// file : libbutl/semantic-version.cxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #ifndef __cpp_modules_ts #include #endif #include #ifndef __cpp_lib_modules_ts #include #include #include #include #include // strchr() #include // strtoull() #include // move() #include // invalid_argument #endif // Other includes. #ifdef __cpp_modules_ts module butl.semantic_version; // Only imports additional to interface. #ifdef __clang__ #ifdef __cpp_lib_modules_ts import std.core; import std.io; #endif import butl.optional; #endif #else #endif using namespace std; namespace butl { string semantic_version:: string (bool ib) const { std::string r; r = to_string (major); r += '.'; r += to_string (minor); r += '.'; r += to_string (patch); if (!ib) r += build; return r; } uint64_t semantic_version:: numeric () const { if (const char* w = (major > 999 ? "major version greater than 999" : minor > 999 ? "minor version greater than 999" : patch > 999 ? "patch version greater than 999" : nullptr)) throw invalid_argument (w); // AAABBBCCC0000 // 10000000000 // 10000000 // 10000 // return (major * 10000000000) + (minor * 10000000) + (patch * 10000); } semantic_version:: semantic_version (uint64_t n, std::string b) : build (move (b)) { // AAABBBCCC0000 if (n > 9999999990000ULL || (n % 1000) != 0) throw invalid_argument ("invalid numeric representation"); // AAABBBCCC0000 major = n / 10000000000 % 1000; minor = n / 10000000 % 1000; patch = n / 10000 % 1000; } semantic_version:: semantic_version (const std::string& s, size_t p, const char* bs) { semantic_version_result r (parse_semantic_version_impl (s, p, bs)); if (r.version) *this = move (*r.version); else throw invalid_argument (r.failure_reason); } // From standard-version.cxx // bool parse_uint64 (const string& s, size_t& p, uint64_t& r, uint64_t min = 0, uint64_t max = uint64_t (~0)); semantic_version_result parse_semantic_version_impl (const string& s, size_t p, const char* bs) { auto bail = [] (string m) { return semantic_version_result {nullopt, move (m)}; }; semantic_version r; if (!parse_uint64 (s, p, r.major)) return bail ("invalid major version"); if (s[p] != '.') return bail ("'.' expected after major version"); if (!parse_uint64 (s, ++p, r.minor)) return bail ("invalid minor version"); if (s[p] == '.') { // Treat it as build if failed to parse as patch (e.g., 1.2.alpha). // if (!parse_uint64 (s, ++p, r.patch)) { //if (require_patch) // return bail ("invalid patch version"); --p; // Fall through. } } //else if (require_patch) // return bail ("'.' expected after minor version"); if (char c = s[p]) { if (bs == nullptr || (*bs != '\0' && strchr (bs, c) == nullptr)) return bail ("junk after version"); r.build.assign (s, p, string::npos); } return semantic_version_result {move (r), string ()}; } }