#! /usr/bin/env bash # Note: shouldn't be executed directly, src_dir must be set. # Translate absolute POSIX path to a Windows path with winepath. # function translate () # { if [[ "$1" == /* ]]; then winepath -w "$1" else echo "$1" fi } # Split the combined option and path value, translate the path component # to a Windows path if absolute, then recombine the option and path. # function split_translate () # { local o="${2:0:$1}" # First characters from $1. local v="${2:$1}" # The rest. # If the path is absolute, map it with winepath. # if [[ "$v" == /* ]]; then v="$(winepath -w "$v")" fi echo "$o$v" } # The argument should be 1 or 2. It indicates whether the diagnostics # is sent to stdout (1) or stderr (2). # function msvc_exec () # ... { local diag="$1" shift # Suppress Wine noise. # export WINEDEBUG=fixme-all # Set an alternative .wine directory if requested. # if [ -n "$MSVC_WINEPREFIX" ]; then export WINEPREFIX="$MSVC_WINEPREFIX" fi # Filter diagnostics output replacing absolute Windows paths with their # POSIX mapping. If is 1 then both stdout and stderr output are read # and filtered. # "$src_dir/msvc-common/msvc-filter" "$diag" wine "$@" }