# file : tests/b-info/testscript # license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file # Note that when cross-testing we unlikely be able to run build2 on the # target platform. # +if ($test.target != $build.host) exit end sp = ' ' test.options += -b $recall($build.path) : basic : { mkdir -p prj/build; cat <<EOI >=prj/build/bootstrap.build; project = prj using version using config using dist EOI cat <<EOI >=prj/buildfile; ./: subprj/ EOI cat <<EOI >=prj/manifest; : 1 name: prj version: 1.2.3-a.0.z summary: test project license: MIT EOI mkdir -p prj/subprj/build; cat <<EOI >=prj/subprj/build/bootstrap.build; project = using config using dist EOI touch prj/subprj/buildfile; # Note: may produce an actual version snapshot id if the testscript runs # inside the libbutl project source directory. # $* prj >>/~"%EOO%"; project: prj %version: 1.2.3-a.0.\\.+%d summary: test project url:$sp %src_root: .+/prj/% %out_root: .+/prj/% %amalgamation: .*% subprojects: @subprj/ operations: update clean meta-operations: perform configure disfigure dist info modules: version config dist EOO $* prj/subprj >>/~"%EOO%" project:$sp version:$sp summary:$sp url:$sp %src_root: .+/subprj/% %out_root: .+/subprj/% amalgamation: ../ subprojects:$sp operations: update clean meta-operations: perform configure disfigure dist info modules: config dist EOO } : error : $* prj 2>>/~%EOE% != 0 %error: .+% % info: .+%? EOE