# file      : tests/dir-iterator/testscript
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

test.options = -v

: file
mkdir a;
touch a/b;
$* a >"reg     b"

: dir
mkdir -p a/b;
$* a >"dir     b"

: symlink
: If we are not cross-testing let's test dangling and non-dangling symlynks.
: On Windows that involves mklink command usability test. If we fail to create
: a trial link (say because we are not in the Developer Mode and are running
: non-elevated console), then the test group will be silently skipped.
if ($test.target == $build.host)
  +if ($cxx.target.class != 'windows')
    lnf = [cmdline] ^ln -s t wd/l &wd/l
    lnd = [cmdline] $lnf
    echo 'yes' >=t
    if cmd /C 'mklink l t' >- 2>- &?l && cat l >'yes'
      lnf = [cmdline] cmd /C 'mklink wd\l t' &wd/l >-
      lnd = [cmdline] cmd /C 'mklink /D wd\l t' &wd/l >-

    jnc = [cmdline] cmd /C 'mklink /J wd\l wd\t' &wd/l >-

  : symlink
  if! $empty($lnf)
    : file
      +mkdir wd
      +touch --no-cleanup wd/t
      +touch wd/f
      +$* wd >>~%EOO%
        %(reg     f|reg     t|sym reg l)%{3}
      +rm wd/t

      $*    ../wd >- 2>! != 0 : keep
      $* -i ../wd >'reg     f': skip

    : dir
      +mkdir wd
      +mkdir --no-cleanup wd/t
      +mkdir wd/d
      +$* wd >>~%EOO%
        %(dir     d|dir     t|sym dir l)%{3}

      +rmdir wd/t

      $*    ../wd >- 2>! != 0 : keep
      $* -i ../wd >'dir     d': skip

  : junction
  if! $empty($jnc)
    +mkdir wd
    +mkdir --no-cleanup wd/t
    +mkdir wd/d
    +$* wd >>~%EOO%
      %(dir     d|dir     t|sym dir l)%{3}
    +rmdir wd/t

    $*    ../wd >- 2>! != 0 : keep
    $* -i ../wd >'dir     d': skip