path: root/bpkg/package-skeleton.hxx
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1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bpkg/package-skeleton.hxx b/bpkg/package-skeleton.hxx
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index 0000000..947522e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bpkg/package-skeleton.hxx
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+// file : bpkg/package-skeleton.hxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbuild2/forward.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/types.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/utility.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/package.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/package-configuration.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/common-options.hxx>
+namespace bpkg
+ // A build system skeleton of a package used to evaluate buildfile clauses
+ // during dependency resolution (enable, reflect, require or prefer/accept).
+ //
+ class package_skeleton
+ {
+ public:
+ // If the package is system, then its available package should be NULL if
+ // it doesn't match the system package version "close enough" to be usable
+ // as the source of its configuration information (types, defaults). If it
+ // is NULL, then the skeleton can only be used to print and collect the
+ // configuration information.
+ //
+ // If the package is being reconfigured (rather than up/downgraded), then
+ // the existing package source and output root directories (src_root and
+ // out_root) need to be specified (as absolute and normalized). Otherwise,
+ // if the package is external, then the existing package source root
+ // directory needs to be specified (as absolute and normalized). In this
+ // case, if output root is specified (as absolute and normalized; normally
+ // <config-dir>/<package-name>), then it's used as is. Otherwise, an empty
+ // skeleton directory is used as output root.
+ //
+ // If the package is neither being reconfigured nor is external, then none
+ // of the root directories should be specified.
+ //
+ // If the package is configured as source and the user and/or dependent
+ // configuration is requested to be loaded from config.build, then the
+ // existing package old source and output root directories (old_src_root
+ // and old_out_root) need to be specified (as absolute and normalized). If
+ // specified, they are used instead of package source and output root
+ // directories to load the current user and/or dependent configuration.
+ // The idea here is that during package upgrade/downgrade, we want to load
+ // the old configuration from the old version's src/out but then continue
+ // evaluating clauses using the new version's src/out.
+ //
+ // The disfigure argument should indicate whether the package is being
+ // reconfigured from scratch (--disfigure).
+ //
+ // The config_vars argument contains configuration variables specified by
+ // the user in this bpkg execution. Optional config_srcs is used to
+ // extract (from config.build or equivalent) configuration variables
+ // specified by the user in previous bpkg executions. It should be NULL if
+ // this is the first build of the package. The extracted variables are
+ // merged with config_vars and the combined result is returned by
+ // collect_config() below.
+ //
+ // @@ TODO: speaking of the "config.build or equivalent" part, the
+ // equivalent is likely to be extracted configuration (probably saved
+ // to file in tmp somewhere) that we will load with config.config.load.
+ // It doesn't seem like a good idea to pass it as part of config_vars
+ // (because sometimes we may need to omit it) so most likely it will be
+ // passed as a separate arguments (likely a file path).
+ //
+ // Note that the options, database, and config_srcs are expected to
+ // outlive this object.
+ //
+ // Note also that this creates an "unloaded" skeleton and is therefore
+ // relatively cheap.
+ //
+ package_skeleton (const common_options& co,
+ package_key,
+ bool system,
+ shared_ptr<const available_package>,
+ strings config_vars,
+ bool disfigure,
+ const vector<config_variable>* config_srcs,
+ optional<dir_path> src_root,
+ optional<dir_path> out_root,
+ optional<dir_path> old_src_root,
+ optional<dir_path> old_out_root,
+ uint16_t load_config_flags);
+ package_key package;
+ bool system;
+ shared_ptr<const available_package> available;
+ // Load package (old) configuration flags.
+ //
+ uint16_t load_config_flags;
+ static const uint16_t load_config_user = 0x1;
+ static const uint16_t load_config_dependent = 0x2;
+ // The following functions should be called in the following sequence
+ // (* -- zero or more, ? -- zero or one):
+ //
+ // * reload_defaults() | verify_sensible()
+ // ? dependent_config()
+ // * evaluate_*()
+ // * empty() | print_config()
+ // * config_checksum()
+ // collect_config()
+ //
+ // Note that the load_old_config() function can be called at eny point
+ // before collect_config() (and is called implicitly by most other
+ // functions).
+ //
+ // Note that a copy of the skeleton is expected to continue with the
+ // sequence rather than starting from scratch, unless reset() is called.
+ //
+ public:
+ // Reload the default values and type information for configuration
+ // variables using the values with the buildfile origin as a "tentative"
+ // dependent configuration.
+ //
+ void
+ reload_defaults (package_configuration&);
+ // Load overrides for a system package without skeleton info. Note that
+ // this is done in an ad hoc manner and only to support evaluate_require()
+ // semantics (see the implementation for details).
+ //
+ void
+ load_overrides (package_configuration&);
+ // Verify the specified "tentative" dependent configuration is sensible,
+ // that is, acceptable to the dependency itself. If it is not, then the
+ // second half of the result contains the diagnostics.
+ //
+ pair<bool, string>
+ verify_sensible (const package_configuration&);
+ // Incorporate the "final" dependent configuration into subsequent
+ // evaluations. Dependent configuration variables are expected not to
+ // clash with user.
+ //
+ void
+ dependent_config (const package_configuration&);
+ // For the following evaluate_*() functions assume that the clause belongs
+ // to the dependency alternative specified as a pair of indexes (depends
+ // value index and alternative index).
+ // Evaluate the enable clause.
+ //
+ bool
+ evaluate_enable (const string&, pair<size_t, size_t>);
+ // Evaluate the reflect clause.
+ //
+ void
+ evaluate_reflect (const string&, pair<size_t, size_t>);
+ // Evaluate the prefer/accept or require clauses on the specified
+ // dependency configurations (serves as both input and output).
+ //
+ // Return true is acceptable and false otherwise. If acceptable, the
+ // passed configuration is updated with new values, if any.
+ //
+ using dependency_configurations =
+ small_vector<reference_wrapper<package_configuration>, 1>;
+ bool
+ evaluate_prefer_accept (const dependency_configurations&,
+ const string&, const string&, pair<size_t, size_t>,
+ bool has_alternative);
+ bool
+ evaluate_require (const dependency_configurations&,
+ const string&, pair<size_t, size_t>,
+ bool has_alternative);
+ // Reset the skeleton to the start of the call sequence.
+ //
+ // Note that this function cannot be called after collect_config().
+ //
+ void
+ reset ();
+ // Return true if there are no accumulated *project* configuration
+ // variables that will be printed by print_config().
+ //
+ bool
+ empty_print ();
+ // Print the accumulated *project* configuration variables as command line
+ // overrides one per line with the specified indentation.
+ //
+ void
+ print_config (ostream&, const char* indent);
+ // Load the package's old configuration, unless it is already loaded.
+ //
+ void
+ load_old_config ();
+ // Return the accumulated configuration variables (first) and project
+ // configuration variable sources (second). Note that the arrays are not
+ // necessarily parallel (config_vars may contain non-project variables).
+ //
+ // Note that the dependent and reflect variables are merged with
+ // config_vars/config_srcs and should be used instead rather than in
+ // addition to config_vars.
+ //
+ // Note also that this should be the final call on this object.
+ //
+ pair<strings, vector<config_variable>>
+ collect_config () &&;
+ // Return the checksum of the project configuration variables that will be
+ // returned by the collect_config() function call.
+ //
+ string
+ config_checksum ();
+ // Implementation details.
+ //
+ public:
+ // We have to define these because context is forward-declared. Also, copy
+ // constructor has some special logic.
+ //
+ ~package_skeleton ();
+ package_skeleton (package_skeleton&&) noexcept;
+ package_skeleton& operator= (package_skeleton&&) noexcept;
+ package_skeleton (const package_skeleton&);
+ package_skeleton& operator= (const package_skeleton&) = delete;
+ private:
+ // Load old user and/or dependent configuration variables from
+ // config.build (or equivalent) and merge them into config_vars_ and
+ // config_var_srcs_. Also verify new user configuration already in
+ // config_vars_ makes sense.
+ //
+ // This should be done before any attempt to load the configuration with
+ // config.config.disfigure and, if this did not happen, inside
+ // collect_config() (since the package will be reconfigured with
+ // config.config.disfigure).
+ //
+ void
+ load_old_config_impl ();
+ // (Re)load the build system state.
+ //
+ // Call this function before evaluating every clause.
+ //
+ // If dependency configurations are specified, then typify the variables
+ // and set their values. If defaults is false, then only typify the
+ // variables and set overrides without setting the default/buildfile
+ // values. Note that buildfile values have value::extra set to 2. While
+ // at it, also remove from dependency_var_prefixes_ and add to
+ // dependency_var_prefixes variable prefixes (config.<project>) for
+ // the passed dependencies.
+ //
+ build2::scope&
+ load (const dependency_configurations& = {},
+ strings* dependency_var_prefixes = nullptr,
+ bool defaults = true);
+ // Merge command line variable overrides into one list (normally to be
+ // passed to bootstrap()).
+ //
+ // If cache is true, then assume the result can be reused on subsequent
+ // calls.
+ //
+ const strings&
+ merge_cmd_vars (const strings& dependent_vars,
+ const strings& dependency_vars = {},
+ bool cache = false);
+ // Implementation details (public for bootstrap()).
+ //
+ public:
+ // NOTE: remember to update move/copy constructors!
+ //
+ const common_options* co_;
+ database* db_;
+ string var_prefix_; // config.<project>
+ strings config_vars_;
+ // Configuration sources for variables in config_vars_ (parallel). Can
+ // only contain config_source::{user,dependent} entries (see
+ // load_old_config_impl() for details).
+ //
+ vector<config_source> config_var_srcs_;
+ bool disfigure_;
+ const vector<config_variable>* config_srcs_; // NULL if nothing to do or
+ // already done.
+ dir_path src_root_; // Must be absolute and normalized.
+ dir_path out_root_; // If empty, the same as src_root_.
+ // True if the existing source root directory has been specified.
+ //
+ // Note that if that's the case, we can use the manifest file this
+ // directory contains for diagnostics.
+ //
+ bool src_root_specified_ = false;
+ // If specified, are used instead of {src,out}_root_ for loading of the
+ // project configuration variables.
+ //
+ dir_path old_src_root_;
+ dir_path old_out_root_;
+ bool created_ = false;
+ bool verified_ = false;
+ bool loaded_old_config_;
+ bool develop_ = true; // Package has config.*.develop.
+ unique_ptr<build2::context> ctx_;
+ build2::scope* rs_ = nullptr;
+ // Storage for merged build2_cmd_vars and config_vars_ and extra overrides
+ // (like config.config.disfigure). If cache is true, then the existing
+ // content can be reused.
+ //
+ strings cmd_vars_;
+ bool cmd_vars_cache_ = false;
+ strings dependent_vars_; // Dependent variable overrides.
+ vector<package_key> dependent_orgs_; // Dependent originators (parallel).
+ // Reflect variable value storage. Used for both real reflect and
+ // dependency reflect.
+ //
+ struct reflect_variable_value
+ {
+ string name;
+ build2::config::variable_origin origin;
+ optional<string> type;
+ optional<build2::names> value;
+ };
+ class reflect_variable_values: public vector<reflect_variable_value>
+ {
+ public:
+ const reflect_variable_value*
+ find (const string& name)
+ {
+ auto i (find_if (begin (), end (),
+ [&name] (const reflect_variable_value& v)
+ {
+ return v.name == name;
+ }));
+ return i != end () ? &*i : nullptr;
+ }
+ };
+ reflect_variable_values reflect_; // Reflect variables.
+ // Dependency configuration variables set by the prefer/require clauses
+ // and that should be reflected in subsequent clauses.
+ //
+ // The same prefer/require clause could be re-evaluated multiple times in
+ // which case the previous dependency reflect values from this clause (but
+ // not from any previous clauses) should be dropped. This is achieved by
+ // keeping track of the depends_index for the most recently evaluated
+ // prefer/require clause along with the position of the first element that
+ // was added by this clause. Note also that this logic does the right
+ // thing if we move to a different dependency alternative withing the same
+ // depends value.
+ //
+ reflect_variable_values dependency_reflect_;
+ size_t dependency_reflect_index_ = 0;
+ size_t dependency_reflect_pending_ = 0;
+ // List of variable prefixes (config.<project>) of all known dependencies.
+ //
+ // This information is used to detect and diagnose references to undefined
+ // dependency configuration variables (for example, those that were not
+ // set and therefore not reflected). The pending index is used to ignore
+ // the entries added by the last evaluate_prefer_accept() in the following
+ // reflect clause (see prefer_accept_ below for details).
+ //
+ strings dependency_var_prefixes_;
+ size_t dependency_var_prefixes_pending_ = 0;
+ // Position of the last successfully evaluated prefer/accept clauses.
+ //
+ // This information is used to make all (as opposed to only those set by
+ // the prefer clause) dependency configuration variables available to the
+ // reflect clause but only at the same position. This allows for some more
+ // advanced configuration techniques, such as, using a feature if enabled
+ // by someone else but not having any preferences ourselves.
+ //
+ optional<pair<size_t, size_t>> prefer_accept_;
+ };