# file      : tests/command/testscript
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

cmd="'$0' -C -A" # Command that prints its arguments to stdout.

# Note that when cross-testing the driver may not be able to run the command
# due to the meaningless program path.
+if ($test.target != $build.host)

: quioting
  $* "$cmd 'abc def'" >~'%.+ "abc def"%'

: substitution
  test.options += -s v1=abc -s v2=def

  : program
    $* -s "program=$0" '@program@ -C -A abc' >~'%.+driver.* abc%'

  : args
    $* "$cmd abc"         >~'%.+ abc%'       : none
    $* "$cmd x@v1@"       >~'%.+ xabc%'      : single
    $* "$cmd x@v1@y@v2@z" >~'%.+ xabcydefz%' : multiple
    $* "$cmd @v1@@v2@"    >~'%.+ abcdef%'    : adjacent

  : redirect
    $* -s v=f "$cmd abc >@v@" &f;
    cat f >~'%.+ abc%'

: redirect
  : overwrite
    $* -p "$cmd abc >f" >~'%.+driver.* -C -A abc >f%' &f;
    cat f >~'%.+ abc%'

  : append
    echo 'xyz' >=f;
    $* -p "$cmd abc >>f" >~'%.+driver.* -C -A abc >>f%';

    cat f >>~%EOO%
      %.+ abc%

  : space-separated
    : overwrite
      $* "$cmd abc > f" &f;
      cat f >~'%.+ abc%'

    : append
      echo 'xyz' >=f;
      $* "$cmd abc >> f";

      cat f >>~%EOO%
        %.+ abc%

  : not-redirect
  $* -s v='>f' "$cmd abc @v@" >~'%.+ abc >f%'

  : errors
    $* "$cmd >d/f" 2>~"%unable to open stdout redirect file 'd/f'.*%" != 0 : io-failure
    $* "$cmd > ''" 2>  'empty stdout redirect file path'              != 0 : empty-path

: invalid-argument
  $* ""           2>'no program path specified'         != 0 : no-prog
  $* "p 'abc def" 2>'unterminated quoted string'        != 0 : unterminated
  $* "p >"        2>'no stdout redirect file specified' != 0 : no-redirect-file
  $* "p >>"       2>'no stdout redirect file specified' != 0 : no-append-file

  : substitution
    test.options += -s v=a

    $* 'p @a b@'   2>"unmatched substitution character '@' in '@a'" != 0 : unterm-var
    $* "p '@a b@'" 2>"whitespace in variable name 'a b'"            != 0 : ws-var
    $* 'p @x@'     2>"unknown variable 'x'"                         != 0 : unknown-var

: process
  : cwd
    mkdir abc;
    $* -d abc "$cmd -D" >>/~%EOO%

  : env-var
    $* -v test=abc "$cmd -V test" >>/~%EOO%

  : error
    $* "''" 2>'no such file or directory' != 0 : empty-prog

  : non-zero-status
  $* "'$0' -C -S 10" 2>/~'%.+ exited with code 10%' == 10

: builtin
  : no-cwd
    $* 'touch a' &a;
    test -f a

  : cwd
    mkdir a;
    $* -d a 'touch b' &a/b;
    test -f a/b

  : redirect
    $* 'echo abc >a' &a;
    cat a >'abc'

  : callback
    $* -p 'echo abc >a' >'echo abc >a' &a

  : escape
  : Note that the sed builtin doesn't support multiple scripts.
  if ($cxx.target.class != 'windows')
    echo 'abc' >=f;
    $* '^sed -e s/a/b/ -e s/c/b/ f' >'bbb'