// file : libbutl/win32-utility.hxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #pragma once // Use this header to include and a couple of Win32-specific // utilities. // #ifdef _WIN32 // Try to include so that it doesn't mess other things up. // #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # ifndef NOMINMAX // No min and max macros. # define NOMINMAX # include # undef NOMINMAX # else # include # endif # undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #else # ifndef NOMINMAX # define NOMINMAX # include # undef NOMINMAX # else # include # endif #endif #ifndef __cpp_lib_modules #include #else import std.core; #endif #include namespace butl { namespace win32 { LIBBUTL_SYMEXPORT std::string error_msg (DWORD code); LIBBUTL_SYMEXPORT std::string last_error_msg (); } }; #endif // _WIN32