This document describes how libxerces-c was packaged for build2. In particular, this understanding will be useful when upgrading to a new upstream version. See ../README-DEV for general notes on Xerces-C++ packaging. Symlink the required upstream files and provide our own implementations for auto-generated headers: $ ln -s ../upstream/LICENSE $ ln -s ../../upstream/src/xercesc/{dom,framework,internal,parsers,sax,sax2,\ validators,xinclude} xercesc/ $ ln -s ../../upstream/src/{stricmp,strnicmp}.{h,c} xercesc/ $ pushd xercesc/util/ $ ln -s ../../../upstream/src/xercesc/util/*.{cpp,hpp,c} ./ $ ln -s ../../../upstream/src/xercesc/util/{regx,FileManagers} ./ Note that the main reason for such a granular linking (we could just link upstream's Transcoders/, etc) is reducing the number of preprocessor macros we need to deduce in xercesc/config.h (see the change tracking instructions below for details). As a bonus it also simplifies the buildfile. $ mkdir -p Transcoders NetAccessors MsgLoaders MutexManagers $ ln -s ../../../../upstream/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/ICU Transcoders/ $ ln -s ../../../../upstream/src/xercesc/util/NetAccessors/Curl NetAccessors/ $ ln -s ../../../../upstream/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/InMemory MsgLoaders/ $ ln -s ../../../../upstream/src/xercesc/util/MutexManagers/StdMutexMgr.{hpp,cpp} MutexManagers/ $ ln -s ../../../upstream/src/xercesc/util/ \ $ popd We also patch the explicit template instantiation declarations and definitions (see xercesc/util/Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp for details): $ cp --remove-destination ../upstream/src/xercesc/util/{Janitor.hpp,JanitorExports.cpp} \ xercesc/util/ $ git apply xercesc/export-template-instantiations.patch Note that the patch is produced by the following command: $ git diff >xercesc/export-template-instantiations.patch Use some of the upstream's tests and examples for testing: $ ln -s ../../../upstream/samples/src/DOMPrint tests/dom-print/ $ ln -s ../../../upstream/samples/src/SAXPrint tests/sax-print/ $ ln -s ../../../upstream/samples/src/SAX2Print tests/sax2-print/ $ ln -s ../../../upstream/samples/src/PSVIWriter tests/psvi-writer/ We also patch the net accessor test, which by some reason exits with the zero status printing the diagnostics to stdout for some errors: $ cp ../upstream/tests/src/NetAccessorTest/NetAccessorTest.cpp \ tests/net-accessor/ $ git apply tests/net-accessor/handle-exception-as-error.patch Note that the patch is produced by the following command: $ git diff >tests/net-accessor/handle-exception-as-error.patch Create xercesc/{config.h,util/Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp} using as a base the upstream's,, and Re-creating xercesc/config.h from scratch every time we upgrade to a new upstream version would be a real pain. Instead we can only (un)define the newly introduced macros, comparing the already defined and currently used macro sets. Note that we can use this approach to also deduce the initial set of macros running the above commands for the upstream's auto-generated config.h: $ ln -s ../../upstream/ xercesc/ $ ln -s ../../../upstream/src/xercesc/util/ \ xercesc/util/ $ for m in `cat xercesc/ | \ sed -n 's/.*#\s*\(define\|cmakedefine\)\s\{1,\}\([_a-zA-Z0-9]\{1,\}\)\(\s.*\)\{0,1\}$/\2/p' | sort -u`; do if grep -q -e "\b$m\b" `find -L . -name '*.h' -a ! -name config.h -o -name '*.c' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.hpp' -a ! -name XercesVersion.hpp -a ! -name Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp`; then echo "$m" fi done >used-macros $ cat xercesc/config.h | \ sed -n 's/^#\s*\(define\|undef\)\s\{1,\}\([_a-z_A-Z0-9]\{1,\}\)\(\s.*\)\{0,1\}$/\2/p' | \ sort -u >defined-macros $ diff defined-macros used-macros | grep '<' >remove-macros $ diff defined-macros used-macros | grep '>' >add-macros We won't drop macro (un)definitions in Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp (see the header for details). Thus, just compare the new and old files during upgrade to detect the removed and added macro definitions. Luckily, the header is not that big.