#!/bin/bash # Build OS monitor. It starts as a systemd service and performs the following # steps: # # 1. Bootstrap the build2 toolchain. # 2. Build and start bbot. # 3. Build and start bslave. # 4. Monitor for OS and toolchain changes and reboot if detected. # # @@ What do we do in case or error, trap? Send email? Reboot? Probably # reboot bad idea since someone may need to login to examine what's # going on. # # @@ What will systemd do if we fail? Perhaps configure it to restart # us? Or not since we may hose the logs. # trap "exit 1" ERR set -o errtrace # Trap in functions. # Note: diagnostics goes to stdout. # function info () { echo "$*" 1>&2; } function error () { if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then info "$*"; fi exit 1 } info "starting buildos monitor..." # Parse the kernel command line. This is complicated by the fact that the # values can be quoted, for example: # # foo='foo fox' # bar="bar 'box'" # # First we separete quoted variables and arguments with newlines (giving # priority to assignments). Then we replace whitespaces with newline on # lines that don't contain quites. Finally, clean up by removing blank # lines. # # Note: the same code as in init. # readarray -t cmdline < <(cat /proc/cmdline | \ sed -r -e "s/([^ ]+=)?('[^']*'|\"[^\"]*\")/\n\1\2\n/g" | \ sed -r -e "/['\"]/!s/ /\n/g" | sed -r -e '/^\s*$/d') # Enter all buildos variables as bash variables. # for v in "${cmdline[@]}"; do var="$(sed -r -n -e 's/^buildos\.([^=]+)=.*$/\1/p' <<<"$v")" # Extract name. if [ -n "$var" ]; then val="$(sed -r -e 's/^[^=]+=(.*)$/\1/' <<<"$v")" # Extract value. val="$(sed -r -e "s/^('(.*)'|\"(.*)\")$/\2\3/" <<<"$val")" # Strip quoted. declare "$var=$val" fi done hname="$(hostname)" # Get the build id. # buildid="$(sed -n -re 's/^BUILD_ID="(.+)"$/\1/p' /etc/os-release)" function email () # < { (echo -e "Subject: [$hname] $1\n"; cat -) | sendmail -i "$admin_email" } function restart () { sendmail -q # Flush mail queue. sleep 10 # Give any remaining mail chance to go through. sudo systemctl reboot } if [ -z "$buildid_url" ]; then info "no buildos.buildid_url specified, not monitoring for new os builds" fi email "starting buildos monitor" <