path: root/bpkg/rep-mask.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'bpkg/rep-mask.cxx')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bpkg/rep-mask.cxx b/bpkg/rep-mask.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7f9c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bpkg/rep-mask.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+// file : bpkg/rep-mask.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <bpkg/rep-mask.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/package.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/package-odb.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/database.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/diagnostics.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/package-query.hxx> // repo_configs
+#include <bpkg/manifest-utility.hxx> // repository_name()
+using namespace std;
+using namespace butl;
+namespace bpkg
+ static optional<database_map<strings>> unmasked_repositories;
+ static optional<database_map<strings>> unmasked_repository_fragments;
+ // Note: defined in rep-remove.cxx.
+ //
+ void
+ rep_remove (database&,
+ transaction&,
+ const shared_ptr<repository>&,
+ bool mask);
+ // The overall plan is as follows:
+ //
+ // - Start the transaction.
+ //
+ // - Remove all the specified repositories recursively in all the
+ // configurations specified by repo_configs (repos) and/or configurations
+ // specified explicitly via UUIDs (config_uuid_repos).
+ //
+ // - Collect the remaining repositories and repository fragments as unmasked.
+ //
+ // - Rollback the transaction.
+ //
+ // Later on, the rep_masked*() functions will refer to the configuration-
+ // specific unmasked repositories and repository fragments lists to decide
+ // if the repository/fragment is masked or not in the specific configuration.
+ //
+ void
+ rep_mask (const strings& repos,
+ const strings& config_uuid_repos,
+ linked_databases& current_configs)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("rep_mask");
+ assert (!repo_configs.empty ());
+ database& mdb (repo_configs.front ());
+ tracer_guard tg (mdb, trace);
+ // Temporary "suspend" session before modifying the database.
+ //
+ session* sess (session::current_pointer ());
+ if (sess != nullptr)
+ session::reset_current ();
+ vector<lazy_weak_ptr<repository>> rs;
+ vector<bool> found_repos (repos.size(), false);
+ transaction t (mdb);
+ // Add a repository from a database, suppressing duplicates.
+ //
+ auto add_repo = [&rs] (database& db, shared_ptr<repository>&& r)
+ {
+ if (find_if (rs.begin (), rs.end (),
+ [&db, &r] (const lazy_weak_ptr<repository>& lr)
+ {
+ return lr.database () == db && lr.object_id () == r->name;
+ }) == rs.end ())
+ rs.emplace_back (db, move (r));
+ };
+ // Collect the repositories masked in all configurations.
+ //
+ for (database& db: repo_configs)
+ {
+ for (size_t i (0); i != repos.size (); ++i)
+ {
+ // Add a repository, suppressing duplicates, and mark it as found.
+ //
+ auto add = [&db,
+ &found_repos, i,
+ &add_repo] (shared_ptr<repository>&& r)
+ {
+ add_repo (db, move (r));
+ found_repos[i] = true;
+ };
+ const string& rp (repos[i]);
+ if (repository_name (rp))
+ {
+ if (shared_ptr<repository> r = db.find<repository> (rp))
+ add (move (r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ using query = query<repository>;
+ // Verify that the repository URL is not misspelled or empty.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ repository_url u (rp);
+ assert (!u.empty ());
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ fail << "repository '" << rp << "' cannot be masked: "
+ << "invalid repository location: " << e;
+ }
+ for (shared_ptr<repository> r:
+ pointer_result (
+ db.query<repository> (query::location.url == rp)))
+ add (move (r));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Fail if any of the specified repositories is not found in any database.
+ //
+ for (size_t i (0); i != repos.size (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!found_repos[i])
+ fail << "repository '" << repos[i] << "' cannot be masked: not found";
+ }
+ // Collect the repositories masked in specific configurations.
+ //
+ for (const string& cr: config_uuid_repos)
+ {
+ auto bad = [&cr] (const string& d)
+ {
+ fail << "configuration repository '" << cr << "' cannot be masked: "
+ << d;
+ };
+ size_t p (cr.find ('='));
+ if (p == string::npos)
+ bad ("missing '='");
+ uuid uid;
+ string uid_str (cr, 0, p);
+ try
+ {
+ uid = uuid (uid_str);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ bad ("invalid configuration uuid '" + uid_str + "': " + e.what ());
+ }
+ database* db (nullptr);
+ for (database& cdb: current_configs)
+ {
+ if ((db = cdb.try_find_dependency_config (uid)) != nullptr)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (db == nullptr)
+ bad ("no configuration with uuid " + uid.string () +
+ " is linked with " +
+ (current_configs.size () == 1
+ ? mdb.config_orig.representation ()
+ : "specified current configurations"));
+ string rp (cr, p + 1);
+ if (repository_name (rp))
+ {
+ if (shared_ptr<repository> r = db->find<repository> (rp))
+ add_repo (*db, move (r));
+ else
+ bad ("repository name '" + rp + "' not found in configuration " +
+ uid.string ());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ using query = query<repository>;
+ // Verify that the repository URL is not misspelled or empty.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ repository_url u (rp);
+ assert (!u.empty ());
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ bad ("invalid repository location '" + rp + "': " + e.what ());
+ }
+ bool found (false);
+ for (shared_ptr<repository> r:
+ pointer_result (
+ db->query<repository> (query::location.url == rp)))
+ {
+ add_repo (*db, move (r));
+ found = true;
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ bad ("repository location '" + rp + "' not found in configuration " +
+ uid.string ());
+ }
+ }
+ // First, remove the repository references from the dependent repository
+ // fragments. Note that rep_remove() removes the dangling repositories.
+ //
+ // Note that for efficiency we un-reference all the repositories before
+ // starting to delete them.
+ //
+ for (const lazy_weak_ptr<repository>& r: rs)
+ {
+ database& db (r.database ());
+ const string& nm (r.object_id ());
+ // Remove from complements of the dependents.
+ //
+ for (const auto& rf: db.query<repository_complement_dependent> (
+ query<repository_complement_dependent>::complement::name == nm))
+ {
+ const shared_ptr<repository_fragment>& f (rf);
+ repository_fragment::dependencies& cs (f->complements);
+ auto i (cs.find (r));
+ assert (i != cs.end ());
+ cs.erase (i);
+ db.update (f);
+ }
+ // Remove from prerequisites of the dependents.
+ //
+ for (const auto& rf:
+ db.query<repository_prerequisite_dependent> (
+ query<repository_prerequisite_dependent>::prerequisite::name ==
+ nm))
+ {
+ const shared_ptr<repository_fragment>& f (rf);
+ repository_fragment::dependencies& ps (f->prerequisites);
+ auto i (ps.find (r));
+ assert (i != ps.end ());
+ ps.erase (i);
+ db.update (f);
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the now dangling repositories.
+ //
+ for (const lazy_weak_ptr<repository>& r: rs)
+ rep_remove (r.database (), t, r.load (), true /* mask */);
+ // Collect the repositories and fragments which have remained after the
+ // removal.
+ //
+ unmasked_repositories = database_map<strings> ();
+ unmasked_repository_fragments = database_map<strings> ();
+ for (database& db: repo_configs)
+ {
+ // Add the repository location canonical name to the database-specific
+ // unmasked repositories or repository fragments lists. Note that
+ // repository location is used only for tracing.
+ //
+ auto add = [&db, &trace] (string&& n,
+ database_map<strings>& m,
+ const repository_location& loc,
+ const char* what)
+ {
+ auto i (m.find (db));
+ if (i == m.end ())
+ i = m.insert (db, strings ()).first;
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "unmasked " << what << ": '" << n
+ << "' '" << loc.url () << "'" << db;});
+ i->second.push_back (move (n));
+ };
+ for (shared_ptr<repository> r: pointer_result (db.query<repository> ()))
+ add (move (r->name),
+ *unmasked_repositories,
+ r->location,
+ "repository");
+ for (shared_ptr<repository_fragment> f:
+ pointer_result (db.query<repository_fragment> ()))
+ add (move (f->name),
+ *unmasked_repository_fragments,
+ f->location,
+ "repository fragment");
+ }
+ // Rollback the transaction and restore the session, if present.
+ //
+ t.rollback ();
+ if (sess != nullptr)
+ session::current_pointer (sess);
+ }
+ static inline bool
+ masked (database& db,
+ const string& name,
+ const optional<database_map<strings>>& m)
+ {
+ if (!m)
+ return false;
+ auto i (m->find (db));
+ if (i != m->end ())
+ {
+ const strings& ns (i->second);
+ return find (ns.begin (), ns.end (), name) == ns.end ();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool
+ rep_masked (database& db, const shared_ptr<repository>& r)
+ {
+ return masked (db, r->name, unmasked_repositories);
+ }
+ bool
+ rep_masked (const lazy_weak_ptr<repository>& r)
+ {
+ // Should not be transient.
+ //
+ assert (!(r.lock ().get_eager () != nullptr && !r.loaded ()));
+ return masked (r.database (), r.object_id (), unmasked_repositories);
+ }
+ bool
+ rep_masked_fragment (database& db, const shared_ptr<repository_fragment>& f)
+ {
+ return masked (db, f->name, unmasked_repository_fragments);
+ }
+ bool
+ rep_masked_fragment (const lazy_shared_ptr<repository_fragment>& f)
+ {
+ // Should not be transient.
+ //
+ assert (!(f.get_eager () != nullptr && !f.loaded ()));
+ return masked (f.database (),
+ f.object_id (),
+ unmasked_repository_fragments);
+ }