// file      : butl/filesystem.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <butl/filesystem>

#ifndef _WIN32
#  include <dirent.h>    // struct dirent, *dir()
#  include <unistd.h>    // symlink(), link(), stat(), rmdir(), unlink()
#  include <sys/types.h> // stat
#  include <sys/stat.h>  // stat(), lstat(), S_I*, mkdir(), chmod()
#  include <butl/win32-utility>

#  include <io.h>        // _find*(), _unlink(), _chmod()
#  include <direct.h>    // _mkdir(), _rmdir()
#  include <sys/types.h> // _stat
#  include <sys/stat.h>  // _stat(), S_I*

#  ifdef _MSC_VER // Unlikely to be fixed in newer versions.
#    define S_ISREG(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
#    define S_ISDIR(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
#  endif

#include <errno.h> // errno, E*

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>       // unique_ptr
#include <utility>      // pair
#include <iterator>     // reverse_iterator
#include <system_error>

#include <butl/path>
#include <butl/fdstream>
#include <butl/small-vector>

using namespace std;

namespace butl
  file_exists (const char* p, bool fl)
    auto pe (path_entry (p, fl));
    return pe.first && (pe.second == entry_type::regular ||
                        (!fl && pe.second == entry_type::symlink));

  entry_exists (const char* p, bool fl)
    return path_entry (p, fl).first;

  dir_exists (const char* p)
    auto pe (path_entry (p, true));
    return pe.first && pe.second == entry_type::directory;

#ifndef _WIN32
  pair<bool, entry_type>
  path_entry (const char* p, bool fl)
    struct stat s;
    if ((fl ? stat (p, &s) : lstat (p, &s)) != 0)
      if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR)
        return make_pair (false, entry_type::unknown);
        throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

    auto m (s.st_mode);
    entry_type t (entry_type::unknown);

    if (S_ISREG (m))
      t = entry_type::regular;
    else if (S_ISDIR (m))
      t = entry_type::directory;
    else if (S_ISLNK (m))
      t = entry_type::symlink;
    else if (S_ISBLK (m) || S_ISCHR (m) || S_ISFIFO (m) || S_ISSOCK (m))
      t = entry_type::other;

    return make_pair (true, t);
  pair<bool, entry_type>
  path_entry (const char* p, bool)
    int r;
    struct _stat s;

    // A path like 'C:', while being a root path in our terminology, is not as
    // such for Windows, that maintains current directory for each drive, and
    // so C: means the current directory on the drive C. This is not what we
    // mean here, so need to append the trailing directory separator in such a
    // case.
    if (!path::traits::root (p, string::traits_type::length (p)))
      r = _stat (p, &s);
      string d (p);
      d += path::traits::directory_separator;
      r = _stat (d.c_str (), &s);

    if (r != 0)
      if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR)
        return make_pair (false, entry_type::unknown);
        throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

    auto m (s.st_mode);
    entry_type t (entry_type::unknown);

    if (S_ISREG (m))
      t = entry_type::regular;
    else if (S_ISDIR (m))
      t = entry_type::directory;
    // S_ISLNK/S_IFDIR are not defined for Win32 but it does have
    // symlinks.
    //else if (S_ISLNK (m))
    //  t = entry_type::symlink;

    return make_pair (true, t);

#ifndef _WIN32
  try_mkdir (const dir_path& p, mode_t m)
    if (mkdir (p.string ().c_str (), m) != 0)
  try_mkdir (const dir_path& p, mode_t)
    if (_mkdir (p.string ().c_str ()) != 0)
      int e (errno);

      // EEXIST means the path already exists but not necessarily as
      // a directory.
      if (e == EEXIST && dir_exists (p))
        return mkdir_status::already_exists;
        throw system_error (e, system_category ());

    return mkdir_status::success;

  try_mkdir_p (const dir_path& p, mode_t m)
    if (!p.root ())
      dir_path d (p.directory ());

      if (!d.empty () && !dir_exists (d))
        try_mkdir_p (d, m);

    return try_mkdir (p, m);

  try_rmdir (const dir_path& p, bool ignore_error)
    rmdir_status r (rmdir_status::success);

#ifndef _WIN32
    if (rmdir (p.string ().c_str ()) != 0)
    if (_rmdir (p.string ().c_str ()) != 0)
      if (errno == ENOENT)
        r = rmdir_status::not_exist;
      else if (errno == ENOTEMPTY || errno == EEXIST)
        r = rmdir_status::not_empty;
      else if (!ignore_error)
        throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

    return r;

  rmdir_r (const dir_path& p, bool dir, bool ignore_error)
    // An nftw()-based implementation (for platforms that support it)
    // might be a faster way.
    for (const dir_entry& de: dir_iterator (p))
      path ep (p / de.path ()); //@@ Would be good to reuse the buffer.

      if (de.ltype () == entry_type::directory)
        rmdir_r (path_cast<dir_path> (move (ep)), true, ignore_error);
        try_rmfile (ep, ignore_error);

    if (dir)
      rmdir_status r (try_rmdir (p));

      if (r != rmdir_status::success && !ignore_error)
        throw system_error (r == rmdir_status::not_empty ? ENOTEMPTY : ENOENT,
                            system_category ());

  try_rmfile (const path& p, bool ignore_error)
    rmfile_status r (rmfile_status::success);

#ifndef _WIN32
    if (unlink (p.string ().c_str ()) != 0)
    if (_unlink (p.string ().c_str ()) != 0)
      // Strangely on Linux unlink() removes a dangling symlink but returns
      // ENOENT.
      if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR)
        r = rmfile_status::not_exist;
      else if (!ignore_error)
        throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

    return r;

#ifndef _WIN32
  mksymlink (const path& target, const path& link, bool)
    if (symlink (target.string ().c_str (), link.string ().c_str ()) == -1)
      throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

  mkhardlink (const path& target, const path& link, bool)
    if (::link (target.string ().c_str (), link.string ().c_str ()) == -1)
      throw system_error (errno, system_category ());


  mksymlink (const path&, const path&, bool)
    throw system_error (ENOSYS, system_category (), "symlinks not supported");

  mkhardlink (const path& target, const path& link, bool dir)
    if (!dir)
      if (!CreateHardLinkA (link.string ().c_str (),
                            target.string ().c_str (),
        string e (win32::last_error_msg ());
        throw system_error (EIO, system_category (), e);
      throw system_error (
        ENOSYS, system_category (), "directory hard links not supported");

  // For I/O operations cpfile() can throw ios_base::failure exception that is
  // not derived from system_error for old versions of g++ (as of 4.9). From
  // the other hand cpfile() must throw system_error only. Let's catch
  // ios_base::failure and rethrow as system_error in such a case.
  template <bool v>
  static inline typename enable_if<v>::type
  cpfile (const path& from, const path& to,
          cpflags fl,
          permissions perm,
          auto_rmfile& rm)
    ifdstream ifs (from, fdopen_mode::binary);

    fdopen_mode om (fdopen_mode::out      |
                    fdopen_mode::truncate |
                    fdopen_mode::create   |

    if ((fl & cpflags::overwrite_content) != cpflags::overwrite_content)
      om |= fdopen_mode::exclusive;

    ofdstream ofs (fdopen (to, om, perm));

    rm = auto_rmfile (to);

    // Throws ios::failure on fdbuf read/write failures.
    // Note that the eof check is important: if the stream is at eof (empty
    // file) then this write will fail.
    if (ifs.peek () != ifdstream::traits_type::eof ())
      ofs << ifs.rdbuf ();

    ifs.close (); // Throws ios::failure on failure.
    ofs.close (); // Throws ios::failure on flush/close failure.

  template <bool v>
  static inline typename enable_if<!v>::type
  cpfile (const path& from, const path& to,
          cpflags fl,
          permissions perm,
          auto_rmfile& rm)
      cpfile<true> (from, to, fl, perm, rm);
    catch (const ios_base::failure& e)
      // While we try to preserve the original error information, we can not
      // make the description to be exactly the same, for example
      // Is a directory
      // becomes
      // Is a directory: Input/output error
      // Note that our custom operator<<(ostream, exception) doesn't strip this
      // suffix. This is a temporary code after all.
      throw system_error (EIO, system_category (), e.what ());

  cpfile (const path& from, const path& to, cpflags fl)
    permissions perm (path_permissions (from));
    auto_rmfile rm;

    cpfile<is_base_of<system_error, ios_base::failure>::value> (
      from, to, fl, perm, rm);

    if ((fl & cpflags::overwrite_permissions) ==
      path_permissions (to, perm);

    rm.cancel ();

  // Figuring out whether we have the nanoseconds in struct stat. Some
  // platforms (e.g., FreeBSD), may provide some "compatibility" #define's,
  // so use the second argument to not end up with the same signatures.
  template <typename S>
  inline constexpr auto
  nsec (const S* s, bool) -> decltype(s->st_mtim.tv_nsec)
    return s->st_mtim.tv_nsec; // POSIX (GNU/Linux, Solaris).

  template <typename S>
  inline constexpr auto
  nsec (const S* s, int) -> decltype(s->st_mtimespec.tv_nsec)
    return s->st_mtimespec.tv_nsec; // *BSD, MacOS.

  template <typename S>
  inline constexpr auto
  nsec (const S* s, float) -> decltype(s->st_mtime_n)
    return s->st_mtime_n; // AIX 5.2 and later.

  template <typename S>
  inline constexpr int
  nsec (...) {return 0;}

  file_mtime (const char* p)
#ifndef _WIN32
    struct stat s;
    if (stat (p, &s) != 0)
    struct _stat s;
    if (_stat (p, &s) != 0)
      if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR)
        return timestamp_nonexistent;
        throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

    return S_ISREG (s.st_mode)
      ? system_clock::from_time_t (s.st_mtime) +
      chrono::duration_cast<duration> (
        chrono::nanoseconds (nsec<struct stat> (&s, true)))
      : timestamp_nonexistent;

  path_permissions (const path& p)
#ifndef _WIN32
    struct stat s;
    if (stat (p.string ().c_str (), &s) != 0)
    struct _stat s;
    if (_stat (p.string ().c_str (), &s) != 0)
      throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

    // VC++ has no S_IRWXU defined. MINGW GCC <= 4.9 has no S_IRWXG, S_IRWXO
    // defined.
    // We could extrapolate user permissions to group/other permissions if
    // S_IRWXG/S_IRWXO are undefined. That is, we could consider their absence
    // as meaning that the platform does not distinguish between permissions
    // for different kinds of users. Let's wait for a use-case first.
    mode_t f (S_IREAD | S_IWRITE | S_IEXEC);

#ifdef S_IRWXG
    f |= S_IRWXG;

#ifdef S_IRWXO
    f |= S_IRWXO;

    return static_cast<permissions> (s.st_mode & f);

  path_permissions (const path& p, permissions f)
    mode_t m (S_IREAD | S_IWRITE | S_IEXEC);

#ifdef S_IRWXG
    m |= S_IRWXG;

#ifdef S_IRWXO
    m |= S_IRWXO;

    m &= static_cast<mode_t> (f);

#ifndef _WIN32
    if (chmod (p.string ().c_str (), m) == -1)
    if (_chmod (p.string ().c_str (), m) == -1)
      throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

  // dir_{entry,iterator}
#ifndef _WIN32

  // dir_entry
  ~dir_iterator ()
    if (h_ != nullptr)
      closedir (h_); // Ignore any errors.

  dir_iterator& dir_iterator::
  operator= (dir_iterator&& x)
    if (this != &x)
      e_ = move (x.e_);

      if (h_ != nullptr && closedir (h_) == -1)
        throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

      h_ = x.h_;
      x.h_ = nullptr;
    return *this;

  entry_type dir_entry::
  type (bool link) const
    path_type p (b_ / p_);
    struct stat s;
    if ((link
         ? stat (p.string ().c_str (), &s)
         : lstat (p.string ().c_str (), &s)) != 0)
      throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

    entry_type r;

    if (S_ISREG (s.st_mode))
      r = entry_type::regular;
    else if (S_ISDIR (s.st_mode))
      r = entry_type::directory;
    else if (S_ISLNK (s.st_mode))
      r = entry_type::symlink;
      r = entry_type::other;

    return r;

  // dir_iterator
  struct dir_deleter
    void operator() (DIR* p) const {if (p != nullptr) closedir (p);}

  dir_iterator (const dir_path& d)
    unique_ptr<DIR, dir_deleter> h (opendir (d.string ().c_str ()));
    h_ = h.get ();

    if (h_ == nullptr)
      throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

    next ();

    if (h_ != nullptr)
      e_.b_ = d;

    h.release ();

  template <typename D>
  inline /*constexpr*/ entry_type d_type (const D* d, decltype(d->d_type)*)
    switch (d->d_type)
#ifdef DT_DIR
    case DT_DIR: return entry_type::directory;
#ifdef DT_REG
    case DT_REG: return entry_type::regular;
#ifdef DT_LNK
    case DT_LNK: return entry_type::symlink;
#ifdef DT_BLK
    case DT_BLK:
#ifdef DT_CHR
    case DT_CHR:
#ifdef DT_FIFO
    case DT_FIFO:
#ifdef DT_SOCK
    case DT_SOCK:
      return entry_type::other;

    default: return entry_type::unknown;

  template <typename D>
  inline constexpr entry_type d_type (...) {return entry_type::unknown;}

  void dir_iterator::
  next ()
    for (;;)
      errno = 0;
      if (struct dirent* de = readdir (h_))
        // We can accept some overhead for '.' and '..' (relying on short
        // string optimization) in favor of a more compact code.
        path p (de->d_name);

        // Skip '.' and '..'.
       if (p.current () || p.parent ())

        e_.p_ = move (p);
        e_.t_ = d_type<struct dirent> (de, nullptr);
        e_.lt_ = entry_type::unknown;
      else if (errno == 0)
        // End of stream.
        closedir (h_);
        h_ = nullptr;
        throw system_error (errno, system_category ());



  // dir_entry
  ~dir_iterator ()
    if (h_ != -1)
      _findclose (h_); // Ignore any errors.

  dir_iterator& dir_iterator::
  operator= (dir_iterator&& x)
    if (this != &x)
      e_ = move (x.e_);

      if (h_ != -1 && _findclose (h_) == -1)
        throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

      h_ = x.h_;
      x.h_ = -1;
    return *this;

  entry_type dir_entry::
  type (bool) const
    // Note that we currently do not support symlinks (yes, there is symlink
    // support since Vista).
    path_type p (b_ / p_);

    struct stat s;
    if (stat (p.string ().c_str (), &s) != 0)
      throw system_error (errno, system_category ());

    entry_type r;
    if (S_ISREG (s.st_mode))
      r = entry_type::regular;
    else if (S_ISDIR (s.st_mode))
      r = entry_type::directory;
      r = entry_type::other;

    return r;

  // dir_iterator
  struct auto_dir
    auto_dir (intptr_t& h): h_ (&h) {}

    auto_dir (const auto_dir&) = delete;
    auto_dir& operator= (const auto_dir&) = delete;

    ~auto_dir ()
      if (h_ != nullptr && *h_ != -1)
        _findclose (*h_);

    void release () {h_ = nullptr;}

    intptr_t* h_;

  dir_iterator (const dir_path& d)
    auto_dir h (h_);
    e_.b_ = d; // Used by next() to call _findfirst().

    next ();
    h.release ();

  void dir_iterator::
  next ()
    for (;;)
      bool r;
      _finddata_t fi;

      if (h_ == -1)
        // The call is made from the constructor. Any other call with h_ == -1
        // is illegal.

        // Check to distinguish non-existent vs empty directories.
        if (!dir_exists (e_.b_))
          throw system_error (ENOENT, system_category ());

        h_ = _findfirst ((e_.b_ / path ("*")).string ().c_str (), &fi);
        r = h_ != -1;
        r = _findnext (h_, &fi) == 0;

      if (r)
        // We can accept some overhead for '.' and '..' (relying on short
        // string optimization) in favor of a more compact code.
        path p (fi.name);

        // Skip '.' and '..'.
        if (p.current () || p.parent ())

        e_.p_ = move (p);

        // We do not support symlinks at the moment.
        e_.t_ = fi.attrib & _A_SUBDIR
          ? entry_type::directory
          : entry_type::regular;

        e_.lt_ = entry_type::unknown;
      else if (errno == ENOENT)
        // End of stream.
        if (h_ != -1)
          _findclose (h_);
          h_ = -1;
        throw system_error (errno, system_category ());


  // Match the name [ni, ne) to the pattern [pi, pe). Ranges can be empty.
  static bool
  match (string::const_iterator pi, string::const_iterator pe,
         string::const_iterator ni, string::const_iterator ne)
    using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<string::const_iterator>;

    reverse_iterator rpi (pe);
    reverse_iterator rpe (pi);

    reverse_iterator rni (ne);
    reverse_iterator rne (ni);

    // Match the pattern suffix (follows the last *) to the name trailing
    // characters.
    char pc;
    for (; rpi != rpe && (pc = *rpi) != '*' && rni != rne; ++rpi, ++rni)
      if (*rni != pc && pc != '?')
        return false;

    // If we got to the (reversed) end of the pattern (no * is encountered)
    // than we are done. The success depends on if we got to the (reversed) end
    // of the name as well.
    if (rpi == rpe)
      return rni == rne;

    // If we didn't reach * in the pattern then we reached the (reversed) end
    // of the name. That means we have unmatched non-star characters in the
    // pattern, and so match failed.
    if (pc != '*')
      assert (rni == rne);
      return false;

    // Match the pattern prefix (ends with the first *) to the name leading
    // characters. If they mismatch we failed. Otherwise if this is an only *
    // in the pattern (matches whatever is left in the name) then we succeed,
    // otherwise we perform backtracking (recursively).
    pe = rpi.base ();
    ne = rni.base ();

    // Compare the pattern and the name char by char until the name suffix or
    // * is encountered in the pattern (whichever happens first). Fail if a
    // char mismatches.
    for (; (pc = *pi) != '*' && ni != ne; ++pi, ++ni)
      if (*ni != pc && pc != '?')
        return false;

    // If we didn't get to * in the pattern then we got to the name suffix.
    // That means that the pattern has unmatched non-star characters, and so
    // match failed.
    if (pc != '*')
      assert (ni == ne);
      return false;

    // If * that we have reached is the last one, then it matches whatever is
    // left in the name (including an empty range).
    if (++pi == pe)
      return true;

    // Perform backtracking.
    // From now on, we will call the pattern not-yet-matched part (starting
    // the leftmost * and ending the rightmost one inclusively) as pattern, and
    // the name not-yet-matched part as name.
    // Here we sequentially assume that * that starts the pattern matches the
    // name leading part (staring from an empty one and iterating till the full
    // name). So if, at some iteration, the pattern trailing part (that follows
    // the leftmost *) matches the name trailing part, then the pattern matches
    // the name.
    bool r;
    for (; !(r = match (pi, pe, ni, ne)) && ni != ne; ++ni) ;
    return r;

  path_match (const string& pattern, const string& name)
    // Implementation notes:
    // - This has a good potential of becoming hairy quickly so need to strive
    //   for an elegant way to implement this.
    // - Most patterns will contains a single * wildcard with a prefix and/or
    //   suffix (e.g., *.txt, foo*, f*.txt). Something like this is not very
    //   common: *foo*.
    //   So it would be nice to have a clever implementation that first
    //   "anchors" itself with a literal prefix and/or suffix and only then
    //   continue with backtracking. In other words, reduce:
    //   *.txt  vs foo.txt -> * vs foo
    //   foo*   vs foo.txt -> * vs .txt
    //   f*.txt vs foo.txt -> * vs oo

    auto pi (pattern.rbegin ());
    auto pe (pattern.rend ());

    auto ni (name.rbegin ());
    auto ne (name.rend ());

    // The name doesn't match the pattern if it is of a different type than the
    // pattern is.
    bool pd (pi != pe && path::traits::is_separator (*pi));
    bool nd (ni != ne && path::traits::is_separator (*ni));

    if (pd != nd)
      return false;

    // Skip trailing separators if present.
    if (pd)

    return match (pattern.begin (), pi.base (), name.begin (), ni.base ());

  // Iterate over directory sub-entries, recursively and including itself if
  // requested. Note that recursive iterating goes depth-first which make
  // sense for the cleanup use cases (@@ maybe this should be controllable
  // since for directory creation it won't make sense).
  // Note that iterating over non-existent directory is not en error. The
  // subsequent next() call returns false for such a directory.
  class recursive_dir_iterator
    recursive_dir_iterator (dir_path p, bool recursive, bool self)
        : recursive_ (recursive), self_ (self), start_ (p)
      open (dir_path ());

    // Non-copyable, non-movable type.
    recursive_dir_iterator (const recursive_dir_iterator&) = delete;
    recursive_dir_iterator& operator= (const recursive_dir_iterator&) = delete;

    // Return false if no more entries left. Otherwise save the next entry path
    // and return true. The path is relative against the directory being
    // traversed and contains a trailing separator for sub-directories. Throw
    // std::system_error in case of a failure (insufficient permissions,
    // dangling symlink encountered, etc).
    next (path& p)
      if (iters_.empty ())
        return false;

      auto& i (iters_.back ());

      // If we got to the end of directory sub-entries, then go one level up
      // and return this directory path.
      if (i.first == dir_iterator ())
        path d (move (i.second));
        iters_.pop_back ();

        // Return the path unless it is the last one (the directory we started
        // to iterate from) and the self flag is not set.
        if (iters_.empty () && !self_)
          return false;

        p = move (d);
        return true;

      const dir_entry& de (*i.first);

      // Append separator if a directory. Note that dir_entry::type() can
      // throw.
      path pe (de.type () == entry_type::directory
               ? path_cast<dir_path> (i.second / de.path ())
               : i.second / de.path ());


      if (recursive_ && pe.to_directory ())
        open (path_cast<dir_path> (move (pe)));
        return next (p);

      p = move (pe);
      return true;

    open (dir_path p)
      // We should consider a racing condition here. The directory can be
      // removed before we create an iterator for it. In this case we just do
      // nothing, so the directory is silently skipped.
        dir_path d (start_ / p);
        dir_iterator i (!d.empty () ? d : dir_path ("."));
        iters_.emplace_back (move (i), move (p));
      catch (const system_error& e)
        // Ignore non-existent directory (ENOENT or ENOTDIR). Rethrow for any
        // other error. We consider ENOTDIR as a variety of removal, with a
        // new filesystem entry being created afterwards.
        int ec (e.code ().value ());
        if (ec != ENOENT && ec != ENOTDIR)

    bool recursive_;
    bool self_;
    dir_path start_;
    small_vector<pair<dir_iterator, dir_path>, 1> iters_;

  // Search for paths matching the pattern and call the specified function for
  // each matching path. Return false if the underlying func() call returns
  // false. Otherwise the function conforms to the path_search() description.
  static bool
  search (path pattern, dir_path pattern_dir, const dir_path start_dir,
          const function<bool (path&&)>& func)
    // Fast-forward the leftmost pattern non-wildcard components. So, for
    // example, search for foo/f* in /bar/ becomes search for f* in /bar/foo/.
      auto b (pattern.begin ());
      auto e (pattern.end ());
      auto i (b);
      for (; i != e && (*i).find_first_of ("*?") == string::npos; ++i) ;

      // If the pattern has no wildcards then we reduce to checking for the
      // filesystem entry existence. It matches if exists and is of the proper
      // type.
      if (i == e)
        path p (pattern_dir / pattern);
        auto pe (path_entry (start_dir / p, true));

        if (pe.first &&
            ((pe.second == entry_type::directory) == p.to_directory ()))
          return func (move (p));

        return true;
      else if (i != b) // There are non-wildcard components, so fast-forward.
        path p (b, i);
        pattern = pattern.leaf (p);
        pattern_dir /= path_cast<dir_path> (move (p));

    assert (!pattern.empty ());

    // The pattern leftmost component. Will use it to match the start directory
    // sub-entries.
    path pc (pattern.begin (), ++pattern.begin ());
    string pcr (pc.representation ());

    // Note that if the pattern has multiple components (is not a simple path),
    // then the leftmost one has a trailing separator, and so will match
    // sub-directories only.
    bool simple (pattern.simple ());

    recursive_dir_iterator i (
      start_dir / pattern_dir,
      pcr.find ("**") != string::npos,   // Recursive.
      pcr.find ("***") != string::npos); // Self-inclusive.

    path p;
    while (i.next (p))
      // Skip sub-entry if its name doesn't match the pattern leftmost
      // component.
      // Matching the directory we are iterating through (as for a pattern
      // component containing ***) is a bit tricky. This directory is
      // represented by the iterator as an empty path, and so we need to
      // compute it (the leaf would actually be enough) for matching. This
      // leaf can be aquired from the pattern_dir / start_dir path except the
      // case when both directories are empty. This is the case when we search
      // in the current directory (start_dir is empty) with a pattern that
      // starts with *** wildcard (for example f***/bar). All we can do here is
      // to fallback to path::current_directory() call. Note that this will be
      // the only call per path_search() as the next time pattern_dir will not
      // be empty.
      const path& se (!p.empty ()
                      ? p
                      : path_cast<path> (!pattern_dir.empty ()
                                         ? pattern_dir
                                         : !start_dir.empty ()
                                           ? start_dir
                                           : path::current_directory ()));

      if (!path_match (pcr, se.leaf ().representation ()))

      // If the pattern is a simple path then call func() for the sub-entry.
      // Otherwise the sub-entry is a directory (read above), and we search in
      // it using the trailing part of the pattern.
      if (!(
        ? func (pattern_dir / p)
        : search (pattern.leaf (pc),
                  pattern_dir / path_cast<dir_path> (move (p)),
        return false;

    return true;

  path_search (const path& pattern,
               const function<bool (path&&)>& func,
               const dir_path& start)
    search (pattern,
            dir_path (),
            pattern.relative () ? start : dir_path (),