# file      : tests/test/script/builtin/cp.testscript
# copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

.include ../common.testscript

: file
: Test synopsis 1: make a file copy at the specified path.
  : cleanup
    : enabled
    $c <<EOI && $b
      touch a;
      cp a b

    : disabled
    $c <<EOI && $b
      touch a;
      cp --no-cleanup a b;
      rm b

    : existing
    : Test that copy over an existing file does not register cleanup. If it
    : does then the file would be removed while leaving the embedded scope,
    : and so the cleanup registered by the outer touch would fail.
    $c <<EOI && $b
      +touch b
        touch a;
        cp a ../b

: dir
: Test synopsis 2: make a directory copy at the specified path.
  : cleanup
  $c <<EOI && $b
    mkdir a;
    touch a/b;
    cp -r a b

  : no-cleanup
  $c <<EOI && $b
    mkdir a;
    touch a/b;
    cp --no-cleanup -r a b;
    rm -r b

: files
: Test synopsis 3: copy files into the specified directory.
  : cleanup
    $c <<EOI && $b
      touch a b;
      mkdir c;
      cp a b c/

  : no-cleanup
    $c <<EOI && $b
      touch a b;
      mkdir c;
      cp --no-cleanup a b c/;
      rm c/a c/b

: filesystem-entries
: Test synopsis 4: copy filesystem entries into the specified directory.
  : cleanup
  $c <<EOI && $b
    mkdir a b;
    touch c a/c;
    cp -R a c b/

  : no-cleanup
  $c <<EOI && $b
    mkdir a b;
    touch c a/c;
    cp --no-cleanup -R a c b/;
    rm -r b/a/ b/c