# file      : tests/builtin/touch.testscript
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

test.arguments = "touch"

: file
$* a &a

: file-create
: Test that file is created. If it didn't then 'rm' would fail.
  $* a &!a;

  rm a

: file-update
: Test that existing file touch doesn't fail.
  cat <'' >=a;

  $* a

: callback
: Test that the callback is not called for touching an existing file.
  test.options += -c;

  $* a >>/~%EOO% &a;
    %create .+/a true%
    %create .+/a false%

  $* >>/~%EOO% a
    %create .+/a true%
    %create .+/a false%

: unknown-option
$* -u 2>"touch: unknown option '-u'" == 1

: no-args
: Test passing no arguments.
$* 2>"touch: missing file" != 0

: empty-path
: Test touching an empty path.
$* '' 2>"touch: invalid path ''" != 0

: dir-update
: Test touching an existing directory.
  mkdir a;

  $* a 2>~'%touch: cannot create/update .+: .+%' != 0

: after
  : success
    $* a &a;
    $* --after a b &b

  : no-value
  $* --after 2>"touch: missing value for option '--after'" != 0

  : not-exists
  touch --after a b 2>~"%touch: cannot obtain file '.+a' modification time: .+%" != 0