path: root/bpkg/system-package-manager-fedora.test.cxx
diff options
authorKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2023-02-01 13:47:47 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2023-02-08 15:44:57 +0300
commitd6500b9d7ee5cf68a7507f9d4d726ffb767d827a (patch)
tree6d2af81b0424223b725e4a72973a1488caad7151 /bpkg/system-package-manager-fedora.test.cxx
parenta05076ceb13341780ea1f446626658164f35c5f3 (diff)
Implement system package manager query and install support for Fedora
Note that the main/devel name resolution based on the project name still needs to be fixed.
Diffstat (limited to 'bpkg/system-package-manager-fedora.test.cxx')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bpkg/system-package-manager-fedora.test.cxx b/bpkg/system-package-manager-fedora.test.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c5a976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bpkg/system-package-manager-fedora.test.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+// file : bpkg/system-package-manager-fedora.test.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <bpkg/system-package-manager-fedora.hxx>
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <bpkg/types.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/utility.hxx>
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include <cassert>
+#include <bpkg/system-package-manager.test.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace bpkg
+ using package_status = system_package_status_fedora;
+ using package_info_ = package_status::package_info;
+ using package = system_package_manager_fedora::simulation::package;
+ using butl::manifest_parser;
+ using butl::manifest_parsing;
+ // Usage: args[0] <command> ...
+ //
+ // Where <command> is one of:
+ //
+ // dnf-list <pkg>... result comes from stdin
+ //
+ // dnf-repoquery-requires <pkg> <ver> <arc> result comes from stdin
+ //
+ // parse-name-value <pkg> fedora-name value from stdin
+ //
+ // main-from-devel <dev-pkg> <dev-ver> depends comes from stdin in
+ // the `<dep-pkg> <dep-ver>`
+ // per line form
+ //
+ // build <query-pkg>... [--install [--no-fetch] <install-pkg>...]
+ //
+ // The stdin of the build command is used to read the simulation description
+ // which consists of lines in the following forms (blanks are ignored):
+ //
+ // manifest: <query-pkg> <file>
+ //
+ // Available package manifest for one of <query-pkg>. If none is
+ // specified, then a stub is automatically added.
+ //
+ // dnf-list[-{fetched,installed}]: <sys-pkg>... <file>
+ //
+ // Values for simulation::dnf_list_*. If <file> is the special `!` value,
+ // then make the entry empty.
+ //
+ // dnf-repoquery-requires[-fetched]: <sys-pkg> <sys-ver> <sys-arch> <file>
+ //
+ // Values for simulation::dnf_repoquery_requires_*. If <file> is the
+ // special `!` value, then make the entry empty.
+ //
+ // dnf_makecache-fail: true
+ // dnf-install-fail: true
+ // dnf-mark-install-fail: true
+ //
+ // Values for simulation::dnf_{makecache,install,mark_install}_fail_.
+ //
+ // While creating the system package manager always pretend to be the x86_64
+ // Fedora host (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu), regardless of the actual host
+ // platform.
+ //
+ int
+ main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ try
+ {
+ assert (argc >= 2); // <command>
+ target_triplet host_triplet ("x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu");
+ string cmd (argv[1]);
+ // @@ TODO: add option to customize? Maybe option before command?
+ //
+ os_release osr {"fedora", {}, "35", "", "Fedora Linux", "", ""};
+ if (cmd == "dnf-list")
+ {
+ assert (argc >= 3); // <pkg>...
+ strings key;
+ vector<package_info_> pis;
+ for (int i (2); i != argc; ++i)
+ {
+ key.push_back (argv[i]);
+ pis.push_back (package_info_ (argv[i]));
+ }
+ system_package_manager_fedora::simulation s;
+ s.dnf_list_.emplace (move (key), path ("-"));
+ system_package_manager_fedora m (move (osr),
+ host_triplet,
+ false /* install */,
+ false /* fetch */,
+ nullopt /* progress */,
+ false /* yes */,
+ "sudo");
+ m.simulate_ = &s;
+ m.dnf_list (pis);
+ for (const package_info_& pi: pis)
+ {
+ cout << pi.name << " '"
+ << pi.installed_version << "' '"
+ << pi.installed_arch << "' '"
+ << pi.candidate_version << "' '"
+ << pi.candidate_arch << "'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cmd == "dnf-repoquery-requires")
+ {
+ assert (argc == 5); // <pkg> <ver> <arch>
+ package key {argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]};
+ system_package_manager_fedora::simulation s;
+ s.dnf_repoquery_requires_.emplace (key, path ("-"));
+ system_package_manager_fedora m (move (osr),
+ host_triplet,
+ false /* install */,
+ false /* fetch */,
+ nullopt /* progress */,
+ false /* yes */,
+ "sudo");
+ m.simulate_ = &s;
+ for (const pair<string, string>& d:
+ m.dnf_repoquery_requires (key.name, key.version, key.arch))
+ {
+ cout << d.first << ' ' << d.second << '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cmd == "parse-name-value")
+ {
+ assert (argc == 3); // <pkg>
+ package_name pn (argv[2]);
+ string v;
+ getline (cin, v);
+ package_status s (
+ system_package_manager_fedora::parse_name_value (
+ pn, v, false, false, false));
+ if (!s.main.empty ()) cout << "main: " << s.main << '\n';
+ if (!s.devel.empty ()) cout << "devel: " << s.devel << '\n';
+ if (!s.static_.empty ()) cout << "static: " << s.static_ << '\n';
+ if (!s.doc.empty ()) cout << "doc: " << s.doc << '\n';
+ if (!s.debuginfo.empty ()) cout << "debuginfo: " << s.debuginfo << '\n';
+ if (!s.debugsource.empty ()) cout << "debugsource: " << s.debugsource << '\n';
+ if (!s.common.empty ()) cout << "common: " << s.common << '\n';
+ if (!s.extras.empty ())
+ {
+ cout << "extras:";
+ for (const string& e: s.extras)
+ cout << ' ' << e;
+ cout << '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cmd == "main-from-devel")
+ {
+ assert (argc == 4); // <dev-pkg> <dev-ver>
+ string n (argv[2]);
+ string v (argv[3]);
+ vector<pair<string, string>> ds;
+ for (string l; !eof (getline (cin, l)); )
+ {
+ size_t p (l.find (' '));
+ assert (p != string::npos);
+ ds.emplace_back (string (l, 0, p), string (l, p + 1));
+ }
+ cout << system_package_manager_fedora::main_from_devel (n, v, ds) << '\n';
+ }
+ else if (cmd == "build")
+ {
+ assert (argc >= 3); // <query-pkg>...
+ strings qps;
+ map<string, available_packages> aps;
+ // Parse <query-pkg>...
+ //
+ int argi (2);
+ for (; argi != argc; ++argi)
+ {
+ string a (argv[argi]);
+ if (a.compare (0, 2, "--") == 0)
+ break;
+ aps.emplace (a, available_packages {});
+ qps.push_back (move (a));
+ }
+ // Parse --install [--no-fetch]
+ //
+ bool install (false);
+ bool fetch (true);
+ for (; argi != argc; ++argi)
+ {
+ string a (argv[argi]);
+ if (a == "--install") install = true;
+ else if (a == "--no-fetch") fetch = false;
+ else break;
+ }
+ // Parse the description.
+ //
+ system_package_manager_fedora::simulation s;
+ for (string l; !eof (getline (cin, l)); )
+ {
+ if (l.empty ())
+ continue;
+ size_t p (l.find (':')); assert (p != string::npos);
+ string k (l, 0, p);
+ if (k == "manifest")
+ {
+ size_t q (l.rfind (' ')); assert (q != string::npos);
+ string n (l, p + 2, q - p - 2); trim (n);
+ string f (l, q + 1); trim (f);
+ auto i (aps.find (n));
+ if (i == aps.end ())
+ fail << "unknown package " << n << " in '" << l << "'";
+ i->second.push_back (make_available_from_manifest (n, f));
+ }
+ else if (
+ map<strings, path>* infos =
+ k == "dnf-list" ? &s.dnf_list_ :
+ k == "dnf-list-fetched" ? &s.dnf_list_fetched_ :
+ k == "dnf-list-installed" ? &s.dnf_list_installed_ :
+ nullptr)
+ {
+ size_t q (l.rfind (' ')); assert (q != string::npos);
+ string n (l, p + 2, q - p - 2); trim (n);
+ string f (l, q + 1); trim (f);
+ strings ns;
+ for (size_t b (0), e (0); next_word (n, b, e); )
+ ns.push_back (string (n, b, e - b));
+ if (f == "!")
+ f.clear ();
+ infos->emplace (move (ns), path (move (f)));
+ }
+ else if (map<package, path>* req =
+ k == "dnf-repoquery-requires" ? &s.dnf_repoquery_requires_ :
+ k == "dnf-repoquery-requires-fetched" ? &s.dnf_repoquery_requires_fetched_ :
+ nullptr)
+ {
+ size_t q (l.rfind (' ')); assert (q != string::npos);
+ string n (l, p + 2, q - p - 2); trim (n);
+ string f (l, q + 1); trim (f);
+ q = n.rfind (' '); assert (q != string::npos);
+ string a (n, q + 1);
+ n.resize (q);
+ q = n.find (' '); assert (q != string::npos);
+ package pkg {string (n, 0, q), string (n, q + 1), move (a)};
+ if (f == "!")
+ f.clear ();
+ req->emplace (move (pkg), path (move (f)));
+ }
+ else if (k == "dnf-makecache-fail")
+ {
+ s.dnf_makecache_fail_ = true;
+ }
+ else if (k == "dnf-install-fail")
+ {
+ s.dnf_install_fail_ = true;
+ }
+ else if (k == "dnf-mark-install-fail")
+ {
+ s.dnf_mark_install_fail_ = true;
+ }
+ else
+ fail << "unknown keyword '" << k << "' in simulation description";
+ }
+ // Fallback to stubs and sort in the version descending order.
+ //
+ for (pair<const string, available_packages>& p: aps)
+ {
+ if (p.second.empty ())
+ p.second.push_back (make_available_stub (p.first));
+ sort_available (p.second);
+ }
+ system_package_manager_fedora m (move (osr),
+ host_triplet,
+ install,
+ fetch,
+ nullopt /* progress */,
+ false /* yes */,
+ "sudo");
+ m.simulate_ = &s;
+ // Query each package.
+ //
+ for (const string& n: qps)
+ {
+ package_name pn (n);
+ const system_package_status* s (*m.pkg_status (pn, &aps[n]));
+ assert (*m.pkg_status (pn, nullptr) == s); // Test caching.
+ if (s == nullptr)
+ fail << "no installed " << (install ? "or available " : "")
+ << "system package for " << pn;
+ cout << pn << ' ' << s->version
+ << " (" << s->system_name << ' ' << s->system_version << ") ";
+ switch (s->status)
+ {
+ case package_status::installed: cout << "installed"; break;
+ case package_status::partially_installed: cout << "part installed"; break;
+ case package_status::not_installed: cout << "not installed"; break;
+ }
+ cout << '\n';
+ }
+ // Install if requested.
+ //
+ if (install)
+ {
+ assert (argi != argc); // <install-pkg>...
+ vector<package_name> ips;
+ for (; argi != argc; ++argi)
+ ips.push_back (package_name (argv[argi]));
+ m.pkg_install (ips);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ fail << "unknown command '" << cmd << "'";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ catch (const failed&)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ return bpkg::main (argc, argv);