// file      : tests/sha256/driver.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <cassert>

#ifndef __cpp_lib_modules_ts
#include <string>
#include <cstddef> // size_t

// Other includes.

#ifdef __cpp_modules_ts
#ifdef __cpp_lib_modules_ts
import std.core;
import butl.path;
import butl.sha256;
import butl.fdstream;
import butl.filesystem;
#include <libbutl/path.mxx>
#include <libbutl/sha256.mxx>
#include <libbutl/fdstream.mxx>
#include <libbutl/filesystem.mxx> // auto_rmfile

using namespace std;
using namespace butl;

main ()
  assert (string (sha256 ().string ()) ==

  assert (string (sha256 ("").string ()) !=

  assert (string (sha256 ("123", 3).string ()) ==

    string s;
    for (size_t i (0); i < 1024; ++i)
      s += "0123456789";

    path p (path::temp_path ("butl-sha256"));

    auto_rmfile pr;       // Always remove the file after the stream is closed.
    ofdstream os (p);
    pr = auto_rmfile (p);

    os << s;
    os.close ();

    ifdstream is (p);

    assert (string (sha256 (is).string ()) ==
            sha256 (s.c_str (), s.size ()).string ());

    assert (is.eof ());
    is.close ();

    sha256 h ("123");

    assert (string (h.string ()) ==

    assert (h.abbreviated_string (10) == "a787b6772e");
    assert (h.abbreviated_string (65) == h.string ());

    sha256 h;
    h.append ("1");
    h.append (string ("2"));
    h.append ("3", 1);

    auto& b (h.binary ());
    assert (b[0] == 0x20 && b[31] == 0x9d);

    assert (string (h.string ()) ==

  // Test fast path.
    char c ('X');
    sha256 h;
    h.append (c);
    assert (string (h.string ()) == sha256 (&c, 1).string ());

  string fp ("F4:9D:C0:02:C6:B6:62:06:A5:48:AE:87:35:32:95:64:C2:B8:C9:6D:9B:"

  string sh (

  assert (fingerprint_to_sha256 (fp) == sh);
  assert (fingerprint_to_sha256 (fp, 65) == sh);
  assert (fingerprint_to_sha256 (fp, 10) == sh.substr (0, 10));

  assert (sha256_to_fingerprint (sh) == fp);