diff options
authorKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2019-08-10 17:14:37 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2019-08-12 18:35:37 +0300
commitd20d2a641351b7f9e8c9bd9b841d8de4d824aa82 (patch)
parent800bf1b9f67aae867ffe900a545444dfe8aa46c9 (diff)
Add default options loading and merging API
5 files changed, 583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbutl/default-options.mxx b/libbutl/default-options.mxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01d32c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbutl/default-options.mxx
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// file : libbutl/default-options.mxx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#ifndef __cpp_modules_ts
+#pragma once
+#ifndef __cpp_lib_modules_ts
+#include <utility> // move()
+// Other includes.
+#ifdef __cpp_modules_ts
+export module butl.default_options;
+#ifdef __cpp_lib_modules_ts
+import std.core;
+import butl.path;
+import butl.optional;
+import butl.small_vector;
+import butl.git;
+import butl.filesystem;
+#include <libbutl/path.mxx>
+#include <libbutl/optional.mxx>
+#include <libbutl/small-vector.mxx>
+#include <libbutl/git.mxx>
+#include <libbutl/filesystem.mxx>
+#include <libbutl/export.hxx>
+LIBBUTL_MODEXPORT namespace butl
+ // Default options files helper implementation.
+ //
+ struct default_options_files
+ {
+ small_vector<path, 2> files;
+ optional<dir_path> start_dir;
+ };
+ template <typename O>
+ struct default_options_entry
+ {
+ path file;
+ O options;
+ bool remote;
+ };
+ template <typename O>
+ using default_options = small_vector<default_options_entry<O>, 4>;
+ // Search for and load (using scanner S and parsing in the U::fail mode for
+ // both options and arguments) the specified list of options files in the
+ // specified directories returning a vector of option class instances (O).
+ // Throw std::system_error on the underlying OS error and pass through
+ // exceptions thrown by the options scanner/parser.
+ //
+ // Search order:
+ //
+ // - sys_dir
+ // - home_dir
+ // - start_dir and outer until home_dir or root (both excluding)
+ //
+ // Except for sys_dir, the options files are looked for in the .build2/ and
+ // .build2/local/ subdirectories of each directory. For sys_dir they are
+ // looked for in the directory itself (e.g., /etc/build2/).
+ //
+ // Note that all the directories should be absolute and normalized.
+ //
+ // The presence of the .git filesystem entry causes the options files in
+ // this directory and any of its subdirectories to be considered remote
+ // (note that in the current implementation this is the case even for files
+ // from the .build2/local/ subdirectory since the mere location is not a
+ // sufficient ground to definititevly conclude that the file is not remote;
+ // to be sure we would need to query the VCS or some such).
+ //
+ template <typename O, typename S, typename U>
+ default_options<O>
+ load_default_options (const optional<dir_path>& sys_dir,
+ const optional<dir_path>& home_dir,
+ const default_options_files&);
+ // Merge the default options and the command line options.
+ //
+ // Note that this is the default implementation and in some cases you may
+ // want to provide an options class-specific version that verifies/sanitizes
+ // the default options (e.g., you may not want to allow certain options to
+ // be specified in the default options files) or warns/prompts about
+ // potentially dangerous options if they came from the remote options files.
+ //
+ template <typename O>
+ O
+ merge_default_options (const default_options<O>&, const O& cmd_ops);
+ // As above but pass each default option to the specified function prior to
+ // merging. The function signature is:
+ //
+ // void (const default_options_entry<O>&, const O& cmd_ops)
+ //
+ // This version can be used to verify the default options. For example, you
+ // may want to disallow certain options from being specified in the default
+ // options files.
+ //
+ template <typename O, typename F>
+ O
+ merge_default_options (const default_options<O>&, const O&, F&&);
+#include <libbutl/default-options.txx>
diff --git a/libbutl/default-options.txx b/libbutl/default-options.txx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42dd585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbutl/default-options.txx
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// file : libbutl/default-options.txx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+LIBBUTL_MODEXPORT namespace butl //@@ MOD Clang needs this for some reason.
+ // Search for and parse the options files in the specified directory and
+ // its local/ subdirectory, if exists, and append the options to the
+ // resulting list.
+ //
+ // Note that we check for the local/ subdirectory even if we don't think it
+ // belongs to the remote directory; the user may move things around or it
+ // could be a VCS we don't yet recognize and there doesn't seem to be any
+ // harm in doing so.
+ //
+ // Also note that if the directory is remote, then for now the options files
+ // in both the directory itself and its local/ subdirectory are considered
+ // remote (see load_default_options() for details).
+ //
+ template <typename O, typename S, typename U>
+ void
+ load_default_options_files (const dir_path& d,
+ bool remote,
+ const small_vector<path, 2>& fs,
+ default_options<O>& r)
+ {
+ auto load = [&fs, &r] (const dir_path& d, bool remote)
+ {
+ using namespace std;
+ for (const path& f: fs)
+ {
+ path p (d / f);
+ if (file_exists (p)) // Follows symlinks.
+ {
+ S s (p.string ());
+ // @@ Note that the potentially thrown exceptions (unknown option,
+ // unexpected argument, etc) will not contain any location
+ // information. Intercepting exception handling to add the file
+ // attribution feels too hairy for now. Maybe we should support
+ // this in CLI.
+ //
+ O o;
+ o.parse (s, U::fail, U::fail);
+ r.push_back (default_options_entry<O> {move (p), move (o), remote});
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ load (d, remote);
+ dir_path ld (d / dir_path ("local"));
+ if (dir_exists (ld))
+ load (ld, remote);
+ }
+ // Search for and parse the options files in the specified and outer
+ // directories until root/home directory (excluding) and append the options
+ // to the resulting list. Return true if the directory is "remote" (i.e.,
+ // belongs to a VCS repository).
+ //
+ template <typename O, typename S, typename U>
+ bool
+ load_default_options_files (const dir_path& start_dir,
+ const optional<dir_path>& home_dir,
+ const small_vector<path, 2>& fs,
+ default_options<O>& r)
+ {
+ if (start_dir.root () || (home_dir && start_dir == *home_dir))
+ return false;
+ bool remote (load_default_options_files<O, S, U> (start_dir.directory (),
+ home_dir,
+ fs,
+ r) ||
+ git_repository (start_dir));
+ dir_path d (start_dir / dir_path (".build2"));
+ if (dir_exists (d))
+ load_default_options_files<O, S, U> (d, remote, fs, r);
+ return remote;
+ }
+ template <typename O, typename S, typename U>
+ default_options<O>
+ load_default_options (const optional<dir_path>& sys_dir,
+ const optional<dir_path>& home_dir,
+ const default_options_files& ofs)
+ {
+ default_options<O> r;
+ if (sys_dir)
+ {
+ assert (sys_dir->absolute () && sys_dir->normalized ());
+ if (dir_exists (*sys_dir))
+ load_default_options_files<O, S, U> (*sys_dir,
+ false /* remote */,
+ ofs.files,
+ r);
+ }
+ if (home_dir)
+ {
+ assert (home_dir->absolute () && home_dir->normalized ());
+ dir_path d (*home_dir / dir_path (".build2"));
+ if (dir_exists (d))
+ load_default_options_files<O, S, U> (d,
+ false /* remote */,
+ ofs.files,
+ r);
+ }
+ if (ofs.start_dir)
+ {
+ assert (ofs.start_dir->absolute () && ofs.start_dir->normalized ());
+ load_default_options_files<O, S, U> (*ofs.start_dir,
+ home_dir,
+ ofs.files,
+ r);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ template <typename O, typename F>
+ O
+ merge_default_options (const default_options<O>& def_ops,
+ const O& cmd_ops,
+ F&& f)
+ {
+ // Optimize for the common case.
+ //
+ if (def_ops.empty ())
+ return cmd_ops;
+ O r;
+ for (const default_options_entry<O>& e: def_ops)
+ {
+ f (e, cmd_ops);
+ r.merge (e.options);
+ }
+ r.merge (cmd_ops);
+ return r;
+ }
+ template <typename O>
+ inline O
+ merge_default_options (const default_options<O>& def_ops, const O& cmd_ops)
+ {
+ return merge_default_options (
+ def_ops,
+ cmd_ops,
+ [] (const default_options_entry<O>&, const O&) {});
+ }
diff --git a/tests/default-options/buildfile b/tests/default-options/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5530a10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/default-options/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# file : tests/default-options/buildfile
+# copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
+# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libbutl%lib{butl}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{*} $libs testscript
diff --git a/tests/default-options/driver.cxx b/tests/default-options/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2ed43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/default-options/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// file : tests/default-options/driver.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <cassert>
+#ifndef __cpp_lib_modules_ts
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+// Other includes.
+#ifdef __cpp_modules_ts
+#ifdef __cpp_lib_modules_ts
+import std.core;
+import std.io;
+import butl.path;
+import butl.path_io;
+import butl.optional;
+import butl.fdstream;
+import butl.default_options;
+#include <libbutl/path.mxx>
+#include <libbutl/path-io.mxx>
+#include <libbutl/utility.mxx> // eof()
+#include <libbutl/optional.mxx>
+#include <libbutl/fdstream.mxx>
+#include <libbutl/default-options.mxx>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace butl;
+// Usage: argv[0] [-f <file>] [-d <start-dir>] [-s <sys-dir>] [-h <home-dir>]
+// [-e] <cmd-options>
+// Parse default options files, merge them with the command line options, and
+// print the resulting options to STDOUT one per line. Note that the options
+// instance is a vector of arbitrary strings.
+// -f
+// Default options file name. Can be specified multiple times.
+// -d
+// Directory to start the default options files search from.
+// -s
+// System directory.
+// -h
+// Home directory.
+// -e
+// Print the default options entries (rather than the merged options) to
+// STDOUT one per line in the following format:
+// <file>,<space-separated-options>,<remote>
+main (int argc, const char* argv[])
+ using butl::optional;
+ class scanner
+ {
+ public:
+ scanner (const string& f): ifs_ (f, fdopen_mode::in, ifdstream::badbit) {}
+ optional<string>
+ next ()
+ {
+ string s;
+ return !eof (getline (ifs_, s)) ? optional<string> (move (s)) : nullopt;
+ }
+ private:
+ ifdstream ifs_;
+ };
+ enum class unknow_mode
+ {
+ fail
+ };
+ class options: public vector<string>
+ {
+ public:
+ bool
+ parse (scanner& s, unknow_mode, unknow_mode)
+ {
+ bool r (false);
+ while (optional<string> o = s.next ())
+ {
+ push_back (move (*o));
+ r = true;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ void
+ merge (const options& o)
+ {
+ insert (end (), o.begin (), o.end ());
+ }
+ };
+ // Parse and validate the arguments.
+ //
+ default_options_files fs;
+ optional<dir_path> sys_dir;
+ optional<dir_path> home_dir;
+ options cmd_ops;
+ bool print_entries (false);
+ for (int i (1); i != argc; ++i)
+ {
+ string op (argv[i]);
+ if (op == "-f")
+ {
+ assert (++i != argc);
+ fs.files.push_back (path (argv[i]));
+ }
+ else if (op == "-d")
+ {
+ assert (++i != argc);
+ fs.start_dir = dir_path (argv[i]);
+ }
+ else if (op == "-s")
+ {
+ assert (++i != argc);
+ sys_dir = dir_path (argv[i]);
+ }
+ else if (op == "-h")
+ {
+ assert (++i != argc);
+ home_dir = dir_path (argv[i]);
+ }
+ else if (op == "-e")
+ {
+ print_entries = true;
+ }
+ else
+ cmd_ops.push_back (argv[i]);
+ }
+ // Load and print the default options.
+ //
+ default_options<options> def_ops (
+ load_default_options<options, scanner, unknow_mode> (sys_dir,
+ home_dir,
+ fs));
+ if (print_entries)
+ {
+ for (const default_options_entry<options>& e: def_ops)
+ {
+ cout << e.file << ',';
+ for (const string& o: e.options)
+ {
+ if (&o != &e.options[0])
+ cout << ' ';
+ cout << o;
+ }
+ cout << (e.remote ? ",true" : ",false") << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // Merge the options and print the result.
+ //
+ options ops (merge_default_options (def_ops, cmd_ops));
+ if (!print_entries)
+ {
+ for (const string& o: ops)
+ cout << o << endl;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/default-options/testscript b/tests/default-options/testscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0c3816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/default-options/testscript
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# file : tests/default-options/testscript
+# copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
+# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+# Note that when cross-testing the driver may not be able to run the command
+# due to the meaningless program path.
++if ($test.target != $build.host)
+ exit
+sys_dir = $canonicalize([dir_path] $~/build2)
++mkdir -p $sys_dir/local
++echo 'sys-foo' >=$sys_dir/foo
++echo 'sys-bar' >=$sys_dir/bar
++echo 'sys-local-foo' >=$sys_dir/local/foo
++echo 'sys-local-bar' >=$sys_dir/local/bar
+home_dir = $canonicalize([dir_path] $~/home)
++mkdir -p $home_dir/.build2/local/
++echo 'home-foo' >=$home_dir/.build2/foo
++echo 'home-bar' >=$home_dir/.build2/bar
++echo 'home-local-foo' >=$home_dir/.build2/local/foo
++echo 'home-local-bar' >=$home_dir/.build2/local/bar
+: in-home
+ d = $home_dir/work/.build2
+ +mkdir -p $d/local/
+ +echo 'work-foo' >=$d/foo
+ +echo 'work-bar' >=$d/bar
+ +echo 'work-local-foo' >=$d/local/foo
+ +echo 'work-local-bar' >=$d/local/bar
+ d = $home_dir/work/project/.build2
+ +mkdir -p $d/local/
+ +touch $home_dir/work/project/.git
+ +echo 'project-foo' >=$d/foo
+ +echo 'project-bar' >=$d/bar
+ +echo 'project-local-foo' >=$d/local/foo
+ +echo 'project-local-bar' >=$d/local/bar
+ d = $home_dir/work/project/package/.build2
+ +mkdir -p $d/local/
+ +echo 'package-foo' >=$d/foo
+ +echo 'package-bar' >=$d/bar
+ +echo 'package-local-foo' >=$d/local/foo
+ +echo 'package-local-bar' >=$d/local/bar
+ start_dir = $canonicalize([dir_path] $home_dir/work/project/package)
+ : entries
+ :
+ $* -e -f foo -f bar -d $start_dir -s $sys_dir -h $home_dir cmd-foo cmd-bar >>/~%EOO%d
+ %\.+/build2/foo,sys-foo,false%
+ %\.+/build2/bar,sys-bar,false%
+ %\.+/build2/local/foo,sys-local-foo,false%
+ %\.+/build2/local/bar,sys-local-bar,false%
+ %\.+/home/.build2/foo,home-foo,false%
+ %\.+/home/.build2/bar,home-bar,false%
+ %\.+/home/.build2/local/foo,home-local-foo,false%
+ %\.+/home/.build2/local/bar,home-local-bar,false%
+ %\.+/home/work/.build2/foo,work-foo,false%
+ %\.+/home/work/.build2/bar,work-bar,false%
+ %\.+/home/work/.build2/local/foo,work-local-foo,false%
+ %\.+/home/work/.build2/local/bar,work-local-bar,false%
+ %\.+/home/work/project/.build2/foo,project-foo,true%
+ %\.+/home/work/project/.build2/bar,project-bar,true%
+ %\.+/home/work/project/.build2/local/foo,project-local-foo,true%
+ %\.+/home/work/project/.build2/local/bar,project-local-bar,true%
+ %\.+/home/work/project/package/.build2/foo,package-foo,true%
+ %\.+/home/work/project/package/.build2/bar,package-bar,true%
+ %\.+/home/work/project/package/.build2/local/foo,package-local-foo,true%
+ %\.+/home/work/project/package/.build2/local/bar,package-local-bar,true%
+ : merged
+ :
+ $* -f foo -f bar -d $start_dir -s $sys_dir -h $home_dir cmd-foo cmd-bar >>EOO
+ sys-foo
+ sys-bar
+ sys-local-foo
+ sys-local-bar
+ home-foo
+ home-bar
+ home-local-foo
+ home-local-bar
+ work-foo
+ work-bar
+ work-local-foo
+ work-local-bar
+ project-foo
+ project-bar
+ project-local-foo
+ project-local-bar
+ package-foo
+ package-bar
+ package-local-foo
+ package-local-bar
+ cmd-foo
+ cmd-bar