path: root/libmysqlclient/mysql/strings/
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authorKaren Arutyunov <>2022-01-12 20:58:56 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <>2022-01-12 20:58:56 +0300
commitab06271eef2a9d595481c98cdad7e5219bf76067 (patch)
tree120feda86b6ab55270cae937341ba0e25dcdb877 /libmysqlclient/mysql/strings/
parentf2a79bcf0f3e7285509cc931ef48d2d001174087 (diff)
Release version 8.0.15+11v8.0.15+11
- Make sure all source files are UTF-8-encoded. - Minor accumulated cleanups.
Diffstat (limited to 'libmysqlclient/mysql/strings/')
1 files changed, 2482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libmysqlclient/mysql/strings/ b/libmysqlclient/mysql/strings/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05a8503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmysqlclient/mysql/strings/
@@ -0,0 +1,2482 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2004, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This program is also distributed with certain software (including
+ but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
+ as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
+ documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
+ permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
+ separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
+ Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file,
+ which is part of C Driver for MySQL (Connector/C), is also subject to the
+ Universal FOSS Exception, version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+ NOTE: this library implements SQL standard "exact numeric" type
+ and is not at all generic, but rather intentinally crippled to
+ follow the standard :)
+ Quoting the standard
+ (SQL:2003, Part 2 Foundations, aka ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003)
+4.4.2 Characteristics of numbers, page 27:
+ An exact numeric type has a precision P and a scale S. P is a positive
+ integer that determines the number of significant digits in a
+ particular radix R, where R is either 2 or 10. S is a non-negative
+ integer. Every value of an exact numeric type of scale S is of the
+ form n*10^{-S}, where n is an integer such that -R^P <= n <= R^P.
+ [...]
+ If an assignment of some number would result in a loss of its most
+ significant digit, an exception condition is raised. If least
+ significant digits are lost, implementation-defined rounding or
+ truncating occurs, with no exception condition being raised.
+ [...]
+ Whenever an exact or approximate numeric value is assigned to an exact
+ numeric value site, an approximation of its value that preserves
+ leading significant digits after rounding or truncating is represented
+ in the declared type of the target. The value is converted to have the
+ precision and scale of the target. The choice of whether to truncate
+ or round is implementation-defined.
+ [...]
+ All numeric values between the smallest and the largest value,
+ inclusive, in a given exact numeric type have an approximation
+ obtained by rounding or truncation for that type; it is
+ implementation-defined which other numeric values have such
+ approximations.
+5.3 <literal>, page 143
+ <exact numeric literal> ::=
+ <unsigned integer> [ <period> [ <unsigned integer> ] ]
+ | <period> <unsigned integer>
+6.1 <data type>, page 165:
+ 19) The <scale> of an <exact numeric type> shall not be greater than
+ the <precision> of the <exact numeric type>.
+ 20) For the <exact numeric type>s DECIMAL and NUMERIC:
+ a) The maximum value of <precision> is implementation-defined.
+ <precision> shall not be greater than this value.
+ b) The maximum value of <scale> is implementation-defined. <scale>
+ shall not be greater than this maximum value.
+ 21) NUMERIC specifies the data type exact numeric, with the decimal
+ precision and scale specified by the <precision> and <scale>.
+ 22) DECIMAL specifies the data type exact numeric, with the decimal
+ scale specified by the <scale> and the implementation-defined
+ decimal precision equal to or greater than the value of the
+ specified <precision>.
+6.26 <numeric value expression>, page 241:
+ 1) If the declared type of both operands of a dyadic arithmetic
+ operator is exact numeric, then the declared type of the result is
+ an implementation-defined exact numeric type, with precision and
+ scale determined as follows:
+ a) Let S1 and S2 be the scale of the first and second operands
+ respectively.
+ b) The precision of the result of addition and subtraction is
+ implementation-defined, and the scale is the maximum of S1 and S2.
+ c) The precision of the result of multiplication is
+ implementation-defined, and the scale is S1 + S2.
+ d) The precision and scale of the result of division are
+ implementation-defined.
+#include "decimal.h"
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "m_ctype.h"
+#include "m_string.h"
+#include "my_byteorder.h"
+#include "my_compiler.h"
+#include "my_dbug.h"
+#include "my_sys.h" /* for my_alloca */
+#include "myisampack.h"
+ Internally decimal numbers are stored base 10^9 (see DIG_BASE below)
+ So one variable of type decimal_digit_t is limited:
+ 0 < decimal_digit <= DIG_MAX < DIG_BASE
+ in the decimal_t:
+ intg is the number of *decimal* digits (NOT number of decimal_digit_t's !)
+ before the point
+ frac - number of decimal digits after the point
+ buf is an array of decimal_digit_t's
+ len is the length of buf (length of allocated space) in decimal_digit_t's,
+ not in bytes
+typedef decimal_digit_t dec1;
+typedef longlong dec2;
+#define DIG_PER_DEC1 9
+#define DIG_MASK 100000000
+#define DIG_BASE 1000000000
+#define DIG_MAX (DIG_BASE - 1)
+#define ROUND_UP(X) (((X) + DIG_PER_DEC1 - 1) / DIG_PER_DEC1)
+static const dec1 powers10[DIG_PER_DEC1 + 1] = {
+ 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000};
+static const int dig2bytes[DIG_PER_DEC1 + 1] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4};
+static const dec1 frac_max[DIG_PER_DEC1 - 1] = {900000000, 990000000, 999000000,
+ 999900000, 999990000, 999999000,
+ 999999900, 999999990};
+static inline dec1 div_by_pow10(dec1 x, int p) {
+ /*
+ GCC can optimize division by a constant to a multiplication and some
+ shifts, which is faster than dividing by a variable, even taking into
+ account the extra cost of the switch. It is also (empirically on a Skylake)
+ faster than storing the magic multiplier constants in a table and doing it
+ ourselves. However, since the code is much bigger, we only use this in
+ a few select places.
+ Note the use of unsigned, which is faster for this specific operation.
+ */
+ DBUG_ASSERT(x >= 0);
+ switch (p) {
+ case 0:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) / 1;
+ case 1:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) / 10;
+ case 2:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) / 100;
+ case 3:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) / 1000;
+ case 4:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) / 10000;
+ case 5:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) / 100000;
+ case 6:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) / 1000000;
+ case 7:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) / 10000000;
+ case 8:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) / 100000000;
+ default:
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return x / powers10[p];
+ }
+static inline dec1 mod_by_pow10(dec1 x, int p) {
+ // See div_by_pow10 for rationale.
+ DBUG_ASSERT(x >= 0);
+ switch (p) {
+ case 1:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) % 10;
+ case 2:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) % 100;
+ case 3:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) % 1000;
+ case 4:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) % 10000;
+ case 5:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) % 100000;
+ case 6:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) % 1000000;
+ case 7:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) % 10000000;
+ case 8:
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(x) % 100000000;
+ default:
+ DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+ return x % powers10[p];
+ }
+#define sanity(d) DBUG_ASSERT((d)->len > 0)
+#define FIX_INTG_FRAC_ERROR(len, intg1, frac1, error) \
+ do { \
+ if (unlikely(intg1 + frac1 > (len))) { \
+ if (unlikely(intg1 > (len))) { \
+ intg1 = (len); \
+ frac1 = 0; \
+ error = E_DEC_OVERFLOW; \
+ } else { \
+ frac1 = (len)-intg1; \
+ error = E_DEC_TRUNCATED; \
+ } \
+ } else \
+ error = E_DEC_OK; \
+ } while (0)
+#define ADD(to, from1, from2, carry) /* assume carry <= 1 */ \
+ do { \
+ dec1 a = (from1) + (from2) + (carry); \
+ DBUG_ASSERT((carry) <= 1); \
+ if (((carry) = a >= DIG_BASE)) /* no division here! */ \
+ a -= DIG_BASE; \
+ (to) = a; \
+ } while (0)
+#define ADD2(to, from1, from2, carry) \
+ do { \
+ dec2 a = ((dec2)(from1)) + (from2) + (carry); \
+ if (((carry) = a >= DIG_BASE)) a -= DIG_BASE; \
+ if (unlikely(a >= DIG_BASE)) { \
+ a -= DIG_BASE; \
+ carry++; \
+ } \
+ (to) = (dec1)a; \
+ } while (0)
+#define SUB(to, from1, from2, carry) /* to=from1-from2 */ \
+ do { \
+ dec1 a = (from1) - (from2) - (carry); \
+ if (((carry) = a < 0)) a += DIG_BASE; \
+ (to) = a; \
+ } while (0)
+#define SUB2(to, from1, from2, carry) /* to=from1-from2 */ \
+ do { \
+ dec1 a = (from1) - (from2) - (carry); \
+ if (((carry) = a < 0)) a += DIG_BASE; \
+ if (unlikely(a < 0)) { \
+ a += DIG_BASE; \
+ carry++; \
+ } \
+ (to) = a; \
+ } while (0)
+ALWAYS_INLINE static int decimal_bin_size_inline(int precision, int scale);
+ This is a direct loop unrolling of code that used to look like this:
+ for (; *buf_beg < powers10[i--]; start++) ;
+ @param i start index
+ @param val value to compare against list of powers of 10
+ @retval Number of leading zeroes that can be removed from fraction.
+ @note Why unroll? To get rid of lots of compiler warnings [-Warray-bounds]
+ Nice bonus: unrolled code is significantly faster.
+ */
+static inline int count_leading_zeroes(int i, dec1 val) {
+ int ret = 0;
+ switch (i) {
+ /* @note Intentional fallthrough in all case labels */
+ case 9:
+ if (val >= 1000000000) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 8:
+ if (val >= 100000000) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 7:
+ if (val >= 10000000) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 6:
+ if (val >= 1000000) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 5:
+ if (val >= 100000) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 4:
+ if (val >= 10000) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 3:
+ if (val >= 1000) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 2:
+ if (val >= 100) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 1:
+ if (val >= 10) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 0:
+ if (val >= 1) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ default: { DBUG_ASSERT(false); }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ This is a direct loop unrolling of code that used to look like this:
+ for (; *buf_end % powers10[i++] == 0; stop--) ;
+ @param i start index
+ @param val value to compare against list of powers of 10
+ @retval Number of trailing zeroes that can be removed from fraction.
+ @note Why unroll? To get rid of lots of compiler warnings [-Warray-bounds]
+ Nice bonus: unrolled code is significantly faster.
+ */
+static inline int count_trailing_zeroes(int i, dec1 val) {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(val >= 0);
+ uint32_t uval = val;
+ int ret = 0;
+ switch (i) {
+ /* @note Intentional fallthrough in all case labels */
+ case 0:
+ if ((uval % 1) != 0) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 1:
+ if ((uval % 10) != 0) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 2:
+ if ((uval % 100) != 0) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 3:
+ if ((uval % 1000) != 0) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 4:
+ if ((uval % 10000) != 0) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 5:
+ if ((uval % 100000) != 0) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 6:
+ if ((uval % 1000000) != 0) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 7:
+ if ((uval % 10000000) != 0) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 8:
+ if ((uval % 100000000) != 0) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ case 9:
+ if ((uval % 1000000000) != 0) break;
+ ++ret; // Fall through.
+ default: { DBUG_ASSERT(false); }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ Get maximum value for given precision and scale
+ max_decimal()
+ precision/scale - see decimal_bin_size() below
+ to - decimal where where the result will be stored
+ to->buf and to->len must be set.
+void max_decimal(int precision, int frac, decimal_t *to) {
+ int intpart;
+ dec1 *buf = to->buf;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(precision && precision >= frac);
+ to->sign = 0;
+ if ((intpart = to->intg = (precision - frac))) {
+ int firstdigits = intpart % DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ if (firstdigits) *buf++ = powers10[firstdigits] - 1; /* get 9 99 999 ... */
+ for (intpart /= DIG_PER_DEC1; intpart; intpart--) *buf++ = DIG_MAX;
+ }
+ if ((to->frac = frac)) {
+ int lastdigits = frac % DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ for (frac /= DIG_PER_DEC1; frac; frac--) *buf++ = DIG_MAX;
+ if (lastdigits) *buf = frac_max[lastdigits - 1];
+ }
+static inline dec1 *remove_leading_zeroes(const decimal_t *from,
+ int *intg_result) {
+ int intg = from->intg, i;
+ dec1 *buf0 = from->buf;
+ i = ((intg - 1) % DIG_PER_DEC1) + 1;
+ while (intg > 0 && *buf0 == 0) {
+ intg -= i;
+ i = DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ buf0++;
+ }
+ if (intg > 0) {
+ intg -= count_leading_zeroes((intg - 1) % DIG_PER_DEC1, *buf0);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(intg > 0);
+ } else
+ intg = 0;
+ *intg_result = intg;
+ return buf0;
+ Count actual length of fraction part (without ending zeroes)
+ decimal_actual_fraction()
+ from number for processing
+int decimal_actual_fraction(decimal_t *from) {
+ int frac = from->frac, i;
+ dec1 *buf0 = from->buf + ROUND_UP(from->intg) + ROUND_UP(frac) - 1;
+ if (frac == 0) return 0;
+ i = ((frac - 1) % DIG_PER_DEC1 + 1);
+ while (frac > 0 && *buf0 == 0) {
+ frac -= i;
+ i = DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ buf0--;
+ }
+ if (frac > 0) {
+ frac -= count_trailing_zeroes(DIG_PER_DEC1 - ((frac - 1) % DIG_PER_DEC1),
+ *buf0);
+ }
+ return frac;
+ Convert decimal to its printable string representation
+ decimal2string()
+ from - value to convert
+ to - points to buffer where string representation
+ should be stored
+ *to_len - in: size of to buffer (incl. terminating '\0')
+ out: length of the actually written string (excl. '\0')
+ fixed_precision - 0 if representation can be variable length and
+ fixed_decimals will not be checked in this case.
+ Put number as with fixed point position with this
+ number of digits (sign counted and decimal point is
+ counted)
+ fixed_decimals - number digits after point.
+ filler - character to fill gaps in case of fixed_precision > 0
+int decimal2string(const decimal_t *from, char *to, int *to_len,
+ int fixed_precision, int fixed_decimals, char filler) {
+ /* {intg_len, frac_len} output widths; {intg, frac} places in input */
+ int len, intg, frac = from->frac, i, intg_len, frac_len, fill;
+ /* number digits before decimal point */
+ int fixed_intg = (fixed_precision ? (fixed_precision - fixed_decimals) : 0);
+ int error = E_DEC_OK;
+ char *s = to;
+ dec1 *buf, *buf0 = from->buf, tmp;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(*to_len >= 2 + from->sign);
+ /* removing leading zeroes */
+ buf0 = remove_leading_zeroes(from, &intg);
+ if (unlikely(intg + frac == 0)) {
+ intg = 1;
+ tmp = 0;
+ buf0 = &tmp;
+ }
+ if (!(intg_len = fixed_precision ? fixed_intg : intg)) intg_len = 1;
+ frac_len = fixed_precision ? fixed_decimals : frac;
+ len = from->sign + intg_len + MY_TEST(frac) + frac_len;
+ if (fixed_precision) {
+ if (frac > fixed_decimals) {
+ error = E_DEC_TRUNCATED;
+ frac = fixed_decimals;
+ }
+ if (intg > fixed_intg) {
+ error = E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ intg = fixed_intg;
+ }
+ } else if (unlikely(len > --*to_len)) /* reserve one byte for \0 */
+ {
+ int j = len - *to_len; /* excess printable chars */
+ error = (frac && j <= frac + 1) ? E_DEC_TRUNCATED : E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ /*
+ If we need to cut more places than frac is wide, we'll end up
+ dropping the decimal point as well. Account for this.
+ */
+ if (frac && j >= frac + 1) j--;
+ if (j > frac) {
+ intg_len = intg -= j - frac;
+ frac = 0;
+ } else
+ frac -= j;
+ frac_len = frac;
+ len = from->sign + intg_len + MY_TEST(frac) + frac_len;
+ }
+ *to_len = len;
+ s[len] = 0;
+ if (from->sign) *s++ = '-';
+ if (frac) {
+ char *s1 = s + intg_len;
+ fill = frac_len - frac;
+ buf = buf0 + ROUND_UP(intg);
+ *s1++ = '.';
+ for (; frac > 0; frac -= DIG_PER_DEC1) {
+ dec1 x = *buf++;
+ for (i = MY_MIN(frac, DIG_PER_DEC1); i; i--) {
+ dec1 y = x / DIG_MASK;
+ *s1++ = '0' + (uchar)y;
+ x -= y * DIG_MASK;
+ x *= 10;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; fill > 0; fill--) *s1++ = filler;
+ }
+ fill = intg_len - intg;
+ if (intg == 0) fill--; /* symbol 0 before digital point */
+ for (; fill > 0; fill--) *s++ = filler;
+ if (intg) {
+ s += intg;
+ for (buf = buf0 + ROUND_UP(intg); intg > 0; intg -= DIG_PER_DEC1) {
+ dec1 x = *--buf;
+ for (i = MY_MIN(intg, DIG_PER_DEC1); i; i--) {
+ dec1 y = x / 10;
+ *--s = '0' + (uchar)(x - y * 10);
+ x = y;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ *s = '0';
+ return error;
+ Return bounds of decimal digits in the number
+ digits_bounds()
+ from - decimal number for processing
+ start_result - index (from 0 ) of first decimal digits will
+ be written by this address
+ end_result - index of position just after last decimal digit
+ be written by this address
+static void digits_bounds(decimal_t *from, int *start_result, int *end_result) {
+ int start, stop, i;
+ dec1 *buf_beg = from->buf;
+ dec1 *end = from->buf + ROUND_UP(from->intg) + ROUND_UP(from->frac);
+ dec1 *buf_end = end - 1;
+ /* find non-zero digit from number begining */
+ while (buf_beg < end && *buf_beg == 0) buf_beg++;
+ if (buf_beg >= end) {
+ /* it is zero */
+ *start_result = *end_result = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* find non-zero decimal digit from number begining */
+ if (buf_beg == from->buf && from->intg) {
+ start = DIG_PER_DEC1 - (i = ((from->intg - 1) % DIG_PER_DEC1 + 1));
+ i--;
+ } else {
+ i = DIG_PER_DEC1 - 1;
+ start = (int)((buf_beg - from->buf) * DIG_PER_DEC1);
+ }
+ if (buf_beg < end) start += count_leading_zeroes(i, *buf_beg);
+ *start_result = start; /* index of first decimal digit (from 0) */
+ /* find non-zero digit at the end */
+ while (buf_end > buf_beg && *buf_end == 0) buf_end--;
+ /* find non-zero decimal digit from the end */
+ if (buf_end == end - 1 && from->frac) {
+ stop = (int)(((buf_end - from->buf) * DIG_PER_DEC1 +
+ (i = ((from->frac - 1) % DIG_PER_DEC1 + 1))));
+ i = DIG_PER_DEC1 - i + 1;
+ } else {
+ stop = (int)((buf_end - from->buf + 1) * DIG_PER_DEC1);
+ i = 1;
+ }
+ stop -= count_trailing_zeroes(i, *buf_end);
+ *end_result = stop; /* index of position after last decimal digit (from 0) */
+ Left shift for alignment of data in buffer
+ do_mini_left_shift()
+ dec pointer to decimal number which have to be shifted
+ shift number of decimal digits on which it should be shifted
+ beg/end bounds of decimal digits (see digits_bounds())
+ Result fitting in the buffer should be garanted.
+ 'shift' have to be from 1 to DIG_PER_DEC1-1 (inclusive)
+static void do_mini_left_shift(decimal_t *dec, int shift, int beg, int last) {
+ dec1 *from = dec->buf + ROUND_UP(beg + 1) - 1;
+ dec1 *end = dec->buf + ROUND_UP(last) - 1;
+ int c_shift = DIG_PER_DEC1 - shift;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(from >= dec->buf);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(end < dec->buf + dec->len);
+ if (beg % DIG_PER_DEC1 < shift) *(from - 1) = (*from) / powers10[c_shift];
+ for (; from < end; from++)
+ *from = ((*from % powers10[c_shift]) * powers10[shift] +
+ (*(from + 1)) / powers10[c_shift]);
+ *from = (*from % powers10[c_shift]) * powers10[shift];
+ Right shift for alignment of data in buffer
+ do_mini_left_shift()
+ dec pointer to decimal number which have to be shifted
+ shift number of decimal digits on which it should be shifted
+ beg/end bounds of decimal digits (see digits_bounds())
+ Result fitting in the buffer should be garanted.
+ 'shift' have to be from 1 to DIG_PER_DEC1-1 (inclusive)
+static void do_mini_right_shift(decimal_t *dec, int shift, int beg, int last) {
+ dec1 *from = dec->buf + ROUND_UP(last) - 1;
+ dec1 *end = dec->buf + ROUND_UP(beg + 1) - 1;
+ int c_shift = DIG_PER_DEC1 - shift;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(from < dec->buf + dec->len);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(end >= dec->buf);
+ if (DIG_PER_DEC1 - ((last - 1) % DIG_PER_DEC1 + 1) < shift)
+ *(from + 1) = (*from % powers10[shift]) * powers10[c_shift];
+ for (; from > end; from--)
+ *from = (*from / powers10[shift] +
+ (*(from - 1) % powers10[shift]) * powers10[c_shift]);
+ *from = *from / powers10[shift];
+ Shift of decimal digits in given number (with rounding if it need)
+ decimal_shift()
+ dec number to be shifted
+ shift number of decimal positions
+ shift > 0 means shift to left shift
+ shift < 0 meand right shift
+ In fact it is multipling on 10^shift.
+ E_DEC_OVERFLOW operation lead to overflow, number is untoched
+ E_DEC_TRUNCATED number was rounded to fit into buffer
+int decimal_shift(decimal_t *dec, int shift) {
+ /* index of first non zero digit (all indexes from 0) */
+ int beg;
+ /* index of position after last decimal digit */
+ int end;
+ /* index of digit position just after point */
+ int point = ROUND_UP(dec->intg) * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ /* new point position */
+ int new_point = point + shift;
+ /* number of digits in result */
+ int digits_int, digits_frac;
+ /* length of result and new fraction in big digits*/
+ int new_len, new_frac_len;
+ /* return code */
+ int err = E_DEC_OK;
+ int new_front;
+ if (shift == 0) return E_DEC_OK;
+ digits_bounds(dec, &beg, &end);
+ if (beg == end) {
+ decimal_make_zero(dec);
+ return E_DEC_OK;
+ }
+ digits_int = new_point - beg;
+ set_if_bigger(digits_int, 0);
+ digits_frac = end - new_point;
+ set_if_bigger(digits_frac, 0);
+ if ((new_len = ROUND_UP(digits_int) +
+ (new_frac_len = ROUND_UP(digits_frac))) > dec->len) {
+ int lack = new_len - dec->len;
+ int diff;
+ if (new_frac_len < lack)
+ return E_DEC_OVERFLOW; /* lack more then we have in fraction */
+ /* cat off fraction part to allow new number to fit in our buffer */
+ new_frac_len -= lack;
+ diff = digits_frac - (new_frac_len * DIG_PER_DEC1);
+ /* Make rounding method as parameter? */
+ decimal_round(dec, dec, end - point - diff, HALF_UP);
+ end -= diff;
+ digits_frac = new_frac_len * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ if (end <= beg) {
+ /*
+ we lost all digits (they will be shifted out of buffer), so we can
+ just return 0
+ */
+ decimal_make_zero(dec);
+ }
+ }
+ if (shift % DIG_PER_DEC1) {
+ int l_mini_shift, r_mini_shift, mini_shift;
+ int do_left;
+ /*
+ Calculate left/right shift to align decimal digits inside our bug
+ digits correctly
+ */
+ if (shift > 0) {
+ l_mini_shift = shift % DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ r_mini_shift = DIG_PER_DEC1 - l_mini_shift;
+ /*
+ It is left shift so prefer left shift, but if we have not place from
+ left, we have to have it from right, because we checked length of
+ result
+ */
+ do_left = l_mini_shift <= beg;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(do_left || (dec->len * DIG_PER_DEC1 - end) >= r_mini_shift);
+ } else {
+ r_mini_shift = (-shift) % DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ l_mini_shift = DIG_PER_DEC1 - r_mini_shift;
+ /* see comment above */
+ do_left = !((dec->len * DIG_PER_DEC1 - end) >= r_mini_shift);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(!do_left || l_mini_shift <= beg);
+ }
+ if (do_left) {
+ do_mini_left_shift(dec, l_mini_shift, beg, end);
+ mini_shift = -l_mini_shift;
+ } else {
+ do_mini_right_shift(dec, r_mini_shift, beg, end);
+ mini_shift = r_mini_shift;
+ }
+ new_point += mini_shift;
+ /*
+ If number is shifted and correctly aligned in buffer we can
+ finish
+ */
+ if (!(shift += mini_shift) && (new_point - digits_int) < DIG_PER_DEC1) {
+ dec->intg = digits_int;
+ dec->frac = digits_frac;
+ return err; /* already shifted as it should be */
+ }
+ beg += mini_shift;
+ end += mini_shift;
+ }
+ /* if new 'decimal front' is in first digit, we do not need move digits */
+ if ((new_front = (new_point - digits_int)) >= DIG_PER_DEC1 || new_front < 0) {
+ /* need to move digits */
+ int d_shift;
+ dec1 *to, *barier;
+ if (new_front > 0) {
+ /* move left */
+ d_shift = new_front / DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ to = dec->buf + (ROUND_UP(beg + 1) - 1 - d_shift);
+ barier = dec->buf + (ROUND_UP(end) - 1 - d_shift);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(to >= dec->buf);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(barier + d_shift < dec->buf + dec->len);
+ for (; to <= barier; to++) *to = *(to + d_shift);
+ for (barier += d_shift; to <= barier; to++) *to = 0;
+ d_shift = -d_shift;
+ } else {
+ /* move right */
+ d_shift = (1 - new_front) / DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ to = dec->buf + ROUND_UP(end) - 1 + d_shift;
+ barier = dec->buf + ROUND_UP(beg + 1) - 1 + d_shift;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(to < dec->buf + dec->len);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(barier - d_shift >= dec->buf);
+ for (; to >= barier; to--) *to = *(to - d_shift);
+ for (barier -= d_shift; to >= barier; to--) *to = 0;
+ }
+ d_shift *= DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ beg += d_shift;
+ end += d_shift;
+ new_point += d_shift;
+ }
+ /*
+ If there are gaps then fill ren with 0.
+ Only one of following 'for' loops will work becouse beg <= end
+ */
+ beg = ROUND_UP(beg + 1) - 1;
+ end = ROUND_UP(end) - 1;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(new_point >= 0);
+ /* We don't want negative new_point below */
+ if (new_point != 0) new_point = ROUND_UP(new_point) - 1;
+ if (new_point > end) {
+ do {
+ dec->buf[new_point] = 0;
+ } while (--new_point > end);
+ } else {
+ for (; new_point < beg; new_point++) dec->buf[new_point] = 0;
+ }
+ dec->intg = digits_int;
+ dec->frac = digits_frac;
+ return err;
+ Convert string to decimal
+ string2decimal()
+ from - value to convert. Doesn't have to be \0 terminated!
+ to - decimal where where the result will be stored
+ to->buf and to->len must be set.
+ end - Pointer to pointer to end of string. Will on return be
+ set to the char after the last used character
+ In case of E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR *to is set to decimal zero
+ (to make error handling easier)
+int string2decimal(const char *from, decimal_t *to, char **end) {
+ const char *s = from, *s1, *endp, *end_of_string = *end;
+ int i, intg, frac, error, intg1, frac1;
+ dec1 x, *buf;
+ sanity(to);
+ error = E_DEC_BAD_NUM; /* In case of bad number */
+ while (s < end_of_string && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *s)) s++;
+ if (s == end_of_string) goto fatal_error;
+ if ((to->sign = (*s == '-')))
+ s++;
+ else if (*s == '+')
+ s++;
+ s1 = s;
+ while (s < end_of_string && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *s)) s++;
+ intg = (int)(s - s1);
+ if (s < end_of_string && *s == '.') {
+ endp = s + 1;
+ while (endp < end_of_string && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *endp))
+ endp++;
+ frac = (int)(endp - s - 1);
+ } else {
+ frac = 0;
+ endp = s;
+ }
+ *end = (char *)endp;
+ if (frac + intg == 0) goto fatal_error;
+ error = 0;
+ intg1 = ROUND_UP(intg);
+ frac1 = ROUND_UP(frac);
+ FIX_INTG_FRAC_ERROR(to->len, intg1, frac1, error);
+ if (unlikely(error)) {
+ frac = frac1 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ if (error == E_DEC_OVERFLOW) intg = intg1 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ }
+ /* Error is guranteed to be set here */
+ to->intg = intg;
+ to->frac = frac;
+ buf = to->buf + intg1;
+ s1 = s;
+ for (x = 0, i = 0; intg; intg--) {
+ x += (*--s - '0') * powers10[i];
+ if (unlikely(++i == DIG_PER_DEC1)) {
+ *--buf = x;
+ x = 0;
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i) *--buf = x;
+ buf = to->buf + intg1;
+ for (x = 0, i = 0; frac; frac--) {
+ x = (*++s1 - '0') + x * 10;
+ if (unlikely(++i == DIG_PER_DEC1)) {
+ *buf++ = x;
+ x = 0;
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i) *buf = x * powers10[DIG_PER_DEC1 - i];
+ /* Handle exponent */
+ if (endp + 1 < end_of_string && (*endp == 'e' || *endp == 'E')) {
+ int str_error;
+ longlong exponent =
+ my_strtoll10(endp + 1, (char **)&end_of_string, &str_error);
+ if (end_of_string != endp + 1) /* If at least one digit */
+ {
+ *end = (char *)end_of_string;
+ if (str_error > 0) {
+ error = E_DEC_BAD_NUM;
+ goto fatal_error;
+ }
+ if (exponent > INT_MAX / 2 || (str_error == 0 && exponent < 0)) {
+ error = E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ goto fatal_error;
+ }
+ if (exponent < INT_MIN / 2 && error != E_DEC_OVERFLOW) {
+ error = E_DEC_TRUNCATED;
+ goto fatal_error;
+ }
+ if (error != E_DEC_OVERFLOW) error = decimal_shift(to, (int)exponent);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Avoid returning negative zero, cfr. decimal_cmp() */
+ if (to->sign && decimal_is_zero(to)) to->sign = false;
+ return error;
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
+ return error;
+ Convert decimal to double
+ decimal2double()
+ from - value to convert
+ to - result will be stored there
+int decimal2double(const decimal_t *from, double *to) {
+ char strbuf[FLOATING_POINT_BUFFER], *end;
+ int len = sizeof(strbuf);
+ int rc, error;
+ rc = decimal2string(from, strbuf, &len, 0, 0, 0);
+ end = strbuf + len;
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("interm.: %s", strbuf));
+ *to = my_strtod(strbuf, &end, &error);
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("result: %f", *to));
+ return (rc != E_DEC_OK) ? rc : (error ? E_DEC_OVERFLOW : E_DEC_OK);
+ Convert double to decimal
+ double2decimal()
+ from - value to convert
+ to - result will be stored there
+int double2decimal(double from, decimal_t *to) {
+ char buff[FLOATING_POINT_BUFFER], *end;
+ int res;
+ DBUG_ENTER("double2decimal");
+ end = buff +
+ my_gcvt(from, MY_GCVT_ARG_DOUBLE, (int)sizeof(buff) - 1, buff, NULL);
+ res = string2decimal(buff, to, &end);
+ DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("res: %d", res));
+static int ull2dec(ulonglong from, decimal_t *to) {
+ int intg1;
+ int error = E_DEC_OK;
+ ulonglong x = from;
+ dec1 *buf;
+ sanity(to);
+ if (from == 0)
+ intg1 = 1;
+ else {
+ /* Count the number of decimal_digit_t's we need. */
+ for (intg1 = 0; from != 0; intg1++, from /= DIG_BASE)
+ ;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(intg1 > to->len)) {
+ intg1 = to->len;
+ error = E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ }
+ to->frac = 0;
+ to->intg = intg1 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ for (buf = to->buf + intg1; intg1; intg1--) {
+ ulonglong y = x / DIG_BASE;
+ *--buf = (dec1)(x - y * DIG_BASE);
+ x = y;
+ }
+ return error;
+int ulonglong2decimal(ulonglong from, decimal_t *to) {
+ to->sign = 0;
+ return ull2dec(from, to);
+int longlong2decimal(longlong from, decimal_t *to) {
+ if ((to->sign = from < 0))
+ return ull2dec(from == LLONG_MIN ? static_cast<ulonglong>(from) : -from,
+ to);
+ return ull2dec(from, to);
+int decimal2ulonglong(decimal_t *from, ulonglong *to) {
+ dec1 *buf = from->buf;
+ ulonglong x = 0;
+ int intg, frac;
+ if (from->sign) {
+ *to = 0ULL;
+ return E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ }
+ for (intg = from->intg; intg > 0; intg -= DIG_PER_DEC1) {
+ ulonglong y = x;
+ x = x * DIG_BASE + *buf++;
+ if (unlikely(y > ((ulonglong)ULLONG_MAX / DIG_BASE) || x < y)) {
+ *to = ULLONG_MAX;
+ return E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ }
+ }
+ *to = x;
+ for (frac = from->frac; unlikely(frac > 0); frac -= DIG_PER_DEC1)
+ if (*buf++) return E_DEC_TRUNCATED;
+ return E_DEC_OK;
+int decimal2longlong(decimal_t *from, longlong *to) {
+ dec1 *buf = from->buf;
+ longlong x = 0;
+ int intg, frac;
+ for (intg = from->intg; intg > 0; intg -= DIG_PER_DEC1) {
+ /*
+ Attention: trick!
+ we're calculating -|from| instead of |from| here
+ because |LLONG_MIN| > LLONG_MAX
+ so we can convert -9223372036854775808 correctly
+ */
+ if (unlikely(x < (LLONG_MIN / DIG_BASE))) {
+ /*
+ the decimal is bigger than any possible integer
+ return border integer depending on the sign
+ */
+ *to = from->sign ? LLONG_MIN : LLONG_MAX;
+ return E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ }
+ x = x * DIG_BASE;
+ const longlong digit = *buf++;
+ if (unlikely(x < LLONG_MIN + digit)) {
+ /*
+ the decimal is bigger than any possible integer
+ return border integer depending on the sign
+ */
+ *to = from->sign ? LLONG_MIN : LLONG_MAX;
+ return E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ }
+ x = x - digit;
+ }
+ /* boundary case: 9223372036854775808 */
+ if (unlikely(from->sign == 0 && x == LLONG_MIN)) {
+ *to = LLONG_MAX;
+ return E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ }
+ *to = from->sign ? x : -x;
+ for (frac = from->frac; unlikely(frac > 0); frac -= DIG_PER_DEC1)
+ if (*buf++) return E_DEC_TRUNCATED;
+ return E_DEC_OK;
+#define LLDIV_MIN -1000000000000000000LL
+#define LLDIV_MAX 1000000000000000000LL
+ Convert decimal value to lldiv_t value.
+ @param from The decimal value to convert from.
+ @param [out] to The lldiv_t variable to convert to.
+ @return 0 on success, error code on error.
+int decimal2lldiv_t(const decimal_t *from, lldiv_t *to) {
+ int int_part = ROUND_UP(from->intg);
+ int frac_part = ROUND_UP(from->frac);
+ if (int_part > 2) {
+ to->rem = 0;
+ to->quot = from->sign ? LLDIV_MIN : LLDIV_MAX;
+ return E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ }
+ if (int_part == 2)
+ to->quot = ((longlong)from->buf[0]) * DIG_BASE + from->buf[1];
+ else if (int_part == 1)
+ to->quot = from->buf[0];
+ else
+ to->quot = 0;
+ to->rem = frac_part ? from->buf[int_part] : 0;
+ if (from->sign) {
+ to->quot = -to->quot;
+ to->rem = -to->rem;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Convert double value to lldiv_t valie.
+ @param nr The double value to convert from.
+ @param [out] lld The lldit_t variable to convert to.
+ @return 0 on success, error code on error.
+ Integer part goes into lld.quot.
+ Fractional part multiplied to 1000000000 (10^9) goes to lld.rem.
+ Typically used in datetime calculations to split seconds
+ and nanoseconds.
+int double2lldiv_t(double nr, lldiv_t *lld) {
+ if (nr > LLDIV_MAX) {
+ lld->quot = LLDIV_MAX;
+ lld->rem = 0;
+ return E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ } else if (nr < LLDIV_MIN) {
+ lld->quot = LLDIV_MIN;
+ lld->rem = 0;
+ return E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ }
+ /* Truncate fractional part toward zero and store into "quot" */
+ lld->quot = (longlong)(nr > 0 ? floor(nr) : ceil(nr));
+ /* Multiply reminder to 10^9 and store into "rem" */
+ lld->rem = (longlong)rint((nr - (double)lld->quot) * 1000000000);
+ /*
+ Sometimes the expression "(double) 0.999999999xxx * (double) 10e9"
+ gives 1,000,000,000 instead of 999,999,999 due to lack of double precision.
+ The callers do not expect lld->rem to be greater than 999,999,999.
+ Let's catch this corner case and put the "nanounit" (e.g. nanosecond)
+ value in ldd->rem back into the valid range.
+ */
+ if (lld->rem > 999999999LL)
+ lld->rem = 999999999LL;
+ else if (lld->rem < -999999999LL)
+ lld->rem = -999999999LL;
+ return E_DEC_OK;
+ Convert decimal to its binary fixed-length representation
+ two representations of the same length can be compared with memcmp
+ with the correct -1/0/+1 result
+ decimal2bin()
+ from - value to convert
+ to - points to buffer where string representation should be stored
+ precision/scale - see decimal_bin_size() below
+ the buffer is assumed to be of the size decimal_bin_size(precision, scale)
+ for storage decimal numbers are converted to the "binary" format.
+ This format has the following properties:
+ 1. length of the binary representation depends on the {precision, scale}
+ as provided by the caller and NOT on the intg/frac of the decimal to
+ convert.
+ 2. binary representations of the same {precision, scale} can be compared
+ with memcmp - with the same result as decimal_cmp() of the original
+ decimals (not taking into account possible precision loss during
+ conversion).
+ This binary format is as follows:
+ 1. First the number is converted to have a requested precision and scale.
+ 2. Every full DIG_PER_DEC1 digits of intg part are stored in 4 bytes
+ as is
+ 3. The first intg % DIG_PER_DEC1 digits are stored in the reduced
+ number of bytes (enough bytes to store this number of digits -
+ see dig2bytes)
+ 4. same for frac - full decimal_digit_t's are stored as is,
+ the last frac % DIG_PER_DEC1 digits - in the reduced number of bytes.
+ 5. If the number is negative - every byte is inversed.
+ 5. The very first bit of the resulting byte array is inverted (because
+ memcmp compares unsigned bytes, see property 2 above)
+ Example:
+ 1234567890.1234
+ internally is represented as 3 decimal_digit_t's
+ 1 234567890 123400000
+ (assuming we want a binary representation with precision=14, scale=4)
+ in hex it's
+ 00-00-00-01 0D-FB-38-D2 07-5A-EF-40
+ now, middle decimal_digit_t is full - it stores 9 decimal digits. It goes
+ into binary representation as is:
+ ........... 0D-FB-38-D2 ............
+ First decimal_digit_t has only one decimal digit. We can store one digit in
+ one byte, no need to waste four:
+ 01 0D-FB-38-D2 ............
+ now, last digit. It's 123400000. We can store 1234 in two bytes:
+ 01 0D-FB-38-D2 04-D2
+ So, we've packed 12 bytes number in 7 bytes.
+ And now we invert the highest bit to get the final result:
+ 81 0D FB 38 D2 04 D2
+ And for -1234567890.1234 it would be
+ 7E F2 04 C7 2D FB 2D
+int decimal2bin(decimal_t *from, uchar *to, int precision, int frac) {
+ dec1 mask = from->sign ? -1 : 0, *buf1 = from->buf, *stop1;
+ int error = E_DEC_OK, intg = precision - frac, isize1, intg1, intg1x,
+ from_intg, intg0 = intg / DIG_PER_DEC1, frac0 = frac / DIG_PER_DEC1,
+ intg0x = intg - intg0 * DIG_PER_DEC1,
+ frac0x = frac - frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1, frac1 = from->frac / DIG_PER_DEC1,
+ frac1x = from->frac - frac1 * DIG_PER_DEC1,
+ isize0 = intg0 * sizeof(dec1) + dig2bytes[intg0x],
+ fsize0 = frac0 * sizeof(dec1) + dig2bytes[frac0x],
+ fsize1 = frac1 * sizeof(dec1) + dig2bytes[frac1x];
+ const int orig_isize0 = isize0;
+ const int orig_fsize0 = fsize0;
+ uchar *orig_to = to;
+ buf1 = remove_leading_zeroes(from, &from_intg);
+ if (unlikely(from_intg + fsize1 == 0)) {
+ mask = 0; /* just in case */
+ intg = 1;
+ buf1 = &mask;
+ }
+ intg1 = from_intg / DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ intg1x = from_intg - intg1 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ isize1 = intg1 * sizeof(dec1) + dig2bytes[intg1x];
+ if (intg < from_intg) {
+ buf1 += intg1 - intg0 + (intg1x > 0) - (intg0x > 0);
+ intg1 = intg0;
+ intg1x = intg0x;
+ error = E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ } else if (isize0 > isize1) {
+ while (isize0-- > isize1) *to++ = (char)mask;
+ }
+ if (fsize0 < fsize1) {
+ frac1 = frac0;
+ frac1x = frac0x;
+ error = E_DEC_TRUNCATED;
+ } else if (fsize0 > fsize1 && frac1x) {
+ if (frac0 == frac1) {
+ frac1x = frac0x;
+ fsize0 = fsize1;
+ } else {
+ frac1++;
+ frac1x = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* intg1x part */
+ if (intg1x) {
+ int i = dig2bytes[intg1x];
+ dec1 x = mod_by_pow10(*buf1++, intg1x) ^ mask;
+ switch (i) {
+ case 1:
+ mi_int1store(to, x);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ mi_int2store(to, x);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ mi_int3store(to, x);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ mi_int4store(to, x);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ to += i;
+ }
+ /* intg1+frac1 part */
+ for (stop1 = buf1 + intg1 + frac1; buf1 < stop1; to += sizeof(dec1)) {
+ dec1 x = *buf1++ ^ mask;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(sizeof(dec1) == 4);
+ mi_int4store(to, x);
+ }
+ /* frac1x part */
+ if (frac1x) {
+ dec1 x;
+ int i = dig2bytes[frac1x], lim = (frac1 < frac0 ? DIG_PER_DEC1 : frac0x);
+ while (frac1x < lim && dig2bytes[frac1x] == i) frac1x++;
+ x = div_by_pow10(*buf1, DIG_PER_DEC1 - frac1x) ^ mask;
+ switch (i) {
+ case 1:
+ mi_int1store(to, x);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ mi_int2store(to, x);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ mi_int3store(to, x);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ mi_int4store(to, x);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ to += i;
+ }
+ if (fsize0 > fsize1) {
+ uchar *to_end = orig_to + orig_fsize0 + orig_isize0;
+ while (fsize0-- > fsize1 && to < to_end) *to++ = (uchar)mask;
+ }
+ orig_to[0] ^= 0x80;
+ /* Check that we have written the whole decimal and nothing more */
+ DBUG_ASSERT(to == orig_to + orig_fsize0 + orig_isize0);
+ return error;
+ Restores decimal from its binary fixed-length representation
+ bin2decimal()
+ from - value to convert
+ to - result
+ precision/scale - see decimal_bin_size() below
+ see decimal2bin()
+ the buffer is assumed to be of the size decimal_bin_size(precision, scale)
+int bin2decimal(const uchar *from, decimal_t *to, int precision, int scale) {
+ int error = E_DEC_OK, intg = precision - scale, intg0 = intg / DIG_PER_DEC1,
+ frac0 = scale / DIG_PER_DEC1, intg0x = intg - intg0 * DIG_PER_DEC1,
+ frac0x = scale - frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1, intg1 = intg0 + (intg0x > 0),
+ frac1 = frac0 + (frac0x > 0);
+ dec1 *buf = to->buf, mask = (*from & 0x80) ? 0 : -1;
+ const uchar *stop;
+ uchar *d_copy;
+ int bin_size = decimal_bin_size_inline(precision, scale);
+ sanity(to);
+ d_copy = (uchar *)my_alloca(bin_size);
+ memcpy(d_copy, from, bin_size);
+ d_copy[0] ^= 0x80;
+ from = d_copy;
+ FIX_INTG_FRAC_ERROR(to->len, intg1, frac1, error);
+ if (unlikely(error)) {
+ if (intg1 < intg0 + (intg0x > 0)) {
+ from += dig2bytes[intg0x] + sizeof(dec1) * (intg0 - intg1);
+ frac0 = frac0x = intg0x = 0;
+ intg0 = intg1;
+ } else {
+ frac0x = 0;
+ frac0 = frac1;
+ }
+ }
+ to->sign = (mask != 0);
+ to->intg = intg0 * DIG_PER_DEC1 + intg0x;
+ to->frac = frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1 + frac0x;
+ if (intg0x) {
+ int i = dig2bytes[intg0x];
+ dec1 x = 0;
+ switch (i) {
+ case 1:
+ x = mi_sint1korr(from);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ x = mi_sint2korr(from);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ x = mi_sint3korr(from);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ x = mi_sint4korr(from);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ from += i;
+ *buf = x ^ mask;
+ if (((ulonglong)*buf) >= (ulonglong)powers10[intg0x + 1]) goto err;
+ if (buf > to->buf || *buf != 0)
+ buf++;
+ else
+ to->intg -= intg0x;
+ }
+ for (stop = from + intg0 * sizeof(dec1); from < stop; from += sizeof(dec1)) {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(sizeof(dec1) == 4);
+ *buf = mi_sint4korr(from) ^ mask;
+ if (((uint32)*buf) > DIG_MAX) goto err;
+ if (buf > to->buf || *buf != 0)
+ buf++;
+ else
+ to->intg -= DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ }
+ DBUG_ASSERT(to->intg >= 0);
+ for (stop = from + frac0 * sizeof(dec1); from < stop; from += sizeof(dec1)) {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(sizeof(dec1) == 4);
+ *buf = mi_sint4korr(from) ^ mask;
+ if (((uint32)*buf) > DIG_MAX) goto err;
+ buf++;
+ }
+ if (frac0x) {
+ int i = dig2bytes[frac0x];
+ dec1 x = 0;
+ switch (i) {
+ case 1:
+ x = mi_sint1korr(from);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ x = mi_sint2korr(from);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ x = mi_sint3korr(from);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ x = mi_sint4korr(from);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ *buf = (x ^ mask) * powers10[DIG_PER_DEC1 - frac0x];
+ if (((uint32)*buf) > DIG_MAX) goto err;
+ buf++;
+ }
+ /*
+ No digits? We have read the number zero, of unspecified precision.
+ Make it a proper zero, with non-zero precision.
+ */
+ if (to->intg == 0 && to->frac == 0) decimal_make_zero(to);
+ return error;
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
+ return (E_DEC_BAD_NUM);
+ Returns the size of array to hold a decimal with given precision and scale
+ size in dec1
+ (multiply by sizeof(dec1) to get the size if bytes)
+int decimal_size(int precision, int scale) {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(scale >= 0 && precision > 0 && scale <= precision);
+ return ROUND_UP(precision - scale) + ROUND_UP(scale);
+ Returns the size of array to hold a binary representation of a decimal
+ size in bytes
+ALWAYS_INLINE static int decimal_bin_size_inline(int precision, int scale) {
+ int intg = precision - scale, intg0 = intg / DIG_PER_DEC1,
+ frac0 = scale / DIG_PER_DEC1, intg0x = intg - intg0 * DIG_PER_DEC1,
+ frac0x = scale - frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(scale >= 0 && precision > 0 && scale <= precision);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(intg0x >= 0);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(intg0x <= DIG_PER_DEC1);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(frac0x >= 0);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(frac0x <= DIG_PER_DEC1);
+ return intg0 * sizeof(dec1) + dig2bytes[intg0x] + frac0 * sizeof(dec1) +
+ dig2bytes[frac0x];
+int decimal_bin_size(int precision, int scale) {
+ return decimal_bin_size_inline(precision, scale);
+ Rounds the decimal to "scale" digits
+ decimal_round()
+ from - decimal to round,
+ to - result buffer. from==to is allowed
+ scale - to what position to round. can be negative!
+ mode - round to nearest even or truncate
+ scale can be negative !
+ one TRUNCATED error (line XXX below) isn't treated very logical :(
+int decimal_round(const decimal_t *from, decimal_t *to, int scale,
+ decimal_round_mode mode) {
+ int frac0 = scale > 0 ? ROUND_UP(scale) : (scale + 1) / DIG_PER_DEC1,
+ frac1 = ROUND_UP(from->frac), round_digit = 0,
+ intg0 = ROUND_UP(from->intg), error = E_DEC_OK, len = to->len;
+ dec1 *buf0 = from->buf, *buf1 = to->buf, x, y, carry = 0;
+ int first_dig;
+ sanity(to);
+ switch (mode) {
+ case HALF_UP:
+ case HALF_EVEN:
+ round_digit = 5;
+ break;
+ case CEILING:
+ round_digit = from->sign ? 10 : 0;
+ break;
+ case FLOOR:
+ round_digit = from->sign ? 0 : 10;
+ break;
+ case TRUNCATE:
+ round_digit = 10;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ /*
+ For my_decimal we always use len == DECIMAL_BUFF_LENGTH == 9
+ For internal testing here (ifdef MAIN) we always use len == 100/4
+ */
+ DBUG_ASSERT(from->len == to->len);
+ if (unlikely(frac0 + intg0 > len)) {
+ frac0 = len - intg0;
+ scale = frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ error = E_DEC_TRUNCATED;
+ }
+ if (scale + from->intg < 0) {
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
+ return E_DEC_OK;
+ }
+ if (to != from) {
+ dec1 *p0 = buf0 + intg0 + MY_MAX(frac1, frac0);
+ dec1 *p1 = buf1 + intg0 + MY_MAX(frac1, frac0);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(p0 - buf0 <= len);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(p1 - buf1 <= len);
+ while (buf0 < p0) *(--p1) = *(--p0);
+ buf0 = to->buf;
+ buf1 = to->buf;
+ to->sign = from->sign;
+ to->intg = MY_MIN(intg0, len) * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ }
+ if (frac0 > frac1) {
+ buf1 += intg0 + frac1;
+ while (frac0-- > frac1) *buf1++ = 0;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (scale >= from->frac) goto done; /* nothing to do */
+ buf0 += intg0 + frac0 - 1;
+ buf1 += intg0 + frac0 - 1;
+ if (scale == frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1) {
+ int do_inc = false;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(frac0 + intg0 >= 0);
+ switch (round_digit) {
+ case 0: {
+ dec1 *p0 = buf0 + (frac1 - frac0);
+ for (; p0 > buf0; p0--) {
+ if (*p0) {
+ do_inc = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5: {
+ x = buf0[1] / DIG_MASK;
+ do_inc =
+ (x > 5) ||
+ ((x == 5) && (mode == HALF_UP || (frac0 + intg0 > 0 && *buf0 & 1)));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (do_inc) {
+ if (frac0 + intg0 > 0)
+ (*buf1)++;
+ else
+ *(++buf1) = DIG_BASE;
+ } else if (frac0 + intg0 == 0) {
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
+ return E_DEC_OK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* TODO - fix this code as it won't work for CEILING mode */
+ int pos = frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1 - scale - 1;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(frac0 + intg0 > 0);
+ x = *buf1 / powers10[pos];
+ y = x % 10;
+ if (y > round_digit ||
+ (round_digit == 5 && y == 5 && (mode == HALF_UP || (x / 10) & 1)))
+ x += 10;
+ *buf1 = powers10[pos] * (x - y);
+ }
+ /*
+ In case we're rounding e.g. 1.5e9 to 2.0e9, the decimal_digit_t's inside
+ the buffer are as follows.
+ Before <1, 5e8>
+ After <2, 5e8>
+ Hence we need to set the 2nd field to 0.
+ The same holds if we round 1.5e-9 to 2e-9.
+ */
+ if (frac0 < frac1) {
+ dec1 *buf = to->buf + ((scale == 0 && intg0 == 0) ? 1 : intg0 + frac0);
+ dec1 *end = to->buf + len;
+ while (buf < end) *buf++ = 0;
+ }
+ if (*buf1 >= DIG_BASE) {
+ carry = 1;
+ *buf1 -= DIG_BASE;
+ while (carry && --buf1 >= to->buf) ADD(*buf1, *buf1, 0, carry);
+ if (unlikely(carry)) {
+ /* shifting the number to create space for new digit */
+ if (frac0 + intg0 >= len) {
+ frac0--;
+ scale = frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ error = E_DEC_TRUNCATED; /* XXX */
+ }
+ for (buf1 = to->buf + intg0 + MY_MAX(frac0, 0); buf1 > to->buf; buf1--) {
+ /* Avoid out-of-bounds write. */
+ if (buf1 < to->buf + len)
+ buf1[0] = buf1[-1];
+ else
+ error = E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ }
+ *buf1 = 1;
+ /* We cannot have more than 9 * 9 = 81 digits. */
+ if (to->intg < len * DIG_PER_DEC1)
+ to->intg++;
+ else
+ error = E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (;;) {
+ if (likely(*buf1)) break;
+ if (buf1-- == to->buf) {
+ /* making 'zero' with the proper scale */
+ dec1 *p0 = to->buf + frac0 + 1;
+ to->intg = 1;
+ to->frac = MY_MAX(scale, 0);
+ to->sign = 0;
+ for (buf1 = to->buf; buf1 < p0; buf1++) *buf1 = 0;
+ return E_DEC_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Here we check 999.9 -> 1000 case when we need to increase intg */
+ first_dig = to->intg % DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ if (first_dig && (*buf1 >= powers10[first_dig])) to->intg++;
+ if (scale < 0) scale = 0;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(to->intg <= (len * DIG_PER_DEC1));
+ to->frac = scale;
+ return error;
+ Returns the size of the result of the operation
+ decimal_result_size()
+ from1 - operand of the unary operation or first operand of the
+ binary operation
+ from2 - second operand of the binary operation
+ op - operation. one char '+', '-', '*', '/' are allowed
+ others may be added later
+ param - extra param to the operation. unused for '+', '-', '*'
+ scale increment for '/'
+ returned valued may be larger than the actual buffer requred
+ in the operation, as decimal_result_size, by design, operates on
+ precision/scale values only and not on the actual decimal number
+ size of to->buf array in dec1 elements. to get size in bytes
+ multiply by sizeof(dec1)
+int decimal_result_size(decimal_t *from1, decimal_t *from2, char op,
+ int param) {
+ switch (op) {
+ case '-':
+ return ROUND_UP(MY_MAX(from1->intg, from2->intg)) +
+ ROUND_UP(MY_MAX(from1->frac, from2->frac));
+ case '+':
+ return ROUND_UP(MY_MAX(from1->intg, from2->intg) + 1) +
+ ROUND_UP(MY_MAX(from1->frac, from2->frac));
+ case '*':
+ return ROUND_UP(from1->intg + from2->intg) + ROUND_UP(from1->frac) +
+ ROUND_UP(from2->frac);
+ case '/':
+ return ROUND_UP(from1->intg + from2->intg + 1 + from1->frac +
+ from2->frac + param);
+ default:
+ }
+ return -1; /* shut up the warning */
+static int do_add(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2,
+ decimal_t *to) {
+ int intg1 = ROUND_UP(from1->intg), intg2 = ROUND_UP(from2->intg),
+ frac1 = ROUND_UP(from1->frac), frac2 = ROUND_UP(from2->frac),
+ frac0 = MY_MAX(frac1, frac2), intg0 = MY_MAX(intg1, intg2), error;
+ dec1 *buf1, *buf2, *buf0, *stop, *stop2, x, carry;
+ sanity(to);
+ /* is there a need for extra word because of carry ? */
+ x = intg1 > intg2
+ ? from1->buf[0]
+ : intg2 > intg1 ? from2->buf[0] : from1->buf[0] + from2->buf[0];
+ if (unlikely(x > DIG_MAX - 1)) /* yes, there is */
+ {
+ intg0++;
+ to->buf[0] = 0; /* safety */
+ }
+ FIX_INTG_FRAC_ERROR(to->len, intg0, frac0, error);
+ if (unlikely(error == E_DEC_OVERFLOW)) {
+ max_decimal(to->len * DIG_PER_DEC1, 0, to);
+ return error;
+ }
+ buf0 = to->buf + intg0 + frac0;
+ to->sign = from1->sign;
+ to->frac = MY_MAX(from1->frac, from2->frac);
+ to->intg = intg0 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ if (unlikely(error)) {
+ set_if_smaller(to->frac, frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1);
+ set_if_smaller(frac1, frac0);
+ set_if_smaller(frac2, frac0);
+ set_if_smaller(intg1, intg0);
+ set_if_smaller(intg2, intg0);
+ }
+ /* part 1 - max(frac) ... min (frac) */
+ if (frac1 > frac2) {
+ buf1 = from1->buf + intg1 + frac1;
+ stop = from1->buf + intg1 + frac2;
+ buf2 = from2->buf + intg2 + frac2;
+ stop2 = from1->buf + (intg1 > intg2 ? intg1 - intg2 : 0);
+ } else {
+ buf1 = from2->buf + intg2 + frac2;
+ stop = from2->buf + intg2 + frac1;
+ buf2 = from1->buf + intg1 + frac1;
+ stop2 = from2->buf + (intg2 > intg1 ? intg2 - intg1 : 0);
+ }
+ while (buf1 > stop) *--buf0 = *--buf1;
+ /* part 2 - min(frac) ... min(intg) */
+ carry = 0;
+ while (buf1 > stop2) {
+ ADD(*--buf0, *--buf1, *--buf2, carry);
+ }
+ /* part 3 - min(intg) ... max(intg) */
+ buf1 = intg1 > intg2 ? ((stop = from1->buf) + intg1 - intg2)
+ : ((stop = from2->buf) + intg2 - intg1);
+ while (buf1 > stop) {
+ ADD(*--buf0, *--buf1, 0, carry);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(carry)) *--buf0 = 1;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(buf0 == to->buf || buf0 == to->buf + 1);
+ return error;
+/* to=from1-from2.
+ if to==0, return -1/0/+1 - the result of the comparison */
+static int do_sub(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2,
+ decimal_t *to) {
+ int intg1 = ROUND_UP(from1->intg), intg2 = ROUND_UP(from2->intg),
+ frac1 = ROUND_UP(from1->frac), frac2 = ROUND_UP(from2->frac);
+ int frac0 = MY_MAX(frac1, frac2), error;
+ dec1 *buf1, *buf2, *buf0, *stop1, *stop2, *start1, *start2, carry = 0;
+ /* let carry:=1 if from2 > from1 */
+ start1 = buf1 = from1->buf;
+ stop1 = buf1 + intg1;
+ start2 = buf2 = from2->buf;
+ stop2 = buf2 + intg2;
+ if (unlikely(*buf1 == 0)) {
+ while (buf1 < stop1 && *buf1 == 0) buf1++;
+ start1 = buf1;
+ intg1 = (int)(stop1 - buf1);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(*buf2 == 0)) {
+ while (buf2 < stop2 && *buf2 == 0) buf2++;
+ start2 = buf2;
+ intg2 = (int)(stop2 - buf2);
+ }
+ if (intg2 > intg1)
+ carry = 1;
+ else if (intg2 == intg1) {
+ dec1 *end1 = stop1 + (frac1 - 1);
+ dec1 *end2 = stop2 + (frac2 - 1);
+ while (unlikely((buf1 <= end1) && (*end1 == 0))) end1--;
+ while (unlikely((buf2 <= end2) && (*end2 == 0))) end2--;
+ frac1 = (int)(end1 - stop1) + 1;
+ frac2 = (int)(end2 - stop2) + 1;
+ while (buf1 <= end1 && buf2 <= end2 && *buf1 == *buf2) buf1++, buf2++;
+ if (buf1 <= end1) {
+ if (buf2 <= end2)
+ carry = *buf2 > *buf1;
+ else
+ carry = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (buf2 <= end2)
+ carry = 1;
+ else /* short-circuit everything: from1 == from2 */
+ {
+ if (to == 0) /* decimal_cmp() */
+ return 0;
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
+ return E_DEC_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (to == 0) /* decimal_cmp() */
+ return carry == from1->sign ? 1 : -1;
+ sanity(to);
+ to->sign = from1->sign;
+ /* ensure that always from1 > from2 (and intg1 >= intg2) */
+ if (carry) {
+ std::swap(from1, from2);
+ std::swap(start1, start2);
+ std::swap(intg1, intg2);
+ std::swap(frac1, frac2);
+ to->sign = 1 - to->sign;
+ }
+ FIX_INTG_FRAC_ERROR(to->len, intg1, frac0, error);
+ buf0 = to->buf + intg1 + frac0;
+ to->frac = MY_MAX(from1->frac, from2->frac);
+ to->intg = intg1 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ if (unlikely(error)) {
+ set_if_smaller(to->frac, frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1);
+ set_if_smaller(frac1, frac0);
+ set_if_smaller(frac2, frac0);
+ set_if_smaller(intg2, intg1);
+ }
+ carry = 0;
+ /* part 1 - max(frac) ... min (frac) */
+ if (frac1 > frac2) {
+ buf1 = start1 + intg1 + frac1;
+ stop1 = start1 + intg1 + frac2;
+ buf2 = start2 + intg2 + frac2;
+ while (frac0-- > frac1) *--buf0 = 0;
+ while (buf1 > stop1) *--buf0 = *--buf1;
+ } else {
+ buf1 = start1 + intg1 + frac1;
+ buf2 = start2 + intg2 + frac2;
+ stop2 = start2 + intg2 + frac1;
+ while (frac0-- > frac2) *--buf0 = 0;
+ while (buf2 > stop2) {
+ SUB(*--buf0, 0, *--buf2, carry);
+ }
+ }
+ /* part 2 - min(frac) ... intg2 */
+ while (buf2 > start2) {
+ SUB(*--buf0, *--buf1, *--buf2, carry);
+ }
+ /* part 3 - intg2 ... intg1 */
+ while (carry && buf1 > start1) {
+ SUB(*--buf0, *--buf1, 0, carry);
+ }
+ while (buf1 > start1) *--buf0 = *--buf1;
+ while (buf0 > to->buf) *--buf0 = 0;
+ return error;
+int decimal_intg(const decimal_t *from) {
+ int res;
+ remove_leading_zeroes(from, &res);
+ return res;
+int decimal_add(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to) {
+ if (likely(from1->sign == from2->sign)) return do_add(from1, from2, to);
+ return do_sub(from1, from2, to);
+int decimal_sub(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to) {
+ if (likely(from1->sign == from2->sign)) return do_sub(from1, from2, to);
+ return do_add(from1, from2, to);
+int decimal_cmp(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2) {
+ if (likely(from1->sign == from2->sign)) return do_sub(from1, from2, 0);
+ // Reject negative zero, cfr. string2decimal()
+ DBUG_ASSERT(!(decimal_is_zero(from1) && from1->sign));
+ DBUG_ASSERT(!(decimal_is_zero(from2) && from2->sign));
+ return from1->sign > from2->sign ? -1 : 1;
+int decimal_is_zero(const decimal_t *from) {
+ dec1 *buf1 = from->buf,
+ *end = buf1 + ROUND_UP(from->intg) + ROUND_UP(from->frac);
+ while (buf1 < end)
+ if (*buf1++) return 0;
+ return 1;
+ multiply two decimals
+ decimal_mul()
+ from_1, from_2 - factors
+ to - product
+ in this implementation, with sizeof(dec1)=4 we have DIG_PER_DEC1=9,
+ and 63-digit number will take only 7 dec1 words (basically a 7-digit
+ "base 999999999" number). Thus there's no need in fast multiplication
+ algorithms, 7-digit numbers can be multiplied with a naive O(n*n)
+ method.
+ XXX if this library is to be used with huge numbers of thousands of
+ digits, fast multiplication must be implemented.
+int decimal_mul(const decimal_t *from_1, const decimal_t *from_2,
+ decimal_t *to) {
+ if (decimal_is_zero(from_1) || decimal_is_zero(from_2)) {
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
+ return E_DEC_OK;
+ }
+ decimal_t f1 = *from_1;
+ decimal_t f2 = *from_2;
+ f1.buf = remove_leading_zeroes(&f1, &f1.intg);
+ f2.buf = remove_leading_zeroes(&f2, &f2.intg);
+ const decimal_t *from1 = &f1;
+ const decimal_t *from2 = &f2;
+ int intg1 = ROUND_UP(from1->intg), intg2 = ROUND_UP(from2->intg),
+ frac1 = ROUND_UP(from1->frac), frac2 = ROUND_UP(from2->frac),
+ intg0 = ROUND_UP(from1->intg + from2->intg), frac0 = frac1 + frac2, error,
+ iii, jjj, d_to_move;
+ dec1 *buf1 = from1->buf + intg1, *buf2 = from2->buf + intg2, *buf0, *start2,
+ *stop2, *stop1, *start0, carry;
+ sanity(to);
+ iii = intg0; /* save 'ideal' values */
+ jjj = frac0;
+ FIX_INTG_FRAC_ERROR(to->len, intg0, frac0, error); /* bound size */
+ to->sign = from1->sign != from2->sign;
+ to->frac = from1->frac + from2->frac; /* store size in digits */
+ set_if_smaller(to->frac, NOT_FIXED_DEC);
+ to->intg = intg0 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ if (unlikely(error)) {
+ set_if_smaller(to->frac, frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1);
+ set_if_smaller(to->intg, intg0 * DIG_PER_DEC1);
+ if (unlikely(iii > intg0)) /* bounded integer-part */
+ {
+ iii -= intg0;
+ jjj = iii >> 1;
+ intg1 -= jjj;
+ intg2 -= iii - jjj;
+ frac1 = frac2 = 0; /* frac0 is already 0 here */
+ } else /* bounded fract part */
+ {
+ jjj -= frac0;
+ iii = jjj >> 1;
+ if (frac1 <= frac2) {
+ frac1 -= iii;
+ frac2 -= jjj - iii;
+ } else {
+ frac2 -= iii;
+ frac1 -= jjj - iii;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ start0 = to->buf + intg0 + frac0 - 1;
+ start2 = buf2 + frac2 - 1;
+ stop1 = buf1 - intg1;
+ stop2 = buf2 - intg2;
+ memset(to->buf, 0, (intg0 + frac0) * sizeof(dec1));
+ for (buf1 += frac1 - 1; buf1 >= stop1; buf1--, start0--) {
+ carry = 0;
+ for (buf0 = start0, buf2 = start2; buf2 >= stop2; buf2--, buf0--) {
+ dec1 hi, lo;
+ dec2 p = ((dec2)*buf1) * ((dec2)*buf2);
+ hi = (dec1)(p / DIG_BASE);
+ lo = (dec1)(p - ((dec2)hi) * DIG_BASE);
+ ADD2(*buf0, *buf0, lo, carry);
+ carry += hi;
+ }
+ if (carry) {
+ if (buf0 < to->buf) return E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ ADD2(*buf0, *buf0, 0, carry);
+ }
+ for (buf0--; carry; buf0--) {
+ if (buf0 < to->buf) return E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ ADD(*buf0, *buf0, 0, carry);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now we have to check for -0.000 case */
+ if (to->sign) {
+ dec1 *buf = to->buf;
+ dec1 *end = to->buf + intg0 + frac0;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(buf != end);
+ for (;;) {
+ if (*buf) break;
+ if (++buf == end) {
+ /* We got decimal zero */
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ buf1 = to->buf;
+ d_to_move = intg0 + ROUND_UP(to->frac);
+ while (!*buf1 && (to->intg > DIG_PER_DEC1)) {
+ buf1++;
+ to->intg -= DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ d_to_move--;
+ }
+ if (to->buf < buf1) {
+ dec1 *cur_d = to->buf;
+ for (; d_to_move--; cur_d++, buf1++) *cur_d = *buf1;
+ }
+ return error;
+ naive division algorithm (Knuth's Algorithm D in 4.3.1) -
+ it's ok for short numbers
+ also we're using alloca() to allocate a temporary buffer
+ XXX if this library is to be used with huge numbers of thousands of
+ digits, fast division must be implemented and alloca should be
+ changed to malloc (or at least fallback to malloc if alloca() fails)
+ but then, decimal_mul() should be rewritten too :(
+static int do_div_mod(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2,
+ decimal_t *to, decimal_t *mod, int scale_incr) {
+ /*
+ frac* - number of digits in fractional part of the number
+ prec* - precision of the number
+ intg* - number of digits in the integer part
+ buf* - buffer having the actual number
+ All variables ending with 0 - like frac0, intg0 etc are
+ for the final result. Similarly frac1, intg1 etc are for
+ the first number and frac2, intg2 etc are for the second number
+ */
+ int frac1 = ROUND_UP(from1->frac) * DIG_PER_DEC1, prec1 = from1->intg + frac1,
+ frac2 = ROUND_UP(from2->frac) * DIG_PER_DEC1, prec2 = from2->intg + frac2,
+ error = 0, i, intg0, frac0, len1, len2,
+ dintg, /* Holds the estimate of number of integer digits in final result
+ */
+ div_mod = (!mod) /*true if this is division */;
+ dec1 *buf0, *buf1 = from1->buf, *buf2 = from2->buf, *start1, *stop1, *start2,
+ *stop2, *stop0, norm2, carry, dcarry, *tmp1;
+ dec2 norm_factor, x, guess, y;
+ if (mod) to = mod;
+ sanity(to);
+ /*
+ removing all the leading zeroes in the second number. Leading zeroes are
+ added later to the result.
+ */
+ i = ((prec2 - 1) % DIG_PER_DEC1) + 1;
+ while (prec2 > 0 && *buf2 == 0) {
+ prec2 -= i;
+ i = DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ buf2++;
+ }
+ if (prec2 <= 0) /* short-circuit everything: from2 == 0 */
+ return E_DEC_DIV_ZERO;
+ /*
+ Remove the remanining zeroes . For ex: for 0.000000000001
+ the above while loop removes 9 zeroes and the result will have 0.0001
+ these remaining zeroes are removed here
+ */
+ prec2 -= count_leading_zeroes((prec2 - 1) % DIG_PER_DEC1, *buf2);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(prec2 > 0);
+ /*
+ Do the same for the first number. Remove the leading zeroes.
+ Check if the number is actually 0. Then remove the remaining zeroes.
+ */
+ i = ((prec1 - 1) % DIG_PER_DEC1) + 1;
+ while (prec1 > 0 && *buf1 == 0) {
+ prec1 -= i;
+ i = DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ buf1++;
+ }
+ if (prec1 <= 0) { /* short-circuit everything: from1 == 0 */
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
+ return E_DEC_OK;
+ }
+ prec1 -= count_leading_zeroes((prec1 - 1) % DIG_PER_DEC1, *buf1);
+ DBUG_ASSERT(prec1 > 0);
+ /* let's fix scale_incr, taking into account frac1,frac2 increase */
+ if ((scale_incr -= frac1 - from1->frac + frac2 - from2->frac) < 0)
+ scale_incr = 0;
+ /* Calculate the integer digits in final result */
+ dintg = (prec1 - frac1) - (prec2 - frac2) + (*buf1 >= *buf2);
+ if (dintg < 0) {
+ dintg /= DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ intg0 = 0;
+ } else
+ intg0 = ROUND_UP(dintg);
+ if (mod) {
+ /* we're calculating N1 % N2.
+ The result will have
+ frac=max(frac1, frac2), as for subtraction
+ intg=intg2
+ */
+ to->sign = from1->sign;
+ to->frac = MY_MAX(from1->frac, from2->frac);
+ frac0 = 0;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ we're calculating N1/N2. N1 is in the buf1, has prec1 digits
+ N2 is in the buf2, has prec2 digits. Scales are frac1 and
+ frac2 accordingly.
+ Thus, the result will have
+ frac = ROUND_UP(frac1+frac2+scale_incr)
+ and
+ intg = (prec1-frac1) - (prec2-frac2) + 1
+ prec = intg+frac
+ */
+ frac0 = ROUND_UP(frac1 + frac2 + scale_incr);
+ FIX_INTG_FRAC_ERROR(to->len, intg0, frac0, error);
+ to->sign = from1->sign != from2->sign;
+ to->intg = intg0 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ to->frac = frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ }
+ buf0 = to->buf;
+ stop0 = buf0 + intg0 + frac0;
+ if (likely(div_mod))
+ while (dintg++ < 0 && buf0 < &to->buf[to->len]) {
+ *buf0++ = 0;
+ }
+ len1 = (i = ROUND_UP(prec1)) + ROUND_UP(2 * frac2 + scale_incr + 1) + 1;
+ set_if_bigger(len1, 3);
+ if (!(tmp1 = (dec1 *)my_alloca(len1 * sizeof(dec1)))) return E_DEC_OOM;
+ memcpy(tmp1, buf1, i * sizeof(dec1));
+ memset(tmp1 + i, 0, (len1 - i) * sizeof(dec1));
+ start1 = tmp1;
+ stop1 = start1 + len1;
+ start2 = buf2;
+ stop2 = buf2 + ROUND_UP(prec2) - 1;
+ /* removing end zeroes */
+ while (*stop2 == 0 && stop2 >= start2) stop2--;
+ len2 = (int)(stop2++ - start2);
+ /*
+ calculating norm2 (normalized *start2) - we need *start2 to be large
+ (at least > DIG_BASE/2), but unlike Knuth's Alg. D we don't want to
+ normalize input numbers (as we don't make a copy of the divisor).
+ Thus we normalize first dec1 of buf2 only, and we'll normalize *start1
+ on the fly for the purpose of guesstimation only.
+ It's also faster, as we're saving on normalization of buf2
+ */
+ norm_factor = DIG_BASE / (*start2 + 1);
+ norm2 = (dec1)(norm_factor * start2[0]);
+ if (likely(len2 > 0)) norm2 += (dec1)(norm_factor * start2[1] / DIG_BASE);
+ if (*start1 < *start2)
+ dcarry = *start1++;
+ else
+ dcarry = 0;
+ /* main loop */
+ for (; buf0 < stop0; buf0++) {
+ /* short-circuit, if possible */
+ if (unlikely(dcarry == 0 && *start1 < *start2))
+ guess = 0;
+ else {
+ /* D3: make a guess */
+ x = start1[0] + ((dec2)dcarry) * DIG_BASE;
+ y = start1[1];
+ guess = (norm_factor * x + norm_factor * y / DIG_BASE) / norm2;
+ if (unlikely(guess >= DIG_BASE)) guess = DIG_BASE - 1;
+ if (likely(len2 > 0)) {
+ /* hmm, this is a suspicious trick - I removed normalization here */
+ if (start2[1] * guess > (x - guess * start2[0]) * DIG_BASE + y) guess--;
+ if (unlikely(start2[1] * guess >
+ (x - guess * start2[0]) * DIG_BASE + y))
+ guess--;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(start2[1] * guess <=
+ (x - guess * start2[0]) * DIG_BASE + y);
+ }
+ /* D4: multiply and subtract */
+ buf2 = stop2;
+ buf1 = start1 + len2;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(buf1 < stop1);
+ for (carry = 0; buf2 > start2; buf1--) {
+ dec1 hi, lo;
+ x = guess * (*--buf2);
+ hi = (dec1)(x / DIG_BASE);
+ lo = (dec1)(x - ((dec2)hi) * DIG_BASE);
+ SUB2(*buf1, *buf1, lo, carry);
+ carry += hi;
+ }
+ carry = dcarry < carry;
+ /* D5: check the remainder */
+ if (unlikely(carry)) {
+ /* D6: correct the guess */
+ guess--;
+ buf2 = stop2;
+ buf1 = start1 + len2;
+ for (carry = 0; buf2 > start2; buf1--) {
+ ADD(*buf1, *buf1, *--buf2, carry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (likely(div_mod)) {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(buf0 < to->buf + to->len);
+ *buf0 = (dec1)guess;
+ }
+ dcarry = *start1;
+ start1++;
+ }
+ if (mod) {
+ /*
+ now the result is in tmp1, it has
+ intg=prec1-frac1 if there were no leading zeroes.
+ If leading zeroes were present, they have been removed
+ earlier. We need to now add them back to the result.
+ frac=max(frac1, frac2)=to->frac
+ */
+ if (dcarry) *--start1 = dcarry;
+ buf0 = to->buf;
+ /* Calculate the final result's integer digits */
+ dintg = (prec1 - frac1) - ((start1 - tmp1) * DIG_PER_DEC1);
+ if (dintg < 0) {
+ /* If leading zeroes in the fractional part were earlier stripped */
+ intg0 = dintg / DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ } else
+ intg0 = ROUND_UP(dintg);
+ frac0 = ROUND_UP(to->frac);
+ error = E_DEC_OK;
+ if (unlikely(frac0 == 0 && intg0 == 0)) {
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (intg0 <= 0) {
+ /* Add back the leading zeroes that were earlier stripped */
+ if (unlikely(-intg0 >= to->len)) {
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
+ error = E_DEC_TRUNCATED;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ stop1 = start1 + frac0 + intg0;
+ frac0 += intg0;
+ to->intg = 0;
+ while (intg0++ < 0) *buf0++ = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (unlikely(intg0 > to->len)) {
+ frac0 = 0;
+ intg0 = to->len;
+ error = E_DEC_OVERFLOW;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ DBUG_ASSERT(intg0 <= ROUND_UP(from2->intg));
+ stop1 = start1 + frac0 + intg0;
+ to->intg = MY_MIN(intg0 * DIG_PER_DEC1, from2->intg);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(intg0 + frac0 > to->len)) {
+ stop1 -= frac0 + intg0 - to->len;
+ frac0 = to->len - intg0;
+ to->frac = frac0 * DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ error = E_DEC_TRUNCATED;
+ }
+ DBUG_ASSERT(buf0 + (stop1 - start1) <= to->buf + to->len);
+ while (start1 < stop1) *buf0++ = *start1++;
+ }
+ if (decimal_is_zero(to)) {
+ // Return "0." rather than "0.000000"
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
+ } else {
+ tmp1 = remove_leading_zeroes(to, &to->intg);
+ if (to->buf != tmp1)
+ memmove(to->buf, tmp1,
+ (ROUND_UP(to->intg) + ROUND_UP(to->frac)) * sizeof(dec1));
+ }
+ DBUG_ASSERT(to->intg + to->frac > 0);
+ return error;
+ division of two decimals
+ decimal_div()
+ from1 - dividend
+ from2 - divisor
+ to - quotient
+ see do_div_mod()
+int decimal_div(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to,
+ int scale_incr) {
+ return do_div_mod(from1, from2, to, 0, scale_incr);
+ modulus
+ decimal_mod()
+ from1 - dividend
+ from2 - divisor
+ to - modulus
+ see do_div_mod()
+ the modulus R in R = M mod N
+ is defined as
+ 0 <= |R| < |M|
+ sign R == sign M
+ R = M - k*N, where k is integer
+ thus, there's no requirement for M or N to be integers
+int decimal_mod(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to) {
+ return do_div_mod(from1, from2, 0, to, 0);