// file : tests/process-run/driver.cxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include <cassert> #ifndef __cpp_lib_modules_ts #include <string> #include <iostream> #endif // Other includes. #ifdef __cpp_modules_ts #ifdef __cpp_lib_modules_ts import std.core; import std.io; #endif import butl.path; import butl.process; import butl.optional; // @@ MOD Clang shouldn't be needed. import butl.fdstream; import butl.small_vector; #else #include <libbutl/path.mxx> #include <libbutl/process.mxx> #include <libbutl/fdstream.mxx> #include <libbutl/small-vector.mxx> #endif using namespace std; using namespace butl; template <typename I, typename O, typename E, typename... A> process_exit run (I&& in, O&& out, E&& err, const process_env& env, A&&... args) { return process_run (forward<I> (in), forward<O> (out), forward<E> (err), env, forward<A> (args)...); } int main (int argc, const char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) // No argument test. return 0; string a (argv[1]); if (a == "-c") { // -i read from stdin // -o write argument to stdout // -e write argument to stderr // -x exit with argument // for (int i (2); i != argc; ++i) { a = argv[i]; if (a == "-i") cin >> a; else if (a == "-o") cout << argv[++i] << endl; else if (a == "-e") cerr << argv[++i] << endl; else if (a == "-x") return atoi (argv[++i]); } return 0; } else assert (a == "-p"); const string p (argv[0]); assert (run (0, 1, 2, p)); assert (run (0, 1, 2, p, "-c")); process_run_callback ([] (const char* c[], size_t n) { process::print (cout, c, n); cout << endl; }, 0, 1, 2, p, "-c"); // Stream conversion and redirection. // assert (run (fdnull (), 1, 2, p, "-c", "-i")); assert (run (fdnull (), 2, 2, p, "-c", "-o", "abc")); assert (run (fdnull (), 1, 1, p, "-c", "-e", "abc")); { fdpipe pipe (fdopen_pipe ()); process pr (process_start (pipe, process::pipe (-1, 1), 2, p, "-c", "-i")); pipe.close (); assert (pr.wait ()); } // Argument conversion. // assert (run (0, 1, 2, p, "-c", "-o", "abc")); assert (run (0, 1, 2, p, "-c", "-o", string ("abc"))); assert (run (0, 1, 2, p, "-c", "-o", path ("abc"))); assert (run (0, 1, 2, p, "-c", "-o", 123)); }