path: root/bpkg/database.hxx
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1 files changed, 449 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/bpkg/database.hxx b/bpkg/database.hxx
index 42270d8..bf52ecb 100644
--- a/bpkg/database.hxx
+++ b/bpkg/database.hxx
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <bpkg/utility.hxx>
#include <bpkg/diagnostics.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/system-repository.hxx>
namespace bpkg
@@ -23,41 +24,465 @@ namespace bpkg
using odb::result;
using odb::session;
- using odb::sqlite::database;
+ class configuration;
+ class database;
+ struct linked_config
+ {
+ uint64_t id;
+ optional<string> name;
+ reference_wrapper<database> db; // Needs to be move-assignable.
+ };
+ // Used for the immediate explicit links which are normally not many (one
+ // entry for the self-link).
+ //
+ using linked_configs = small_vector<linked_config, 2>;
+ // In particular, is used for implicit links which can potentially be many.
+ // Think of a dependency in a shared configuration with dependents in
+ // multiple implicitly linked configurations.
+ //
+ using linked_databases = small_vector<reference_wrapper<database>, 16>;
+ // Derive a custom database class that handles attaching/detaching
+ // additional configurations.
+ //
+ class database: public odb::sqlite::database
+ {
+ public:
+ using uuid_type = bpkg::uuid;
+ // Create new main database.
+ //
+ // The specified self-link object is persisted and its uuid and type are
+ // cached in the database object.
+ //
+ // If the pre-link list is not empty, then these configurations are
+ // treated as linked configurations for schema migration purposes. If
+ // specified, these paths should be absolute and normalized.
+ //
+ database (const dir_path& cfg,
+ const shared_ptr<configuration>& self,
+ odb::tracer& tr,
+ const dir_paths& pre_link = dir_paths ())
+ : database (cfg, self.get (), tr, false, false, pre_link)
+ {
+ assert (self != nullptr);
+ }
+ // Open existing main database.
+ //
+ // If configured non-system selected packages can potentially be loaded
+ // from this database, then pass true as the pre_attach argument to
+ // recursively pre-attach the explicitly linked configuration databases,
+ // so that package prerequisites can be loaded from the linked
+ // configurations as well (see _selected_package_ref::to_ptr()
+ // implementation for details). Note that selected packages are loaded by
+ // some functions internally (package_iteration(), etc). Such functions
+ // are marked with the 'Note: loads selected packages.' note.
+ //
+ database (const dir_path& cfg,
+ odb::tracer& tr,
+ bool pre_attach,
+ bool sys_rep = false,
+ const dir_paths& pre_link = dir_paths ())
+ : database (cfg, nullptr, tr, pre_attach, sys_rep, pre_link) {}
+ ~database ();
+ // Move-constructible but not move-assignable.
+ //
+ database (database&&);
+ database& operator= (database&&) = delete;
+ database (const database&) = delete;
+ database& operator= (const database&) = delete;
+ // Attach another (existing) database. The configuration directory should
+ // be absolute and normalized.
+ //
+ // Note that if the database is already attached, then the existing
+ // instance reference is returned and the sys_rep argument is ignored.
+ //
+ database&
+ attach (const dir_path&, bool sys_rep = false);
+ // Attach databases of all the explicitly linked configurations,
+ // recursively. Must be called inside the transaction.
+ //
+ void
+ attach_explicit (bool sys_rep = false);
+ // Note that while attach*() can be called on the attached database,
+ // detach_all() should only be called on the main database.
+ //
+ void
+ detach_all ();
+ database&
+ main_database ()
+ {
+ return static_cast<database&> (odb::sqlite::database::main_database ());
+ }
+ // Return true if this is the main database.
+ //
+ bool
+ main ();
+ // Return the explicit links and the self-link (comes first) if the main
+ // database has been created with the pre_attach flag set to true and an
+ // empty list otherwise.
+ //
+ linked_configs&
+ explicit_links ()
+ {
+ return explicit_links_;
+ }
+ // By default attach and cache the implicitly linked configuration
+ // databases on the first call and return them along with the self-link
+ // (comes first), silently skipping the dangling links. If attach is
+ // false, then return an empty list if links were not yet cached by this
+ // function's previous call.
+ //
+ // Note that we skip dangling links without any warning since they can be
+ // quite common. Think of a shared host configuration with a bunch of
+ // implicitly linked configurations, which are removed and potentially
+ // recreated later during the host configuration lifetime. Note however,
+ // that we remove the dangling implicit links during migration (see
+ // migrate() on details).
+ //
+ // Also note that for implicitly linked configurations the link
+ // information (id, etc) is useless, thus we only return the databases
+ // rather than the link information.
+ //
+ linked_databases&
+ implicit_links (bool attach = true, bool sys_rep = false);
+ // Return configurations of potential dependencies of packages selected in
+ // the current configuration.
+ //
+ // Specifically, return the self-link (comes first if included) and
+ // explicitly linked databases recursively, including them into the
+ // resulting list according to the following rules:
+ //
+ // - If dependency name and type are not specified, then return
+ // configurations of all dependencies (runtime and build-time). In this
+ // case include configurations of the linking configuration type and the
+ // host and build2 types and do not descended into links of different
+ // types.
+ //
+ // So, for example, for the following (not very sensible) link chain
+ // only the cfg1 and cfg2 configurations are included. The cfg3 type is
+ // not host and differs from type of cfg2 which links it and thus it is
+ // not included.
+ //
+ // cfg1 (this, target) -> cfg2 (host) -> cfg3 (target)
+ //
+ // - If buildtime is false, then return configurations of only runtime
+ // dependencies, regardless of the dependency name. In this case include
+ // configurations of only the linking configuration type and do not
+ // descend into links of different types.
+ //
+ // So for the above link chain only cfg1 configuration is included.
+ //
+ // - If buildtime is true, then return configurations of only build-time
+ // dependencies, suitable for building the specified dependency. In this
+ // case include configurations of only the build2 type for a build2
+ // module (named as libbuild2-*) and of the host type otherwise. Only
+ // descend into links of the same type and the appropriate dependency
+ // type (host or build2, depending on the dependency name).
+ //
+ // So for the above link chain only cfg2 configuration is included for a
+ // build-time dependency foo and none for libbuild2-foo.
+ //
+ linked_databases
+ dependency_configs ();
+ linked_databases
+ dependency_configs (const package_name& dependency_name, bool buildtime);
+ // Return configurations of potential dependents of packages selected in
+ // the current configuration.
+ //
+ // Specifically, return the implicitly linked configuration databases
+ // recursively, including the self-link (comes first). Only include a
+ // linked configuration into the resulting list if it is of the same type
+ // as the linking configuration or the linking configuration is of the
+ // host or build2 type (think of searching through the target
+ // configurations for dependents of a build-time dependency in host
+ // configuration).
+ //
+ linked_databases
+ dependent_configs (bool sys_rep = false);
+ // The following find_*() functions assume that the main database has been
+ // created with the pre_attach flag set to true.
+ //
+ // Return the self reference if the id is 0. Otherwise, return the
+ // database of an explicitly linked configuration with the specified link
+ // id and issue diagnostics and fail if no link is found.
+ //
+ database&
+ find_attached (uint64_t id);
+ // Return the self reference if this is the current configuration
+ // name. Otherwise, return the database of an explicitly linked
+ // configuration with the specified name and issue diagnostics and fail if
+ // no link is found.
+ //
+ database&
+ find_attached (const std::string& name);
+ // Return the dependency configuration with the specified uuid and issue
+ // diagnostics and fail if not found.
+ //
+ database&
+ find_dependency_config (const uuid_type&);
+ // Return an empty string for the main database and the original
+ // configuration directory path in the `[<dir>]` form otherwise.
+ //
+ // NOTE: remember to update pkg_command_vars::string() if changing the
+ // format.
+ //
+ std::string
+ string ();
+ // Verify that the link information (uuid, type, etc) matches the linked
+ // configuration. Issue diagnostics and fail if that's not the case.
+ //
+ void
+ verify_link (const configuration&, database&);
+ // Set the specified tracer for the whole linked databases cluster.
+ //
+ using tracer_type = odb::tracer;
+ void
+ tracer (tracer_type*);
+ void
+ tracer (tracer_type& t) {tracer (&t);}
+ using odb::sqlite::database::tracer;
+ public:
+ // Cached configuration information.
+ //
+ uuid_type uuid;
+ optional<std::string> name;
+ std::string type;
+ // Absolute and normalized configuration directory path. In particular, it
+ // is used as the configuration database identity.
+ //
+ dir_path config;
+ // For the main database, this is the original configuration directory
+ // path as specified by the user on the command line and `./` if
+ // unspecified. For other (linked) databases, it is the absolute
+ // configuration path if the main database's original configuration path
+ // is absolute and the path relative to the current directory otherwise.
+ // This is used in diagnostics.
+ //
+ dir_path config_orig;
+ // Per-configuration system repository (only loaded if sys_rep constructor
+ // argument is true).
+ //
+ optional<bpkg::system_repository> system_repository;
+ private:
+ struct impl;
+ // Create/open main database.
+ //
+ database (const dir_path& cfg,
+ configuration* create,
+ odb::tracer&,
+ bool pre_attach,
+ bool sys_rep,
+ const dir_paths& pre_link);
+ // Create attached database.
+ //
+ database (impl*,
+ const dir_path& cfg,
+ std::string schema,
+ bool sys_rep);
+ // If necessary, migrate this database and all the linked (both explicitly
+ // and implicitly) databases, recursively. Leave the linked databases
+ // attached. Must be called inside the transaction.
+ //
+ // Note that since the whole linked databases cluster is migrated at once,
+ // it is assumed that if migration is unnecessary for this database then
+ // it is also unnecessary for its linked databases. By this reason, we
+ // also drop the dangling implicit links rather than skip them, as we do
+ // for normal operations (see implicit_links () for details).
+ //
+ void
+ migrate ();
+ // Cache the configuration information.
+ //
+ void
+ cache_config (const uuid_type&,
+ optional<std::string> name,
+ std::string type);
+ // Note: must be called inside the transaction.
+ //
+ void
+ load_system_repository ();
+ // Add the configuration path to the BPKG_OPEN_CONFIGS environment
+ // variable which contains a list of the space-separated double-quoted
+ // absolute directory paths. Optionally, reset the list to this database's
+ // single path.
+ //
+ void
+ add_env (bool reset = false) const;
+ // Common implementation for the public overloads.
+ //
+ linked_databases
+ dependency_configs (optional<bool> buildtime, const std::string& type);
+ impl* impl_;
+ linked_configs explicit_links_;
+ linked_databases implicit_links_;
+ };
+ // NOTE: remember to update config_package comparison operators and
+ // compare_lazy_ptr if changing the database comparison operators.
+ //
+ // Note that here we use the database address as the database identity since
+ // we don't suppose two database instances for the same configuration to
+ // exist simultaneously due to the EXCLUSIVE locking mode (see database
+ // constructor for details).
+ //
+ inline bool
+ operator== (const database& x, const database& y)
+ {
+ return &x == &y;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ operator!= (const database& x, const database& y)
+ {
+ return !(x == y);
+ }
+ inline bool
+ operator< (const database& x, const database& y)
+ {
+ // Note that if we ever need the ordering to be consistent across runs,
+ // then we can compare the config paths or uuids.
+ //
+ return &x < &y;
+ }
+ inline ostream&
+ operator<< (ostream& os, const database& db)
+ {
+ string s (const_cast<database&> (db).string ());
+ if (!s.empty ())
+ os << ' ' << s;
+ return os;
+ }
+ // Verify that a string is a valid configuration name, that is non-empty,
+ // containing only alpha-numeric characters, '_', '-' (except for the first
+ // character which can only be alphabetic or '_'). Issue diagnostics and
+ // fail if that's not the case.
+ //
+ void
+ validate_configuration_name (const string&, const char* what);
+ // The build-time dependency configuration types.
+ //
+ // Note that these are also used as private configuration names.
+ //
+ extern const string host_config_type;
+ extern const string build2_config_type;
+ // Return the configuration type suitable for building the specified
+ // build-time dependency: `build2` for build2 modules and `host` for others.
+ //
+ const string&
+ buildtime_dependency_type (const package_name&);
+ // Return the configuration type suitable for building a dependency of the
+ // dependent in the specified configuration: `build2` for build2 modules,
+ // `host` for other (regular) build-time dependencies, and the dependent
+ // configuration type for the runtime dependencies.
+ //
+ inline const string&
+ dependency_type (database& dependent_db,
+ const package_name& dependency_name,
+ bool buildtime)
+ {
+ return buildtime
+ ? buildtime_dependency_type (dependency_name)
+ : dependent_db.type;
+ }
// Transaction wrapper that allow the creation of dummy transactions (start
// is false) that in reality use an existing transaction.
- struct transaction
+ // Note that there can be multiple databases attached to the main database
+ // and normally a transaction object is passed around together with a
+ // specific database. Thus, we don't provide the database accessor function,
+ // so that the database is always chosen deliberately.
+ //
+ class transaction
+ public:
using database_type = bpkg::database;
transaction (database_type& db, bool start = true)
- : db_ (db), start_ (start), t_ () // Finalized.
+ : start_ (start), t_ () // Finalized.
if (start)
- t_.reset (db.begin ());
+ t_.reset (db.begin_exclusive ()); // See locking_mode for details.
commit ()
if (start_)
+ {
t_.commit ();
+ start_ = false;
+ }
rollback ()
if (start_)
+ {
t_.rollback ();
+ start_ = false;
+ }
- database_type&
- database ()
+ void
+ start (database_type& db)
- return db_;
+ assert (!start_);
+ start_ = true;
+ t_.reset (db.begin_exclusive ());
static bool
@@ -66,26 +491,16 @@ namespace bpkg
return odb::sqlite::transaction::has_current ();
- static odb::sqlite::transaction&
- current ()
- {
- return odb::sqlite::transaction::current ();
- }
- database_type& db_;
bool start_;
odb::sqlite::transaction t_;
- database
- open (const dir_path& configuration, tracer&, bool create = false);
struct tracer_guard
tracer_guard (database& db, tracer& t)
: db_ (db), t_ (db.tracer ()) {db.tracer (t);}
- ~tracer_guard () {db_.tracer (*t_);}
+ ~tracer_guard () {db_.tracer (t_);}
database& db_;
@@ -128,6 +543,22 @@ namespace bpkg
return pointer_result_range<R> (forward<R> (r));
+ // Note that lazy_shared_ptr and lazy_weak_ptr are defined in types.hxx.
+ //
+ template <typename T>
+ inline database& lazy_shared_ptr<T>::
+ database () const
+ {
+ return static_cast<bpkg::database&> (base_type::database ());
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline database& lazy_weak_ptr<T>::
+ database () const
+ {
+ return static_cast<bpkg::database&> (base_type::database ());
+ }