# file      : tests/mventry/testscript
# copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

: file
  : non-existing
  $* a b 2>- == 1

  : over
    : non-existing
    echo 'foo' >=a &!a;
    $* a b &b;
    cat b >'foo';
    test -f a == 1

    : existing-file
    echo 'foo' >=a &!a;
    echo 'bar' >=b;
    $* a b;
    cat b >'foo';
    test -f a == 1

    : existing-dir
    echo 'foo' >=a;
    mkdir b;
    $* a b 2>- == 1

  : to-dir
  echo 'foo' >=a &!a;
  mkdir b;
  $* a b/ &b/a;
  cat b/a >'foo';
  test -f a == 1

: dir
  : over
    : non-existing
    mkdir -p a/b &!a/b/ &!a/;
    echo 'foo' >=a/c &!a/c;
    $* a b &b/ &b/c &b/b/;
    cat b/c >'foo';
    test -d b/b;
    test -d a == 1

    : empty-dir
    mkdir -p a/b &!a/b/ &!a/;
    echo 'foo' >=a/c &!a/c;
    mkdir b;
    $* a b &b/c &b/b/;
    cat b/c >'foo';
    test -d b/b;
    test -d a == 1

    : non-empty-dir
    mkdir -p a/b;
    mkdir -p b/d;
    $* a b 2>- == 1

    : existing-file
    mkdir a;
    touch b;
    $* a b 2>- == 1

  : to-dir
  mkdir a &!a/;
  mkdir b;
  $* a b/ &b/a/;
  test -d b/a;
  test -f a == 1

: symlink
: If we are not cross-testing let's test renaming symlynks from and over. On
: Windows that involves mklink command usability test. If we fail to create a
: trial link (say because we are running non-administrative console), then the
: test group will be silently skipped.
if ($test.target == $build.host)
  +if ($cxx.target.class != 'windows')
    lns = ln -s a b
    echo 'yes' >=a
    if cmd /C 'mklink b a' >- 2>- &?b && cat b >'yes'
      lns = cmd /C 'mklink b a' >-

  if! $empty($lns)
    : file
      : from
      : Make sure that if source is a symlink it refers the same target after
      : rename.
      echo 'foo' >=a;
      $lns &!b;
      $* b c &c;
      test -f a;
      test -f b == 1;
      echo 'bar' >=a;
      cat c >'bar'

      : to
      : Make sure that if destination is a symlink it is get overwritten and it's
      : target stays intact.
      echo 'foo' >=a;
      echo 'bar' >=c &!c;
      $* c b;
      cat a >'foo';
      test -f c == 1;
      echo 'baz' >=a;
      cat b >'bar'

      : over-existing-dir
      echo 'foo' >=a;
      $lns &b;
      mkdir c;
      $* b c 2>- == 1

    : dir
      : from
      : Make sure that if source is a symlink it refers the same target after
      : rename.
      mkdir -p a;
      $lns &!b;
      $* b c &c;
      touch a/b;
      test -f c/b;
      test -d b == 1

      : to
      : Make sure that if destination is a symlink it is get overwritten and
      : it's target stays intact.
      mkdir -p a;
      echo 'foo' >=c &!c;
      $* c b &b;
      cat b >'foo';
      test -d a;
      test -f c == 1

      : over-existing-dir
      mkdir a;
      $lns &b;
      mkdir c;
      $* b c 2>- == 1

: different-fs
: Note that nested tests may fail for cross-testing as the directory path will
: unlikelly be usable on both host (build2 driver) and target (test driver)
: platforms.
if! $empty($config.libbutl.test.rename.dir)
  wd = $config.libbutl.test.rename.dir/libbutl-rename
  +rm -r -f $wd
  +mkdir $wd

  : file
    : over-non-existing
      wd = "$wd/$@";
      mkdir -p $wd;
      b = $wd/b;

      echo 'foo' >=a &!a;
      $* a $b;
      cat $b >'foo';
      test -f a == 1

    : over-file
      wd = "$wd/$@";
      mkdir -p $wd;
      b = $wd/b;

      touch $b;
      echo 'foo' >=a &!a;
      $* a $b;
      cat $b >'foo';
      test -f a == 1

  : dir
  : Test that renaming directory to different fs/drive expectedly fails.
    wd = "$wd/$@";
    mkdir -p $wd;
    b = $wd/b;

    mkdir a;
    $* a $b 2>- == 1

  -rm -r -f $wd