+latter). Here we assume you are using a systemd-based distribution. If not,
+then you will need to replace systemctl commands with the equivalent init.d
The below instructions include steps for setting up brep as the build2 build
bot controller, package submission, and CI request services. All these
@@ -233,6 +234,61 @@ $ psql -d brep_build -c 'SELECT DISTINCT name FROM build_package'
$ cp install/share/brep/etc/brep-module.conf config/
$ edit config/brep-module.conf # Adjust default values if required.
+See the following sub-sections for details on configuring various optional
+brep functionality.
+Once the brep module configuration is ready, the next step is to enable
+it in the Apache2 configuration file. Here we assume you have setup an
+appropriate Apache2 virtual server. Open the corresponding Apache2 .conf
+file and add the contents of brep/etc/brep-apache2.conf into the
+<VirtualHost> section.
+The output content types of the brep module are application/xhtml+xml,
+text/manifest and text/plain. If you would like to make sure they get
+compressed (along with linked CSS), also add the following lines:
+ # Compress brep output (xhtml+xml) and CSS.
+ #
+ AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
+ AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/manifest
+ AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
+ AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
+Then restart Apache2:
+$ sudo systemctl restart apache2
+To verify, visit the repository root. To troubleshoot, see Apache logs.
+Now that Apache2 loads the brep module which requires PostgreSQL, it is a good
+idea to make the Apache2 service depend on PostgreSQL so that they are started
+in proper order. Here is how we can do it with systemd (with newer versions
+you can use 'systemctl edit' instead of mkdir and cat):
+# mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/apache2.service.d/
+# cat >/etc/systemd/system/apache2.service.d/postgresql.conf
+# mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/postgresql.service.d/
+# cat >/etc/systemd/system/postgresql.service.d/apache2.conf
+# systemctl daemon-reload
+# systemctl cat apache2 # Verify override is listed.
+# systemctl cat postgresql # Verify override is listed.
+# systemctl stop postgresql
+# systemctl status apache2 # Verify stopped.
+# systemctl start postgresql
+# systemctl status apache2 # Verify started.
+6.1 Enabling build bot controller functionality
To enable the build2 build bot controller functionality you will need to set
the build-config option in brep-module.conf. To also enable the build
artifacts upload functionality you will need to specify the upload-data
@@ -250,6 +306,9 @@ $ setfacl -m g:www-data:rwx /home/brep/bindist-data
For sample upload handler implementations see brep/handler/upload/.
+6.2 Enabling package submission functionality
To enable the package submission functionality you will need to specify the
submit-data and submit-temp directories in brep-module.conf. Note that these
directories must exist and have read, write, and execute permissions granted
@@ -272,6 +331,9 @@ $ edit config/submit.xhtml # Add custom form fields, adjust CSS style, etc.
For sample submission handler implementations see brep/handler/submit/.
+6.3 Enabling CI request functionality
To enable the CI request functionality you will need to specify the ci-data
directory in brep-module.conf. Note that this directory must exist and have
read, write, and execute permissions granted to the www-data user. This, for
@@ -291,52 +353,119 @@ $ edit config/ci.xhtml # Add custom form fields, adjust CSS style, etc.
For sample CI request handler implementations see brep/handler/ci/.
-Here we assume you have setup an appropriate Apache2 virtual server. Open the
-corresponding Apache2 .conf file and add the contents of
-brep/etc/brep-apache2.conf into the <VirtualHost> section.
-The output content types of the brep module are application/xhtml+xml,
-text/manifest and text/plain. If you would like to make sure they get
-compressed (along with linked CSS), also add the following lines:
+6.4 Enabling GitHub CI integration
- # Compress brep output (xhtml+xml) and CSS.
- #
- AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
- AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/manifest
- AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
- AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
+6.4.1 Background
-Restart Apache2:
+The GitHub CI integration has one user-configurable setting:
+warning=<success|failure> (whether or not to fail on warnings).
-$ sudo systemctl restart apache2
+In order not to have to support repository configuration files, a deployment
+will consist of two registered GitHub Apps with the same webhook URL (i.e.,
+the same brep instance) but different query parameters: one with
+warning=success and the other with warning=failure. The App id is passed (as a
+query parameter) so that we know which private key to use (the key cannot be
+shared between Apps).
-To verify, visit the repository root. To troubleshoot, see Apache logs.
+We will call the warning=success App the "Default App" and the warning=failure
+App the "Werror App".
-Now that Apache2 loads the brep module which requires PostgreSQL, it is a good
-idea to make the Apache2 service depend on PostgreSQL so that they are started
-in proper order. Here is how we can do it with systemd (with newer versions
-you can use 'systemctl edit' instead of mkdir and cat):
+6.4.2 Create the GitHub Apps
-# mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/apache2.service.d/
-# cat >/etc/systemd/system/apache2.service.d/postgresql.conf
+To create a GitHub App under the <org> organization, visit
+https://github.com/organizations/<org>/settings/apps (Settings -> Developer
+settings -> GitHub Apps). Then click on New GitHub App.
-# mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/postgresql.service.d/
-# cat >/etc/systemd/system/postgresql.service.d/apache2.conf
+App names (note: 34 character limit):
-# systemctl daemon-reload
-# systemctl cat apache2 # Verify override is listed.
-# systemctl cat postgresql # Verify override is listed.
-# systemctl stop postgresql
-# systemctl status apache2 # Verify stopped.
-# systemctl start postgresql
-# systemctl status apache2 # Verify started.
+ Default App: "<org> CI"
+ Werror App: "<org> CI - warnings as errors"
+App description:
+ Default App: "Trigger <org> CI on branch push and pull request."
+ Werror App: "Trigger <org> CI on branch push and pull request. Warnings are
+ treated as errors".
+App homepage:
+ https://ci.<org>.org/
+Skip the "Identifying and authorizing users" and "Post installation" sections.
+Leave webhooks active.
+Webhook URL:
+ Default App: https://ci.<org>.org/?ci-github&app-id=XXX&warning=success
+ Werror App: https://ci.<org>.org/?ci-github&app-id=XXX&warning=failure
+Note that the App id only becomes available once the App has been registered
+so we update it later in both URLs.
+Webhook secret: Use the same random 64-character string for both Apps.
+ echo `tr -dc -- A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 64`
+Note that GitHub says only that the secret should be "a random string with
+high entropy." However lots of sources say 32 bytes should be secure enough
+for HMAC-SHA256, while other sources recommend 64 bytes for maximal security
+at an insignificant performance cost. (Keys longer than 64 bytes are hashed to
+match the internal block size and are therefore not recommended.)
+Repository permissions:
+ - Checks: RW
+ - Contents: RO (for Push events)
+ - Metadata (mandatory): RO
+ - Pull requests: RO
+Subscribed events:
+ - Check suite
+ - Pull request
+ - Push
+Note that GitHub Apps with write access to the "Checks" permission are
+automatically subscribed to check_suite(requested|rerequested) and check_run
+events so no need to subscribe explicitly. However in order to receive
+check_suite(completed) events, which we need, one does have to subscribe to
+Check suite.
+Select "Any account" under "Where can this GitHub App be installed?".
+Click "Create GitHub App".
+When the page reloads (should be the General tab), note the App id and replace
+the XXX in the webhook URL with it.
+Still in the General tab, scroll to Private keys and generate a private key.
+The file will be downloaded by the browser.
+@@ TODO Logo
+@@ TODO Create Marketplace listing
+6.4.3 Configure brep
+Assume the following configuration values:
+- Webhook secret: abcdefg
+- Default App id: 12345
+- Werror App id: 67890
+In brep-module.conf:
+Set the webhook secret from the GitHub App settings:
+ ci-github-app-webhook-secret abcdefg
+Associate each GitHub App id with the App's private key:
+ ci-github-app-id-private-key 12345=path/to/default-app-private-key.pem
+ ci-github-app-id-private-key 67890=path/to/werror-app-private-key.pem
+Now brep should be ready to handle the webhook event requests triggered by
+branch pushes and pull requests in repositories into which one of these Apps
+has been installed.
7. Optimize CSS