// file : unit-tests/test/script/regex/driver.cxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include <regex> #include <type_traits> // is_pod, is_array #include <build2/test/script/regex> using namespace std; using namespace build2::test::script::regex; int main () { using lc = line_char; using ls = line_string; using lr = line_regex; using cf = char_flags; using cr = char_regex; // Test line_char. // { static_assert (is_pod<lc>::value && !is_array<lc>::value, "line_char must be char-like"); // Zero-initialed line_char should be the null-char as required by // char_traits<>::length() specification. // assert (lc () == lc::nul); line_pool p; assert (lc::eof == -1); assert (lc::nul == 0); enum meta {mn = 'n', mp = 'p'}; // Special roundtrip. // assert (lc ('0').special () == '0'); assert (lc (0).special () == 0); assert (lc (-1).special () == -1); assert (lc ('p').special () == 'p'); assert (lc (u'\u2028').special () == u'\u2028'); // Special comparison. // assert (lc ('0') == lc ('0')); assert (lc ('0') == '0'); assert (lc ('n') == mn); assert (mn == static_cast<meta> (lc ('n'))); assert (lc ('0') != lc ('1')); assert (lc ('0') != '1'); assert (lc ('n') != mp); assert (lc ('0') != lc ("0", p)); assert (lc ('0') != lc (cr ("0"), p)); assert (lc ('0') < lc ('1')); assert (lc ('0') < '1'); assert (lc ('1') < lc ("0", p)); assert (lc ('n') < mp); assert (lc ('0') <= '1'); assert (lc ('0') <= lc ('1')); assert (lc ('n') <= mn); assert (lc ('1') <= lc ("0", p)); // Literal roundtrip. // assert (*lc ("abc", p).literal () == "abc"); // Literal comparison. // assert (lc ("a", p) == lc ("a", p)); assert (lc ("a", p).literal () == lc ("a", p).literal ()); assert (char (lc ("a", p)) == '\a'); assert (lc ("a", p) != lc ("b", p)); assert (!(lc ("a", p) != lc (cr ("a"), p))); assert (lc ("a", p) != lc (cr ("b"), p)); assert (lc ("a", p) < lc ("b", p)); assert (!(lc ("a", p) < lc (cr ("a"), p))); assert (lc ("a", p) <= lc ("b", p)); assert (lc ("a", p) <= lc (cr ("a"), p)); assert (lc ("a", p) < lc (cr ("c"), p)); // Regex roundtrip. // assert (regex_match ("abc", *lc (cr ("abc"), p).regex ())); // Regex flags. // // icase // assert (regex_match ("ABC", cr ("abc", cf::icase))); // idot // assert (!regex_match ("a", cr ("[.]", cf::idot))); assert (!regex_match ("a", cr ("[\\.]", cf::idot))); assert (regex_match ("a", cr ("."))); assert (!regex_match ("a", cr (".", cf::idot))); assert (regex_match ("a", cr ("\\.", cf::idot))); assert (!regex_match ("a", cr ("\\."))); // regex::transform() // // The function is static and we can't test it directly. So we will test // it indirectly via regex matches. // // @@ Would be nice to somehow address the inability to test internals (not // exposed via headers). As a part of utility library support? // assert (regex_match (".a[.", cr (".\\.\\[[.]", cf::idot))); assert (regex_match (".a[.", cr (".\\.\\[[\\.]", cf::idot))); assert (!regex_match ("ba[.", cr (".\\.\\[[.]", cf::idot))); assert (!regex_match (".a[b", cr (".\\.\\[[.]", cf::idot))); assert (!regex_match (".a[b", cr (".\\.\\[[\\.]", cf::idot))); // Regex comparison. // assert (lc ("a", p) == lc (cr ("a|b"), p)); assert (lc (cr ("a|b"), p) == lc ("a", p)); } // Test char_traits<line_char>. // { using ct = char_traits<lc>; using vc = vector<lc>; lc c; ct::assign (c, '0'); assert (c == ct::char_type ('0')); assert (ct::to_char_type (c) == c); assert (ct::to_int_type (c) == c); assert (ct::eq_int_type (c, c)); assert (!ct::eq_int_type (c, lc::eof)); assert (ct::eof () == lc::eof); assert (ct::not_eof (c) == c); assert (ct::not_eof (lc::eof) != lc::eof); ct::assign (&c, 1, '1'); assert (c == ct::int_type ('1')); assert (ct::eq (lc ('0'), lc ('0'))); assert (ct::lt (lc ('0'), lc ('1'))); vc v1 ({'0', '1', '2'}); vc v2 (3, lc::nul); assert (ct::find (v1.data (), 3, '1') == v1.data () + 1); ct::copy (v2.data (), v1.data (), 3); assert (v2 == v1); v2.push_back (lc::nul); assert (ct::length (v2.data ()) == 3); // Overlaping ranges. // ct::move (v1.data () + 1, v1.data (), 2); assert (v1 == vc ({'0', '0', '1'})); v1 = vc ({'0', '1', '2'}); ct::move (v1.data (), v1.data () + 1, 2); assert (v1 == vc ({'1', '2', '2'})); } // Test line_char_locale and ctype<line_char> (only non-trivial functions). // { using ct = ctype<lc>; line_char_locale l; assert (has_facet<ct> (l)); // It is better not to create q facet on stack as it is // reference-countable. // const ct& t (use_facet<ct> (l)); line_pool p; assert (t.is (ct::digit, '0')); assert (!t.is (ct::digit, '?')); assert (!t.is (ct::digit, lc ("0", p))); const lc chars[] = { '0', '?' }; ct::mask m[2]; const lc* b (chars); const lc* e (chars + 2); // Cast flag value to mask type and compare to mask. // auto fl = [] (ct::mask m, ct::mask f) {return m == f;}; t.is (b, e, m); assert (fl (m[0], ct::digit) && fl (m[1], 0)); assert (t.scan_is (ct::digit, b, e) == b); assert (t.scan_is (0, b, e) == b + 1); assert (t.scan_not (ct::digit, b, e) == b + 1); assert (t.scan_not (0, b, e) == b); { char nr[] = "0?"; lc wd[2]; t.widen (nr, nr + 2, wd); assert (wd[0] == b[0] && wd[1] == b[1]); } { lc wd[] = {'0', lc ("a", p)}; char nr[2]; t.narrow (wd, wd + 2, '-', nr); assert (nr[0] == '0' && nr[1] == '-'); } } // Test regex_traits<line_char>. Functions other that value() are trivial. // { regex_traits<lc> t; const int radix[] = {8, 10}; // Radix 16 is not supported by line_char. const char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for (size_t r (0); r < 2; ++r) { for (int i (0); i < radix[r]; ++i) assert (t.value (digits[i], radix[r]) == i); } } // Test line_regex construction. // { line_pool p; lr r1 ({lc ("foo", p), lc (cr ("ba(r|z)"), p)}, move (p)); lr r2 (move (r1)); assert (regex_match (ls ({lc ("foo", r2.pool), lc ("bar", r2.pool)}), r2)); assert (!regex_match (ls ({lc ("foo", r2.pool), lc ("ba", r2.pool)}), r2)); } // Test line_regex match. // { line_pool p; const lc foo ("foo", p); const lc bar ("bar", p); const lc baz ("baz", p); const lc blank ("", p); assert (regex_match (ls ({foo, bar}), lr ({foo, bar}))); assert (!regex_match (ls ({foo, baz}), lr ({foo, bar}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({bar, foo}), lr ({'(', foo, '|', bar, ')', '+'}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({foo, foo, bar}), lr ({'(', foo, ')', '\\', '1', bar}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({foo}), lr ({lc (cr ("fo+"), p)}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({foo}), lr ({lc (cr (".*"), p)}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({blank}), lr ({lc (cr (".*"), p)}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({blank, blank, foo}), lr ({blank, '*', foo, blank, '*'}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({blank, blank, foo}), lr ({'.', '*'}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({blank, blank}), lr ({blank, '*', foo, '?', blank, '*'}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({foo}), lr ({foo, '{', '1', '}'}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({foo, foo}), lr ({foo, '{', '1', ',', '}'}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({foo, foo}), lr ({foo, '{', '1', ',', '2', '}'}))); assert (!regex_match (ls ({foo, foo}), lr ({foo, '{', '3', ',', '4', '}'}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({foo}), lr ({'(', '?', '=', foo, ')', foo}))); assert (regex_match (ls ({foo}), lr ({'(', '?', '!', bar, ')', foo}))); } }