# file : tests/function/json/testscript # license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file # See also tests in type/json/. .include ../../common.testscript : type : $* <>EOO print $value_type([json] ) print $value_type([json] null) print $value_type([json] true) print $value_type([json] 123) print $value_type([json] -123) print $value_type([json] 123, true) print $value_type([json] -123, true) print $value_type([json] 1 2 3) print $value_type([json] one@1 two@2 three@3) j = [json] one@1 two@2 three@3 i = [uint64] 1 m = ($j[$i]) print $value_type($j[$i]) print $value_type($m) EOI null null boolean number number unsigned number signed number array object object object EOO : member : $* <>EOO j = [json] one@1 two@2 three@3 i = [uint64] 1 m = ($j[$i]) print $member_name($j[$i]) $member_value($j[$i]) print $member_name($m) $member_value($m) for m: $j print $member_name($m) $member_value($m) EOI two 2 two 2 one 1 two 2 three 3 EOO : size : $* <>EOO print $size([json] null) print $size([json] true) print $size([json] 123) print $size([json] abc) print $size([string] ([json] abc)) # @@ Should be 3 (quoted, type hint). print $size([json] 1 2 3) print $size([json] one@1 two@2 three@3) EOI 0 1 1 1 5 3 3 EOO : find : $* <>EOO j = [json] 1 ([json] one@1 two@2) 2 true 3 null 4 abc -5 null ([json] 1 2 3) print $find_index($j, null) print $find_index($j, true) print $find_index($j, 3) print $find_index($j, 0x4) print $find_index($j, -5) print $find_index($j, abc) print $find_index($j, [json] 1 2 3) print $find_index($j, [json] two@2 one@1) print $find_index($j, [json] 1 2) print $find_index($j, [json] one@1) print $find_index($j, [json] one@1 two@2 three@3) print $find_index($j, [json] one@1 TWO@3) print $find_index($j, [json] one@1 two@3) EOI 5 3 4 6 8 7 10 1 11 11 11 11 11 EOO : parse : { : basics : $* <>EOO print $json.parse('[123, "abc", {"one":1, "two":2}]') EOI [123,"abc",{"one":1,"two":2}] EOO : diagnostics-invalid-input : $* <>EOE != 0 print $json.parse('{"one":, "two":2}]') EOI error: invalid json input: unexpected byte ',' in value info: line 1, column 8, byte offset 8 :1:8: info: while calling json.parse() EOE : diagnostics-duplicate-input : $* <>EOE != 0 print $json.parse('{"one":1, "one":2}]') EOI error: invalid json input: duplicate object member 'one' info: line 1, column 11, byte offset 15 :1:8: info: while calling json.parse() EOE } : serialize : { : basics : $* <>EOO j = [json] 123 abc ([json] one@1 two@2) print $json.serialize($j) print $json.serialize($j, 0) EOI [ 123, "abc", { "one": 1, "two": 2 } ] [123,"abc",{"one":1,"two":2}] EOO : diagnostics : if false { # This is not easy to trigger normally so we have a normally-disabled # special hack in the $json.serialize() implementation to trigger this. # $* <>EOE != 0 print $json.serialize([json] deadbeef) EOI error: invalid json value: invalid UTF-8 text info: while serializing string value info: offending byte offset 4 :1:8: info: while calling json.serialize(json) EOE } } : load : { : basics : cat <=input.json; { "str":"abc", "num":123, "arr":[1, 2, 3], "obj":{"one":1, "two":2, "three":3} } EOI $* <>EOO j = $json.load(input.json) for m: $j print $member_name($m) $member_value($m) EOI str "abc" num 123 arr [1,2,3] obj {"one":1,"two":2,"three":3} EOO : diagnostics : cat <=input.json; { "str":"abc", "num":, "arr":[1, 2, 3], "obj":{"one":1, "two":2, "three":3} } EOI $* <>EOE != 0 j = $json.load(input.json) EOI input.json:3:9: error: invalid json input: unexpected byte ',' in value info: byte offset 26 :1:6: info: while calling json.load() EOE }