# file : tests/project-name/testscript # license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file : string { test.arguments += 'string' : valid : $* <<EOF >>EOF foo foo1 Foo foo_bar foo+bar foo-bar foo.bar build2 EOF $* <'a' 2>'length is less than two characters' != 0: short $* <'nul' 2>'illegal name' != 0: illegal-name $* <'1a' 2>'illegal first character (must be alphabetic)' != 0: illegal-first-char $* <'a!b' 2>'illegal character' != 0: illegal-char : illegal-last-char : $* <'a.' 2>'illegal last character (must be alphabetic, digit, or plus)' != 0 } : base : { test.arguments += 'base' : no-ext : $* <<EOI >>EOO libbutl libbutl.bash a.b.c EOI libbutl libbutl a.b EOO : ext : { test.arguments += bash; $* <<EOI >>EOO libbutl libbutl.bash libbutl.python EOI libbutl libbutl libbutl.python EOO } } : extension : { test.arguments += 'extension'; $* <<EOI >>EOO libbutl libbutl.bash a.b.c EOI bash c EOO } : variable : { test.arguments += 'variable'; $* <<EOI >>EOO foo-bar libc++ libbutl.bash EOI foo_bar libc__ libbutl_bash EOO }