// file : tests/path/driver.cxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include <cassert> #ifndef __cpp_lib_modules_ts #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> #endif // Other includes. #ifdef __cpp_modules_ts #ifdef __cpp_lib_modules_ts import std.core; import std.io; #endif import butl.path; import butl.path_io; #else #include <libbutl/path.mxx> #include <libbutl/path-io.mxx> #endif using namespace std; using namespace butl; int main () { // Make sure we have nothrow destructor and move constructor so that // storage in containers is not pessimized. // static_assert (is_nothrow_destructible<path>::value, ""); static_assert (is_nothrow_destructible<dir_path>::value, ""); // MINGW GCC 4.9 std::string is not nothrow-move-constructible, so path and // dir_path (which have a member of std::string type) are not as such as // well. // #if !defined(_WIN32) || !defined(__GNUC__) || __GNUC__ > 4 static_assert (is_nothrow_move_constructible<path>::value, ""); static_assert (is_nothrow_move_constructible<dir_path>::value, ""); #endif auto test = [] (const char* p, const char* s, const char* r) { path x (p); return x.string () == s && x.representation () == r; }; auto dir_test = [] (const char* p, const char* s, const char* r) { dir_path x (p); return x.string () == s && x.representation () == r; }; #ifndef _WIN32 assert (test ("/", "/", "/")); assert (test ("//", "/", "/")); assert (test ("/tmp/foo", "/tmp/foo", "/tmp/foo")); assert (test ("/tmp/foo/", "/tmp/foo", "/tmp/foo/")); assert (test ("/tmp/foo//", "/tmp/foo", "/tmp/foo/")); assert (dir_test ("/", "/", "/")); assert (dir_test ("/tmp/foo/", "/tmp/foo", "/tmp/foo/")); assert (dir_test ("tmp/foo", "tmp/foo", "tmp/foo/")); #else assert (test ("C:", "C:", "C:")); assert (test ("C:\\", "C:", "C:\\")); assert (test ("c:/", "c:", "c:/")); assert (test ("C:\\tmp\\foo\\", "C:\\tmp\\foo", "C:\\tmp\\foo\\")); assert (test ("C:\\tmp\\foo\\/\\", "C:\\tmp\\foo", "C:\\tmp\\foo\\")); assert (dir_test ("tmp\\foo", "tmp\\foo", "tmp\\foo\\")); assert (dir_test ("C:\\", "C:", "C:\\")); assert (dir_test ("C:\\tmp/foo\\", "C:\\tmp/foo", "C:\\tmp/foo\\")); assert (dir_test ("c:/tmp\\foo", "c:/tmp\\foo", "c:/tmp\\foo\\")); #endif // absolute/relative/root // #ifndef _WIN32 assert (path ("/").root ()); assert (path ("//").root ()); assert (!path ("/foo").root ()); assert (path ("/").absolute ()); assert (path ("/foo/bar").absolute ()); assert (path ("bar/baz").relative ()); assert (path ("/").root_directory ().representation () == "/"); assert (path ("/bar/baz").root_directory ().representation () == "/"); #else assert (path ("C:").root ()); assert (path ("C:\\").root ()); assert (!path ("C:\\foo").root ()); assert (path ("C:").absolute ()); assert (path ("C:\\").absolute ()); assert (path ("C:\\foo\\bar").absolute ()); assert (path ("bar\\baz").relative ()); assert (path ("C:").root_directory ().representation () == "C:\\"); assert (path ("c:/").root_directory ().representation () == "c:/"); assert (path ("C:\\bar\\baz").root_directory ().representation () == "C:\\"); #endif // leaf // assert (path ().leaf ().empty ()); #ifndef _WIN32 assert (path ("/").leaf ().representation () == "/"); assert (path ("/tmp").leaf ().representation () == "tmp"); assert (path ("/tmp/").leaf ().representation () == "tmp/"); assert (path ("//tmp").leaf ().representation () == "tmp"); #else assert (path ("C:\\").leaf ().representation () == "C:\\"); assert (path ("C:\\tmp").leaf ().representation () == "tmp"); assert (path ("C:\\tmp\\").leaf ().representation () == "tmp\\"); assert (path ("C:\\tmp/").leaf ().representation () == "tmp/"); assert (path ("C:\\\\tmp").leaf ().representation () == "tmp"); #endif // directory // assert (path ().directory ().empty ()); #ifndef _WIN32 assert (path ("/").directory ().representation () == ""); assert (path ("/tmp").directory ().representation () == "/"); assert (path ("/tmp/").directory ().representation () == "/"); assert (path ("//tmp").directory ().representation () == "//"); assert (path ("/tmp/foo").directory ().representation () == "/tmp/"); assert (path ("/tmp/foo/").directory ().representation () == "/tmp/"); #else assert (path ("C:").directory ().representation () == ""); assert (path ("C:\\tmp").directory ().representation () == "C:\\"); assert (path ("C:\\\\tmp").directory ().representation () == "C:\\\\"); assert (path ("C:\\tmp\\foo").directory ().representation () == "C:\\tmp\\"); assert (path ("C:\\tmp/foo\\").directory ().representation () == "C:\\tmp/"); #endif // base // assert (path (".txt").base ().representation () == ".txt"); assert (path ("foo.txt.orig").base ().representation () == "foo.txt"); #ifndef _WIN32 assert (path ("/").base ().representation () == "/"); assert (path ("/foo.txt").base ().representation () == "/foo"); assert (path ("/foo.txt/").base ().representation () == "/foo/"); assert (path ("/.txt").base ().representation () == "/.txt"); #else assert (path ("C:").base ().representation () == "C:"); assert (path ("C:\\foo.txt").base ().representation () == "C:\\foo"); assert (path ("C:\\foo.txt\\").base ().representation () == "C:\\foo\\"); #endif // current/parent // assert (path (".").current ()); assert (path ("./").current ()); assert (!path (".abc").current ()); assert (path ("..").parent ()); assert (path ("../").parent ()); assert (!path ("..abc").parent ()); // iteration // { path p; assert (p.begin () == p.end ()); } { path p; assert (p.rbegin () == p.rend ()); } { path p ("foo"); path::iterator i (p.begin ()); assert (i != p.end () && *i == "foo"); assert (++i == p.end ()); } { path p ("foo"); path::reverse_iterator i (p.rbegin ()); assert (i != p.rend () && *i == "foo"); assert (++i == p.rend ()); } { path p ("foo/bar"); path::iterator i (p.begin ()); assert (i != p.end () && *i == "foo" && i.separator () == '/'); assert (++i != p.end () && *i == "bar" && i.separator () == '\0'); assert (++i == p.end ()); } { path p ("foo/bar/"); path::iterator i (p.begin ()); assert (i != p.end () && *i == "foo" && i.separator () == '/'); assert (++i != p.end () && *i == "bar" && i.separator () == '/'); assert (++i == p.end ()); } { path p ("foo/bar"); path::reverse_iterator i (p.rbegin ()); assert (i != p.rend () && *i == "bar"); assert (++i != p.rend () && *i == "foo"); assert (++i == p.rend ()); } #ifndef _WIN32 { path p ("/foo/bar"); path::iterator i (p.begin ()); assert (i != p.end () && *i == ""); assert (++i != p.end () && *i == "foo"); assert (++i != p.end () && *i == "bar"); assert (++i == p.end ()); } { path p ("/foo/bar"); path::reverse_iterator i (p.rbegin ()); assert (i != p.rend () && *i == "bar"); assert (++i != p.rend () && *i == "foo"); assert (++i != p.rend () && *i == ""); assert (++i == p.rend ()); } { path p ("/"); path::iterator i (p.begin ()); assert (i != p.end () && *i == "" && i.separator () == '/'); assert (++i == p.end ()); } { path p ("/"); path::reverse_iterator i (p.rbegin ()); assert (i != p.rend () && *i == ""); assert (++i == p.rend ()); } #endif // iterator range construction // { auto test = [] (const path::iterator& b, const path::iterator& e) { return path (b, e).representation (); }; { path p; assert (test (p.begin (), p.end ()) == ""); } { path p ("foo"); assert (test (p.begin (), p.end ()) == "foo"); assert (test (++p.begin (), p.end ()) == ""); } { path p ("foo/"); assert (test (p.begin (), p.end ()) == "foo/"); } { path p ("foo/bar"); assert (test (p.begin (), p.end ()) == "foo/bar"); assert (test (++p.begin (), p.end ()) == "bar"); assert (test (p.begin (), ++p.begin ()) == "foo/"); } #ifndef _WIN32 { path p ("/foo/bar"); assert (test (p.begin (), p.end ()) == "/foo/bar"); assert (test (++p.begin (), p.end ()) == "foo/bar"); assert (test (++(++p.begin ()), p.end ()) == "bar"); assert (test (p.begin (), ++p.begin ()) == "/"); assert (test (++p.begin (), ++(++p.begin ())) == "foo/"); assert (test (++(++p.begin ()), ++(++(++p.begin ()))) == "bar"); } { path p ("/foo/bar/"); assert (test (p.begin (), p.end ()) == "/foo/bar/"); assert (test (++p.begin (), p.end ()) == "foo/bar/"); assert (test (++(++p.begin ()), p.end ()) == "bar/"); assert (test (p.begin (), ++p.begin ()) == "/"); assert (test (++p.begin (), ++(++p.begin ())) == "foo/"); assert (test (++(++p.begin ()), ++(++(++p.begin ()))) == "bar/"); } { path p ("/"); assert (test (p.begin (), p.end ()) == "/"); assert (test (++p.begin (), p.end ()) == ""); } #endif } // operator/ // #ifndef _WIN32 assert ((path ("/") / path ("tmp")).representation () == "/tmp"); assert ((path ("foo/") / path ("bar")).representation () == "foo/bar"); assert ((path ("foo/") / path ("bar/")).representation () == "foo/bar/"); assert ((path ("foo/") / path ()).representation () == "foo/"); #else assert ((path ("C:\\") / path ("tmp")).representation () == "C:\\tmp"); assert ((path ("foo\\") / path ("bar")).representation () == "foo\\bar"); assert ((path ("foo\\") / path ("bar\\")).representation () == "foo\\bar\\"); assert ((path ("foo\\") / path ("bar/")).representation () == "foo\\bar/"); assert ((path ("foo/") / path ("bar")).representation () == "foo/bar"); assert ((path ("foo\\") / path ()).representation () == "foo\\"); #endif // normalize // #ifndef _WIN32 assert (path ("../foo").normalize ().representation () == "../foo"); assert (path ("..///foo").normalize ().representation () == "../foo"); assert (path ("../../foo").normalize ().representation () == "../../foo"); assert (path (".././foo").normalize ().representation () == "../foo"); assert (path (".").normalize ().representation () == "./"); assert (path (".").normalize (false, true).representation () == ""); assert (path ("././").normalize ().representation () == "./"); assert (path ("././").normalize (false, true).representation () == ""); assert (path ("./..").normalize ().representation () == "../"); assert (path ("./../").normalize ().representation () == "../"); assert (path ("../.").normalize ().representation () == "../"); assert (path (".././").normalize ().representation () == "../"); assert (path ("foo/./..").normalize ().representation () == "./"); assert (path ("foo/./..").normalize (false, true).representation () == ""); assert (path ("/foo/./..").normalize ().representation () == "/"); assert (path ("/foo/./../").normalize ().representation () == "/"); assert (path ("./foo").normalize ().representation () == "foo"); assert (path ("./foo/").normalize ().representation () == "foo/"); #else assert (path ("../foo").normalize ().representation () == "..\\foo"); assert (path ("..///foo").normalize ().representation () == "..\\foo"); assert (path ("..\\../foo").normalize ().representation () == "..\\..\\foo"); assert (path (".././foo").normalize ().representation () == "..\\foo"); assert (path (".").normalize ().representation () == ".\\"); assert (path (".").normalize (false, true).representation () == ""); assert (path (".\\.\\").normalize ().representation () == ".\\"); assert (path (".\\.\\").normalize (false, true).representation () == ""); assert (path ("./..").normalize ().representation () == "..\\"); assert (path ("../.").normalize ().representation () == "..\\"); assert (path ("foo/./..").normalize ().representation () == ".\\"); assert (path ("foo/./..").normalize (false, true).representation () == ""); assert (path ("C:/foo/./..").normalize ().representation () == "C:\\"); assert (path ("C:/foo/./../").normalize ().representation () == "C:\\"); assert (path ("./foo").normalize ().representation () == "foo"); assert (path ("./foo\\").normalize ().representation () == "foo\\"); assert (path ("C:\\").normalize ().representation () == "C:\\"); assert (path ("C:\\Foo12//Bar").normalize ().representation () == "C:\\Foo12\\Bar"); #endif // comparison // assert (path ("./foo") == path ("./foo")); assert (path ("./foo/") == path ("./foo")); assert (path ("./boo") < path ("./foo")); #ifndef _WIN32 assert (path ("/") == path ("/")); #else assert (path (".\\foo") == path ("./FoO")); assert (path (".\\foo") == path ("./foo\\")); assert (path (".\\boo") < path (".\\Foo")); #endif // posix_string // assert (path ("foo/bar/../baz").posix_string () == "foo/bar/../baz"); #ifdef _WIN32 assert (path ("foo\\bar\\..\\baz").posix_string () == "foo/bar/../baz"); try { path ("c:\\foo\\bar\\..\\baz").posix_string (); assert (false); } catch (const invalid_path&) {} #endif // sub // { auto test = [] (const char* p, const char* pfx) { return path (p).sub (path (pfx)); }; assert (test ("foo", "foo")); assert (test ("foo/bar", "foo/bar")); assert (test ("foo/bar", "foo")); assert (test ("foo/bar", "foo/")); assert (!test ("foo/bar", "bar")); #ifndef _WIN32 assert (!test ("/foo-bar", "/foo")); assert (test ("/foo/bar", "/foo")); assert (test ("/foo/bar/baz", "/foo/bar")); assert (!test ("/foo/bar/baz", "/foo/baz")); assert (test ("/", "/")); assert (test ("/foo/bar/baz", "/")); #else assert (test ("c:", "c:")); assert (test ("c:", "c:\\")); assert (!test ("c:", "d:")); assert (test ("c:\\foo", "c:")); assert (test ("c:\\foo", "c:\\")); #endif } // sup // { auto test = [] (const char* p, const char* sfx) { return path (p).sup (path (sfx)); }; assert (test ("foo", "foo")); assert (test ("foo/bar", "foo/bar")); assert (test ("foo/bar", "bar")); assert (test ("foo/bar/", "bar/")); assert (!test ("foo/bar", "foo")); #ifndef _WIN32 assert (test ("/", "/")); assert (!test ("/foo-bar", "bar")); assert (test ("/foo/bar", "bar")); assert (test ("/foo/bar/baz", "bar/baz")); assert (!test ("/foo/bar/baz", "bar")); #else assert (test ("c:", "c:")); assert (test ("c:\\", "c:")); assert (!test ("d:", "c:")); assert (test ("c:\\foo", "foo")); assert (test ("c:\\foo\\", "foo\\")); #endif } // leaf(path) // { auto test = [] (const char* p, const char* d) { return path (p).leaf (path (d)).representation (); }; #ifndef _WIN32 assert (test ("/foo", "/") == "foo"); assert (test ("/foo/bar", "/foo/") == "bar"); #endif //assert (test ("foo/bar", "foo") == "bar"); assert (test ("foo/bar", "foo/") == "bar"); assert (test ("foo/bar/", "foo/") == "bar/"); } // directory(path) // { auto test = [] (const char* p, const char* l) { return path (p).directory (path (l)).representation (); }; #ifndef _WIN32 assert (test ("/foo", "foo") == "/"); assert (test ("/foo/bar/baz", "bar/baz") == "/foo/"); #endif assert (test ("foo/bar", "bar") == "foo/"); assert (test ("foo/bar/", "bar/") == "foo/"); assert (test ("foo/bar/", "bar") == "foo/"); assert (test ("foo/bar/baz", "bar/baz") == "foo/"); } // relative // assert (path ("foo/").relative (path ("foo/")) == path ()); assert (path ("foo/bar/").relative (path ("foo/bar/")) == path ()); assert (path ("foo/bar/baz").relative (path ("foo/bar/")) == path ("baz")); assert (path ("foo/bar/baz").relative (path ("foo/bar/buz")). posix_string () == "../baz"); assert (path ("foo/bar/baz").relative (path ("foo/biz/baz/")). posix_string () == "../../bar/baz"); assert (path ("foo/bar/baz").relative (path ("fox/bar/baz")). posix_string () == "../../../foo/bar/baz"); #ifdef _WIN32 assert (path ("c:\\foo\\bar").relative (path ("c:\\fox\\bar")) == path ("..\\..\\foo\\bar")); try { path ("c:\\foo\\bar").relative (path ("d:\\fox\\bar")); assert (false); } catch (const invalid_path&) {} #else assert (path ("/foo/bar/baz").relative (path ("/")) == path ("foo/bar/baz")); #endif assert (path::temp_directory ().absolute ()); assert (path::home_directory ().absolute ()); // normalize and actualize // #ifdef _WIN32 { auto test = [] (const char* p) { return path (p).normalize (true).representation (); }; assert (test ("c:") == "C:"); assert (test ("c:/") == "C:\\"); assert (test ("c:\\pROGRAM fILES/") == "C:\\Program Files\\"); assert (test ("c:\\pROGRAM fILES/NonSense") == "C:\\Program Files\\NonSense"); assert (test ("c:\\pROGRAM fILES/NonSense\\sTUFF/") == "C:\\Program Files\\NonSense\\sTUFF\\"); dir_path cwd (path::current_directory ()); assert (cwd.normalize (true).representation () == cwd.representation ()); } #endif /* path p ("../foo"); p.complete (); cerr << path::current_directory () << endl; cerr << p << endl; p.normalize (); cerr << p << endl; */ }