buildos is a Debian-based in-memory, net-booted operating system specialized for building software with the build2 toolchain. Configuration ------------- - Network is configured via DHCP. All Ethernet intrface that have carrier are tried in (some) order and the first interface that is successfully configure via DHCP is used. - Hostname is configure from the DHCP information. Failed that, a name is generated based on the MAC address. @@ Maybe also kernel cmdline. PXE --- - Copy the kernel image and initrd to TFTP # mkdir -p /var/lib/tftpboot/buildos # cp buildos-image buildos-initrd /var/lib/tftpboot/buildos/ - Assuming the host has MAC address de-ad-be-ef-b8-da, create host-specific configuration (or use 'default' for the last path component to apply to all the hosts): # cat </var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/01-de-ad-be-ef-b8-da default buildos prompt 1 timeout 50 label buildos menu label buildos kernel /buildos/buildos-image append initrd=/buildos/buildos-initrd EOF