// file : butl/fdstream.cxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #ifndef _WIN32 # include // close(), read(), write() #else # include // _close(), _read(), _write() #endif #include using namespace std; namespace butl { fdbuf:: ~fdbuf () {close ();} void fdbuf:: open (int fd) { close (); fd_ = fd; setg (buf_, buf_, buf_); setp (buf_, buf_ + sizeof (buf_) - 1); // Keep space for overflow's char. } void fdbuf:: close () { if (is_open ()) { #ifndef _WIN32 ::close (fd_); #else _close (fd_); #endif fd_ = -1; } } streamsize fdbuf:: showmanyc () { return is_open () ? static_cast (egptr () - gptr ()) : -1; } fdbuf::int_type fdbuf:: underflow () { int_type r (traits_type::eof ()); if (is_open ()) { if (gptr () < egptr () || load ()) r = traits_type::to_int_type (*gptr ()); } return r; } bool fdbuf:: load () { #ifndef _WIN32 ssize_t n (::read (fd_, buf_, sizeof (buf_))); #else int n (_read (fd_, buf_, sizeof (buf_))); #endif if (n == -1) throw system_error (errno, system_category ()); setg (buf_, buf_, buf_ + n); return n != 0; } fdbuf::int_type fdbuf:: overflow (int_type c) { int_type r (traits_type::eof ()); if (is_open () && c != traits_type::eof ()) { // Store last character in the space we reserved in open(). Note // that pbump() doesn't do any checks. // *pptr () = traits_type::to_char_type (c); pbump (1); if (save ()) r = c; } return r; } int fdbuf:: sync () { return is_open () && save () ? 0 : -1; } bool fdbuf:: save () { size_t n (pptr () - pbase ()); if (n != 0) { #ifndef _WIN32 ssize_t m (::write (fd_, buf_, n)); #else int m (_write (fd_, buf_, static_cast (sizeof (buf_)))); #endif if (m == -1) throw system_error (errno, system_category ()); if (n != static_cast (m)) return false; setp (buf_, buf_ + sizeof (buf_) - 1); } return true; } }