path: root/tests/common/git/init
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/common/git/init')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/common/git/init b/tests/common/git/init
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c999347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/common/git/init
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Create git repositories from project directories/tarballs.
+# Usage example:
+# ./init [--unpack]
+trap "{ cd $owd; exit 1; }" ERR
+set -o errtrace # Trap in functions.
+function info () { echo "$*" 1>&2; }
+function error () { info "error: $*"; exit 1; }
+function trace () { if [ "$verbose" == 'y' ]; then info "trace: $*"; fi }
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ --unpack)
+ unpack='y'
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ error "invalid option $1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Unpack repositories if requested.
+if [ -n "$unpack" ]; then
+ for f in */*.tar; do
+ rm -r -f ${f%.tar}.git
+ tar xf $f;
+ done
+# Create the initial state of the repositories libfoo.git, libbar.git,
+# style.git, and style-basic.git.
+cd state0
+rm -f -r libfoo.git/.git
+rm -f libfoo.git/.gitmodules
+rm -f libfoo.git/README
+rm -f -r libfoo.git/libbar
+rm -f -r libfoo.git/doc/style
+rm -f -r libbar.git/.git
+rm -f -r style.git/.git
+rm -f -r style.git/basic
+rm -f -r style-basic.git/.git
+rm -f style-basic.git/README
+rm -f style-basic.git/INSTALL
+# Create master branch for style-basic.git.
+git -C style-basic.git init
+git -C style-basic.git add '*'
+git -C style-basic.git commit -am 'Create'
+# Create stable branch for style-basic.
+git -C style-basic.git branch stable
+git -C style-basic.git checkout stable
+touch style-basic.git/README
+git -C style-basic.git add README
+git -C style-basic.git commit -am 'README'
+# Create master branch for style.git, adding style-basic.git as a submodule.
+git -C style.git init
+git -C style.git add '*'
+git -C style.git submodule add ../style-basic.git basic # The stable branch.
+git -C style.git commit -am 'Create'
+# Make style.git to refer an unadvertised reference, commiting into the stable
+# branch of style-basic.git.
+touch style-basic.git/INSTALL
+git -C style-basic.git add INSTALL
+git -C style-basic.git commit -am 'INSTALL'
+git -C style-basic.git checkout master
+# Create master branch for libbar.git.
+git -C libbar.git init
+git -C libbar.git add '*'
+git -C libbar.git commit -am 'Create'
+# Create master branch for libfoo.git, adding style.git and libbar.git as
+# submodules.
+git -C libfoo.git init
+git -C libfoo.git add '*'
+git -C libfoo.git submodule add ../style.git doc/style
+git -C libfoo.git submodule add ../libbar.git libbar
+git -C libfoo.git submodule update --init --recursive # Updates doc/style/basic.
+git -C libfoo.git commit -am 'Create'
+# Add tags for libfoo.git.
+git -C libfoo.git tag 'lightweight_tag'
+git -C libfoo.git tag -a 'annotated_tag' -m 'annotated_tag'
+# Advance the master branch to make tags not to mark a branch tip.
+touch libfoo.git/README
+git -C libfoo.git add README
+git -C libfoo.git commit -am 'README'
+# Create the modified state of the repositories, replacing libbar.git submodule
+# of libfoo with the newly created libbaz.git repository. Also advance master
+# branches and tags for libfoo.git and it's submodule style.git.
+cd ../state1
+# Copy repositories initial state.
+for d in ../state0/*.git; do
+ rm -f -r $(basename $d)
+ cp -r $d .
+# Create libbaz.git repository.
+rm -f -r libbaz.git/.git
+git -C libbaz.git init
+git -C libbaz.git add '*'
+git -C libbaz.git commit -am 'Create'
+# Sync submodule references with their new locations.
+for d in *.git; do
+ git -C $d submodule sync --recursive
+# Advance style.git master branch.
+touch style.git/README
+git -C style.git add README
+git -C style.git commit -am 'README'
+# Advance libfoo.git master branch.
+git -C libfoo.git submodule update --init --remote # Pull style only.
+git -C libfoo.git commit -am 'Update style'
+git -C libfoo.git rm -r tests
+git -C libfoo.git commit -am 'Remove tests'
+git -C libfoo.git submodule deinit libbar
+git -C libfoo.git rm libbar
+git -C libfoo.git commit -am 'Remove libbar'
+rm -f -r libbar.git
+git -C libfoo.git submodule add ../libbaz.git libbaz
+git -C libfoo.git submodule update --init libbaz
+git -C libfoo.git commit -am 'Add libbaz'
+git -C libfoo.git tag -f 'lightweight_tag'
+git -C libfoo.git tag -f -a 'annotated_tag' -m 'annotated_tag'
+touch libfoo.git/INSTALL
+git -C libfoo.git add INSTALL
+git -C libfoo.git commit -am 'INSTALL'