/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "mysys_priv.h" #include "my_static.h" #include #include "mysys_err.h" #include "my_thread_local.h" static void make_ftype(char * to,int flag); /* Open a file as stream SYNOPSIS my_fopen() FileName Path-name of file Flags Read | write | append | trunc (like for open()) MyFlags Flags for handling errors RETURN 0 Error # File handler */ FILE *my_fopen(const char *filename, int flags, myf MyFlags) { FILE *fd; char type[5]; char *dup_filename= NULL; DBUG_ENTER("my_fopen"); DBUG_PRINT("my",("Name: '%s' flags: %d MyFlags: %d", filename, flags, MyFlags)); make_ftype(type,flags); #ifdef _WIN32 fd= my_win_fopen(filename, type); #else fd= fopen(filename, type); #endif if (fd != 0) { /* The test works if MY_NFILE < 128. The problem is that fileno() is char on some OS (SUNOS). Actually the filename save isn't that important so we can ignore if this doesn't work. */ int filedesc= my_fileno(fd); if ((uint)filedesc >= my_file_limit) { mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_open); my_stream_opened++; mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_open); DBUG_RETURN(fd); /* safeguard */ } dup_filename= my_strdup(key_memory_my_file_info, filename, MyFlags); if (dup_filename != NULL) { mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_open); my_file_info[filedesc].name= dup_filename; my_stream_opened++; my_file_total_opened++; my_file_info[filedesc].type= STREAM_BY_FOPEN; mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_open); DBUG_PRINT("exit",("stream: 0x%lx", (long) fd)); DBUG_RETURN(fd); } (void) my_fclose(fd,MyFlags); set_my_errno(ENOMEM); } else set_my_errno(errno); DBUG_PRINT("error",("Got error %d on open",my_errno())); if (MyFlags & (MY_FFNF | MY_FAE | MY_WME)) { char errbuf[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE]; my_error((flags & O_RDONLY) || (flags == O_RDONLY ) ? EE_FILENOTFOUND : EE_CANTCREATEFILE, MYF(0), filename, my_errno(), my_strerror(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), my_errno())); } DBUG_RETURN((FILE*) 0); } /* my_fopen */ #if defined(_WIN32) static FILE *my_win_freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE *stream) { int handle_fd, fd= _fileno(stream); HANDLE osfh; DBUG_ASSERT(path && stream); /* Services don't have stdout/stderr on Windows, so _fileno returns -1. */ if (fd < 0) { if (!freopen(path, mode, stream)) return NULL; fd= _fileno(stream); } if ((osfh= CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _close(fd); return NULL; } if ((handle_fd= _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)osfh, _O_APPEND | _O_TEXT)) == -1) { CloseHandle(osfh); return NULL; } if (_dup2(handle_fd, fd) < 0) { CloseHandle(osfh); return NULL; } _close(handle_fd); return stream; } #else /** Replacement for freopen() which will not close the stream until the new file has been successfully opened. This gives the ability log the reason for reopen's failure to the stream, and also to flush any buffered messages already written to the stream, before terminating the process. After a new stream to path has been opened, its file descriptor is obtained, and dup2() is used to associate the original stream with the new file. The newly opened stream and associated file descriptor is then closed with fclose(). @param path file which the stream should be opened to @param mode FILE mode to use when opening new file @param stream stream to reopen @retval FILE stream being passed in if successful, @retval nullptr otherwise */ static FILE *my_safe_freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE *stream) { int streamfd= -1; FILE *pathstream= NULL; int pathfd= -1; int ds= -1; DBUG_ASSERT(path != NULL && stream != NULL); streamfd= fileno(stream); if (streamfd == -1) { /* We have not done anything to the stream, but if we cannot get its fd, it is probably in a bad state anyway... */ return NULL; } pathstream= fopen(path, mode); if (pathstream == NULL) { /* Failed to open file for some reason. stream should still be usable. */ return NULL; } pathfd= fileno(pathstream); if (pathfd == -1) { fclose(pathstream); return NULL; } do { ds= fflush(stream); if (ds == 0) { ds= dup2(pathfd, streamfd); } } while (ds == -1 && errno == EINTR); fclose(pathstream); return (ds == -1 ? NULL : stream); } #endif /** Change the file associated with a file stream. @param path Path to file. @param mode Mode of the stream. @param stream File stream. @note This function is used to redirect stdout and stderr to a file and subsequently to close and reopen that file for log rotation. @retval A FILE pointer on success. Otherwise, NULL. */ FILE *my_freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE *stream) { FILE *result; #if defined(_WIN32) result= my_win_freopen(path, mode, stream); #else result= my_safe_freopen(path, mode, stream); #endif return result; } /* Close a stream */ int my_fclose(FILE *fd, myf MyFlags) { int err,file; DBUG_ENTER("my_fclose"); DBUG_PRINT("my",("stream: 0x%lx MyFlags: %d", (long) fd, MyFlags)); mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_open); file= my_fileno(fd); #ifndef _WIN32 err= fclose(fd); #else err= my_win_fclose(fd); #endif if(err < 0) { set_my_errno(errno); if (MyFlags & (MY_FAE | MY_WME)) { char errbuf[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE]; my_error(EE_BADCLOSE, MYF(0), my_filename(file), my_errno(), my_strerror(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), my_errno())); } } else my_stream_opened--; if ((uint) file < my_file_limit && my_file_info[file].type != UNOPEN) { my_file_info[file].type = UNOPEN; my_free(my_file_info[file].name); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_open); DBUG_RETURN(err); } /* my_fclose */ /* Make a stream out of a file handle */ /* Name may be 0 */ FILE *my_fdopen(File Filedes, const char *name, int Flags, myf MyFlags) { FILE *fd; char type[5]; DBUG_ENTER("my_fdopen"); DBUG_PRINT("my",("Fd: %d Flags: %d MyFlags: %d", Filedes, Flags, MyFlags)); make_ftype(type,Flags); #ifdef _WIN32 fd= my_win_fdopen(Filedes, type); #else fd= fdopen(Filedes, type); #endif if (!fd) { set_my_errno(errno); if (MyFlags & (MY_FAE | MY_WME)) { char errbuf[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE]; my_error(EE_CANT_OPEN_STREAM, MYF(0), my_errno(), my_strerror(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), my_errno())); } } else { mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_open); my_stream_opened++; if ((uint) Filedes < (uint) my_file_limit) { if (my_file_info[Filedes].type != UNOPEN) { my_file_opened--; /* File is opened with my_open ! */ } else { my_file_info[Filedes].name= my_strdup(key_memory_my_file_info, name,MyFlags); } my_file_info[Filedes].type = STREAM_BY_FDOPEN; } mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_open); } DBUG_PRINT("exit",("stream: 0x%lx", (long) fd)); DBUG_RETURN(fd); } /* my_fdopen */ /* Make a fopen() typestring from a open() type bitmap SYNOPSIS make_ftype() to String for fopen() is stored here flag Flag used by open() IMPLEMENTATION This routine attempts to find the best possible match between a numeric option and a string option that could be fed to fopen. There is not a 1 to 1 mapping between the two. NOTE On Unix, O_RDONLY is usually 0 MAPPING r == O_RDONLY w == O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT a == O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT r+ == O_RDWR w+ == O_RDWR|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT a+ == O_RDWR|O_APPEND|O_CREAT */ static void make_ftype(char * to, int flag) { /* check some possible invalid combinations */ DBUG_ASSERT((flag & (O_TRUNC | O_APPEND)) != (O_TRUNC | O_APPEND)); DBUG_ASSERT((flag & (O_WRONLY | O_RDWR)) != (O_WRONLY | O_RDWR)); if ((flag & (O_RDONLY|O_WRONLY)) == O_WRONLY) *to++= (flag & O_APPEND) ? 'a' : 'w'; else if (flag & O_RDWR) { /* Add '+' after theese */ if (flag & (O_TRUNC | O_CREAT)) *to++= 'w'; else if (flag & O_APPEND) *to++= 'a'; else *to++= 'r'; *to++= '+'; } else *to++= 'r'; #if FILE_BINARY /* If we have binary-files */ if (flag & FILE_BINARY) *to++='b'; #endif *to='\0'; } /* make_ftype */