/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "mysys_priv.h" #include "my_sys.h" #include "my_static.h" #include "mysys_err.h" #include "m_string.h" #include "mysql/psi/mysql_stage.h" #include "mysql/psi/mysql_file.h" #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H #include #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include /* WSAStartup needs winsock library*/ #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32") my_bool have_tcpip=0; static void my_win_init(); #endif #define SCALE_SEC 100 #define SCALE_USEC 10000 my_bool my_init_done= FALSE; ulong my_thread_stack_size= 65536; MYSQL_FILE *mysql_stdin= NULL; static MYSQL_FILE instrumented_stdin; static ulong atoi_octal(const char *str) { long int tmp; while (*str && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *str)) str++; str2int(str, (*str == '0' ? 8 : 10), /* Octalt or decimalt */ 0, INT_MAX, &tmp); return (ulong) tmp; } #if defined(MY_MSCRT_DEBUG) int set_crt_report_leaks() { HANDLE hLogFile; _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF // debug allocation on | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF // leak checks on exit | _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF // memory check (slow) ); return (( NULL == (hLogFile= GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE)) || -1 == _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE) || _CRTDBG_HFILE_ERROR == _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, hLogFile) || -1 == _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE) || _CRTDBG_HFILE_ERROR == _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ERROR, hLogFile) || -1 == _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE) || _CRTDBG_HFILE_ERROR == _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ASSERT, hLogFile)) ? 1 : 0); } #endif /** Initialize my_sys functions, resources and variables @return Initialization result @retval FALSE Success @retval TRUE Error. Couldn't initialize environment */ my_bool my_init() { char *str; if (my_init_done) return FALSE; my_init_done= TRUE; #if defined(MY_MSCRT_DEBUG) set_crt_report_leaks(); #endif my_umask= 0640; /* Default umask for new files */ my_umask_dir= 0750; /* Default umask for new directories */ /* Default creation of new files */ if ((str= getenv("UMASK")) != 0) my_umask= (int) (atoi_octal(str) | 0640); /* Default creation of new dir's */ if ((str= getenv("UMASK_DIR")) != 0) my_umask_dir= (int) (atoi_octal(str) | 0750); instrumented_stdin.m_file= stdin; instrumented_stdin.m_psi= NULL; /* not yet instrumented */ mysql_stdin= & instrumented_stdin; if (my_thread_global_init()) return TRUE; if (my_thread_init()) return TRUE; /* $HOME is needed early to parse configuration files located in ~/ */ if ((home_dir= getenv("HOME")) != 0) home_dir= intern_filename(home_dir_buff, home_dir); { DBUG_ENTER("my_init"); DBUG_PROCESS((char*) (my_progname ? my_progname : "unknown")); #ifdef _WIN32 my_win_init(); #endif DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("home: '%s'", home_dir)); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } } /* my_init */ /* End my_sys */ void my_end(int infoflag) { /* We do not use DBUG_ENTER here, as after cleanup DBUG is no longer operational, so we cannot use DBUG_RETURN. */ FILE *info_file= (DBUG_FILE ? DBUG_FILE : stderr); if (!my_init_done) return; if ((infoflag & MY_CHECK_ERROR) || (info_file != stderr)) { /* Test if some file is left open */ if (my_file_opened | my_stream_opened) { char ebuff[512]; my_snprintf(ebuff, sizeof(ebuff), EE(EE_OPEN_WARNING), my_file_opened, my_stream_opened); my_message_stderr(EE_OPEN_WARNING, ebuff, MYF(0)); DBUG_PRINT("error", ("%s", ebuff)); my_print_open_files(); } } free_charsets(); my_error_unregister_all(); my_once_free(); if ((infoflag & MY_GIVE_INFO) || (info_file != stderr)) { #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE struct rusage rus; if (!getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rus)) fprintf(info_file,"\n\ User time %.2f, System time %.2f\n \ Maximum resident set size %ld, Integral resident set size %ld\n\ Non-physical pagefaults %ld, Physical pagefaults %ld, Swaps %ld\n\ Blocks in %ld out %ld, Messages in %ld out %ld, Signals %ld\n\ Voluntary context switches %ld, Involuntary context switches %ld\n", (rus.ru_utime.tv_sec * SCALE_SEC + rus.ru_utime.tv_usec / SCALE_USEC) / 100.0, (rus.ru_stime.tv_sec * SCALE_SEC + rus.ru_stime.tv_usec / SCALE_USEC) / 100.0, rus.ru_maxrss, rus.ru_idrss, rus.ru_minflt, rus.ru_majflt, rus.ru_nswap, rus.ru_inblock, rus.ru_oublock, rus.ru_msgsnd, rus.ru_msgrcv, rus.ru_nsignals, rus.ru_nvcsw, rus.ru_nivcsw); #endif #if defined(_WIN32) _CrtSetReportMode( _CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE ); _CrtSetReportFile( _CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR ); _CrtSetReportMode( _CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE ); _CrtSetReportFile( _CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR ); _CrtSetReportMode( _CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE ); _CrtSetReportFile( _CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR ); _CrtCheckMemory(); _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif } if (!(infoflag & MY_DONT_FREE_DBUG)) { DBUG_END(); /* Must be done before my_thread_end */ } my_thread_end(); my_thread_global_end(); #ifdef _WIN32 if (have_tcpip) WSACleanup(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ my_init_done= FALSE; } /* my_end */ #ifdef _WIN32 /* my_parameter_handler Invalid parameter handler we will use instead of the one "baked" into the CRT for MSC v8. This one just prints out what invalid parameter was encountered. By providing this routine, routines like lseek will return -1 when we expect them to instead of crash. */ void my_parameter_handler(const wchar_t * expression, const wchar_t * function, const wchar_t * file, unsigned int line, uintptr_t pReserved) { DBUG_PRINT("my",("Expression: %s function: %s file: %s, line: %d", expression, function, file, line)); } #ifdef __MSVC_RUNTIME_CHECKS #include /* Turn off runtime checks for 'handle_rtc_failure' */ #pragma runtime_checks("", off) /* handle_rtc_failure Windows: run-time error checks are reported to ... */ int handle_rtc_failure(int err_type, const char *file, int line, const char* module, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; char buff[2048]; size_t len; len= my_snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "At %s:%d: ", file, line); va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(buff + len, sizeof(buff) - len, format, args); va_end(args); my_message_local(ERROR_LEVEL, buff); return 0; /* Error is handled */ } #pragma runtime_checks("", restore) #endif #define OFFSET_TO_EPOC ((__int64) 134774 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 10) #define MS 10000000 static void win_init_time() { /* The following is used by time functions */ FILETIME ft; LARGE_INTEGER li, t_cnt; DBUG_ASSERT(sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER) == sizeof(query_performance_frequency)); if (QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&query_performance_frequency) == 0) query_performance_frequency= 0; else { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); li.LowPart= ft.dwLowDateTime; li.HighPart= ft.dwHighDateTime; query_performance_offset= li.QuadPart-OFFSET_TO_EPOC; QueryPerformanceCounter(&t_cnt); query_performance_offset-= (t_cnt.QuadPart / query_performance_frequency * MS + t_cnt.QuadPart % query_performance_frequency * MS / query_performance_frequency); } } /* Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MySQL and set any strings found there as environment variables */ static void win_init_registry() { HKEY key_handle; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (LPCTSTR)"SOFTWARE\\MySQL", 0, KEY_READ, &key_handle) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LONG ret; DWORD index= 0; DWORD type; char key_name[256], key_data[1024]; DWORD key_name_len= sizeof(key_name) - 1; DWORD key_data_len= sizeof(key_data) - 1; while ((ret= RegEnumValue(key_handle, index++, key_name, &key_name_len, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&key_data, &key_data_len)) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { char env_string[sizeof(key_name) + sizeof(key_data) + 2]; if (ret == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { /* Registry value larger than 'key_data', skip it */ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Skipped registry value that was too large")); } else if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (type == REG_SZ) { strxmov(env_string, key_name, "=", key_data, NullS); /* variable for putenv must be allocated ! */ putenv(strdup(env_string)) ; } } else { /* Unhandled error, break out of loop */ break; } key_name_len= sizeof(key_name) - 1; key_data_len= sizeof(key_data) - 1; } RegCloseKey(key_handle); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: CheckForTcpip| Desc: checks if tcpip has been installed on system According to Microsoft Developers documentation the first registry entry should be enough to check if TCP/IP is installed, but as expected this doesn't work on all Win32 machines :( ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TCPIPKEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters" #define WINSOCK2KEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Winsock2\\Parameters" #define WINSOCKKEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Winsock\\Parameters" static my_bool win32_have_tcpip() { HKEY hTcpipRegKey; if (RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TCPIPKEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hTcpipRegKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WINSOCK2KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hTcpipRegKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WINSOCKKEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hTcpipRegKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) if (!getenv("HAVE_TCPIP") || have_tcpip) /* Provide a workaround */ return (FALSE); } } RegCloseKey ( hTcpipRegKey); return (TRUE); } static my_bool win32_init_tcp_ip() { if (win32_have_tcpip()) { WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ); WSADATA wsaData; /* Be a good citizen: maybe another lib has already initialised sockets, so dont clobber them unless necessary */ if (WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData )) { /* Load failed, maybe because of previously loaded incompatible version; try again */ WSACleanup( ); if (!WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData )) have_tcpip=1; } else { if (wsaData.wVersion != wVersionRequested) { /* Version is no good, try again */ WSACleanup( ); if (!WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData )) have_tcpip=1; } else have_tcpip=1; } } return(0); } static void my_win_init() { DBUG_ENTER("my_win_init"); /* this is required to make crt functions return -1 appropriately */ _set_invalid_parameter_handler(my_parameter_handler); #ifdef __MSVC_RUNTIME_CHECKS /* Install handler to send RTC (Runtime Error Check) warnings to log file */ _RTC_SetErrorFunc(handle_rtc_failure); #endif _tzset(); win_init_time(); win_init_registry(); win32_init_tcp_ip(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } #endif /* _WIN32 */ PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_table_level_lock= {0, "Waiting for table level lock", 0}; #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE PSI_mutex_key key_BITMAP_mutex, key_IO_CACHE_append_buffer_lock, key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_mutex, key_KEY_CACHE_cache_lock, key_THR_LOCK_charset, key_THR_LOCK_heap, key_THR_LOCK_lock, key_THR_LOCK_malloc, key_THR_LOCK_mutex, key_THR_LOCK_myisam, key_THR_LOCK_net, key_THR_LOCK_open, key_THR_LOCK_threads, key_TMPDIR_mutex, key_THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap; static PSI_mutex_info all_mysys_mutexes[]= { { &key_BITMAP_mutex, "BITMAP::mutex", 0}, { &key_IO_CACHE_append_buffer_lock, "IO_CACHE::append_buffer_lock", 0}, { &key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_mutex, "IO_CACHE::SHARE_mutex", 0}, { &key_KEY_CACHE_cache_lock, "KEY_CACHE::cache_lock", 0}, { &key_THR_LOCK_charset, "THR_LOCK_charset", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL}, { &key_THR_LOCK_heap, "THR_LOCK_heap", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL}, { &key_THR_LOCK_lock, "THR_LOCK_lock", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL}, { &key_THR_LOCK_malloc, "THR_LOCK_malloc", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL}, { &key_THR_LOCK_mutex, "THR_LOCK::mutex", 0}, { &key_THR_LOCK_myisam, "THR_LOCK_myisam", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL}, { &key_THR_LOCK_net, "THR_LOCK_net", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL}, { &key_THR_LOCK_open, "THR_LOCK_open", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL}, { &key_THR_LOCK_threads, "THR_LOCK_threads", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL}, { &key_TMPDIR_mutex, "TMPDIR_mutex", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL}, { &key_THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap, "THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL} }; PSI_rwlock_key key_SAFE_HASH_lock; static PSI_rwlock_info all_mysys_rwlocks[]= { { &key_SAFE_HASH_lock, "SAFE_HASH::lock", 0} }; PSI_cond_key key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_cond, key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_cond_writer, key_THR_COND_threads; static PSI_cond_info all_mysys_conds[]= { { &key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_cond, "IO_CACHE_SHARE::cond", 0}, { &key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_cond_writer, "IO_CACHE_SHARE::cond_writer", 0}, { &key_THR_COND_threads, "THR_COND_threads", 0} }; #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_LARGE_PAGES PSI_file_key key_file_proc_meminfo; #endif /* HAVE_LINUX_LARGE_PAGES */ PSI_file_key key_file_charset, key_file_cnf; static PSI_file_info all_mysys_files[]= { #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_LARGE_PAGES { &key_file_proc_meminfo, "proc_meminfo", 0}, #endif /* HAVE_LINUX_LARGE_PAGES */ { &key_file_charset, "charset", 0}, { &key_file_cnf, "cnf", 0} }; PSI_stage_info *all_mysys_stages[]= { & stage_waiting_for_table_level_lock }; static PSI_memory_info all_mysys_memory[]= { #ifdef _WIN32 { &key_memory_win_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, "win_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES", 0}, { &key_memory_win_PACL, "win_PACL", 0}, { &key_memory_win_IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, "win_IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES", 0}, #endif { &key_memory_max_alloca, "max_alloca", 0}, { &key_memory_charset_file, "charset_file", 0}, { &key_memory_charset_loader, "charset_loader", 0}, { &key_memory_lf_node, "lf_node", 0}, { &key_memory_lf_dynarray, "lf_dynarray", 0}, { &key_memory_lf_slist, "lf_slist", 0}, { &key_memory_LIST, "LIST", 0}, { &key_memory_IO_CACHE, "IO_CACHE", 0}, { &key_memory_KEY_CACHE, "KEY_CACHE", 0}, { &key_memory_SAFE_HASH_ENTRY, "SAFE_HASH_ENTRY", 0}, { &key_memory_MY_TMPDIR_full_list, "MY_TMPDIR::full_list", 0}, { &key_memory_MY_BITMAP_bitmap, "MY_BITMAP::bitmap", 0}, { &key_memory_my_compress_alloc, "my_compress_alloc", 0}, { &key_memory_pack_frm, "pack_frm", 0}, { &key_memory_my_err_head, "my_err_head", 0}, { &key_memory_my_file_info, "my_file_info", 0}, { &key_memory_MY_DIR, "MY_DIR", 0}, { &key_memory_MY_STAT, "MY_STAT", 0}, { &key_memory_QUEUE, "QUEUE", 0}, { &key_memory_DYNAMIC_STRING, "DYNAMIC_STRING", 0}, { &key_memory_TREE, "TREE", 0} }; void my_init_mysys_psi_keys() { const char* category= "mysys"; int count; count= sizeof(all_mysys_mutexes)/sizeof(all_mysys_mutexes[0]); mysql_mutex_register(category, all_mysys_mutexes, count); count= sizeof(all_mysys_rwlocks)/sizeof(all_mysys_rwlocks[0]); mysql_rwlock_register(category, all_mysys_rwlocks, count); count= sizeof(all_mysys_conds)/sizeof(all_mysys_conds[0]); mysql_cond_register(category, all_mysys_conds, count); count= sizeof(all_mysys_files)/sizeof(all_mysys_files[0]); mysql_file_register(category, all_mysys_files, count); count= array_elements(all_mysys_stages); mysql_stage_register(category, all_mysys_stages, count); count= array_elements(all_mysys_memory); mysql_memory_register(category, all_mysys_memory, count); } #endif /* HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE */