# file      : tests/function/filesystem/testscript
# copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

.include ../../common.testscript

: path-search
  +mkdir -p a/b

  : pattern-path
  : Test overloads for pattern being of the path type.
    : start-abs-dir
    $* <'print $path_search([path] "b**/", [dir_path] $src_base/../../a)' >/'b/'

    : start-relative-dir
    $* <'print $path_search([path] "b**/", [dir_path] ../../a)' 2>>~%EOE% != 0
    %error: start directory '.+' is relative%
    %  info: pattern '.+' is relative%

    : start-untyped
    $* <'print $path_search([path] "b**/", $src_base/../../a)' >/'b/'

    : start-multiple-names
    $* <'print $path_search([path] "b**/", a b)' 2>>EOE != 0
    error: invalid argument: invalid dir_path value: multiple names

  : pattern-untyped
  : Test overloads for pattern being untyped.
    : start-dir
    $* <'print $path_search("b**/", [dir_path] $src_base/../../a)' >/'b/'

    : start-untyped
    $* <'print $path_search("b**/", $src_base/../../a)' >/'b/'

    : abs-pattern
    if ($test.target == $build.host)
      touch b;
      $* <'print $path_search("$src_base/b*")' >>/"EOO"

  : pattern-multiple-names
    : dir
    touch b;
    $* <'print $path_search(a b, $src_base)' 2>>EOE != 0
    error: invalid argument: invalid path value: multiple names

: path-match
  : string
  : Test overloads for at least one of the first two arguments being of the
  : string type.
    : string-string
    $* <'print $path_match([string] "b*", [string] "b")' >'true'

    : string-untyped
    $* <'print $path_match([string] "b*", "b")' >'true'

    : untyped-string
    $* <'print $path_match("b*", [string] "b")' >'true'

    : string-path
    $* <'print $path_match([string] "b*", [path] "b")' >'true'

  : path
  : Test overloads for at least one of the first two arguments being of the
  : path type.
    : path-path
    $* <'print $path_match([path] "b**", [path] "a/b")' >'true'

    : path-path-untyped
    $* <'print $path_match([path] "b**", [path] "a/b", "$src_base")' >'true'

    : path-untyped
    $* <'print $path_match([path] "b**", "a/b")' >'true'

    : path-untyped-dir
    $* <'print $path_match([path] "b**", "a/b", $src_base)' >'true'

    : untyped-path
    $* <'print $path_match("b**", [path] "a/b")' >'true'

  : untyped
  : Test overloads for the first two arguments being untyped.
    : converted-to-strings
    $* <'print $path_match("b**", "b")' >'true'

    : converted-to-paths-due-to
      : pattern
      $* <'print $path_match("b**/", "a/b/")' >'true'

      : entry
      $* <'print $path_match("b**", "a/b")' >'true'

      : start-dir
      $* <'print $path_match("s***/", "", "$src_base")' >'true'