path: root/bpkg/system-package-manager.cxx
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1 files changed, 904 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bpkg/system-package-manager.cxx b/bpkg/system-package-manager.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..373e8ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bpkg/system-package-manager.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
+// file : bpkg/system-package-manager.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <bpkg/system-package-manager.hxx>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <libbutl/regex.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/semantic-version.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/json/parser.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/package.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/package-odb.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/database.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/diagnostics.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/pkg-bindist-options.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/system-package-manager-debian.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/system-package-manager-fedora.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/system-package-manager-archive.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace butl;
+namespace bpkg
+ system_package_manager::
+ ~system_package_manager ()
+ {
+ // vtable
+ }
+ static optional<os_release>
+ host_release (const target_triplet& host)
+ try
+ {
+ return butl::host_os_release (host);
+ }
+ catch (const runtime_error& e)
+ {
+ fail << "unable to determine host operating system release: " << e << endf;
+ }
+ // Return true if the specified operating system is or like the specified
+ // id.
+ //
+ static inline bool
+ is_or_like (const os_release& os, const char* id)
+ {
+ return (os.name_id == id ||
+ find_if (os.like_ids.begin (), os.like_ids.end (),
+ [id] (const string& n)
+ {
+ return n == id;
+ }) != os.like_ids.end ());
+ }
+ unique_ptr<system_package_manager>
+ make_consumption_system_package_manager (const common_options& co,
+ const target_triplet& host,
+ const string& name,
+ const string& arch,
+ bool install,
+ bool fetch,
+ bool yes,
+ const string& sudo)
+ {
+ // Note: similar to make_consumption_system_package_manager() below.
+ optional<bool> progress (co.progress () ? true :
+ co.no_progress () ? false :
+ optional<bool> ());
+ optional<size_t> fetch_timeout (co.fetch_timeout_specified ()
+ ? co.fetch_timeout ()
+ : optional<size_t> ());
+ unique_ptr<system_package_manager> r;
+ if (optional<os_release> oos = host_release (host))
+ {
+ os_release& os (*oos);
+ if (host.class_ == "linux")
+ {
+ if (is_or_like (os, "debian") ||
+ is_or_like (os, "ubuntu"))
+ {
+ if (!name.empty () && name != "debian")
+ fail << "unsupported package manager '" << name << "' for "
+ << os.name_id << " host";
+ // If we recognized this as Debian-like in an ad hoc manner, then
+ // add debian to like_ids.
+ //
+ if (os.name_id != "debian" && !is_or_like (os, "debian"))
+ os.like_ids.push_back ("debian");
+ r.reset (new system_package_manager_debian (
+ move (os), host, arch,
+ progress, fetch_timeout, install, fetch, yes, sudo));
+ }
+ else if (is_or_like (os, "fedora") ||
+ is_or_like (os, "rhel") ||
+ is_or_like (os, "centos") ||
+ is_or_like (os, "rocky") ||
+ is_or_like (os, "almalinux"))
+ {
+ if (!name.empty () && name != "fedora")
+ fail << "unsupported package manager '" << name << "' for "
+ << os.name_id << " host";
+ // If we recognized this as Fedora-like in an ad hoc manner, then
+ // add fedora to like_ids.
+ //
+ if (os.name_id != "fedora" && !is_or_like (os, "fedora"))
+ os.like_ids.push_back ("fedora");
+ r.reset (new system_package_manager_fedora (
+ move (os), host, arch,
+ progress, fetch_timeout, install, fetch, yes, sudo));
+ }
+ // NOTE: remember to update the --sys-distribution pkg-build option
+ // documentation if adding support for another package manager.
+ }
+ }
+ if (r == nullptr)
+ {
+ if (!name.empty ())
+ fail << "unsupported package manager '" << name << "' for host "
+ << host;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ pair<unique_ptr<system_package_manager>, string>
+ make_production_system_package_manager (const pkg_bindist_options& o,
+ const target_triplet& host,
+ const string& name,
+ const string& arch)
+ {
+ // Note: similar to make_production_system_package_manager() above.
+ optional<bool> progress (o.progress () ? true :
+ o.no_progress () ? false :
+ optional<bool> ());
+ optional<os_release> oos;
+ if (o.os_release_id_specified ())
+ {
+ oos = os_release ();
+ oos->name_id = o.os_release_id ();
+ }
+ else
+ oos = host_release (host);
+ if (o.os_release_name_specified ())
+ oos->name = o.os_release_name ();
+ if (o.os_release_version_id_specified ())
+ oos->version_id = o.os_release_version_id ();
+ pair<unique_ptr<system_package_manager>, string> r;
+ if (oos)
+ {
+ os_release& os (*oos);
+ // Note that we don't make archive the default on any platform in case
+ // we later want to support its native package format.
+ //
+ if (name == "archive")
+ {
+ r.first.reset (new system_package_manager_archive (
+ move (os), host, arch, progress, &o));
+ r.second = "archive";
+ }
+ else if (host.class_ == "linux")
+ {
+ if (is_or_like (os, "debian") ||
+ is_or_like (os, "ubuntu"))
+ {
+ if (!name.empty () && name != "debian")
+ fail << "unsupported package manager '" << name << "' for "
+ << os.name_id << " host";
+ if (os.name_id != "debian" && !is_or_like (os, "debian"))
+ os.like_ids.push_back ("debian");
+ r.first.reset (new system_package_manager_debian (
+ move (os), host, arch, progress, &o));
+ r.second = "debian";
+ }
+ else if (is_or_like (os, "fedora") ||
+ is_or_like (os, "rhel") ||
+ is_or_like (os, "centos") ||
+ is_or_like (os, "rocky") ||
+ is_or_like (os, "almalinux"))
+ {
+ if (!name.empty () && name != "fedora")
+ fail << "unsupported package manager '" << name << "' for "
+ << os.name_id << " host";
+ if (os.name_id != "fedora" && !is_or_like (os, "fedora"))
+ os.like_ids.push_back ("fedora");
+ r.first.reset (new system_package_manager_fedora (
+ move (os), host, arch, progress, &o));
+ r.second = "fedora";
+ }
+ // NOTE: remember to update the --distribution pkg-bindist option
+ // documentation if adding support for another package manager.
+ }
+ }
+ if (r.first == nullptr)
+ {
+ if (!name.empty ())
+ fail << "unsupported package manager '" << name << "' for host "
+ << host;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Return the version id parsed as a semantic version if it is not empty and
+ // the "0" semantic version otherwise. Issue diagnostics and fail on parsing
+ // errors.
+ //
+ // Note: the name_id argument is only used for diagnostics.
+ //
+ static inline semantic_version
+ parse_version_id (const string& version_id, const string& name_id)
+ {
+ if (version_id.empty ())
+ return semantic_version (0, 0, 0);
+ try
+ {
+ return semantic_version (version_id, semantic_version::allow_omit_minor);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ fail << "invalid version '" << version_id << "' for " << name_id
+ << " host: " << e << endf;
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse the <distribution> component of the specified <distribution>-*
+ // value into the distribution name and version (return as "0" if not
+ // present). Leave in the d argument the string representation of the
+ // version (used to detect the special non-native <name>_0). Issue
+ // diagnostics and fail on parsing errors.
+ //
+ // Note: the value_name, ap, and af arguments are only used for diagnostics.
+ //
+ static pair<string, semantic_version>
+ parse_distribution (string& d, // <name>[_<version>]
+ const string& value_name,
+ const shared_ptr<available_package>& ap,
+ const lazy_shared_ptr<repository_fragment>& af)
+ {
+ size_t p (d.rfind ('_')); // Version-separating underscore.
+ // If the '_' separator is present, then make sure that the right-hand
+ // part looks like a version (not empty and only contains digits and
+ // dots).
+ //
+ if (p != string::npos)
+ {
+ if (p != d.size () - 1)
+ {
+ for (size_t i (p + 1); i != d.size (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!digit (d[i]) && d[i] != '.')
+ {
+ p = string::npos;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ p = string::npos;
+ }
+ // Parse the distribution version if present and leave it "0" otherwise.
+ //
+ string dn;
+ semantic_version dv (0, 0, 0);
+ if (p != string::npos)
+ {
+ dn.assign (d, 0, p);
+ d.erase (0, p + 1);
+ try
+ {
+ dv = semantic_version (d, semantic_version::allow_omit_minor);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ // Note: the repository fragment may have no database associated when
+ // used in tests.
+ //
+ shared_ptr<repository_fragment> f (af.get_eager ());
+ database* db (!(f != nullptr && !af.loaded ()) // Not transient?
+ ? &af.database ()
+ : nullptr);
+ diag_record dr (fail);
+ dr << "invalid distribution version '" << d << "' in value "
+ << value_name << " for package " << ap->id.name << ' '
+ << ap->version;
+ if (db != nullptr)
+ dr << *db;
+ dr << " in repository " << (f != nullptr ? f : af.load ())->location
+ << ": " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dn = move (d);
+ d.clear ();
+ }
+ return make_pair (move (dn), move (dv));
+ }
+ strings system_package_manager::
+ system_package_names (const available_packages& aps,
+ const string& name_id,
+ const string& version_id,
+ const vector<string>& like_ids,
+ bool native)
+ {
+ assert (!aps.empty ());
+ semantic_version vid (parse_version_id (version_id, name_id));
+ // Return those <name>[_<version>]-name distribution values of the
+ // specified available packages whose <name> component matches the
+ // specified distribution name and the <version> component (assumed as "0"
+ // if not present) is less or equal the specified distribution version.
+ // Suppress duplicate values.
+ //
+ auto name_values = [&aps, native] (const string& n,
+ const semantic_version& v)
+ {
+ strings r;
+ // For each available package sort the system package names in the
+ // distribution version descending order and then append them to the
+ // resulting list, keeping this order and suppressing duplicates.
+ //
+ using name_version = pair<string, semantic_version>;
+ vector<name_version> nvs; // Reuse the buffer.
+ for (const auto& a: aps)
+ {
+ nvs.clear ();
+ const shared_ptr<available_package>& ap (a.first);
+ for (const distribution_name_value& dv: ap->distribution_values)
+ {
+ if (optional<string> d = dv.distribution ("-name"))
+ {
+ pair<string, semantic_version> dnv (
+ parse_distribution (*d, dv.name, ap, a.second));
+ // Skip <name>_0 if we are only interested in the native mappings.
+ // If we are interested in the non-native mapping, then we treat
+ // <name>_0 as the matching version.
+ //
+ bool nn (*d == "0");
+ if (nn && native)
+ continue;
+ semantic_version& dvr (dnv.second);
+ if (dnv.first == n && (nn || dvr <= v))
+ {
+ // Add the name/version pair to the sorted vector.
+ //
+ // If this is the non-native mapping, then return just that.
+ //
+ if (nn)
+ {
+ r.clear (); // Drop anything we have accumulated so far.
+ r.push_back (move (dv.value));
+ return r;
+ }
+ name_version nv (make_pair (dv.value, move (dvr)));
+ nvs.insert (upper_bound (nvs.begin (), nvs.end (), nv,
+ [] (const name_version& x,
+ const name_version& y)
+ {return x.second > y.second;}),
+ move (nv));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Append the sorted names to the resulting list.
+ //
+ for (name_version& nv: nvs)
+ {
+ if (find_if (r.begin (), r.end (),
+ [&nv] (const string& n) {return nv.first == n;}) ==
+ r.end ())
+ {
+ r.push_back (move (nv.first));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ // Collect distribution values for those <distribution>-name names which
+ // match the name id and refer to the version which is less or equal than
+ // the version id.
+ //
+ strings r (name_values (name_id, vid));
+ // If the resulting list is empty and the like ids are specified, then
+ // re-collect but now using the like id and "0" version id instead.
+ //
+ if (r.empty ())
+ {
+ for (const string& like_id: like_ids)
+ {
+ r = name_values (like_id, semantic_version (0, 0, 0));
+ if (!r.empty ())
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ optional<string> system_package_manager::
+ system_package_version (const shared_ptr<available_package>& ap,
+ const lazy_shared_ptr<repository_fragment>& af,
+ const string& name_id,
+ const string& version_id,
+ const vector<string>& like_ids)
+ {
+ semantic_version vid (parse_version_id (version_id, name_id));
+ // Iterate over the <name>[_<version>]-version distribution values of the
+ // passed available package. Only consider those values whose <name>
+ // component matches the specified distribution name and the <version>
+ // component (assumed as "0" if not present) is less or equal the
+ // specified distribution version. Return the system package version if
+ // the distribution version is equal to the specified one. Otherwise (the
+ // version is less), continue iterating while preferring system version
+ // candidates for greater distribution versions. Note that here we are
+ // trying to pick the system version with distribution version closest to
+ // (but never greater than) the specified distribution version, similar to
+ // what we do in downstream_package_version() (see its
+ // downstream_version() lambda for details).
+ //
+ auto system_version = [&ap, &af] (const string& n,
+ const semantic_version& v)
+ -> optional<string>
+ {
+ optional<string> r;
+ semantic_version rv;
+ for (const distribution_name_value& dv: ap->distribution_values)
+ {
+ if (optional<string> d = dv.distribution ("-version"))
+ {
+ pair<string, semantic_version> dnv (
+ parse_distribution (*d, dv.name, ap, af));
+ semantic_version& dvr (dnv.second);
+ if (dnv.first == n && dvr <= v)
+ {
+ // If the distribution version is equal to the specified one, then
+ // we are done. Otherwise, save the system version if it is
+ // preferable and continue iterating.
+ //
+ if (dvr == v)
+ return move (dv.value);
+ if (!r || rv < dvr)
+ {
+ r = move (dv.value);
+ rv = move (dvr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ // Try to deduce the system package version using the
+ // <distribution>-version values that match the name id and refer to the
+ // version which is less or equal than the version id.
+ //
+ optional<string> r (system_version (name_id, vid));
+ // If the system package version is not deduced and the like ids are
+ // specified, then re-try but now using the like id and "0" version id
+ // instead.
+ //
+ if (!r)
+ {
+ for (const string& like_id: like_ids)
+ {
+ r = system_version (like_id, semantic_version (0, 0, 0));
+ if (r)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ optional<version> system_package_manager::
+ downstream_package_version (const string& system_version,
+ const available_packages& aps,
+ const string& name_id,
+ const string& version_id,
+ const vector<string>& like_ids)
+ {
+ assert (!aps.empty ());
+ semantic_version vid (parse_version_id (version_id, name_id));
+ // Iterate over the passed available packages (in version descending
+ // order) and over the <name>[_<version>]-to-downstream-version
+ // distribution values they contain. Only consider those values whose
+ // <name> component matches the specified distribution name and the
+ // <version> component (assumed as "0" if not present) is less or equal
+ // the specified distribution version. For such values match the regex
+ // pattern against the passed system version and if it matches consider
+ // the replacement as the resulting downstream version candidate. Return
+ // this downstream version if the distribution version is equal to the
+ // specified one. Otherwise (the version is less), continue iterating
+ // while preferring downstream version candidates for greater distribution
+ // versions. Note that here we are trying to use a version mapping for the
+ // distribution version closest to (but never greater than) the specified
+ // distribution version. So, for example, if both following values contain
+ // a matching mapping, then for debian 11 we prefer the downstream version
+ // produced by the debian_10-to-downstream-version value:
+ //
+ // debian_9-to-downstream-version
+ // debian_10-to-downstream-version
+ //
+ auto downstream_version = [&aps, &system_version]
+ (const string& n,
+ const semantic_version& v) -> optional<version>
+ {
+ optional<version> r;
+ semantic_version rv;
+ for (const auto& a: aps)
+ {
+ const shared_ptr<available_package>& ap (a.first);
+ for (const distribution_name_value& nv: ap->distribution_values)
+ {
+ if (optional<string> d = nv.distribution ("-to-downstream-version"))
+ {
+ pair<string, semantic_version> dnv (
+ parse_distribution (*d, nv.name, ap, a.second));
+ semantic_version& dvr (dnv.second);
+ if (dnv.first == n && dvr <= v)
+ {
+ auto bad_value = [&nv, &ap, &a] (const string& d)
+ {
+ // Note: the repository fragment may have no database
+ // associated when used in tests.
+ //
+ const lazy_shared_ptr<repository_fragment>& af (a.second);
+ shared_ptr<repository_fragment> f (af.get_eager ());
+ database* db (!(f != nullptr && !af.loaded ()) // Not transient?
+ ? &af.database ()
+ : nullptr);
+ diag_record dr (fail);
+ dr << "invalid distribution value '" << nv.name << ": "
+ << nv.value << "' for package " << ap->id.name << ' '
+ << ap->version;
+ if (db != nullptr)
+ dr << *db;
+ dr << " in repository "
+ << (f != nullptr ? f : af.load ())->location << ": " << d;
+ };
+ // Parse the distribution value into the regex pattern and the
+ // replacement.
+ //
+ // Note that in the future we may add support for some regex
+ // flags.
+ //
+ pair<string, string> rep;
+ try
+ {
+ size_t end;
+ const string& val (nv.value);
+ rep = regex_replace_parse (val.c_str (), val.size (), end);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ bad_value (e.what ());
+ }
+ // Match the regex pattern against the system version and skip
+ // the value if it doesn't match or proceed to parsing the
+ // downstream version resulting from the regex replacement
+ // otherwise.
+ //
+ string dv;
+ try
+ {
+ regex re (rep.first, regex::ECMAScript);
+ pair<string, bool> rr (
+ regex_replace_match (system_version, re, rep.second));
+ // Skip the regex if it doesn't match.
+ //
+ if (!rr.second)
+ continue;
+ dv = move (rr.first);
+ }
+ catch (const regex_error& e)
+ {
+ // Print regex_error description if meaningful (no space).
+ //
+ ostringstream os;
+ os << "invalid regex pattern '" << rep.first << "'" << e;
+ bad_value (os.str ());
+ }
+ // Parse the downstream version.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ version ver (dv);
+ // If the distribution version is equal to the specified one,
+ // then we are done. Otherwise, save the downstream version if
+ // it is preferable and continue iterating.
+ //
+ // Note that bailing out immediately in the former case is
+ // essential. Otherwise, we can potentially fail later on, for
+ // example, some ill-formed regex which is already fixed in
+ // some newer package.
+ //
+ if (dvr == v)
+ return ver;
+ if (!r || rv < dvr)
+ {
+ r = move (ver);
+ rv = move (dvr);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ bad_value ("resulting downstream version '" + dv +
+ "' is invalid: " + e.what ());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ // Try to deduce the downstream version using the
+ // <distribution>-to-downstream-version values that match the name id and
+ // refer to the version which is less or equal than the version id.
+ //
+ optional<version> r (downstream_version (name_id, vid));
+ // If the downstream version is not deduced and the like ids are
+ // specified, then re-try but now using the like id and "0" version id
+ // instead.
+ //
+ if (!r)
+ {
+ for (const string& like_id: like_ids)
+ {
+ r = downstream_version (like_id, semantic_version (0, 0, 0));
+ if (r)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ auto system_package_manager::
+ installed_entries (const common_options& co,
+ const packages& pkgs,
+ const strings& vars,
+ const string& scope) -> installed_entry_map
+ {
+ process_path pp (search_b (co));
+ // Note that we don't use start_b() here since we want to be consistent
+ // with how things will be run when building the package.
+ //
+ cstrings args {
+ pp.recall_string (),
+ "--quiet", // Note: implies --no-progress.
+ "--dry-run"};
+ // Pass our --jobs value, if any.
+ //
+ string jobs;
+ if (size_t n = co.jobs_specified () ? co.jobs () : 0)
+ {
+ jobs = to_string (n);
+ args.push_back ("--jobs");
+ args.push_back (jobs.c_str ());
+ }
+ // Pass any --build-option.
+ //
+ for (const string& o: co.build_option ()) args.push_back (o.c_str ());
+ // Configuration variables.
+ //
+ for (const string& v: vars) args.push_back (v.c_str ());
+ string scope_arg;
+ args.push_back ((scope_arg = "!config.install.scope=" + scope).c_str ());
+ args.push_back ("!config.install.manifest=-");
+ // Package directories to install.
+ //
+ strings dirs;
+ for (const package& p: pkgs) dirs.push_back (p.out_root.representation ());
+ args.push_back ("install:");
+ for (const string& d: dirs) args.push_back (d.c_str ());
+ args.push_back (nullptr);
+ installed_entry_map r;
+ try
+ {
+ if (verb >= 2)
+ print_process (args);
+ else if (verb == 1)
+ text << "determining filesystem entries that would be installed...";
+ // Redirect stdout to a pipe.
+ //
+ process pr (pp,
+ args,
+ 0 /* stdin */,
+ -1 /* stdout */,
+ 2 /* stderr */);
+ try
+ {
+ ifdstream is (move (pr.in_ofd), fdstream_mode::skip);
+ json::parser p (is,
+ args[0] /* input_name */,
+ true /* multi_value */,
+ "\n" /* value_separators */);
+ using event = json::event;
+ // Note: recursive lambda.
+ //
+ auto parse_entry = [&r, &p] (const auto& parse_entry) -> void
+ {
+ // enter: after begin_object
+ // leave: after end_object
+ string t (p.next_expect_member_string ("type"));
+ if (t == "target")
+ {
+ p.next_expect_member_string ("name");
+ p.next_expect_member_array ("entries");
+ while (p.next_expect (event::begin_object, event::end_array))
+ parse_entry (parse_entry);
+ }
+ else if (t == "file" || t == "symlink")
+ {
+ path ep (p.next_expect_member_string ("path"));
+ assert (ep.absolute () && ep.normalized (false /* separators */));
+ if (t == "file")
+ {
+ string em (p.next_expect_member_string ("mode"));
+ auto p (
+ r.emplace (
+ move (ep), installed_entry {move (em), nullptr}));
+ if (!p.second)
+ fail << p.first->first << " is installed multiple times";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ path et (p.next_expect_member_string ("target"));
+ if (et.relative ())
+ {
+ et = ep.directory () / et;
+ et.normalize ();
+ }
+ auto i (r.find (et));
+ if (i == r.end ())
+ fail << "symlink " << ep << " target " << et << " does not "
+ << "refer to previously installed entry";
+ auto p (r.emplace (move (ep), installed_entry {"", &*i}));
+ if (!p.second)
+ fail << p.first->first << " is installed multiple times";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Fall through to skip all members of an unknown entry type.
+ //
+ // Note that this also covers the directory entires which we
+ // don't care about.
+ }
+ // Skip unknown members.
+ //
+ while (p.next_expect (event::name, event::end_object))
+ p.next_expect_value_skip ();
+ };
+ while (p.peek ()) // More values.
+ {
+ p.next_expect (event::begin_object); // entry
+ parse_entry (parse_entry);
+ if (p.next ()) // Consume value-terminating nullopt.
+ fail << "unexpected data after entry object";
+ }
+ is.close ();
+ }
+ catch (const json::invalid_json_input& e)
+ {
+ if (pr.wait ())
+ fail (location ("<stdin>", e.line, e.column))
+ << "invalid install manifest json input: " << e;
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ catch (const io_error& e)
+ {
+ if (pr.wait ())
+ fail << "unable to read " << args[0] << " output: " << e;
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ if (!pr.wait ())
+ {
+ diag_record dr (fail);
+ dr << args[0] << " exited with non-zero code";
+ if (verb < 2)
+ {
+ dr << info << "command line: ";
+ print_process (dr, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const process_error& e)
+ {
+ error << "unable to execute " << args[0] << ": " << e;
+ if (e.child)
+ exit (1);
+ throw failed ();
+ }
+ return r;
+ }