# file      : tests/directive/run.testscript
# copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

# We are going to run the build system driver so no cross-testing.
crosstest = false

.include ../common.testscript

: no-output
cat <'assert true' >=buildfile;
$* <"run '$0' noop"

: output
cat <'print foo=bar' >=buildfile;
$* <<"EOI" >'bar'
run '$0' noop
print \$foo

: bad-exit
cat <'assert false' >=buildfile;
$* <"run '$0' noop" 2>>EOE != 0
buildfile:1:1: error: assertion failed

: bad-output
cat <'print run' >=buildfile;
$* <"run '$0' noop" 2>>"EOE" != 0
<stdout>:1:4: error: executable name expected after run
  <stdin>:1:5: info: while parsing $0 output