// file : tests/default-options/driver.cxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include <cassert> #ifndef __cpp_lib_modules_ts #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #endif // Other includes. #ifdef __cpp_modules_ts #ifdef __cpp_lib_modules_ts import std.core; import std.io; #endif import butl.path; import butl.path_io; import butl.optional; import butl.fdstream; import butl.default_options; #else #include <libbutl/path.mxx> #include <libbutl/path-io.mxx> #include <libbutl/utility.mxx> // eof() #include <libbutl/optional.mxx> #include <libbutl/fdstream.mxx> #include <libbutl/default-options.mxx> #endif using namespace std; using namespace butl; // Usage: argv[0] [-f <file>] [-d <start-dir>] [-s <sys-dir>] [-h <home-dir>] // [-x <extra-dir>] [-e] [-t] <cmd-options> // // Parse default options files, merge them with the command line options, and // print the resulting options to STDOUT one per line. Note that the options // instance is a vector of arbitrary strings. // // -f // Default options file name. Can be specified multiple times. // // -d // Directory to start the default options files search from. Can be // specified multiple times, in which case a common start (parent) // directory is deduced. // // -s // System directory. // // -h // Home directory. // // -x // Extra directory. // // -e // Print the default options entries (rather than the merged options) to // STDOUT one per line in the following format: // // <file>,<space-separated-options>,<remote> // // -t // Trace the default options files search to STDERR. // int main (int argc, const char* argv[]) { using butl::optional; class scanner { public: scanner (const string& f): ifs_ (f, fdopen_mode::in, ifdstream::badbit) {} optional<string> next () { string s; return !eof (getline (ifs_, s)) ? optional<string> (move (s)) : nullopt; } private: ifdstream ifs_; }; enum class unknow_mode { fail }; class options: public vector<string> { public: bool parse (scanner& s, unknow_mode, unknow_mode) { bool r (false); while (optional<string> o = s.next ()) { if (*o == "--no-default-options") no_default_options_ = true; push_back (move (*o)); r = true; } return r; } void merge (const options& o) { insert (end (), o.begin (), o.end ()); } bool no_default_options () const noexcept { return no_default_options_; } private: bool no_default_options_ = false; }; // Parse and validate the arguments. // default_options_files fs; optional<dir_path> sys_dir; optional<dir_path> home_dir; optional<dir_path> extra_dir; vector<dir_path> dirs; options cmd_ops; bool print_entries (false); bool trace (false); for (int i (1); i != argc; ++i) { string op (argv[i]); if (op == "-f") { assert (++i != argc); fs.files.push_back (path (argv[i])); } else if (op == "-d") { assert (++i != argc); dirs.emplace_back (argv[i]); } else if (op == "-s") { assert (++i != argc); sys_dir = dir_path (argv[i]); } else if (op == "-h") { assert (++i != argc); home_dir = dir_path (argv[i]); } else if (op == "-x") { assert (++i != argc); extra_dir = dir_path (argv[i]); } else if (op == "-e") { print_entries = true; } else if (op == "-t") { trace = true; } else cmd_ops.push_back (argv[i]); } // Deduce a common start directory. // fs.start = default_options_start (home_dir, dirs); // Load and print the default options. // default_options<options> def_ops ( load_default_options<options, scanner, unknow_mode> ( sys_dir, home_dir, extra_dir, fs, [trace] (const path& f, bool remote, bool overwrite) { if (trace) cerr << (overwrite ? "overwriting " : "loading ") << (remote ? "remote " : "local ") << f << endl; })); if (print_entries) { for (const default_options_entry<options>& e: def_ops) { cout << e.file << ','; for (const string& o: e.options) { if (&o != &e.options[0]) cout << ' '; cout << o; } cout << (e.remote ? ",true" : ",false") << endl; } } // Merge the options and print the result. // options ops (merge_default_options (def_ops, cmd_ops)); if (!print_entries) { for (const string& o: ops) cout << o << endl; } return 0; }