* On base system upgrade, move extra packages to base. * Packages to watch out for (new versions often cause upgrade issues): - systemd - qemu-system-x86 - linux-image-amd64 - g++ If some of them are very recent (and thus likely to still have issues) in unstable, consider using testing. See Debian Changelog for release dates. Check the current source (unstable/testing) and update is necessary. * Examining init changes: - Get the latest initramfs-tools-core and udev packages. - Extract /usr/share/initramfs-tools/{scripts,init} into new directory. - Compare: diff -urw We currently only use init plus udev in scripts/init-{top,bottom}. * Grep for 'bug' and @@ in init and bootstrap scripts, see if any bugs have been fixed and corresponding workarounds can be removed. * Upgrade to latest debootstrap and debian-archive-keyring from unstable (or testing). * Note: as of latest attempt, bootstrap over https was still broken. * Bootstrap: ./bootstrap 2>&1 | tee bootstrap.log NOTE: tee does not play well with bash prompt (used for troubleshooting). NOTE: if during boostrap you need to but unable to delete an intermediate btrfs submodules, then it most likely has nested submodules (see nspawn() in bootstrap). Save the log for later comparison (might have to redo a from-stage-1 bootstrap to get the complete log). * Compare sizes to previous version for any abnormalities.