// file : tests/fdstream/driver.cxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include <ios> #include <string> #include <cassert> #include <sstream> #include <exception> #include <butl/path> #include <butl/fdstream> #include <butl/filesystem> using namespace std; using namespace butl; static const string text1 ("ABCDEF\nXYZ"); static const string text2 ("12"); // Keep shorter than text1. static const string text3 ("ABCDEF\r\nXYZ"); static string from_file (const path& f, fdopen_mode m = fdopen_mode::none) { ifdstream ifs (f, m, ifdstream::badbit); string s; getline (ifs, s, '\0'); ifs.close (); // Not to miss failed close of the underlying file descriptor. return s; } static void to_file (const path& f, const string& s, fdopen_mode m = fdopen_mode::none) { ofdstream ofs (f, m); ofs << s; ofs.close (); } int main () { dir_path td (dir_path::temp_directory () / dir_path ("butl-fdstream")); // Recreate the temporary directory (that possibly exists from the previous // faulty run) for the test files. Delete the directory only if the test // succeeds to simplify the failure research. // try_rmdir_r (td); assert (try_mkdir (td) == mkdir_status::success); path f (td / path ("file")); try { fdopen (f, fdopen_mode::out); // fdopen_mode::create is missed. assert (false); } catch (const ios::failure&) { } // Read from the newly created empty file. // assert (from_file (f, fdopen_mode::create) == ""); assert (try_rmfile (f) == rmfile_status::success); // Read from the newly created non-empty file. // to_file (f, text1, fdopen_mode::create); assert (from_file (f) == text1); // Check that skip on close as requested. // { ifdstream ifs (fdopen (f, fdopen_mode::in), fdstream_mode::skip); string s; getline (ifs, s); assert (!ifs.eof ()); ifs.close (); assert (ifs.eof ()); } // Check that don't skip on close by default. // { ifdstream ifs (fdopen (f, fdopen_mode::in)); string s; getline (ifs, s); assert (!ifs.eof ()); ifs.close (); assert (!ifs.eof ()); } // Read from the file opened in R/W mode. // assert (from_file (f, fdopen_mode::out) == text1); // Read starting from the file's end. // assert (from_file (f, fdopen_mode::at_end) == ""); try { // Fail to create if the file already exists. // fdopen ( f, fdopen_mode::out | fdopen_mode::create | fdopen_mode::exclusive); assert (false); } catch (const ios::failure&) { } // Write text2 over text1. // to_file (f, text2); string s (text2); s += string (text1, text2.size ()); assert (from_file (f) == s); // Truncate before reading. // assert (from_file (f, fdopen_mode::out | fdopen_mode::truncate) == ""); // Append to the file. // to_file (f, text1, fdopen_mode::truncate); to_file (f, text2, fdopen_mode::append); assert (from_file (f) == text1 + text2); // Append to the file with the yet another way. // to_file (f, text1, fdopen_mode::truncate); to_file (f, text2, fdopen_mode::at_end); assert (from_file (f) == text1 + text2); // Check creating unopened ifdstream with a non-default exception mask. // to_file (f, "", fdopen_mode::truncate); { ifdstream ifs (-1, ifdstream::badbit); ifs.open (f); string s; assert (!getline (ifs, s)); } { ifdstream ifs (-1, fdstream_mode::text, ifdstream::badbit); ifs.open (f); string s; assert (!getline (ifs, s)); } // Check creating unopened ofdstream with a non-default exception mask. // { ofdstream ofs (-1, ifdstream::badbit); ofs.open (f); istringstream is; ofs << is.rdbuf (); // Sets failbit if no characters is inserted. ofs.close (); } { ofdstream ofs (-1, fdstream_mode::binary, ifdstream::badbit); ofs.open (f); istringstream is; ofs << is.rdbuf (); // Sets failbit if no characters is inserted. ofs.close (); } // Fail to write to a read-only file. // // Don't work well for MinGW GCC (5.2.0) that throws ios::failure, which in // combination with libstdc++'s ios::failure ABI fiasco (#66145) make it // impossible to properly catch in this situation. // try { { ofdstream ofs (fdopen (f, fdopen_mode::in)); ofs << text1; ofs.flush (); } assert (false); } #if !defined(_WIN32) || !defined(__GLIBCXX__) catch (const ios::failure&) { } #else catch (const std::exception&) { } #endif try { ofdstream ofs; ofs.open (fdopen (f, fdopen_mode::in)); ofs << text1; ofs.close (); assert (false); } #if !defined(_WIN32) || !defined(__GLIBCXX__) catch (const ios::failure&) { } #else catch (const std::exception&) { } #endif // Fail to read from a write-only file. // try { ifdstream ifs (fdopen (f, fdopen_mode::out)); ifs.peek (); assert (false); } catch (const ios::failure&) { } try { ifdstream ifs; ifs.open (fdopen (f, fdopen_mode::out)); ifs.peek (); assert (false); } catch (const ios::failure&) { } // Dtor of a not opened ofdstream doesn't terminate a program. // { ofdstream ofs; } // Dtor of an opened ofdstream doesn't terminate a program during the stack // unwinding. // try { ofdstream ofs (f); throw ios::failure ("test"); } catch (const ios::failure&) { } // Dtor of an opened but being in a bad state ofdstream doesn't terminate a // program. // { ofdstream ofs (f, fdopen_mode::out, ofdstream::badbit); ofs.clear (ofdstream::failbit); } #ifndef _WIN32 // Fail for an existing symlink to unexistent file. // path link (td / path ("link")); mksymlink (td / path ("unexistent"), link); try { fdopen ( link, fdopen_mode::out | fdopen_mode::create | fdopen_mode::exclusive); assert (false); } catch (const ios::failure&) { } #else // Check translation modes. // to_file (f, text1, fdopen_mode::truncate); assert (from_file (f, fdopen_mode::binary) == text3); to_file (f, text3, fdopen_mode::truncate | fdopen_mode::binary); assert (from_file (f) == text1); #endif rmdir_r (td); }