diff options
-rw-r--r--doc/build2-cxx-style.txt (renamed from doc/cxx-style.txt)0
23 files changed, 2378 insertions, 696 deletions
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62c95e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+Language: Cpp
+# BasedOnStyle: LLVM
+AccessModifierOffset: -2
+AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
+AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
+AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false
+AlignEscapedNewlines: Right
+AlignOperands: true
+AlignTrailingComments: true
+AllowAllArgumentsOnNextLine: false
+AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
+AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
+AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None
+AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: All
+AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
+AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: MultiLine
+BinPackArguments: false
+BinPackParameters: false
+ AfterClass: true
+ AfterControlStatement: true
+ AfterEnum: true
+ AfterFunction: true
+ AfterNamespace: true
+ AfterObjCDeclaration: true
+ AfterStruct: true
+ AfterUnion: true
+ AfterExternBlock: true
+ BeforeCatch: true
+ BeforeElse: true
+ IndentBraces: false
+ SplitEmptyFunction: true
+ SplitEmptyRecord: true
+ SplitEmptyNamespace: true
+ BeforeLambdaBody: true
+BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
+# BreakBeforeBraces: Allman
+BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
+BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: false
+BreakInheritanceList: BeforeColon
+BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true
+BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false
+BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon
+BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false
+BreakStringLiterals: true
+ColumnLimit: 78
+CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:'
+CompactNamespaces: false
+ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true
+ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4
+ContinuationIndentWidth: 4
+Cpp11BracedListStyle: true
+DerivePointerAlignment: false
+DisableFormat: false
+ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
+FixNamespaceComments: false
+ - foreach
+IncludeBlocks: Preserve
+ - Regex: '^"(llvm|llvm-c|clang|clang-c)/'
+ Priority: 2
+ - Regex: '^(<|"(gtest|gmock|isl|json)/)'
+ Priority: 3
+ - Regex: '.*'
+ Priority: 1
+IncludeIsMainRegex: '(Test)?$'
+IndentCaseLabels: false
+IndentCaseBlocks: true
+IndentPPDirectives: None
+IndentWidth: 2
+IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
+JavaScriptQuotes: Leave
+JavaScriptWrapImports: true
+KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: true
+MacroBlockBegin: ''
+MacroBlockEnd: ''
+MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
+NamespaceIndentation: All
+ObjCBinPackProtocolList: Auto
+ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2
+ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false
+ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true
+PenaltyBreakAssignment: 2
+PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 19
+PenaltyBreakComment: 300
+PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120
+PenaltyBreakString: 1000
+PenaltyBreakTemplateDeclaration: 10
+PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000
+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60
+PointerAlignment: Left
+ReflowComments: true
+SortIncludes: false
+SortUsingDeclarations: true
+SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
+SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true
+SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
+SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: true
+SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true
+SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: false
+SpaceBeforeParens: Always
+SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: false
+SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
+SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
+SpacesInAngles: false
+SpacesInContainerLiterals: true
+SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
+SpacesInParentheses: false
+SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
+Standard: Cpp11
+TabWidth: 8
+UseTab: Never
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fce1b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This is a good default: files that are auto-detected by git to be text are
+# converted to the platform-native line ending (LF on Unix, CRLF on Windows)
+# in the working tree and to LF in the repository.
+* text=auto
+# Use `eol=crlf` for files that should have the CRLF line ending both in the
+# working tree (even on Unix) and in the repository.
+#*.bat text eol=crlf
+# Use `eol=lf` for files that should have the LF line ending both in the
+# working tree (even on Windows) in the repository.
+#*.sh text eol=lf
+# Use `binary` to make sure certain files are never auto-detected as text.
+#*.png binary
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9780708
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+This file contains information about the build2 authors for copyright
+The copyright for the code is held by the contributors of the code. The
+revision history in the version control system is the primary source of
+authorship information for copyright purposes. Contributors that have
+requested to also be noted explicitly in this file are listed below:
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bfc34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+This project is part of the `build2` toolchain; see its
+[Community]( page for various ways to
+The copyright for the code is held by the contributors of the code (see the
+`AUTHORS` file). The code is licensed under permissive open source licensing
+terms (see the `LICENSE` file). When you contribute code to this project, you
+license it under these terms. Before contributing please make sure that these
+terms are acceptable to you (and to your employer(s), if they have rights to
+intellectual property that you create) and that the code being contributed is
+your original creation.
+The revision history in the version control system is the primary source of
+authorship information for copyright purposes. If, however, you would like
+to also be noted explicitly, please include the appropriate change to the
+`AUTHORS` file along with your contribution.
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da8df38
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2014-2023 the build2 authors (see the AUTHORS file).
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/bootstrap b/bootstrap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..16aa666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# @@ Do we really want to require PDF doc generation? This will unlikely
+# work anywhere except Linux. Maybe we should only distribute .xhtml
+# and only generate PDFs for web publishing? Maybe decide when moving
+# to ad hoc rules?
+# Boostrap the build2 development setup.
+# See HOWTO/ for step by step instructions.
+# Typical command lines for "full" development setup:
+# --ssh --clean --extra --module rust --cxx g++-7 --cfg gcc7 --loptions "-fuse-ld=gold -Wl,--threads,--thread-count,4"
+# Additional configuration:
+# --no-clone --no-symlink --no-libs --no-modules --cxx g++-7 --cfg gcc7-tsan --coptions "-Wall -Wextra -Werror -g -fsanitize=thread" --loptions "-fuse-ld=gold -Wl,--threads,--thread-count,4"
+# To initialize any additional projects:
+# bdep init -d <proj> -A builds/gcc7 @gcc7
+# Note that this script runs git-update-index commands specified in the
+# README-GIT files of cloned repositories. It also expected the staged
+# toolchain, CLI, and ODB to be runnable (i.e., already in PATH).
+# Options:
+# --ssh
+# Use SSH URL for cloning (rw access).
+# --extra
+# Initialize additional packages (bbot, brep, etc) that are not part of
+# the toolchain core (build2, bpkg, and bdep). Note that they are
+# configured but not updated. Also note that for brep we assume libapr1,
+# libapreq2, and libpq are available from the system (see brep/INSTALL
+# for details).
+# --module <name>
+# Additional (to standard pre-installed) build system module to initialize.
+# Repeat this option to specify multiple modules. Note: <name> should be
+# without the libbuild2- prefix.
+# --no-modules
+# Do not initialize standard pre-installed build system modules.
+# --no-clone
+# Do not clone the repositories or build the bootstrap build system
+# (b-boot) assuming this has already been done. This option is primarily
+# useful for initializing additional configurations (e.g., Clang in
+# addition to GCC).
+# --clean
+# Clean (or clone if does not exist) the source directories (remove .bdep/,
+# forwarded configurations) and the configuration directories. This is
+# primarily useful to re-initialized an already initialized (or failed)
+# setup.
+# --no-libs
+# Do not create an extra configuration for libraries. Having such a
+# configuration allows you to test changes in libraries without rendering
+# the rest of the toolchain no longer runnable/functional.
+# --no-symlink
+# Do not create executable symlinks in /usr/local/bin/.
+# --cxx
+# --cfg
+# C++ compiler to use and the corresponding build configuration name, for
+# example, g++-9/gcc9 or clang++-8/clang8; g++/gcc by default.
+# --coptions
+# --loptions
+# Compiler and linker options to use. By default a debug build with
+# ASAN/UBSAN is configured:
+# -Wall -Wextra -Werror -g -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+# To configure TSAN, use the following coptions instead:
+# -Wall -Wextra -Werror -g -fsanitize=thread
+# To enable parallel linking with gold, use the following loptions:
+# -fuse-ld=gold -Wl,--threads,--thread-count,4
+trap "{ cd '$owd'; exit 1; }" ERR
+set -o errtrace # Trap in functions.
+function info () { echo "$*" 1>&2; }
+function error () { info "$*"; exit 1; }
+# Run a command with tracing (similar to set -x).
+# Note that this function will execute a command with arguments that contain
+# spaces but it will not print them as quoted (and neither does set -x).
+function run ()
+ echo "+ $@" 1>&2
+ "$@"
+# Make sure the necessary tools are runnable.
+cli --version >/dev/null
+odb --version >/dev/null
+b --version >/dev/null
+bpkg --version >/dev/null
+bdep --version >/dev/null
+mod=(hello autoconf kconfig)
+copt="-Wall -Wextra -Werror -g -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ --ssh)
+ url=""
+ mod_url=""
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --extra)
+ extra=true
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --module)
+ shift
+ mod+=("$1")
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --no-modules)
+ mod=()
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --no-symlink)
+ sym=
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --no-clone)
+ clone=
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --clean)
+ clean=true
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --no-libs)
+ libs=
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --cxx)
+ shift
+ cxx="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --cfg)
+ shift
+ cfg="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --coptions)
+ shift
+ copt="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --loptions)
+ shift
+ lopt="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ error "unexpected $1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [ "$clean" ]; then
+ if [ "$sym" ]; then
+ run sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/b-boot
+ run sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/b
+ run sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/bpkg
+ run sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/bdep
+ fi
+ run rm -rf builds/
+ for m in "${mod[@]}"; do
+ run rm -rf "libbuild2-$m-build/"
+ done
+ run cd build2
+ run make -f bootstrap.gmake CXX="$cxx" CXXFLAGS=-O3 clean
+ run cd -
+ def=true
+ # Determine if this is the first/default configuration.
+ #
+ if test -d build2/.bdep; then
+ def=
+ else
+ def=true
+ fi
+if [ ! "$def" ]; then
+ if [ "$libs" ]; then
+ error "non-default configuration requires --no-libs"
+ fi
+ if [ "${#mod[@]}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ error "non-default configuration requires --no-modules"
+ fi
+if [ "$extra" ]; then
+ popt="$popt -I$(apxs -q includedir)"
+# Clone or clean the repository.
+function git_clone () # <url>
+ local u d l
+ u="$1"
+ d="$(basename -s .git "$u")"
+ # Clone it if doesn't exist.
+ #
+ if [ "$clean" -a -d "$d" ]; then
+ run rm -rf "$d/.bdep/"
+ for l in $(find "$d" -name; do
+ run rm -f "$l"
+ done
+ else
+ run git clone --recursive "$u"
+ fi
+ # Run git-update-index commands from README-GIT.
+ #
+ if [ -f "$d/README-GIT" ]; then
+ run cd "$d"
+ l=
+ while read l || [ -n "$l" ]; do
+ info "+ $l"
+ eval $l
+ done < <(sed -rn -e 's/^(git update-index .+)/\1/p' README-GIT)
+ run cd -
+ fi
+ # Generate documentation (currently and temporarily handled with a script).
+ #
+ if [ -f "$d/doc/" ]; then
+ run cd "$d/doc"
+ run ./
+ run cd -
+ fi
+if [ "$clone" -o "$clean" ]; then
+ git_clone "$url/libbutl.git"
+ git_clone "$url/build2.git"
+ git_clone "$url/libbpkg.git"
+ git_clone "$url/bpkg.git"
+ git_clone "$url/bdep.git"
+ if [ "$extra" ]; then
+ git_clone "$url/libbutl.bash.git"
+ git_clone "$url/bpkg-util.git"
+ git_clone "$url/bdep-util.git"
+ git_clone "$url/libbbot.git"
+ git_clone "$url/bbot.git"
+ git_clone "$url/brep.git"
+ fi
+ for m in "${mod[@]}"; do
+ git_clone "$mod_url/libbuild2-$m.git"
+ done
+ # Build the bootstrap build system (b-boot).
+ #
+ run cd build2
+ run make -f bootstrap.gmake CXX="$cxx" CXXFLAGS=-O3 -j 8
+ run make -f bootstrap.gmake CXX="$cxx" CXXFLAGS=-O3 cleano # Cleanup objs.
+ run build2/b-boot --version
+ run cd -
+run mkdir -p builds
+# The -libs configuration.
+# Note that by doing this first we automatically make sure this will be their
+# default/forwarded configuration.
+if [ "$libs" ]; then
+ run bpkg create -d "builds/$cfg-libs" cc cli \
+ config.cli=cli \
+ config.cxx="$cxx" \
+"$copt" \
+"$lopt" \
+ config.bin.lib=shared \
+ config.install.root=/tmp/install config.dist.root=/tmp/dist
+ run bdep init -d libbutl -A "builds/$cfg-libs" "@$cfg-libs"
+ run bdep init -d libbpkg -A "builds/$cfg-libs" "@$cfg-libs"
+ if [ "$extra" ]; then
+ run bdep init -d libbutl.bash -A "builds/$cfg-libs" "@$cfg-libs"
+ run bdep init -d libbbot -A "builds/$cfg-libs" "@$cfg-libs"
+ fi
+# Relative and absolute configuration directories.
+# Build system configuration.
+# Notes:
+# 1. Using ?cli since this should be buildable by b-boot.
+# 2. Only building shared libraries for speed of development.
+run bpkg create -d "$rd" cc ?cli \
+ config.cli=cli \
+ config.cxx="$cxx" \
+"$popt" \
+"$copt" \
+"$lopt" \
+ config.bin.lib=shared \
+ config.install.root=/tmp/install config.dist.root=/tmp/dist
+run bdep init -d libbutl -A "$rd" "@$cfg"
+run bdep init -d build2 -A "$rd" "@$cfg"
+run bdep init -d libbpkg -A "$rd" "@$cfg"
+run bdep init -d bpkg -A "$rd" "@$cfg"
+run bdep init -d bdep -A "$rd" "@$cfg"
+if [ "$extra" ]; then
+ run bdep init -d libbutl.bash -A "$rd" "@$cfg"
+ run bdep init -d bpkg-util -A "$rd" "@$cfg"
+ run bdep init -d bdep-util -A "$rd" "@$cfg"
+ run bdep init -d libbbot -A "$rd" "@$cfg"
+ run bdep init -d bbot -A "$rd" "@$cfg"
+ run bdep init -d brep -A "$rd" "@$cfg" \
+ ?sys:libapr1 ?sys:libapreq2 ?sys:libpq
+# Generate database support (currently and temporarily handled with a script).
+# Note: this has to be done after bdep-init since we need the libodb headers.
+# We also have to pre-update version headers.
+if [ $def ]; then
+ run bpkg update -d "$rd" libodb
+ run b "$rd/libbutl/libbutl/hxx{version}"
+ run b "$rd/libbpkg/libbpkg/hxx{version}"
+ run b "$rd/bpkg/bpkg/hxx{version common-options}"
+ run b "$rd/bdep/bdep/hxx{version common-options project-options}"
+ run cd bpkg/bpkg
+ run ./
+ run cd -
+ run cd bdep/bdep
+ run ./
+ run cd -
+ if [ "$extra" ]; then
+ run b "$rd/brep/web/xhtml/hxx{version}"
+ run b "$rd/brep/libbrep/hxx{version}"
+ run cd brep/libbrep
+ run ./
+ run cd -
+ fi
+if [ $def ]; then
+ run b build2/build2/ bpkg/bpkg/ bdep/bdep/
+ run build2/build2/b --version
+ run bpkg/bpkg/bpkg --version
+ run bdep/bdep/bdep --version
+ run b "$rd/build2/build2/" "$rd/bpkg/bpkg/" "$rd/bdep/bdep/"
+ run "$rd/build2/build2/b" --version
+ run "$rd/bpkg/bpkg/bpkg" --version
+ run "$rd/bdep/bdep/bdep" --version
+# Add symlinks.
+if [ "$sym" ]; then
+ # Note that we symlink the actual executable in the build configuration
+ # rather than the backlink in the forwarded source to make the old binary
+ # runnable in the face of compilation errors (which trigger the removal of
+ # backlinks).
+ #
+ run sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
+ run sudo ln -s "$owd/build2/build2/b-boot" /usr/local/bin/b-boot
+ run sudo ln -s "$ad/build2/build2/b" /usr/local/bin/b
+ run sudo ln -s "$ad/bpkg/bpkg/bpkg" /usr/local/bin/bpkg
+ run sudo ln -s "$ad/bdep/bdep/bdep" /usr/local/bin/bdep
+ run export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
+ run export PATH="$ad/build2/build2:$PATH"
+ run export PATH="$ad/bpkg/bpkg:$PATH"
+ run export PATH="$ad/bdep/bdep:$PATH"
+run which b bpkg bdep
+# Re-run update using the bootstrapped toolchain (normally should be a
+# noop).
+if [ $def ]; then
+ run b build2/build2/ bpkg/bpkg/ bdep/bdep/
+ run b "$rd/build2/build2/" "$rd/bpkg/bpkg/" "$rd/bdep/bdep/"
+# Configure the modules.
+for m in "${mod[@]}"; do
+ d="libbuild2-$m"
+ run cd "$d"
+ run bdep init --empty
+ run bdep config create @module "../$d-build/module/" --type build2 cc config.config.load=~build2
+ run bdep config create @target "../$d-build/target/" cc config.cxx="$cxx"
+ run bdep init @module -d "$d/"
+ # See if this module requires bootstrap.
+ #
+ b=$(sed -rn -e 's/^\s*requires\s*:\s*bootstrap\s*$/true/p' "$d/manifest")
+ if [ "$b" ]; then
+ info "module $d requires bootstrapping"
+ info "make sure ~/.build2/b.option contains the following line and press Enter"
+ info "!config.import.libbuild2_$m=$owd/$d-build/module/"
+ read
+ fi
+ # Assume every package other than the module is a test.
+ #
+ # Note: sed regex is from the glue buildfile.
+ #
+ for t in $(sed -rn -e 's/^\s*location\s*:\s*(\S+)\s*$/\1/p' packages.manifest); do
+ if [ "$d/" = "$t" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ run bdep init @target -d "$t"
+ done
+ run cd -
diff --git a/doc/bash-style.cli b/doc/bash-style.cli
index d22cc23..4edc984 100644
--- a/doc/bash-style.cli
+++ b/doc/bash-style.cli
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
// file : doc/bash-style.cli
-// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
"\title=Bash Style Guide"
@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@
Bash works best for simple tasks. Needing arrays, arithmetic, and so on, is
-usually a good indication that the task at hand is too complex for Bash.
+usually a good indication that the task at hand may be too complex for Bash.
Most of the below rules can be broken if there is a good reason for it.
Besides making things consistent, rules free you from having to stop and think
@@ -32,8 +31,11 @@ the former provides a lot more rationale compared to this guide.
Don't use any extensions for your scripts. That is, call it just \c{foo}
-rather than \c{} or \c{foo.bash}. Use lower-case letters and dash
-to separate words, for example \c{foo-bar}.
+rather than \c{} or \c{foo.bash} (though we do use the \c{.bash}
+extension for
+Bash modules}). Use lower-case letters and dash to separate words, for example
Indentation is two spaces (not tabs). Maximum line length is 79 characters
(excluding newline). Use blank lines between logical blocks to improve
@@ -46,16 +48,29 @@ For \c{if}/\c{while} and \c{for}/\c{do} the corresponding \c{then} or \c{do}
is written on the same line after a semicolon, for example:
-if [ ... ]; then
+if [[ ... ]]; then
+ ...
for x in ...; do
+ ...
-For \c{if} use \c{[ ]} for basic tests and \c{[[ ]]} only if the previous form
-is not sufficient. Use \c{test} for filesystem tests (presence of files,
-etc). Do use \c{elif}.
+Do use \c{elif} instead of nested \c{else} and \c{if} (and consider if
+\c{case} can be used instead).
+For \c{if}/\c{while} use \c{[[ ]]} since it results in cleaner code for
+complex expressions, for example:
+if [[ \"$foo\" && (\"$bar\" || \"$baz\") ]]; then
+ ...
+\N|If for some reason you need the semantics of \c{[}, use \c{test} instead to
+make it clear this is intentional.|
@@ -74,7 +89,10 @@ usage=\"usage: $0 <OPTIONS>\"
trap \"{ cd '$owd'; exit 1; }\" ERR
-set -o errtrace # Trap in functions.
+set -o errtrace # Trap in functions and subshells.
+set -o pipefail # Fail if any pipeline command fails.
+shopt -s lastpipe # Execute last pipeline command in the current shell.
+shopt -s nullglob # Expand no-match globs to nothing rather than themselves.
function info () { echo \"$*\" 1>&2; }
function error () { info \"$*\"; exit 1; }
@@ -132,7 +150,7 @@ file=
Parse the command line options/arguments. For example:
-while [ \"$#\" -gt 0 ]; do
+while [[ \"$#\" -gt 0 ]]; do
case \"$1\" in
@@ -144,7 +162,7 @@ while [ \"$#\" -gt 0 ]; do
- if [ -n \"$file\" ]; then
+ if [[ -n \"$file\" ]]; then
error \"$usage\"
@@ -156,19 +174,19 @@ done
If the value you are expecting from the command line is a directory path,
-the always strip the trailing slash (as shown above for the \c{-t} option).
+then always strip the trailing slash (as shown above for the \c{-t} option).
Validate option/argument values. For example:
-if [ -z \"$file\" ]; then
+if [[ -z \"$file\" ]]; then
error \"$usage\"
-if [ ! -d \"$file\" ]; then
- fail \"'$file' does not exist or is not a directory\"
+if [[ ! -d \"$file\" ]]; then
+ error \"'$file' does not exist or is not a directory\"
@@ -183,11 +201,14 @@ functions, then define them just before use.
We quote every variable expansion, no exceptions. For example:
-if [ -n \"$foo\" ]; then
+if [[ -n \"$foo\" ]]; then
+\N|While there is no word splitting in the \c{[[ ]]} context, we still quote
+variable expansions for consistency.|
This also applies to command substitution (which we always write as
\c{$(foo arg)} rather than \c{`foo arg`}), for example:
@@ -202,28 +223,42 @@ list=\"$(basename \"$1\")\"
We also quote values that are \i{strings} as opposed to options/file names,
-paths, or integers. If setting a variable that will contain one of these
-unquoted values, try to give it a name that reflects its type (e.g.,
-\c{foo_file} rather than \c{foo_name}). Prefer single quotes for \c{sed}
+paths, enum-like values, or integers. Prefer single quotes for \c{sed}
scripts, for example:
+url=\"\" # String.
+quiet=y # Enum-like.
+verbosity=1 # Integer.
+dir=/etc # Directory path.
+out=/dev/null # File path.
+file=manifest # File name.
+option=--quiet # Option name.
+seds='s%^./%%' # sed script.
-Note that quoting will inhibit globbing so you may end up with expansions
-along these lines:
+Take care to quote globs that are not meant to be expanded, for example:
+unset \"array[0]\"
+And since quoting will inhibit globbing, you may end up with expansions along
+these lines:
rm -f \"$dir/$name\".*
+Note also that globbing is not performed in the \c{[[ ]]} context so this is
+if [[ -v array[0] ]]; then
+ ...
\N|One exception to this quoting rule is arithmetic expansion (\c{$((\ ))}):
Bash treats it as if it was double-quoted and, as a result, any inner quoting
is treated literally. For example:
@@ -244,14 +279,13 @@ typical example of a space-aware argument handling:
-while [ \"$#\" -gt 0 ]; do
+while [[ \"$#\" -gt 0 ]]; do
case \"$1\" in
- shift
- files=(\"${files[@]}\" \"$1\")
+ files+=(\"$1\")
@@ -280,58 +314,87 @@ echo \"files: ${files[@]}\" # $1='files: one', $2='2 two', $3='three'
echo \"files: ${files[*]}\" # $1='files: one 2 two three'
-Our scripts use the error trap to automatically terminate the script in case
-any command fails. If you need to check the exit status of a command, use
-\c{if}, for example:
-if grep \"foo\" /tmp/bar; then
- info \"found\"
+For boolean values use empty for false and \c{true} for true. This way you
+can have terse and natural looking conditions, for example:
-if ! grep \"foo\" /tmp/bar; then
- info \"not found\"
+while ...; do
-Note that the \c{if}-condition can be combined with capturing the output, for
+ if [[ ! \"$first\" ]]; then
+ ...
+ fi
-if v=\"$(...)\"; then
- ...
+ if [[ \"$first\" ]]; then
+ first=
+ fi
-If you need to ignore the exit status, you can use \c{|| true}, for example:
+Bush executes certain constructs in \i{subshells} and some of these constructs
+may not be obvious:
+\li|Explicit subshell: \c{(...)}|
+\li|Pipeline: \c{...|...}|
+\li|Command substitution: \c{$(...)}|
+\li|Process substitution: \c{<(...)}, \c{>(...)}|
+\li|Background: \c{...&}, \c{coproc ...}|
+Naturally, a subshell cannot modify any state in the parent shell, which
+sometimes leads to counter-intuitive behavior, for example:
-foo || true
+... | while read l; do
+ lines+=(\"$l\")
+At the end of the loop, \c{lines} will remain empty since the loop body is
+executed in a subshell. One way to resolve this is to use the program
+substitution instead of the pipeline:
-For boolean values use empty for false and \c{true} for true. This way you
-can have terse and natural looking conditions, for example:
+while read l; do
+ lines+=(\"$l\")
+done < <(...)
-while ...; do
- if [ ! \"$first\" ]; then
- ...
- fi
+This, however, results in an unnatural, backwards-looking (compared to the
+pipeline) code. Instead, we can request the last command of the pipeline to be
+executed in the parent shell with the \c{lastpipe} shell option, for example:
- if [ \"$first\" ]; then
- first=
- fi
+shopt -s lastpipe
+... | while read l; do
+ lines+=(\"$l\")
+\N|The \c{lastpipe} shell option is inherited by functions and subshells.|
If a function takes arguments, provide a brief usage after the function
@@ -348,8 +411,8 @@ For non-trivial/obvious functions also provide a short description of its
functionality/purpose, for example:
-# Prepare a distribution of the specified packages and place it into the
-# specified directory.
+# Prepare a distribution of the specified packages and place it
+# into the specified directory.
function dist() # <pkg> <dir>
@@ -368,7 +431,7 @@ function dist()
If the evaluation of the value may fail (e.g., it contains a program
substitution), then place the assignment on a separate line since \c{local}
-will cause the error to be ignore. For example:
+will cause the error to be ignored. For example:
function dist()
@@ -378,10 +441,273 @@ function dist()
+A function can return data in two primary ways: exit code and stdout.
+Normally, exit code 0 means success and exit code 1 means failure though
+additional codes can be used to distinguish between different kinds of
+failures (for example, \"hard\" and \"soft\" failures), signify special
+conditions, etc., see \l{#error-handing Error Handling} for details.
+A function can also write to stdout with the result available to the caller in
+the same way as from programs (command substitution, pipeline, etc). If a
+function needs to return multiple values, then it can print them separated
+with newlines with the caller using the \c{readarray} builtin to read them
+into an indexed array, for example:
+function func ()
+ echo one
+ echo two
+ echo three
+func | readarray -t r
+\N|The use of the newline as a separator means that values may not contain
+newlines. While \c{readarray} supports specifying a custom separator with the
+\c{-d} option, including a \c{NUL} separator, this support is only available
+since Bash 4.4.|
+This technique can also be extended to return an associative array by first
+returning the values as an indexed array and then converting them to
+an associative array with \c{eval}, for example:
+function func ()
+ echo \"[a]=one\"
+ echo \"[b]=two\"
+ echo \"[c]=three\"
+func | readarray -t ia
+eval declare -A aa=(\"${ia[@]}\")
+Note that if a key or a value contains whitespaces, then it must be quoted.
+The recommendation is to always quote both, for example:
+function func ()
+ echo \"['a']='one ONE'\"
+ echo \"['b']='two'\"
+ echo \"['c']='three'\"
+Or, if returning a local array:
+function func ()
+ declare -A a=([a]='one ONE' [b]=two [c]=three)
+ for k in \"${!a[@]}\"; do
+ echo \"['$k']='${a[$k]}'\"
+ done
For more information on returning data from functions, see
\l{ BashFAQ#084}.
-For more information on writing reusable functions, see
-Bash Utility Script Library}.
+\h1#error-handing|Error Handling|
+Our scripts use the \c{ERR} trap to automatically terminate the script in case
+any command fail. This semantics is also propagated to functions and subshells
+by specifying the \c{errtrace} shell option and to all the commands of a
+pipeline by specifying the \c{pipefail} option.
+\N|Without \c{pipefail}, a non-zero exit of any command in the pipeline except
+the last is ignored. The \c{pipefail} shell option is inherited by functions
+and subshells.|
+\N|While the \c{nounset} options may also seem like a good idea, it has
+subtle, often latent pitfalls that make it more trouble than it's worth (see
+\l{ \c{nounset} pitfalls}).|
+The \c{pipefail} semantics is not without pitfalls which should be kept in
+mind. In particular, if a command in a pipeline exits before reading the
+preceding command's output in its entirety, such a command may exit with a
+non-zero exit status (see \l{
+\c{pipefail} pitfalls} for details).
+\N|Note that in such a situation the preceding command may exit with zero
+status not only because it gracefully handled \c{SIGPIPE} but also because all
+of its output happened to fit into the pipe buffer.|
+For example, these are the two common pipelines that may exhibit this issue:
+prog | head -n 1
+prog | grep -q foo
+In these two cases, the simplest (though not the most efficient) way to work
+around this issue is to reimplement \c{head} with \c{sed} and to get rid of
+\c{-q} in \c{grep}, for example:
+prog | sed -n -e '1p'
+prog | grep foo >/dev/null
+If you need to check the exit status of a command, use \c{if}, for example:
+if grep -q \"foo\" /tmp/bar; then
+ info \"found\"
+if ! grep -q \"foo\" /tmp/bar; then
+ info \"not found\"
+Note that the \c{if}-condition can be combined with capturing the output, for
+if v=\"$(...)\"; then
+ ...
+But keep in mind that in Bash a failure is often indistinguishable from a
+true/false result. For example, in the above \c{grep} command, the result will
+be the same whether there is no match or if the file does not exist.
+Furthermore, in certain contexts, the above-mentioned \c{ERR} trap is ignored.
+Quoting from the Bash manual:
+\i{The \c{ERR} trap is not executed if the failed command is part of the
+command list immediately following an \c{until} or \c{while} keyword, part of
+the test following the \c{if} or \c{elif} reserved words, part of a command
+executed in a \c{&&} or \c{||} list except the command following the final
+\c{&&} or \c{||}, any command in a pipeline but the last, or if the command’s
+return status is being inverted using \c{!}. These are the same conditions
+obeyed by the \c{errexit} (\c{-e}) option.}
+To illustrate the gravity of this point, consider the following example:
+function cleanup()
+ cd \"$1\"
+ rm -f *
+if ! cleanup /no/such/dir; then
+ ...
+Here, the \c{cleanup()} function will continue executing (and may succeed)
+even if the \c{cd} command has failed.
+Note, however, that notwithstanding the above statement from the Bash manual,
+the \c{ERR} trap is executed inside all the subshell commands of a pipeline
+provided the \c{errtrace} option is specified. As a result, the above code can
+be made to work by temporarily disabling \c{pipefail} and reimplementing it as
+a pipeline:
+set +o pipefail
+cleanup /no/such/dir | cat
+set -o pipefail
+if [[ \"$r\" -ne 0 ]]; then
+ ...
+\N|Here, if \c{cleanup}'s \c{cd} fails, the \c{ERR} trap will be executed in
+the subshell, causing it to exit with an error status, which the parent shell
+then makes available in \c{PIPESTATUS}.|
+The recommendation is then to avoid calling functions in contexts where the
+\c{ERR} trap is ignored resorting to the above pipe trick where that's not
+possible. And to be mindful of the potential ambiguity between the true/false
+result and failure for other commands. The use of the \c{&&} and \c{||}
+command expressions is best left to the interactive shell.
+\N|The pipe trick cannot be used if the function needs to modify the global
+state. Such a function, however, might as well return the exit status also as
+part of the global state. The pipe trick can also be used to ignore the exit
+status of a command.|
+The pipe trick can also be used to distinguish between different exit codes,
+for example:
+function func()
+ bar # If this command fails, the function returns 1.
+ if ... ; then
+ return 2
+ fi
+set +o pipefail
+func | cat
+set -o pipefail
+case \"$r\" in
+ 0)
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ ...
+ ;;
+\N|In such functions it makes sense to keep exit code 1 to mean failure so
+that the inherited \c{ERR} trap can be re-used.|
+This technique can be further extended to implement functions that both
+return multiple exit codes and produce output, for example:
+function func()
+ bar # If this command fails, the function returns 1.
+ if ... ; then
+ return 2
+ fi
+ echo result
+set +o pipefail
+func | readarray -t ro
+set -o pipefail
+case \"$r\" in
+ 0)
+ echo \"${ro[0]}\"
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ ...
+ ;;
+\N|We use \c{readarray} instead of \c{read} since the latter fails if the left
+hand side of the pipeline does not produce anything.|
diff --git a/doc/cxx-style.txt b/doc/build2-cxx-style.txt
index 8e968b8..8e968b8 100644
--- a/doc/cxx-style.txt
+++ b/doc/build2-cxx-style.txt
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index e737ee7..3f10993 100755
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ set -o errtrace # Trap in functions.
function info () { echo "$*" 1>&2; }
function error () { info "$*"; exit 1; }
+copyright="$(sed -n -re 's%^Copyright \(c\) (.+) \(see the AUTHORS file\)\.$%\1%p' ../LICENSE)"
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $1 in
@@ -18,12 +20,14 @@ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
-cli --generate-html --html-suffix .xhtml \
+cli -v copyright="$copyright" \
+--generate-html --html-suffix .xhtml \
--html-prologue-file doc-prologue.xhtml \
--html-epilogue-file doc-epilogue.xhtml \
--output-prefix build2- bash-style.cli
-cli --generate-html --html-suffix .xhtml \
+cli -v copyright="$copyright" \
+--generate-html --html-suffix .xhtml \
--html-prologue-file doc-prologue.xhtml \
--html-epilogue-file doc-epilogue.xhtml \
--output-prefix build2- release.cli
diff --git a/doc/release.cli b/doc/release.cli
index a83ff35..8aba681 100644
--- a/doc/release.cli
+++ b/doc/release.cli
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
// file : doc/release.cli
-// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
"\title=Release Process"
@@ -18,6 +17,13 @@
Review the state and services list (currently on paper) for any new additions.
Consider how/when they are updated/tested during the release process.
+@@ We have switched to a single configuration for the entire toolchain
+ (plus -libs).
+@@ We currently have an issue in that \c{queue} builds \c{public} using
+\c{public} \c{buildtabs} (since it's querying \c{public} brep) which means
+existing packages are not tested with new build configurations. But maybe
+that's correct, conceptually.
@@ -28,8 +34,10 @@ any of these dependencies are in the unreleased state, then they should go
through the applicable steps in this section (e.g., updating of \c{NEWS}, etc)
and then be queued and published (effectively released) as part of the
\c{build2} release. Generally, however, we should strive to not unnecessarily
-bundle the release of dependencies with the release of \c{build2} to keep
-the process as streamlined as possible.
+bundle the release of dependencies with the release of \c{build2} to keep the
+process as streamlined as possible. In fact, we now have \c{queue.stage} (see
+\c{etc/stage-queue}) which is the place for such \"extra packages for
\N|When unbundling the release of a dependency we need to remove its
distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
@@ -45,6 +53,14 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
Use the \c{git/copyright} script. See the script header for instructions.
+ Note that most of (all?) our project have been converted to the automatic
+ copyright update notification via a pre-commit hook. So perhaps this step
+ can be removed.
+\h#install-times|Update install script times.|
+ See \c{private/install/build2-times.txt} for instructions.
\h#etc|Update \c{etc/git/modules}|
Review for any new modules. Remove \c{etc/} and \c{private/} from
@@ -52,7 +68,7 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
\h#review|Review \c{@@}|
- Review \c{@@} notes:
+ Review \c{etc/review} for new modules. Then review \c{@@} notes:
etc/review | less -R
@@ -82,7 +98,10 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
\h#packaging|Release \c{packaging/} dependencies|
Release dependencies that have the snapshot version as described in
- \c{private/build2-packaging.txt}.
+ \l{
+ Version and Release Management}.
+ Also, consider upgrading the \c{curl/ca-certificates-curl}.
\N|Maybe this should be done during queuing? Why do we release (but not
publish) these now and other dependencies later? Maybe so that we can
@@ -114,6 +133,41 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
+ Or, if released ODB on the previous step, update \c{libodb*} version
+ constraint using \c{etc/version}, commit, and then:
+ \
+ # Step 0: make sure b, bpkg, bdep are runnable.
+ # Step 1: pull ODB compiler and build it, make sure runnable.
+ # Step 2: pull everything in build2 (including brep).
+ # Step 3: upgrade (in configure-only mode).
+ #
+ # If this step goes sideways, use the saved .bak configurations to
+ # revert, fix the issue, and try again. If unable to fix the issue
+ # (for example, the toolchain is not runnable), then do the from-
+ # scratch bootstrap using the etc/bootstrap script.
+ #
+ etc/upgrade -c
+ # Step 4: trigger header regeneration (ignore ODB version errors).
+ #
+ BDEP_SYNC=0 b --match-only ~/work/build2/builds/gcc7/
+ # Step 5: regenerated ODB code in the relevant projects (bpkg, bdep, brep):
+ #
+ ./ ~/work/build2/builds/gcc7/
+ # Step 6: finish toolchain update:
+ #
+ BDEP_SYNC=0 b build2/ bpkg/ bdep/
+ b build2/ bpkg/ bdep/ # Should be noop.
+ \
+ Then push \c{build2} repositories.
\h#hello|Update \c{hello/} projects|
@@ -132,17 +186,19 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
git push ...
- Once done, run the \c{intro} scripts and review any changes in the output
- (this information will be helpful on the next step):
+ Once done, make sure the latest \c{libhello} revision is on stage, run the
+ \c{intro} scripts, and review any changes in the output (this information
+ will be helpful on the next step):
cd etc
- ./intro2-tldr 2>&1 | tee intro2-tldr.out
+ script -qc ./intro2-tldr intro2-tldr.out && sed -i -e 's/\r//g' intro2-tldr.out
diff -u intro2-tldr.orig intro2-tldr.out # Or use gitk.
mv intro2-tldr.out intro2-tldr.orig
- ./intro2-tour 2>&1 | tee intro2-tour.out
+ script -qc ./intro2-tour intro2-tour.out && sed -i -e 's/\r//g' intro2-tour.out
diff -u intro2-tour.orig intro2-tour.out # Or use gitk.
mv intro2-tour.out intro2-tour.orig
@@ -159,7 +215,7 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
- \li|Install guide: 1 & 2.|
+ \li|Install guide: 1 & 2 (also review \c{build2-toolchain} commit log).|
\li|Toolchain introduction: 1, 2 & 3 (use \c{intro} script output for 2).|
@@ -194,6 +250,12 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
\h#stage-machines|Update \c{stage} \c{buildtab}s and build machines|
+ NOTE: may want to keep old machines around for public testing (since we use
+ existing public buildtabs, none of the new machines will be used).
+ Note: normally, we try to do all of this as part of normal development
+ (e.g., when adding new machines, etc).
Review \c{stage} \c{buildtab} for any configurations to drop (for example,
an intermediate version of a compiler), classes to adjust (\c{legacy},
\c{default}, \c{latest}, etc).
@@ -208,6 +270,7 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
cd private/buildos/
+ grep '.*' .../brep-buildtab | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -u
./ls-machines -c stage -c devel
~/work/buildos/remove-machine <host> <machine>
@@ -219,7 +282,7 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
cd private/buildos/
- ./ls-machines -l \"/btrfs/$(whoami)/machines/default/\"
+ ./ls-machines -l \"/btrfs/$(whoami)/machines/default/\" | sort
./ls-machines -c stage -c devel
~/work/build2/buildos/upload-machine <host> .../new-ver .../old-ver
@@ -236,6 +299,8 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
If no upgrade is possible from the previous version, uncomment errors in
install scripts (and add a note to restore after the release).
+ Enable extra packages for testing in \c{etc/stage} script.
Restage and upgrade \c{brep} by performing the following steps:
@@ -249,6 +314,12 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
etc/stage -b
+ Consider restaging queue for good measure.
+ \
+ etc/stage-queue
+ \
\li|While build machines are bootstrapping, upgrade \c{brep} on \c{stage},
@@ -266,6 +337,27 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
Verify \c{stage} build is clean, nothing is unbuilt.
+\h#test-extra|Perform extra testing|
+ CI: (check for any new repositories in\n
+ \n
+ \c{libauto-symexport}\n
+ \c{hello-thrift}\n
+ \c{assembler-with-cpp}\n
+ Test \c{cxx20-modules-examples} (see \c{test} script).
+ Test any third-party/demos (\c{build2-dynamic-module-demo},
+ \c{cherimcu}, \c{boost-dependency}).
+ Test on ARM Mac (run tests for \c{libbutl/build2/bpkg/bdep}).
+ Test build system modules (especially standard pre-installed).
+ Test old toolchain version (can fetch and build old packages from
+ \c{queue.stage}; add dummy package if all require to be released toolchain).
\h#install-stage|Test install scripts|
Test \l{ \c{stage} install scripts}, including
@@ -310,7 +402,7 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
git pull
bdep release --no-open --show-push [--alpha|--beta]
- # review commit
+ # review commit, run update (in case anything comitted is pre-generated)
git push ...
@@ -334,29 +426,63 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
done if created projects use new features.}
\N|Why shouldn't we always do this for simplicity? Maybe because then
- we cannot run tests using \c{public} services? Also the below upgrade
- steps will break since there is no continuity.||
+ we cannot run tests using \c{public} services?
- \li|Change version by updating (including with new modules and/or new
- dependencies) and then executing:
+ Also if we change this in toolchain packages, the below upgrade steps
+ will break since there is no continuity. Perhaps do it in two stages:
+ first change version to final, upgrade, then change toolchain
+ dependencies to final, upgrade again? But then nobody involed in
+ development will be able to pull and upgrade. Maybe KISS and keep
+ it pre-release.||
- \
- etc/version
- ./
- git -C build2-toolchain commit --amend # \"Change version to X.Y.Z\"
- \
+ \li|Change version by updating \c{etc/version} (including with new modules
+ and/or new dependencies, but keep pre-release in minimum toolchain
+ version requirements) and then executing:
- Note that \c{libbuild2-hello} is independently versioned but may still
- need to update minimum \c{build2} version requirements (see below).
+ \
+ etc/version
+ ./
+ git -C build2-toolchain commit --amend # \"Change version to X.Y.Z\"
+ \
- |
+ Note that \c{libbuild2-*} modules (e.g., \c{libbuild2-hello}) are
+ independently versioned but may still need to update minimum toolchain
+ version requirements (see below).|
\li|Tag by executing \c{\ <version>}.|
- \li|Regenerate documentation in each package.|
+ \li|Release all standard pre-installed build system modules. Update
+ minimum toolchain version requirements.
+ \
+ bdep release --no-open --show-push
+ \
+ Also release \c{libbuild2-hello} (it's not standard pre-installed
+ but it gets published).
+ |
+ \li|Regenerate documentation in each package (including standard
+ pre-installed build system modules, use \c{BDEP_SYNC=0}).|
\li|Upgrade all dependencies in configure-only mode by executing
- \c{etc/upgrade\ -c}.|
+ \c{etc/upgrade\ -c}.
+ Avoid this (see above): If the \c{build2}/\c{bpkg} requirements in the
+ manifests have been bumped to the version being released, then first
+ bootstrap the build system and update \c{bpkg}/\c{bdep} (might have to
+ hack their generated \c{version.hxx} to disable constraint checking;
+ also if you forget \c{BDEP_SYNC=0} it will most likely hose the build
+ configuration).
+ \
+ BDEP_SYNC=0 b-boot build2/build2/
+ BDEP_SYNC=0 b bpkg/ bdep/
+ \
+ |
\li|Trigger regeneration of version files (might require several runs
to \"close off\"):
@@ -388,12 +514,16 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
BDEP_SYNC=0 b ~/work/build2/builds/gcc7-asan/
+ b build2/ bpkg/ bdep/
+ # Update standard pre-installed build system modules.
- \li|Update \c{libbuild2-hello} if required.||
+ \li|Update other \c{libbuild2-*} modules if required.||
Verify key tests pass (in particular, the \c{bdep} tests will now be running
against \c{public} services):
@@ -402,6 +532,8 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
b test: build2/ bpkg/ bdep/
b test: bpkg/ config.bpkg.test.remote=true
b test: libbuild2-hello/libbuild2-hello-tests/
+ # Test standard pre-installed build system modules.
\N|We could have queued after this step before preparing
@@ -416,6 +548,8 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
+ # Push (with tags) standard pre-installed build system modules.
cd build2-toolchain
git submodule update --remote --checkout
@@ -430,12 +564,13 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
\li|Regenerate documentation in each package inside as well as in
- \c{build2-toolchain} itself.|
+ \c{build2-toolchain} itself. @@ \c{libbuild-kconfig} not configured
+ out of tree? Or maybe it gets updated automatically during dist?|
\li|Update ODB by copying relevant files from the previous step (trust me,
this is the easy way for now). Make sure all \c{*-odb.*} are copied!|
- \li|Change \c{BUILD2_REPO} in \c{build2-toolchain} build scripts to
+ \li|Change \c{build2_repo} in \c{build2-toolchain} \c{buildfile} to
Finally, push the changes:
@@ -446,7 +581,8 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
- Prepare packages and the toolchain distribution:
+ Prepare packages and the toolchain distribution (disable extra packages
+ first if any were enabled in the \c{etc/stage} script):
etc/stage -q -b
@@ -469,10 +605,13 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
git push
- If queued package manifests contain new values, then the bpkg-rep-publish
- script will fail to create repository due to unknown manifest values. To
- resolve this we temporarily add (to \c{crontab}) \c{--ignore-unknown} and
- make a note to restore.
+ If queued package manifests contain new values, then the
+ \c{bpkg-rep-publish} script will fail to create repository due to unknown
+ manifest values. To resolve this we temporarily add (to \c{crontab})
+ \c{--ignore-unknown} and make a note to restore.
+ Also change \c{--min-bpkg-version} from previous to current release
+ (not the one being released).
\h#build-public|Verify queued packages build with \c{public}|
@@ -517,7 +656,12 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
\N|Note that the \c{queue} \c{buildtab} is shared between \c{public} and
\c{queue} builds. As a result, after this update, \c{public} build hosts
- may not have some of the new (or renamed) build machines.|
+ may not have some of the new (or renamed) build machines.
+ This also means that if the \c{buildtab} contains anything new (options,
+ etc) that are incompatible with \c{public}, then they should only be
+ enabled later, when upgrading \c{public} \c{buildtab} (make a note if
+ that's the case).|
Adjust \c{stage} and \c{devel} build host configurations (both \c{*-config}
and hardware classes) to enable the \c{queue} toolchain. Shift most
@@ -536,6 +680,8 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
replacements. We can only proceed further once we have a \"resolution\"
for every (newly) broken package.
+ \N|If public has been built with the staged toolchain, rebuilding of the
+ public repository (which takes days) can be omitted.|
\h#stop-queue|Stop \c{queue} builds|
@@ -573,18 +719,24 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
(effectively making it a no-toolchain configuration), regenerate, and power
on the new set of \c{public} build hosts.
- Review deployed machines against the updated \c{public} \c{buildtab} and
- remove those that are no longer used:
+ @@ See new sync scripts for this step: Review deployed machines against the
+ updated \c{public} \c{buildtab} and remove those that are no longer used:
cd private/buildos/
+ grep '.*' .../brep-buildtab | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -u
./ls-machines -c public
~/work/build2/buildos/remove-machine <host> <machine>
- Then move now legacy machines to the \"legacy\" build host.
+ Then move now legacy machines to the \"legacy\" build host:
+ \
+ grep 'legacy' .../brep-buildtab | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -u
+ \
Also review deployed machines against the latest available versions and
upgrade those that are not the latest:
@@ -592,12 +744,18 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
cd private/buildos/
- ./ls-machines -l \"/btrfs/$(whoami)/machines/default/\"
+ ./ls-machines -l \"/btrfs/$(whoami)/machines/default/\" | sort
./ls-machines -c public
~/work/build2/buildos/upload-machine <host> .../new-ver .../old-ver
+ Finally, add any new machines:
+ \
+ grep -v 'legacy' .../brep-buildtab | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -u
+ \
Uncomment the \c{public} toolchain in the build host configuration and
regenerate. The only remaining step is to reboot (not yet):
@@ -607,7 +765,7 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
\h#pub-dist|Publish distribution|
- Change \c{BUILD2_REPO} in \c{build2-toolchain} build scripts to \c{public},
+ Change \c{build2_repo} in \c{build2-toolchain} \c{buildfile} to \c{public},
commit, and publish the distribution (this also cleans/disables the
\c{queue} toolchain):
@@ -617,6 +775,8 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
\h#pub-pkg|Publish packages|
+ @@ Need to add --min-bpkg-version 0.13.0
Move packages (manually for now) from the \c{queue} to \c{public} \c{git}
repository, including ownership information. Move old/replaced/FTB
packages either to legacy or delete.
@@ -628,7 +788,7 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
Note that once published, the existing install instructions/download
links are no longer usable, so do not linger (in fact, may make sense
to update Download and Install pages before publishing packages and
- sync only them immediately after).
+ only sync them immediately after).
\h#start-public|Start \c{public} builds|
@@ -643,6 +803,9 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
we just smoke-test each script on its \"primary\" platform and make sure
\c{public} URLs/repositories are used.
+ Also test building an old package with the previous version of the
+ toolchain.
\h#web|Update web|
@@ -705,7 +868,9 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
\li|Patch (or verify) the announcement URL in release notes, re-publish.|
- \li|Announce on reddit, slack, and other relevant places.||
+ \li|Announce on reddit, slack, and other relevant places.|
+ \li|Add links to reddit discussions to release notes.||
\h#tag|Commit, tag, and push the rest.|
@@ -746,13 +911,17 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
Essentially, the same steps as in \l{#version-release Change to
release version} (but no tagging).
+ Revert changes to install scripts if upgrade was disabled.
\h#stage-machines-reopen|Update \c{stage} \c{buildtab}s and build machines|
Essentially, the same steps as in \l{#public-machines Update \c{public}
\c{buildtab}s and build machines} but for stage. Some differences:
Clean \c{buildtab}s (both \c{stage} and CI) by removing no longer relevant
- configurations, moving some to \c{legacy}, etc.
+ configurations, moving some to \c{legacy}, etc. NOTE: we now keep the
+ same set of machines as public until next release so that we can build
+ public with stage for testing.
More generally, this is the time to do sweeping changes such as renaming
machines/configurations, adjusting classes, etc. This is also the time to
@@ -764,6 +933,8 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
\c{baseutils} and \c{mingw}; the idea is that we will start with those and
maybe upgrade later).
+ Review \c{etc/stage} for any packages to enabled/disable.
Then cleanup and restage:
@@ -781,6 +952,14 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
Upgrade \c{brep} on \c{stage}.
+ Review \c{etc/stage-queue} and restage queue.stage:
+ \
+ rm -r staging/repository/1/*/
+ etc/stage-queue
+ \
\h#commit-reopen|Commit and push \c{etc/} and \c{private/}.|
Commit and push changes to \c{etc/} and \c{private/}.
@@ -801,6 +980,12 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
Remember to update the GCC version in the stage \c{buildtab}s for the
configuration that uses \c{mingw} package.
+\h#upgrade-db-migration|Cleanup database migrations|
+ Drop old database migration code. Keep migration entries for two previous
+ versions for \c{bpkg} and \c{bdep} and for one previous version for
+ \c{brep}.
\h#upgrade-buildos|Upgrade \c{buildos}|
See \c{bootstrap.txt} for the procedure. Start with the \c{devel}
@@ -810,17 +995,34 @@ distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
Check every major compiler and OS if a new version is available.
-\h#upgrade-packages|Upgrade packages|
+\h#upgrade-packages|Upgrade third-party packages|
Consider upgrading to new upstream versions in \c{packaging/}.
+\h#upgrade-projects|Upgrade own projects|
+ Adjust own projects to use any newly available features.
\h#upgrade-bdep-new|Upgrade \c{bdep-new}|
Adjust \c{bdep-new}-generated projects to use any newly available features.
-\h#upgrade-db-migration|Cleanup database migrations|
- Drop old database migration code. Keep migration entries for two previous
- versions for \c{bpkg} and \c{bdep} and for one previous version for
- \c{brep}.
+\h1#re-review|Re-review \c{@@}|
+ Review \c{@@} notes (in case some should be fixed after the release):
+ \
+ etc/review | less -R
+ \
+ At least look for \c{@@\ TMP}
+ \
+ etc/review | grep TMP
+ \
+Plan the next release and update the project roadmap.
diff --git a/doc/style b/doc/style
-Subproject 7e75bb936cf5b2bd2fa3344e13b6c486c8ecc8a
+Subproject b72eb624d13b1628e27e9f6c0b3c80853e8e015
diff --git a/git/modules b/git/modules
index d1821ff..415c795 100644
--- a/git/modules
+++ b/git/modules
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
-modules=" \
-git \
-change \
-libbutl \
-libbutl.bash \
-build2 \
-libbpkg \
-bpkg \
-bpkg-rep \
-bdep \
-brep \
-libbbot \
-bbot \
-libstd-modules \
+modules=" \
+git \
+change \
+libbutl \
+libbutl.bash \
+build2 \
+libbpkg \
+bpkg \
+bpkg-util \
+bdep \
+bdep-util \
+brep \
+libbbot \
+bbot \
+libbuild2-hello \
+libbuild2-rust \
+libbuild2-kconfig \
+libbuild2-autoconf \
# During release it is useful to exclude some of these so can do mass
# commits (like version updates).
@@ -23,11 +27,12 @@ modules="$modules build2-toolchain"
modules="$modules buildos"
modules="$modules msvc-linux"
modules="$modules openssl-agent"
+modules="$modules libpkg-config"
modules="$modules etc"
modules="$modules private"
-# We don't tag git/, libbuild2-hello.
+# We don't tag git/, libbuild2-*.
# And etc/, private/, build2-toolchain/ are tagged manually.
tag_modules=" \
@@ -36,33 +41,38 @@ libbutl.bash \
build2 \
libbpkg \
bpkg \
-bpkg-rep \
+bpkg-util \
bdep \
+bdep-util \
brep \
libbbot \
bbot \
-libstd-modules \
msvc-linux \
openssl-agent \
# Submodule update in build2-toolchain has to be done manually.
-sub_modules=" \
-etc \
-private \
-libbutl \
-libbutl.bash \
-build2 \
-libbpkg \
-bpkg \
-bpkg-rep \
-bdep \
-brep \
-libbbot \
-bbot \
-libstd-modules \
-libbuild2-hello \
-buildos \
-msvc-linux \
+sub_modules=" \
+etc \
+private \
+libbutl \
+libbutl.bash \
+build2 \
+libbpkg \
+bpkg \
+bpkg-util \
+bdep \
+bdep-util \
+brep \
+libbbot \
+bbot \
+libbuild2-hello \
+libbuild2-rust \
+libbuild2-kconfig \
+libbuild2-autoconf \
+libbuild2-qt \
+buildos \
+msvc-linux \
+openssl-agent \
diff --git a/intro b/intro
index 6b2b747..d7dfed0 100755
--- a/intro
+++ b/intro
@@ -45,10 +45,9 @@ hello2=hello/hello2
-# Add for both and
+# Add for **
-trust="--trust FF:DF:7D:38:67:4E:C3:82:65:7E:EE:1F:D4:80:EC:56:C4:33:5B:65:3F:9B:29:9A:30:56:B9:77:B9:F2:01:94"
-trust+=" --trust 37:CE:2C:A5:1D:CF:93:81:D7:07:46:AD:66:B3:C3:90:83:B8:96:9E:34:F0:E7:B3:A2:B0:6C:EF:66:A4:BE:65"
+trust="--trust EC:50:13:E2:3D:F7:92:B4:50:0B:BF:2A:1F:7D:31:04:C6:57:6F:BC:BE:04:2E:E0:58:14:FA:66:66:21:1F:14"
diff --git a/intro2-tldr b/intro2-tldr
index ee1f487..6fd2d09 100755
--- a/intro2-tldr
+++ b/intro2-tldr
@@ -15,15 +15,28 @@ function error () { echo "$*" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+# Keep in sync with *-tour.
function show () # <cmd> ...
if [ $show = "y" ]; then
echo "+ $*"
- "${@}"
- else
- "${@}"
+ local p=("$1")
+ if [ "$1" = b -o "$1" = bpkg -o "$1" = bdep ]; then
+ p+=(--no-progress)
+ fi
+ if [ "$1" = tree ]; then
+ p+=(-n) # No color.
+ fi
+ shift
+ "${p[@]}" "${@}"
cd "$tmp"
@@ -39,7 +52,7 @@ git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
cd ..
-show git clone file://$tmp/hello.git
+show git clone --no-progress file://$tmp/hello.git
show tree hello
show cd hello
@@ -64,7 +77,7 @@ show b
sed -i -re 's/#v1.0.0//' repositories.manifest
show bdep fetch
-bdep sync
+bdep sync --no-progress
show bdep status -i
show bdep sync libhello
diff --git a/intro2-tldr.orig b/intro2-tldr.orig
index 7f3e9a0..445493d 100644
--- a/intro2-tldr.orig
+++ b/intro2-tldr.orig
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+Script started on 2023-06-28 11:17:30+02:00 [COMMAND="./intro2-tldr" TERM="xterm-256color" TTY="/dev/pts/21" COLUMNS="160" LINES="47"]
created new executable project hello in /tmp/hello.git/
-[master (root-commit) 2fe4497] first commit
- 12 files changed, 107 insertions(+)
+[master (root-commit) ddbbb0a] first commit
+ 13 files changed, 143 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 .gitattributes
create mode 100644 .gitignore
create mode 100644
create mode 100644 build/.gitignore
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ created new executable project hello in /tmp/hello.git/
create mode 100644 manifest
create mode 100644 repositories.manifest
-+ git clone file:///tmp/hello.git
++ git clone --no-progress file:///tmp/hello.git
Cloning into 'hello'...
+ tree hello
@@ -31,19 +33,19 @@ hello
└── repositories.manifest
-2 directories, 9 files
+3 directories, 9 files
+ cd hello
+ bdep init --config-create ../hello-gcc cc config.cxx=g++
initializing in project /tmp/hello/
-created configuration /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+created configuration /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0
+ b
mkdir ../hello-gcc/hello/fsdir{hello/}
-c++ hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/obje{hello}
ld ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
ln ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} -> hello/
@@ -52,48 +54,37 @@ Hello, World!
+ b
fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
-fetching from
synchronizing /tmp/hello-gcc/:
new libhello/1.0.0+4 (required by hello)
upgrade hello/0.1.0#1
-distributing libhello/1.0.0+4 ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/
-c++ ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/cxx{hello}
-c++ hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/
+version ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/in{version} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/hxx{version}
+c++ ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/objs{hello}
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/obje{hello}
ld ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/libs{hello}
ld ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
ln ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} -> hello/
+ bdep fetch
fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
-fetching from
fetching (prerequisite of
-fetching from
fetching (prerequisite of
-fetching from
+ bdep status -i
hello configured 0.1.0#1
- libhello ^1.0.0 configured 1.0.0+4 available [1.1.0+5] [1.0.0+5]
+ libhello ^1.0.0 configured 1.0.0+4 available [1.1.0+11] [1.0.0+11]
+ bdep sync libhello
- new libformat/1.0.0+5 (required by libhello)
- new libprint/1.0.0+5 (required by libhello)
- upgrade libhello/1.1.0+5
+ new libformat/1.0.0+11 (required by libhello)
+ new libprint/1.0.0+11 (required by libhello)
+ upgrade libhello/1.1.0+11
reconfigure hello/0.1.0#1
-distributing libformat/1.0.0+5
-distributing libprint/1.0.0+5
-distributing libhello/1.1.0+5
+ bdep sync libhello/1.0.0
- drop libprint/1.0.0+5 (unused)
- drop libformat/1.0.0+5 (unused)
- downgrade libhello/1.0.0+5
+ drop libprint/1.0.0+11 (unused)
+ drop libformat/1.0.0+11 (unused)
+ downgrade libhello/1.0.0+11
reconfigure hello/0.1.0#1
-distributing libhello/1.0.0+5
+Script done on 2023-06-28 11:17:55+02:00 [COMMAND_EXIT_CODE="0"]
diff --git a/intro2-tour b/intro2-tour
index 4adbac7..8af8fea 100755
--- a/intro2-tour
+++ b/intro2-tour
@@ -18,27 +18,40 @@ tmp=/tmp
+# Keep in sync with *-tldr.
function show () # <cmd> ...
if [ $show = "y" ]; then
echo "+ $*"
- "${@}"
- else
- "${@}"
+ local p=("$1")
+ if [ "$1" = b -o "$1" = bpkg -o "$1" = bdep ]; then
+ p+=(--no-progress)
+ fi
+ if [ "$1" = tree ]; then
+ p+=(-n) # No color.
+ fi
+ shift
+ "${p[@]}" "${@}"
cd "$tmp"
function clean ()
- rm -rf hello hello-gcc hello-clang hello-vc-* hello-mingw
+ rm -rf hello hello-host hello-build2 hello-base hello-gcc hello-gcc-1 hello-clang hello-vc-* hello-mingw
## if false; then
@@ -74,19 +87,19 @@ show b ../hello-clang/hello/
show b test: ../hello-clang/hello/
show ../hello-clang/hello/hello/hello World
-b clean: ../hello-clang/hello/
+b --no-progress clean: ../hello-clang/hello/
show bdep test @clang
show bdep test @gcc @clang
show bdep init -C ../hello-mingw @mingw cc config.cxx=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++
show bdep update @mingw
show bdep test @mingw
-show ../hello-mingw/hello/hello/hello.exe Windows
+show ../hello-mingw/hello/hello/hello.exe Windows | cat # Strip term junk.
show git add .
show git commit -m "Initial implementation"
show git remote add origin
-show git push origin master -u --force
+show git push --no-progress origin master -u --force
show bdep ci --simulate success
show bdep deinit @gcc @clang
@@ -160,7 +173,7 @@ show bdep sync
sed -i -re 's/^#import/import/' hello/buildfile
sed -i -re 's/^#depends: libhello/depends: libhello/' manifest
-bdep sync
+bdep sync --no-progress
cat <<EOF >>repositories.manifest
@@ -221,6 +234,102 @@ show bdep sync ?sys:libsqlite3
cd ..
+# Build-time Dependencies.
+show bdep new -t exe -l c++ hello
+cd hello
+show bdep init -C @gcc cc config.cxx=$gcc
+show bdep init -C @clang cc config.cxx=$clang
+cat <<EOF >>repositories.manifest
+role: prerequisite
+trust: 70:64:FE:E4:E0:F3:60:F1:B4:51:E1:FA:12:5C:E0:B3:DB:DF:96:33:39:B9:2E:E5:C2:68:63:4C:A6:47:39:43
+echo 'depends: * xxd >= 8.2.0' >>manifest
+cat <<EOF >hello/buildfile
+import! [metadata] xxd = xxd%exe{xxd}
+exe{hello}: {hxx ixx txx cxx}{** -names} cxx{names} $libs testscript
+cxx{names}: file{names.txt} \$xxd
+ i = \$path(\$<[0])
+ env --cwd \$directory(\$i) -- \$xxd -i \$leaf(\$i) >\$path(\$>)
+cat <<EOF >hello/hello.cxx
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+extern unsigned char names_txt[];
+extern unsigned int names_txt_len;
+int main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ using namespace std;
+ if (argc < 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "error: missing name" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ cout << string (reinterpret_cast<const char*> (names_txt), names_txt_len) << ", " << argv[1] << '!' << endl;
+echo -n "Hello" >hello/names.txt
+show bdep config list
+#show bdep sync --create-host-config # Needed if not terminal.
+show b
+b --no-progress test
+show bdep config list
+show bdep update @clang
+echo 'depends: * libbuild2-hello' >>manifest
+echo 'using hello' >>hello/buildfile
+#show bdep sync --create-build2-config # Needed if not terminal.
+show b
+show bdep config list
+show bdep update @clang
+cd ..
+# Linked Configurations.
+show bdep new -t exe -l c++ hello
+cd hello
+cat <<EOF >>repositories.manifest
+role: prerequisite
+location: $repo
+trust: $trust
+sed -i -re 's/^#depends: libhello/depends: libhello/' manifest # ^1.0.0
+sed -i -re 's/^#import/import/' hello/buildfile
+show bdep config create ../hello-base @base --no-default cc config.cxx=$gcc
+show bdep config create ../hello-gcc @gcc --default cc config.cxx=$gcc
+show bdep config create ../hello-clang @clang cc config.cxx=$clang
+show bdep config link @gcc @base
+show bdep config link @clang @base
+show bdep init @gcc { @base }+ ?libhello
+show bdep init @clang
+show bdep update @gcc
+show bdep update @clang
+cd ..
# Versioning and Release Management.
@@ -228,13 +337,13 @@ show bdep new -C hello-gcc @gcc -t exe -l c++ hello cc config.cxx=$gcc
cd hello
git remote add origin
-git push origin :build2-control || true
-git push -d origin v0.1.0-a.1 || true
-git push -d origin v0.1.0 || true
+git push --no-progress origin :build2-control || true
+git push --no-progress -d origin v0.1.0-a.1 || true
+git push --no-progress -d origin v0.1.0 || true
git add .
git commit -m "Initial implementation"
-git push -f -u
+git push --no-progress -f -u
show bdep status
show b info
@@ -249,7 +358,7 @@ show bdep status
show bdep release --alpha --push
show bdep release --no-open --push
-show bdep publish --simulate success
+show bdep publish --simulate success --repository
show bdep release --open --push
@@ -267,6 +376,7 @@ show bdep init -C ../hello-clang @clang cc config.cxx=$clang
cd ..
show bdep new -t lib -l c++ libhello
+show tree libhello
show cd libhello
show bdep init -A ../hello-gcc @gcc
@@ -330,5 +440,3 @@ show /opt/tools/bin/hello World
show tree /opt/tools
show bpkg uninstall hello
show bpkg drop hello
-echo "finished"
diff --git a/intro2-tour.orig b/intro2-tour.orig
index f3b1a52..53015a0 100644
--- a/intro2-tour.orig
+++ b/intro2-tour.orig
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+Script started on 2023-06-28 11:58:39+02:00 [COMMAND="./intro2-tour" TERM="xterm-256color" TTY="/dev/pts/21" COLUMNS="160" LINES="47"]
+ bdep new -t exe -l c++ hello
created new executable project hello in /tmp/hello/
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ hello
└── repositories.manifest
-2 directories, 9 files
+3 directories, 9 files
+ cd hello
@@ -59,44 +60,43 @@ EOE
: 1
name: hello
version: 0.1.0-a.0.z
+language: c++
summary: hello C++ executable
-license: proprietary
+license: other: proprietary ; Not free/open source.
-depends: * build2 >= 0.11.0
-depends: * bpkg >= 0.11.0
+depends: * build2 >= 0.15.0
+depends: * bpkg >= 0.15.0
#depends: libhello ^1.0.0
+ bdep init -C ../hello-gcc @gcc cc config.cxx=g++
initializing in project /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
-+ bdep init -C ../hello-clang @clang cc config.cxx=clang++-5.0
++ bdep init -C ../hello-clang @clang cc config.cxx=clang++-16
initializing in project /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 auto-synchronized
+created configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 target auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
-+ ls -d -1 ../hello ../hello1 ../hello-clang ../hello.cxx ../hello-gcc ../hello.o
++ ls -d -1 ../hello ../hello-clang ../hello-gcc
+ bdep init -C ../hello-vc-debug @debug cc config.cxx=cl-15 /Z7
initializing in project /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @debug /tmp/hello-vc-debug/ 3 auto-synchronized
+created configuration @debug /tmp/hello-vc-debug/ 3 target auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
+ bdep init -C ../hello-vc-release @release cc config.cxx=cl-15
initializing in project /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @release /tmp/hello-vc-release/ 4 auto-synchronized
+created configuration @release /tmp/hello-vc-release/ 4 target auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
@@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
+ b
mkdir ../hello-gcc/hello/fsdir{hello/}
-c++ hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/obje{hello}
ld ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
ln ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} -> hello/
+ b test
-test hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/ ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+test ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
+ hello/hello World
Hello, World!
@@ -135,60 +135,61 @@ Hello, World!
├── hello.o
└── hello.o.d
-6 directories, 11 files
+7 directories, 11 files
+ bdep status @clang
hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
+ b ../hello-clang/hello/
mkdir ../hello-clang/hello/fsdir{hello/}
-c++ hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-clang/hello/hello/
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-clang/hello/hello/obje{hello}
ld ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+ b test: ../hello-clang/hello/
-test hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-clang/hello/hello/ ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+test ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
+ ../hello-clang/hello/hello/hello World
Hello, World!
rm ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello}
rm ../hello-clang/hello/hello/obje{hello}
-rm ../hello-clang/hello/fsdir{hello/}
+rmdir ../hello-clang/hello/fsdir{hello/}
+ bdep test @clang
mkdir ../hello-clang/hello/fsdir{hello/}
-c++ hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-clang/hello/hello/
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-clang/hello/hello/obje{hello}
ld ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello}
-test hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-clang/hello/hello/ ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+test ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
+ bdep test @gcc @clang
in configuration @gcc:
-test hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/ ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+test ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
in configuration @clang:
-test hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-clang/hello/hello/ ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+test ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
+ bdep init -C ../hello-mingw @mingw cc config.cxx=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++
initializing in project /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @mingw /tmp/hello-mingw/ 5 auto-synchronized
+created configuration @mingw /tmp/hello-mingw/ 5 target auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
+ bdep update @mingw
mkdir ../hello-mingw/hello/fsdir{hello/}
-c++ hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-mingw/hello/hello/
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-mingw/hello/hello/obje{hello}
ld ../hello-mingw/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+ bdep test @mingw
-test hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-mingw/hello/hello/ ../hello-mingw/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+test ../hello-mingw/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
+ ../hello-mingw/hello/hello/hello.exe Windows
-Hello, Windows!
+Hello, Windows!
+ git add .
+ git commit -m Initial implementation
-[master (root-commit) 83b57ed] Initial implementation
- 12 files changed, 107 insertions(+)
+[master (root-commit) 014a3ac] Initial implementation
+ 13 files changed, 143 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 .gitattributes
create mode 100644 .gitignore
create mode 100644
create mode 100644 build/.gitignore
@@ -204,22 +205,20 @@ Hello, Windows!
+ git remote add origin
-+ git push origin master -u --force
++ git push --no-progress origin master -u --force
- + 7f613af...83b57ed master -> master (forced update)
-Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
+ + 943049b...014a3ac master -> master (forced update)
+branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'.
+ bdep ci --simulate success
- in:
+ in:
package: hello
- version: 0.1.0-a.0.20191118060612.83b57eddde84
-continue? [y/n] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
- Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0 100 812 100 163 100 649 106 423 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 423
-CI request is queued:
-reference: 613d3e21-151c-4c22-ae53-bba54f9eb6c4
+ version: 0.1.0-a.0.20230628095907.014a3ac5e613
+continue? [Y/n] y
+CI request is queued:
+reference: 8338f18e-8ebf-4def-9520-473748b4d6f4
+ bdep deinit @gcc @clang
deinitializing in project /tmp/hello/
@@ -233,64 +232,60 @@ synchronizing:
+ bdep new -C hello-gcc @gcc -t exe -l c++ hello cc config.cxx=g++
created new executable project hello in /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
-+ bdep init -C ../hello-clang @clang cc config.cxx=clang++-5.0
++ bdep init -C ../hello-clang @clang cc config.cxx=clang++-16
initializing in project /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 auto-synchronized
+created configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 target auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
+ bpkg rep-info
-fetching from
+ bpkg rep-info
-fetching from
+ bdep status
fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
warning: authenticity of the certificate for repository cannot be established
-certificate is for **, "Code Synthesis" <>
+certificate is for **, "Code Synthesis" <>
certificate SHA256 fingerprint:
-trust this certificate? [y/n] hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000 available 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#1
+trust this certificate? [y/n] y
+hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000 available 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#1
+ bdep sync
- new libhello/1.0.0+4 (required by hello)
+ new libhello/1.0.0+11 (required by hello)
upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#1
- 0K ... 100% 78.7M=0s
+ b
synchronizing /tmp/hello-gcc/:
upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#2
+version ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/in{version} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/hxx{version}
mkdir ../hello-gcc/hello/fsdir{hello/} ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/
-c++ ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/cxx{hello}
-c++ hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/
-ld ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/libs{hello}
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/obje{hello}
+c++ ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/objs{hello}
+ld ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/libs{hello}
ld ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
ln ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} -> hello/
+ bdep status -ai
in configuration @gcc:
hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#2
- libhello ^1.0.0 configured 1.0.0+4
+ libhello ^1.0.0 configured 1.0.0+11
in configuration @clang:
fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
@@ -301,109 +296,100 @@ in configuration @gcc:
in configuration @clang:
- new libhello/1.0.0+4 (required by hello)
+ new libhello/1.0.0+11 (required by hello)
upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#1
- 0K ... 100% 81.6M=0s
+ bdep test -ai
in configuration @gcc:
-c++ ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/tests/basics/cxx{driver}
-ld ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/tests/basics/exe{driver}
-test hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/ ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
-test ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+4/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+c++ ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/cxx{driver} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/obje{driver}
+ld ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+test ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+test ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
in configuration @clang:
+version ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/in{version} -> ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/hxx{version}
mkdir ../hello-clang/hello/fsdir{hello/} ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/
-c++ ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/cxx{hello}
-c++ ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+4/tests/basics/cxx{driver}
-c++ hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-clang/hello/hello/
-ld ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+4/libhello/libs{hello}
-ld ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+4/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+c++ ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/objs{hello}
+c++ ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/cxx{driver} -> ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/obje{driver}
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-clang/hello/hello/obje{hello}
+ld ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/libs{hello}
ld ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello}
-test hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-clang/hello/hello/ ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello}
-test ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+4/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+ld ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+test ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
+test ../hello-clang/libhello-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+ bdep status
hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#2 available 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#3
+ bdep sync
- drop libhello/1.0.0+4 (unused)
+ drop libhello/1.0.0+11 (unused)
upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#3
- new libhello/1.0.0+4 (required by hello)
+ new libhello/1.0.0+11 (required by hello)
upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#4
- 0K ... 100% 89.3M=0s
+ bdep fetch
fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
-fetching from
fetching (prerequisite of
-fetching from
fetching (prerequisite of
-fetching from
fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
+ bdep status libhello
-libhello configured 1.0.0+4 available [1.1.0+5] [1.0.0+5]
+libhello configured 1.0.0+11 available [1.1.0+11]
+ bdep sync libhello
- new libformat/1.0.0+5 (required by libhello)
- new libprint/1.0.0+5 (required by libhello)
- upgrade libhello/1.1.0+5
+ new libformat/1.0.0+11 (required by libhello)
+ new libprint/1.0.0+11 (required by libhello)
+ upgrade libhello/1.1.0+11
reconfigure hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#4
-distributing libformat/1.0.0+5
-distributing libprint/1.0.0+5
-distributing libhello/1.1.0+5
+ bdep status -r
hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#4
- libhello ^1.0.0 configured 1.1.0+5
- libformat ^1.0.0 configured 1.0.0+5
- libprint ^1.0.0 configured 1.0.0+5
+ libhello ^1.0.0 configured 1.1.0+11
+ libformat ^1.0.0 configured 1.0.0+11
+ libprint ^1.0.0 configured 1.0.0+11
+ bdep status -o libhello
-libhello configured 1.1.0+5 available (1.1.0+5) [1.0.0+5] [1.0.0+4]
+libhello configured 1.1.0+11 available (1.1.0+11) [1.0.0+11]
+ bdep sync libhello/1.0.0
- drop libprint/1.0.0+5 (unused)
- drop libformat/1.0.0+5 (unused)
- downgrade libhello/1.0.0+5
+ drop libprint/1.0.0+11 (unused)
+ drop libformat/1.0.0+11 (unused)
+ downgrade libhello/1.0.0+11
reconfigure hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#4
-distributing libhello/1.0.0+5
+ bdep new -C libextra-gcc -t lib -l c++ libextra cc config.cxx=g++
created new library project libextra in /tmp/libextra/
-created configuration /tmp/libextra-gcc/ 1 default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+created configuration /tmp/libextra-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
new libextra/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
+ b install: libextra/ config.install.root=/tmp/unpkg-gcc
mkdir libextra-gcc/libextra/fsdir{libextra/} libextra/libextra/
-c++ libextra/libextra/cxx{extra}@libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/
-c++ libextra/libextra/cxx{extra}@libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/
-ar libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/liba{extra}
+version libextra/libextra/in{version} -> libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/hxx{version}
+c++ libextra/libextra/cxx{extra} -> libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/objs{extra}
+c++ libextra/libextra/cxx{extra} -> libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/obja{extra}
+pc libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/libs{extra} -> libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/pcs{extra}
+pc libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/liba{extra} -> libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/pca{extra}
+pc libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/lib{extra} -> libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/pc{extra}
ld libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/libs{extra}
-install unpkg-gcc/
-install unpkg-gcc/include/
-install unpkg-gcc/include/libextra/
-install libextra/libextra/hxx{export}@libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/
-install libextra/libextra/hxx{extra}@libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/
-install unpkg-gcc/share/
-install unpkg-gcc/share/doc/
-install unpkg-gcc/share/doc/libextra/
-install libextra/manifest{manifest}@libextra-gcc/libextra/
-install libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/hxx{version}
-install libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/liba{extra}
-install libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/libs{extra}
-install libextra/doc{}@libextra-gcc/libextra/
+ar libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/liba{extra}
+install -d unpkg-gcc/
+install -d unpkg-gcc/include/
+install -d unpkg-gcc/include/libextra/
+install libextra/libextra/hxx{export}@libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/ -> unpkg-gcc/include/libextra/
+install libextra/libextra/hxx{extra}@libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/ -> unpkg-gcc/include/libextra/
+install -d unpkg-gcc/share/
+install -d unpkg-gcc/share/doc/
+install -d unpkg-gcc/share/doc/libextra/
+install libextra/manifest{manifest}@libextra-gcc/libextra/ -> unpkg-gcc/share/doc/libextra/manifest
+install libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/hxx{version} -> unpkg-gcc/include/libextra/
+install libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/liba{extra} -> unpkg-gcc/lib/
+install libextra-gcc/libextra/libextra/libs{extra} -> unpkg-gcc/lib/
+install libextra/doc{}@libextra-gcc/libextra/ -> unpkg-gcc/share/doc/libextra/
+ tree unpkg-gcc
@@ -417,6 +403,7 @@ unpkg-gcc
│   ├── libextra.a
│   ├── ->
│   └── pkgconfig
+│   ├── libextra.pc
│   ├── libextra.shared.pc
│   └── libextra.static.pc
└── share
@@ -425,76 +412,208 @@ unpkg-gcc
├── manifest
-7 directories, 10 files
+8 directories, 11 files
+ bdep init -C ../hello-gcc-1 @gcc1 cc config.cxx=g++
initializing in project /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @gcc1 /tmp/hello-gcc-1/ 3 auto-synchronized
+created configuration @gcc1 /tmp/hello-gcc-1/ 3 target auto-synchronized
fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
-fetching from
fetching (prerequisite of
-fetching from
fetching (prerequisite of
-fetching from
fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
- new libformat/1.0.0+5 (required by libhello)
- new libprint/1.0.0+5 (required by libhello)
- new libhello/1.1.0+5 (required by hello)
+ new libformat/1.0.0+11 (required by libhello)
+ new libprint/1.0.0+11 (required by libhello)
+ new libhello/1.1.0+11 (required by hello)
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
-distributing libformat/1.0.0+5
-distributing libprint/1.0.0+5
-distributing libhello/1.1.0+5
+ b test: ../hello-gcc-1/ ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/
+version ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/in{version} -> ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/hxx{version}
+version ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/in{version} -> ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/hxx{version}
+version ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/in{version} -> ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/hxx{version}
mkdir ../hello-gcc-1/hello/fsdir{hello/} ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/ ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/
-c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+5/tests/basics/cxx{driver}
-c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/cxx{print}
-c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+5/tests/basics/cxx{driver}
-c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/cxx{hello}
-c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+5/tests/basics/cxx{driver}
-c++ hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-gcc-1/hello/hello/
-c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/cxx{format}
-ld ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/libs{print}
-ld ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+5/tests/basics/exe{driver}
-ld ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/libs{format}
-ld ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+5/tests/basics/exe{driver}
-ld ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/libs{hello}
-ld ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+5/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/cxx{driver} -> ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/obje{driver}
+c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/cxx{format} -> ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/objs{format}
+c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/cxx{driver} -> ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/obje{driver}
+c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/objs{hello}
+c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/cxx{print} -> ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/objs{print}
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc-1/hello/hello/obje{hello}
+c++ ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+11/tests/basics/cxx{driver} -> ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+11/tests/basics/obje{driver}
+ld ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/libs{print}
+ld ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/libs{format}
+ld ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+ld ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+ld ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/libs{hello}
ld ../hello-gcc-1/hello/hello/exe{hello}
-test ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+5/tests/basics/exe{driver}
-test hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-gcc-1/hello/hello/ ../hello-gcc-1/hello/hello/exe{hello}
-test ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+5/tests/basics/exe{driver}
-test ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+5/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+ld ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+11/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+test ../hello-gcc-1/libhello-1.1.0+11/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+test ../hello-gcc-1/libformat-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+test ../hello-gcc-1/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
+test ../hello-gcc-1/libprint-1.0.0+11/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+ b configure: ../hello-gcc/
save ../hello-gcc/build/
save ../hello-gcc/hello/build/
-save ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+5/build/
-save ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+5/tests/build/
+save ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/build/
+save ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/tests/build/
+ b test
-c++ ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+5/libhello/cxx{hello}
-c++ hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/
-ld ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+5/libhello/libs{hello}
+version ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/in{version} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/hxx{version}
+c++ ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/objs{hello}
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/obje{hello}
+ld ../hello-gcc/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/libs{hello}
ld ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
ln ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} -> hello/
-test hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/ ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+test ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
+ bdep sync ?sys:libsqlite3
- configure sys:libsqlite3/*
+ configure sys:libsqlite3/3.40.1 (required by hello)
upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#5
++ bdep new -t exe -l c++ hello
+created new executable project hello in /tmp/hello/
++ bdep init -C @gcc cc config.cxx=g++
+initializing in project /tmp/hello/
+created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+ new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
++ bdep init -C @clang cc config.cxx=clang++-16
+initializing in project /tmp/hello/
+created configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 target auto-synchronized
+ new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
++ bdep config list
+@gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+@clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 target auto-synchronized
++ b
+fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
+fetching (complements
+fetching (complements
+fetching (complements
+creating configuration of host type in /tmp/hello-host/ and associating it with project(s):
+ /tmp/hello/
+as if by executing command(s):
+ bdep config create -d /tmp/hello @host --type host --no-default --forward /tmp/hello-host cc config.config.load=~host
+while searching for configuration for build-time dependency xxd of package hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#1 [/tmp/hello-gcc/]
+while synchronizing configuration /tmp/hello-gcc/
+continue? [Y/n] y
+synchronizing /tmp/hello-gcc/:
+ new xxd/8.2.3075+1 [/tmp/hello-host/] (required by hello)
+ upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#1
+mkdir ../hello-gcc/hello/fsdir{hello/}
+c ../hello-host/xxd-8.2.3075+1/c{xxd} -> ../hello-host/xxd-8.2.3075+1/obje{xxd}
+ld ../hello-host/xxd-8.2.3075+1/exe{xxd}
+xxd hello/file{names.txt} -> ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/cxx{names}
+c++ ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/cxx{names} -> ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/obje{names}
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/obje{hello}
+ld ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+ln ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} -> hello/
+test ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
++ bdep config list
+@gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+@clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 target auto-synchronized
+@host /tmp/hello-host/ 3 host forwarded,auto-synchronized
++ bdep update @clang
+fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
+fetching (complements
+fetching (complements
+fetching (complements
+ upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#1
+mkdir ../hello-clang/hello/fsdir{hello/}
+xxd hello/file{names.txt} -> ../hello-clang/hello/hello/cxx{names}
+c++ ../hello-clang/hello/hello/cxx{names} -> ../hello-clang/hello/hello/obje{names}
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-clang/hello/hello/obje{hello}
+ld ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello}
++ b
+creating configuration of build2 type in /tmp/hello-build2/ and associating it with project(s):
+ /tmp/hello/
+as if by executing command(s):
+ bdep config create -d /tmp/hello @build2 --type build2 --no-default --forward /tmp/hello-build2 cc config.config.load=~build2
+while searching for configuration for build-time dependency libbuild2-hello of package hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#2 [/tmp/hello-gcc/]
+while synchronizing configuration /tmp/hello-gcc/
+continue? [Y/n] y
+synchronizing /tmp/hello-gcc/:
+ new libbuild2-hello/0.1.0 [/tmp/hello-build2/] (required by hello [/tmp/hello-clang/], hello [/tmp/hello-gcc/])
+ upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#2 [/tmp/hello-gcc/]
+ upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#2 [/tmp/hello-clang/]
+c++ ../hello-build2/libbuild2-hello-0.1.0/libbuild2/hello/cxx{init} -> ../hello-build2/libbuild2-hello-0.1.0/libbuild2/hello/objs{init}
+ld ../hello-build2/libbuild2-hello-0.1.0/libbuild2/hello/libs{build2-hello}
+hello/buildfile:10:7: info: module hello initialized
+hello/buildfile:10:7: info: module hello initialized
+hello/buildfile:10:7: info: module hello initialized
+ info: while applying rule build.alias to update ../hello-gcc/dir{hello/}
+info: ../hello-gcc/dir{hello/} is up to date
++ bdep config list
+@gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+@build2 /tmp/hello-build2/ 4 build2 forwarded,auto-synchronized
+@clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 target auto-synchronized
+@host /tmp/hello-host/ 3 host forwarded,auto-synchronized
++ bdep update @clang
+hello/buildfile:10:7: info: module hello initialized
+ info: while applying rule build.alias to update ../hello-clang/dir{hello/}
+info: ../hello-clang/dir{hello/} is up to date
++ bdep new -t exe -l c++ hello
+created new executable project hello in /tmp/hello/
++ bdep config create ../hello-base @base --no-default cc config.cxx=g++
+created configuration @base /tmp/hello-base/ 1 target auto-synchronized
++ bdep config create ../hello-gcc @gcc --default cc config.cxx=g++
+created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 2 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
++ bdep config create ../hello-clang @clang cc config.cxx=clang++-16
+created configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 3 target auto-synchronized
++ bdep config link @gcc @base
+linked configuration @gcc (target) with configuration @base (target)
++ bdep config link @clang @base
+linked configuration @clang (target) with configuration @base (target)
++ bdep init @gcc { @base }+ ?libhello
+initializing in project /tmp/hello/
+fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
+ new libhello/1.0.0+11 [/tmp/hello-base/] (required by hello)
+ new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
++ bdep init @clang
+initializing in project /tmp/hello/
+fetching (prerequisite of dir:/tmp/hello)
+ new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000 [/tmp/hello-clang/]
++ bdep update @gcc
+version ../hello-base/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/in{version} -> ../hello-base/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/hxx{version}
+mkdir ../hello-gcc/hello/fsdir{hello/}
+c++ ../hello-base/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-base/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/objs{hello}
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/obje{hello}
+ld ../hello-base/libhello-1.0.0+11/libhello/libs{hello}
+ld ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+ln ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} -> hello/
++ bdep update @clang
+mkdir ../hello-clang/hello/fsdir{hello/}
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-clang/hello/hello/obje{hello}
+ld ../hello-clang/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+ bdep new -C hello-gcc @gcc -t exe -l c++ hello cc config.cxx=g++
created new executable project hello in /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
@@ -503,8 +622,9 @@ To
- [deleted] v0.1.0-a.1
- [deleted] v0.1.0
-[master (root-commit) e92103a] Initial implementation
- 12 files changed, 107 insertions(+)
+[master (root-commit) ba9d966] Initial implementation
+ 13 files changed, 143 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 .gitattributes
create mode 100644 .gitignore
create mode 100644
create mode 100644 build/.gitignore
@@ -518,35 +638,36 @@ To
create mode 100644 manifest
create mode 100644 repositories.manifest
- + 83b57ed...e92103a master -> master (forced update)
-Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
+ + 014a3ac...ba9d966 master -> master (forced update)
+branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'.
+ bdep status
-hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000 available 0.1.0-a.0.20191118060910.e92103a6ea2d
+hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000 available 0.1.0-a.0.20230628100234.ba9d966a610f
+ b info
project: hello
-version: 0.1.0-a.0.20191118060910.e92103a6ea2d
+version: 0.1.0-a.0.20230628100234.ba9d966a610f
summary: hello C++ executable
-src_root: /tmp/hello/
-out_root: /tmp/hello-gcc/hello/
-amalgamation: ../
+src_root: /tmp/hello
+out_root: /tmp/hello-gcc/hello
+amalgamation: ..
operations: update clean test update-for-test install uninstall update-for-install
meta-operations: perform configure disfigure dist info
+modules: version config test install dist
+ bdep sync
- upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.20191118060910.e92103a6ea2d
+ upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.20230628100234.ba9d966a610f
+ bdep status
-hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.20191118060910.e92103a6ea2d
-[master f720ebb] Another commit
+hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.20230628100234.ba9d966a610f
+[master be5bffa] Another commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+ bdep status
-hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.20191118060910.e92103a6ea2d available 0.1.0-a.0.20191118060914.f720ebb7ae8e
+hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.20230628100234.ba9d966a610f available 0.1.0-a.0.20230628100238.be5bffafe2fe
+ bdep release --alpha --push
@@ -557,11 +678,11 @@ releasing:
commit: yes
tag: v0.1.0-a.1
push: origin/master
-continue? [y/n] [master b7765c6] Release version 0.1.0-a.1
+continue? [y/n] y
+[master ed894b0] Release version 0.1.0-a.1
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-[master 0833250] Change version to 0.1.0-a.1.z
+[master 2bd66ae] Change version to 0.1.0-a.1.z
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-pushing branch master, tag v0.1.0-a.1
+ bdep release --no-open --push
@@ -571,15 +692,15 @@ releasing:
commit: yes
tag: v0.1.0
push: origin/master
-continue? [y/n] [master 0fadfca] Release version 0.1.0
+continue? [y/n] y
+[master 2cc1068] Release version 0.1.0
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-pushing branch master, tag v0.1.0
-+ bdep publish --simulate success
++ bdep publish --simulate success --repository
upgrade hello/0.1.0
- to:
+ to:
as: Boris Kolpackov <>
package: hello
version: 0.1.0
@@ -587,18 +708,13 @@ publishing:
section: alpha
warning: publishing using staged build2 toolchain
-continue? [y/n] pushing branch build2-control
+continue? [y/n] y
-remote: Create a pull request for 'build2-control' on GitHub by visiting:
+remote: Create a pull request for 'build2-control' on GitHub by visiting:
-Branch 'build2-control' set up to track remote branch 'build2-control' from 'origin'.
-submitting hello-0.1.0.tar.gz
- % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
- Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0 100 1947 0 0 100 1947 0 876 0:00:02 0:00:02 --:--:-- 876 100 2063 100 116 100 1947 50 853 0:00:02 0:00:02 --:--:-- 853
-package submission is queued:
-reference: 2f3bfe0b35f3
+package submission is queued:
+reference: 75d918f69585
+ bdep release --open --push
@@ -607,36 +723,63 @@ opening:
open: 0.2.0-a.0.z
commit: yes
push: origin/master
-continue? [y/n] [master d8fce33] Change version to 0.2.0-a.0.z
+continue? [y/n] y
+[master 1b709b0] Change version to 0.2.0-a.0.z
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-pushing branch master
+ bdep new -C hello-gcc @gcc -t exe -l c++ hello cc config.cxx=g++
created new executable project hello in /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
-+ bdep init -C ../hello-clang @clang cc config.cxx=clang++-5.0
++ bdep init -C ../hello-clang @clang cc config.cxx=clang++-16
initializing in project /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 auto-synchronized
+created configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 target auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
+ bdep new -t lib -l c++ libhello
created new library project libhello in /tmp/libhello/
++ tree libhello
+├── build
+│   ├──
+│   ├──
+│   └──
+├── buildfile
+├── libhello
+│   ├── buildfile
+│   ├── export.hxx
+│   ├── hello.cxx
+│   ├── hello.hxx
+│   └──
+├── manifest
+├── repositories.manifest
+└── tests
+ ├── basics
+ │   ├── buildfile
+ │   └── driver.cxx
+ ├── build
+ │   ├──
+ │   └──
+ └── buildfile
+6 directories, 17 files
+ cd libhello
+ bdep init -A ../hello-gcc @gcc
initializing in project /tmp/libhello/
-added configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+added configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
new libhello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
+ bdep init -A ../hello-clang @clang
initializing in project /tmp/libhello/
-added configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 auto-synchronized
+added configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 target auto-synchronized
new libhello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
@@ -646,29 +789,31 @@ synchronizing:
upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#1
mkdir ../hello-gcc/libhello/fsdir{libhello/}
+version ../libhello/libhello/in{version} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello/libhello/hxx{version}
mkdir ../hello-gcc/hello/fsdir{hello/}
mkdir ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/fsdir{basics/} ../libhello/libhello/
-c++ hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/
-c++ ../libhello/libhello/cxx{hello}@../hello-gcc/libhello/libhello/
-c++ ../libhello/tests/basics/cxx{driver}@../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/basics/
+c++ ../libhello/tests/basics/cxx{driver} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/basics/obje{driver}
+c++ ../libhello/libhello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello/libhello/objs{hello}
+c++ hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/obje{hello}
ld ../hello-gcc/libhello/libhello/libs{hello}
ld ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
ld ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/basics/exe{driver}
-test hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/ ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+ln ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} -> hello/
+ln ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/basics/exe{driver} -> ../libhello/tests/basics/
test ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+test ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/testscript{testscript}
+ bdep new -C hello-gcc @gcc -t exe -l c++ hello cc config.cxx=g++
created new executable project hello in /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
+created configuration @gcc /tmp/hello-gcc/ 1 target default,forwarded,auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
+ cd hello
-+ bdep init -C ../hello-clang @clang cc config.cxx=clang++-5.0
++ bdep init -C ../hello-clang @clang cc config.cxx=clang++-16
initializing in project /tmp/hello/
-created configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 auto-synchronized
+created configuration @clang /tmp/hello-clang/ 2 target auto-synchronized
new hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000
@@ -699,99 +844,96 @@ synchronizing:
upgrade hello/0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#2
mkdir ../hello-gcc/libhello/fsdir{libhello/}
-mkdir ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/fsdir{basics/}
+version libhello/libhello/in{version} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello/libhello/hxx{version}
mkdir ../hello-gcc/hello/fsdir{hello/} libhello/libhello/
-c++ hello/hello/cxx{hello}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/
-c++ libhello/libhello/cxx{hello}@../hello-gcc/libhello/libhello/
-c++ libhello/tests/basics/cxx{driver}@../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/basics/
+mkdir ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/fsdir{basics/}
+c++ hello/hello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/obje{hello}
+c++ libhello/libhello/cxx{hello} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello/libhello/objs{hello}
+c++ libhello/tests/basics/cxx{driver} -> ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/basics/obje{driver}
ld ../hello-gcc/libhello/libhello/libs{hello}
-ld ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/basics/exe{driver}
ld ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+ld ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/basics/exe{driver}
+ln ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} -> hello/hello/
+ln ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/basics/exe{driver} -> libhello/tests/basics/
+test ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello} + hello/hello/testscript{testscript}
test ../hello-gcc/libhello/tests/basics/exe{driver}
-test hello/hello/testscript{testscript}@../hello-gcc/hello/hello/ ../hello-gcc/hello/hello/exe{hello}
+ bpkg create -d tools cc config.cxx=g++ config.install.root=/opt/tools config.install.sudo=sudo config.bin.rpath=/opt/tools/lib
created new configuration in /tmp/tools/
+ uuid: c835ee18-540c-40ca-a727-977c2cb1fd2d
+ type: target
+ cd tools
+ bpkg build hello@
-fetching from
fetching (prerequisite of
-fetching from
fetching (prerequisite of
-fetching from
fetching (prerequisite of
-fetching from
- new libformat/1.0.0+5 (required by libhello)
- new libprint/1.0.0+5 (required by libhello)
- new libhello/1.1.0+5 (required by hello)
- new hello/1.0.0+4
-continue? [Y/n] distributing libformat/1.0.0+5
-checked out libformat/1.0.0+5
-configured libformat/1.0.0+5
-distributing libprint/1.0.0+5
-checked out libprint/1.0.0+5
-configured libprint/1.0.0+5
-distributing libhello/1.1.0+5
-checked out libhello/1.1.0+5
-configured libhello/1.1.0+5
-distributing hello/1.0.0+4
-checked out hello/1.0.0+4
-configured hello/1.0.0+4 libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/ libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/ libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/
-c++ libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/cxx{print}
-c++ libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/cxx{hello}
-c++ hello-1.0.0+4/hello/cxx{hello}
-c++ libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/cxx{format}
-ld libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/libs{print}
-ld libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/libs{format}
-ld libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/libs{hello}
-ld hello-1.0.0+4/hello/exe{hello}
-updated hello/1.0.0+4
+ new libformat/1.0.0+11 (required by libhello)
+ new libprint/1.0.0+11 (required by libhello)
+ new libhello/1.1.0+11 (required by hello)
+ new hello/1.0.0+10
+continue? [Y/n] y
+checked out libformat/1.0.0+11
+checked out libprint/1.0.0+11
+checked out libhello/1.1.0+11
+checked out hello/1.0.0+10
+configured libformat/1.0.0+11
+configured libprint/1.0.0+11
+configured libhello/1.1.0+11
+configured hello/1.0.0+10
+version libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/in{version} -> libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/hxx{version}
+version libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/in{version} -> libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/hxx{version}
+version libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/in{version} -> libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/hxx{version}
+c++ libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/cxx{print} -> libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/objs{print}
+c++ libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/cxx{format} -> libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/objs{format}
+c++ libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/cxx{hello} -> libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/objs{hello}
+c++ hello-1.0.0+10/hello/cxx{hello} -> hello-1.0.0+10/hello/obje{hello}
+ld libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/libs{print}
+ld libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/libs{format}
+ld libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/libs{hello}
+ld hello-1.0.0+10/hello/exe{hello}
+updated hello/1.0.0+10
+ bpkg install hello
-ld libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/libs{hello}
-ld hello-1.0.0+4/hello/exe{hello}
-install /opt/tools/
-install /opt/tools/include/
-install /opt/tools/include/libhello/
-install libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/hxx{export}
-install libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/hxx{hello}
-install /opt/tools/share/
-install /opt/tools/share/doc/
-install /opt/tools/share/doc/libhello/
-install libhello-1.1.0+5/manifest{manifest}
-install libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/hxx{version}
-install /opt/tools/include/libprint/
-install libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/hxx{print}
-install libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/hxx{export}
-install /opt/tools/share/doc/libprint/
-install libprint-1.0.0+5/manifest{manifest}
-install libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/hxx{version}
-install libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/libs{print}
-install /opt/tools/include/libformat/
-install libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/hxx{export}
-install libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/hxx{format}
-install /opt/tools/share/doc/libformat/
-install libformat-1.0.0+5/manifest{manifest}
-install libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/hxx{version}
-install libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/libs{format}
-install libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/libs{hello}
-install /opt/tools/bin/
-install hello-1.0.0+4/hello/exe{hello}
-install /opt/tools/share/doc/hello/
-install hello-1.0.0+4/manifest{manifest}
-installed hello/1.0.0+4
+pc libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/libs{format} -> libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/pcs{format}
+pc libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/libs{print} -> libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/pcs{print}
+pc libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/libs{hello} -> libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/pcs{hello}
+ld libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/libs{hello}
+ld hello-1.0.0+10/hello/exe{hello}
+install -d /opt/tools/
+install -d /opt/tools/include/
+install -d /opt/tools/include/libhello/
+install libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/hxx{export} -> /opt/tools/include/libhello/
+install libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/hxx{hello} -> /opt/tools/include/libhello/
+install -d /opt/tools/share/
+install -d /opt/tools/share/doc/
+install -d /opt/tools/share/doc/libhello/
+install libhello-1.1.0+11/manifest{manifest} -> /opt/tools/share/doc/libhello/
+install libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/hxx{version} -> /opt/tools/include/libhello/
+install -d /opt/tools/include/libprint/
+install libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/hxx{export} -> /opt/tools/include/libprint/
+install libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/hxx{print} -> /opt/tools/include/libprint/
+install -d /opt/tools/share/doc/libprint/
+install libprint-1.0.0+11/manifest{manifest} -> /opt/tools/share/doc/libprint/
+install libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/hxx{version} -> /opt/tools/include/libprint/
+install libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/libs{print} -> /opt/tools/lib/
+install -d /opt/tools/include/libformat/
+install libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/hxx{export} -> /opt/tools/include/libformat/
+install libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/hxx{format} -> /opt/tools/include/libformat/
+install -d /opt/tools/share/doc/libformat/
+install libformat-1.0.0+11/manifest{manifest} -> /opt/tools/share/doc/libformat/
+install libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/hxx{version} -> /opt/tools/include/libformat/
+install libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/libs{format} -> /opt/tools/lib/
+install libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/libs{hello} -> /opt/tools/lib/
+install -d /opt/tools/bin/
+install hello-1.0.0+10/hello/exe{hello} -> /opt/tools/bin/
+install -d /opt/tools/share/doc/hello/
+install hello-1.0.0+10/doc{} -> /opt/tools/share/doc/hello/
+install hello-1.0.0+10/manifest{manifest} -> /opt/tools/share/doc/hello/
+installed hello/1.0.0+10
+ /opt/tools/bin/hello World
Hello, World!
@@ -827,7 +969,8 @@ Hello, World!
└── share
└── doc
├── hello
- │   └── manifest
+ │   ├── manifest
+ │   └──
├── libformat
│   └── manifest
├── libhello
@@ -835,50 +978,53 @@ Hello, World!
└── libprint
└── manifest
-13 directories, 23 files
+14 directories, 24 files
+ bpkg uninstall hello
-uninstall hello-1.0.0+4/manifest{manifest}
-uninstall /opt/tools/share/doc/hello/
-uninstall hello-1.0.0+4/hello/exe{hello}
-uninstall /opt/tools/bin/
-uninstall libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/libs{hello}
-uninstall libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/libs{format}
-uninstall libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/hxx{version}
-uninstall libformat-1.0.0+5/manifest{manifest}
-uninstall /opt/tools/share/doc/libformat/
-uninstall libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/hxx{format}
-uninstall libformat-1.0.0+5/libformat/hxx{export}
-uninstall /opt/tools/include/libformat/
-uninstall libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/libs{print}
-uninstall libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/hxx{version}
-uninstall libprint-1.0.0+5/manifest{manifest}
-uninstall /opt/tools/share/doc/libprint/
-uninstall libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/hxx{export}
-uninstall libprint-1.0.0+5/libprint/hxx{print}
-uninstall /opt/tools/include/libprint/
-uninstall libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/hxx{version}
-uninstall libhello-1.1.0+5/manifest{manifest}
-uninstall /opt/tools/share/doc/libhello/
-uninstall /opt/tools/share/doc/
-uninstall /opt/tools/share/
-uninstall libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/hxx{hello}
-uninstall libhello-1.1.0+5/libhello/hxx{export}
-uninstall /opt/tools/include/libhello/
-uninstall /opt/tools/include/
-uninstall /opt/tools/
-uninstalled hello/1.0.0+4
+uninstall hello-1.0.0+10/manifest{manifest} <- /opt/tools/share/doc/hello/
+uninstall hello-1.0.0+10/doc{} <- /opt/tools/share/doc/hello/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/share/doc/hello/
+uninstall hello-1.0.0+10/hello/exe{hello} <- /opt/tools/bin/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/bin/
+uninstall libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/libs{hello} <- /opt/tools/lib/
+uninstall libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/libs{format} <- /opt/tools/lib/
+uninstall libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/hxx{version} <- /opt/tools/include/libformat/
+uninstall libformat-1.0.0+11/manifest{manifest} <- /opt/tools/share/doc/libformat/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/share/doc/libformat/
+uninstall libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/hxx{format} <- /opt/tools/include/libformat/
+uninstall libformat-1.0.0+11/libformat/hxx{export} <- /opt/tools/include/libformat/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/include/libformat/
+uninstall libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/libs{print} <- /opt/tools/lib/
+uninstall libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/hxx{version} <- /opt/tools/include/libprint/
+uninstall libprint-1.0.0+11/manifest{manifest} <- /opt/tools/share/doc/libprint/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/share/doc/libprint/
+uninstall libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/hxx{print} <- /opt/tools/include/libprint/
+uninstall libprint-1.0.0+11/libprint/hxx{export} <- /opt/tools/include/libprint/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/include/libprint/
+uninstall libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/hxx{version} <- /opt/tools/include/libhello/
+uninstall libhello-1.1.0+11/manifest{manifest} <- /opt/tools/share/doc/libhello/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/share/doc/libhello/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/share/doc/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/share/
+uninstall libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/hxx{hello} <- /opt/tools/include/libhello/
+uninstall libhello-1.1.0+11/libhello/hxx{export} <- /opt/tools/include/libhello/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/include/libhello/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/include/
+uninstall -d /opt/tools/
+uninstalled hello/1.0.0+10
+ bpkg drop hello
following dependencies were automatically built but will no longer be used:
-drop unused packages? [Y/n] drop hello
+drop unused packages? [Y/n] y
+ drop hello
drop libhello
drop libformat
drop libprint
-continue? [Y/n] disfigured hello
+continue? [Y/n] y
+disfigured hello
disfigured libhello
disfigured libformat
disfigured libprint
@@ -886,3 +1032,5 @@ purged hello
purged libhello
purged libformat
purged libprint
+Script done on 2023-06-28 12:03:39+02:00 [COMMAND_EXIT_CODE="0"]
diff --git a/review b/review
index 8a46b4e..6d72827 100755
--- a/review
+++ b/review
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
usage="usage: $0"
-modules="libbutl libbutl.bash build2 libbpkg bpkg bpkg-rep bdep brep libbbot bbot libstd-modules build2-toolchain"
+modules="libbutl libbutl.bash build2 libbpkg bpkg bpkg-util bdep bdep-util brep libbbot bbot build2-toolchain libbuild2-kconfig libbuild2-autoconf"
trap "{ cd $owd; exit 1; }" ERR
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ for m in $modules; do
# Exclude submodules in build2-toolchain.
if [ $m = "build2-toolchain" ]; then
- exclude="$exclude bdep bpkg build2 libbutl libbpkg libodb libodb-sqlite libsqlite3 libpkgconf"
+ exclude="$exclude submodules bdep bpkg build2 libbutl libbpkg libodb libodb-sqlite libsqlite3 libpkg-config libbuild2-kconfig libbuild2-autoconf"
diff --git a/stage b/stage
index d0717ed..d9d3df4 100755
--- a/stage
+++ b/stage
@@ -33,10 +33,14 @@ bpkg --version >/dev/null
bdep --version >/dev/null
# Make sure the build system if up to date (otherwise update will be triggered
-# by libbuild2-hello distribution).
+# by libbuild2-* module distribution). Also make sure the package manager is
+# up to date since it depend on libbuild2. Update project manager for good
+# measure.
-b build2/build2/
-b --version >/dev/null
+b build2/build2/ bpkg/bpkg/ bdep/bdep/
+b --version >/dev/null
+bpkg --version >/dev/null
+bdep --version >/dev/null
v="$(sed -n -re 's/^version: ([^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^-]+(-[ab]\.[^.+]+)?).*$/\1/p' build2-toolchain/manifest)"
vf="$(echo $v | sed -re 's/^([^.]*)\.([^.]*)\.([^-]*).*$/\1.\2.\3/')" # Final.
@@ -167,6 +171,7 @@ if [ "$script_only" != true ]; then
XZ_OPT=-9 \
b dist: build2-toolchain-default/ \
+ config.dist.root=/tmp/dist \
"config.dist.archives=$owd/$dist_src/$v/tar.xz $owd/$dist_src/$v/tar.gz" \
@@ -203,6 +208,9 @@ for f in "${scripts[@]}"; do
checksum_line "$f"
# Sync the distribution.
# Note that we do the distribution first so that the toolchain changes are
@@ -225,51 +233,69 @@ function sync_dist () # <dist-src> <dist-dst> [<rsync-options>]
--prune-empty-dirs $rsync_ops "$@" "$s/" "$d/"
-sync_dist "$dist_src" "$dist_dst" $rsync_del
+###if false; then
-# Also sync (disable) queue.
+# If we are not preparing packages, publish the distribution now. Otherwise,
+# wait until we have prepared all the packages (which can take a considerable
+# time).
-if [ "$mode" = "-p" ]; then
- sync_dist "$queue_dist_src" "$queue_dist_dst" --delete-after
+if [ "$script_only" -o "$mode" = "-p" ]; then
+ sync_dist "$dist_src" "$dist_dst" $rsync_del
-if [ "$script_only" = true ]; then
- exit 0
+ # Also sync (disable) queue.
+ #
+ if [ "$mode" = "-p" ]; then
+ sync_dist "$queue_dist_src" "$queue_dist_dst" --delete-after
+ fi
-if [ "$mode" = "-p" ]; then
exit 0
# Distribute packages, regenerate and sync the repository.
+# Note: $mode is either empty or -q (which implies -d).
-# These are just for testing (though libodb-mysql needs libmysqlclient).
+# Extra packages for testing.
-etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d openssl packaging/openssl/openssl/libcrypto
-etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d openssl packaging/openssl/openssl/libssl
-etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d openssl packaging/openssl/openssl/openssl
+if false; then
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d curl packaging/curl/curl/libcurl
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d curl packaging/curl/curl/curl
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d curl packaging/curl/ca-certificates-curl/libca-certificates-curl
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d icu packaging/icu/icu/libicuuc
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d icu packaging/icu/icu/libicui18n
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d icu packaging/icu/icu/libicuio
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d zlib packaging/zlib/zlib/libz
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d openssl packaging/openssl/openssl/libcrypto \
+ packaging/openssl/openssl/libssl \
+ packaging/openssl/openssl/openssl
etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d mariadb packaging/mariadb/libmariadb
etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d mysql packaging/mysql/mysql/libmysqlclient
etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d libcutl ../cutl/libcutl
-etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d cli ../cli/cli
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d cli ../cli/cli/cli
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d cli ../cli/cli/cli-tests
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d cli ../cli/cli/cli-examples
etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d libapr packaging/libapr/libapr1
etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d libapreq packaging/libapreq/libapreq2
-etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d postgresql packaging/postgresql/libpq
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d postgresql packaging/postgresql/postgresql/libpq
etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d sqlite \
packaging/sqlite/sqlite/libsqlite3 \
-etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d pkgconf packaging/pkgconf/pkgconf/libpkgconf
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d libpkg-config libpkg-config/libpkg-config
etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d cmark-gfm \
packaging/cmark-gfm/cmark-gfm/libcmark-gfm \
@@ -292,22 +318,34 @@ etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -d odb \
../odb/builds/default/libodb-boost \
-etc/stage-pkg -c $mode build2 \
+# Regenerate the repository (unless $mode is -q) but do not publish.
+etc/stage-pkg -c $mode -g build2 \
libbutl \
libbutl.bash \
build2 \
libbpkg \
bpkg \
- bpkg-rep \
+ bpkg-util \
bdep \
+ bdep-util \
libbbot \
brep \
bbot \
openssl-agent \
libbuild2-hello/libbuild2-hello \
- libbuild2-hello/libbuild2-hello-tests
+ libbuild2-hello/libbuild2-hello-tests \
+ libbuild2-kconfig/kconfig-hello \
+ libbuild2-kconfig/libbuild2-kconfig \
+ libbuild2-kconfig/libbuild2-kconfig-tests \
+ libbuild2-autoconf/libbuild2-autoconf \
+ libbuild2-autoconf/libbuild2-autoconf-tests
+sync_dist "$dist_src" "$dist_dst" $rsync_del
-# msvc-linux
-# libstd-modules
+if [ "$mode" != "-q" ]; then
+ etc/stage-pkg -p
diff --git a/stage-pkg b/stage-pkg
index 6930fd9..898887b 100755
--- a/stage-pkg
+++ b/stage-pkg
@@ -9,10 +9,21 @@
# Distribute only without regenerating or publishing the repository.
# -g
-# Distribute and regenerating only without publishing the repository.
+# Distribute and regenerate only without publishing the repository.
+# In this mode of no packages is specified, then just regenerate.
+# -p
+# Publish only without distributing and regenerating the repository.
# -q
-# Publish packages into the queue instead of staging. Implies -d.
+# Put packages into the queue instead of staging. Implies -d.
+# -Q <section>
+# Put packages into staging queue's specified section instead of staging.
+# --min-bpkg-version <ver>
+# Pass --min-bpkg-version to bpkg-rep-create.
usage="usage: etc/stage-pkg [<options>] <group> <dir>..."
@@ -32,15 +43,18 @@ bpkg --version >/dev/null
bdep --version >/dev/null
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $1 in
@@ -56,14 +70,32 @@ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ -p)
+ pub_only=true
+ shift
+ ;;
- repo_dir=""
+ repo_root=""
+ repo_dir="$repo_root/alpha"
+ -Q)
+ shift
+ repo_name="QUEUE.STAGE.BUILD2.ORG"
+ repo_root="staging/queue/1"
+ repo_dir="$repo_root/$1"
+ repo_host1=""
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --min-bpkg-version)
+ shift
+ rep_create_ops+=(--min-bpkg-version "$1")
+ shift
+ ;;
if [ -z "$group" ]; then
@@ -75,70 +107,81 @@ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
-if [ -z "$group" -o "${#dirs[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
- error "$usage"
-mkdir -p /tmp/dist
+if [ -z "$pub_only" ]; then
-# Dist individual packages into the repository.
-function dist() # <group> <dir>
- local o="$repo_dir/$1"
- local b="$(basename $2)"
- local d="$2-default"
- # If *-default/ exists, use that (old style out of tree configuration).
- # Otherwise, use the source directory itself (new style forwarded
- # configuration).
+ # In the -g mode skip distributing if no packages are specified.
- if ! test -d "$d"; then
- d="$2"
- if ! test -d "$d"; then
- error "neither $2-default nor $2 exist"
+ if [ -z "$gen_only" -o -n "$group" ]; then
+ if [ -z "$group" -o "${#dirs[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ error "$usage"
- fi
- mkdir -p "$o"
+ mkdir -p /tmp/dist
+ # Dist individual packages into the repository.
+ #
+ function dist() # <group> <dir>
+ {
+ local o="$repo_dir/$1"
+ local b="$(basename $2)"
+ local d="$2-default"
+ # If *-default/ exists, use that (old style out of tree configuration).
+ # Otherwise, use the source directory itself (new style forwarded
+ # configuration).
+ #
+ if ! test -d "$d"; then
+ d="$2"
+ if ! test -d "$d"; then
+ error "neither $2-default nor $2 exist"
+ fi
+ fi
- # Clean up old packages.
- #
- if [ -n "$clean" ]; then
- rm -f "$o/$b"-*
- fi
+ mkdir -p "$o"
- b "dist($d/)" config.dist.root=/tmp/dist "config.dist.archives=$owd/$o/tar.gz"
+ # Clean up old packages.
+ #
+ if [ -n "$clean" ]; then
+ rm -f "$o/$b"-*
+ fi
-for d in "${dirs[@]}"; do
- dist "$group" "$d"
+ b "dist($d/)" config.dist.root=/tmp/dist "config.dist.archives=$owd/$o/tar.gz"
+ }
-if [ -n "$dist_only" ]; then
- exit 0
+ for d in "${dirs[@]}"; do
+ dist "$group" "$d"
+ done
+ fi
-# Regenerate the repository.
-info "Insert $repo_name signing key and press Enter"
-etc/rep-update "$repo_dir/" \
- --openssl-option -engine --openssl-option pkcs11 \
- --openssl-option -keyform --openssl-option engine \
- --key "label_SIGN key"
+ if [ -n "$dist_only" ]; then
+ exit 0
+ fi
-if [ -n "$gen_only" ]; then
- exit 0
+ # Regenerate the repository.
+ #
+ # --key "label_SIGN key" (OpenSSL 2)
+ #
+ info "Insert $repo_name signing key and press Enter"
+ read
+ etc/rep-update "$repo_root/" "${rep_create_ops[@]}" \
+ --openssl-option -engine --openssl-option pkcs11 \
+ --openssl-option -keyform --openssl-option engine \
+ --key "pkcs11:token=name:**;object=SIGN%20key"
+ if [ -n "$gen_only" ]; then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+fi # !pub_only
# Sync repository.
info "Press Enter to start package upload"
-etc/rep-publish "$repo_dir/" "$repo_host1/" $rsync_ops
+etc/rep-publish "$repo_root/" "$repo_host1/" $rsync_ops
if [ -n "$repo_host2" ]; then
- etc/rep-publish "$repo_dir/" "$repo_host2/" $rsync_ops
+ etc/rep-publish "$repo_root/" "$repo_host2/" $rsync_ops
diff --git a/stage-queue b/stage-queue
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a378dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stage-queue
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# Stage queued packages (see stage script for details).
+usage="usage: etc/stage-queue"
+trap "{ cd $owd; exit 1; }" ERR
+set -o errtrace # Trap in functions.
+function info () { echo "$*" 1>&2; }
+function error () { info "$*"; exit 1; }
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ *)
+ error "unexpected $1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Generate package archives.
+# These are currently pulled from (we cannot have the same
+# versions in multiple places since archive checksums are not stable).
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d curl packaging/curl/curl/libcurl
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d curl packaging/curl/curl/curl
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d curl packaging/curl/ca-certificates-curl/libca-certificates-curl
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d icu packaging/icu/icu/libicuuc
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d icu packaging/icu/icu/libicui18n
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d icu packaging/icu/icu/libicuio
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d tinycbor packaging/tinycbor/tinycbor/libtinycbor
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d xxd packaging/xxd/xxd/xxd
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d byacc packaging/byacc/byacc/byacc
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d reflex packaging/reflex/reflex/reflex
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d openbsd-m4 packaging/openbsd-m4/openbsd-m4/openbsd-m4
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d kconfig packaging/kconfig/kconfig/liblkc \
+# packaging/kconfig/kconfig/kconfig-conf \
+# packaging/kconfig/kconfig/kconfig-qconf
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d xerces-c packaging/xerces-c/xerces-c/libxerces-c
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d libcutl ../cutl/libcutl
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d cli ../cli/cli/cli
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d cli ../cli/cli/cli-tests
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d cli ../cli/cli/cli-examples
+etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d libxsd-frontend ../xsd/libxsd-frontend/
+etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d xsd ../xsd/xsd/libxsd
+etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d xsd ../xsd/xsd/libxsd-tests
+etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d xsd ../xsd/xsd/xsd
+etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d xsd ../xsd/xsd/xsd-tests
+etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d xsd ../xsd/xsd/xsd-examples
+#etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d boost packaging/boost/boost/libboost-*/
+etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d libevent packaging/libevent/libevent
+etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d Qt5 packaging/qt5/Qt5/Qt5Moc \
+ packaging/qt5/Qt5/Qt5Rcc \
+ packaging/qt5/Qt5/Qt5Uic \
+ packaging/qt5/Qt5/libQt5Core \
+ packaging/qt5/Qt5/libQt5Gui \
+ packaging/qt5/Qt5/libQt5GuiTests \
+ packaging/qt5/Qt5/libQt5Widgets \
+ packaging/qt5/Qt5/libQt5WidgetsTests
+etc/stage-pkg -Q alpha -c -d Qt6 packaging/qt6/Qt6/Qt6Moc \
+ packaging/qt6/Qt6/Qt6Rcc \
+ packaging/qt6/Qt6/Qt6Uic \
+ packaging/qt6/Qt6/libQt6Core \
+ packaging/qt6/Qt6/libQt6Gui \
+ packaging/qt6/Qt6/libQt6GuiTests \
+ packaging/qt6/Qt6/libQt6Widgets \
+ packaging/qt6/Qt6/libQt6WidgetsTests
+# Regenerate repository and publish.
+etc/stage-pkg -Q "" -g --min-bpkg-version 0.16.0
+etc/stage-pkg -Q "" -p
diff --git a/upgrade b/upgrade
index 4ccb9aa..c98e9d6 100755
--- a/upgrade
+++ b/upgrade
@@ -1,37 +1,52 @@
#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# Upgrade remote packages in a bdep-managed build2 toolchain build,
-# essentially as if by executing:
+# Upgrade remote packages in a bdep-managed build2 toolchain build (default
+# configurations), essentially as if by executing:
# bdep sync -fur && b
# In each project of the toolchain.
# Note that we can't just do that because as soon as we drop some dependency
-# package, the tools (b, bppg, etc) become non-runnable (missing shared
-# libraries, etc).
+# package, the tools (b, bpkg, etc) become non-runnable (missing shared
+# libraries, etc). The script expects the current build of the toolchain
+# to be runnable.
-# Note also that this script expects the build system (build2) and the rest of
-# the toolchain (bpkg, bdep, etc) to be built in separate build configuration
-# (for example, tsan for build2 and asan for the rest).
+# This script only upgrades the default configurations (including -libs, if
+# present). To upgrade the rest you can use the normal way, for example:
-# Finally, this script only upgrades the default configurations. To upgrade
-# the rest you can use the normal way, for example:
+# bdep sync -Fur @<cfg>|-a
-# bdep sync -fura
-# If the -c option is specified, then the second configuration is upgraded
-# and configured but is not updated. This can be done at a later stage by
+# If the -c option is specified, the configuration is upgraded and configured
+# but only the build system is updated. This can be done at a later stage by
# running the build system in the configuration directory:
-# BDEP_SYNC=0 b
+# BDEP_SYNC=0 b builds/gcc7/
-trap "exit 1" ERR
+trap "{ cd '$owd'; exit 1; }" ERR
set -o errtrace # Trap in functions.
function info () { echo "$*" 1>&2; }
function error () { info "$*"; exit 1; }
+# Run a command with tracing (similar to set -x).
+# Note that this function will execute a command with arguments that contain
+# spaces but it will not print them as quoted (and neither does set -x).
+function run ()
+ echo "+ $@" 1>&2
+ "$@"
+function run_no_sync ()
+ echo "+ BDEP_SYNC=0 $@" 1>&2
+ BDEP_SYNC=0 "$@"
# Make sure the build2 tools are runnable.
b --version >/dev/null
@@ -54,82 +69,132 @@ done
# Get the configuration directories.
-bcfg="$(b info: build2/ | sed -n -re 's/^out_root: (.+)$/\1/p')"
-pcfg="$(b info: bpkg/ | sed -n -re 's/^out_root: (.+)$/\1/p')"
+tcfg="$(b info: build2/ | sed -n -re 's/^out_root: (.+)$/\1/p')"
+lcfg="$(b info: libbutl/ | sed -n -re 's/^out_root: (.+)$/\1/p')"
-if [ -z "$bcfg" -o -z "$pcfg" ]; then
+if [ -z "$tcfg" -o -z "$lcfg" ]; then
error "unable to determine build configuration directories"
-bcfg="$(dirname "$bcfg")"
-pcfg="$(dirname "$pcfg")"
+tcfg="$(dirname "$tcfg")"
+lcfg="$(dirname "$lcfg")"
-if [ "$bcfg" = "$pcfg" ]; then
- error "build2 and bpkg build configuration directories are the same"
+if [ "$tcfg" = "$lcfg" ]; then
+ lcfg=
# The plan is as follows:
-# 0. First, make backup copies of both configurations. If something goes wrong,
+# 0. First, make backup copies of configurations. If something goes wrong,
# it's likely the tools will be left in a non-runnable state.
-# 1. Next, install the build system on the side and then upgrade the build
-# system configuration using that plus the existing bpkg/bdep.
-# 2. Finally, upgrade the rest. Note that we only have one shot at this since
-# we are running bpkg that is being upgraded.
+# 1. Next, setup the environment (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH) so that we use the
+# toolchain from the backup copy. Then upgrade the configurations using
+# that.
# Step 0.
-if test -e "$bcfg.bak"; then
- error "$bcfg.bak already exist"
+if test -e "$tcfg.bak"; then
+ error "$tcfg.bak already exist"
-if test -e "$pcfg.bak"; then
- error "$pcfg.bak already exist"
+if [ -n "$lcfg" ]; then
+ if test -e "$lcfg.bak"; then
+ error "$lcfg.bak already exist"
+ fi
-set -x
+run cp -rp "$tcfg" "$tcfg.bak"
-cp -rp "$bcfg" "$bcfg.bak"
-cp -rp "$pcfg" "$pcfg.bak"
+if [ -n "$lcfg" ]; then
+ run cp -rp "$lcfg" "$lcfg.bak"
# Step 1.
+# The main problem with running the toolchain from the backup location is the
+# rpaths embedded into the executables. We can make sure the libraries are
+# found in the backup location with LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or equivalent). But for
+# good measure let's also remove all the libraries from the original location
+# to make they don't interfere.
+if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
+ so=dylib
+ so=so
-BDEP_SYNC=0 b "$bcfg"/libbutl/libbutl/hxx{version}
-BDEP_SYNC=0 b "$bcfg"/build2/libbuild2/hxx{version}
+for f in $(find "$tcfg" -name "*.$so" -a '(' -type f -o -type l ')'); do
+ libs+=("$f")
-BDEP_SYNC=0 bpkg install -d "$bcfg" \
- config.install.root=/tmp/build2-install \
- config.bin.rpath=/tmp/build2-install/lib \
- build2
+run rm -rf "${libs[@]}"
-/tmp/build2-install/bin/b --version >/dev/null
+declare -A lib_dirs
+for f in $(find "$tcfg.bak" -name "*.$so" -a '(' -type f -o -type l ')'); do
+ lib_dirs["$(dirname "$f")"]=
-bpkg fetch -d "$bcfg"
-BDEP_SYNC=0 bpkg build -d "$bcfg" --build /tmp/build2-install/bin/b --keep-out -ur
+# Note that the order should not matter.
+for d in "${!lib_dirs[@]}"; do
+ ldpath="$d:$ldpath"
-b --version >/dev/null
+if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
+ oldpath="$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+ oldpath="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+ run export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$ldpath$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+run export PATH="$tcfg.bak/build2/build2:$tcfg.bak/bpkg/bpkg:$tcfg.bak/bdep/bdep:$PATH"
-b build2/ # Should be a noop.
+# Make sure the backup toolchain is runnable.
+run which b bpkg bdep
+run b --version >/dev/null
+run bpkg --version >/dev/null
+run bdep --version >/dev/null
-rm -rf /tmp/build2-install
+# Upgrade.
+run bpkg fetch -d "$tcfg"
+run_no_sync bpkg build -d "$tcfg" --keep-out -ur $configure_only
-# Step 2.
+# In configure-only we update the build system manually.
-bpkg fetch -d "$pcfg"
-BDEP_SYNC=0 bpkg build -d "$pcfg" --keep-out -ur $configure_only
+if [ -n "$configure_only" ]; then
+ run_no_sync b build2/
-if [ -z "$configure_only" ]; then
+if [ -n "$lcfg" ]; then
+ run bpkg fetch -d "$lcfg"
+ run_no_sync bpkg build -d "$lcfg" --keep-out -ur $configure_only
- bpkg --version >/dev/null
- bdep --version >/dev/null
+# Restore the original environment.
+if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
+ run export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$oldpath"
+ run export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$oldpath"
+run export PATH="$opath"
- b bpkg/ bdep/ # Should be a noop.
+run b --version >/dev/null
+if [ -z "$configure_only" ]; then
+ run bpkg --version >/dev/null
+ run bdep --version >/dev/null
+ run b build2/ bpkg/ bdep/ # Should be a noop.
-rm -rf "$bcfg.bak"
-rm -rf "$pcfg.bak"
+run rm -rf "$tcfg.bak"
+if [ -n "$lcfg" ]; then
+ run rm -rf "$lcfg.bak"
diff --git a/version b/version
index ada16a5..6ca9af4 100755
--- a/version
+++ b/version
@@ -9,26 +9,29 @@ usage="usage: etc/version"
# No max, always >=.
# NOTE: also update in 'bdep new'?
+# NOTE: also update in libbuild2-<module>?
+# NOTE: if upgrade is supported, should be previous release version.
-mods=(libstd-modules libbutl libbutl.bash libbpkg libbbot bpkg)
+mods=(libbutl libbutl.bash libbpkg libbbot bpkg bpkg-util build2)
odb_mods=(libodb libodb-sqlite libodb-pgsql)
-# @@ NOTE: libpkgconf version constraint in build2 is updated manually.
-# @@ NOTE: libcmark version constraint in brep is updated manually.
+# !!! NOTE: libpkg-config version constraint in build2 is updated manually.
+# !!! NOTE: libcmark version constraint in brep is updated manually.
+# !!! NOTE: libsqlite3 version in bpkg, bdep.
-all=(libstd-modules libbutl libbutl.bash build2 libbpkg bpkg bpkg-rep bdep libbbot bbot brep build2-toolchain msvc-linux openssl-agent buildos)
+all=(libbutl libbutl.bash build2 libbpkg bpkg bpkg-util bdep bdep-util libbbot bbot brep build2-toolchain msvc-linux openssl-agent buildos)
# In manifests for alpha/beta we use an exact match. For snapshots -- snapshot
# range. Otherwise an X.Y.* range.
@@ -94,30 +97,3 @@ for m in "${all[@]}"; do
cd ..
-# Configuration version.
-# Note: also in the install/prepare script.
-mj="$(echo "$ver" | sed -re 's/([^.]+)\..*/\1/')"
-mn="$(echo "$ver" | sed -re 's/[^.]+\.([^.]+)\..*/\1/')"
-ab="$(echo "$ver" | sed -n -re 's/[^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^.-]+-([ab]).*/\1/p')"
-pr="$(echo "$ver" | sed -n -re 's/[^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^.-]+-[ab]\.([^.+]+).*/\1/p')"
-if [ -n "$ab" ]; then
- cver="$cver-$ab.$pr"
-cd build2-toolchain
-for m in build*.sh; do
- sed -i -re "s/cver=\".+\"/cver=\"$cver\"/" $m
-for m in build*.bat; do
- sed -i -re "s/\"cver=.+\"/\"cver=$cver\"/" $m
-cd ..