# file : tests/common.testscript # license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file # Commonly-used build system test project setup and driver command line. # # If the includer indicated that no cross-testing should be supported, then # use the build system driver that is building, not the one being built. # # In many cases expecting a cross-compiled driver to perform a native build # under emulation is pushing things a bit too far. Plus, we have no way of # knowing the native compiler name/path. # # So the idea here is to test cross-compilation with the understanding that # the build system driver we are testing is not the one being cross-compiled # but rather the one doing the cross-compilation. # if ($null($crosstest)) crosstest = true end if (!$crosstest && $test.target != $build.host) test = $recall($build.path) end # Common bootstrap.build. # +mkdir build +cat <<EOI >=build/bootstrap.build project = test amalgamation = subprojects = EOI test.options += --no-default-options --serial-stop --quiet if ($null($buildfile) || !$buildfile) test.options += --buildfile - end # By default just load the buildfile. # if ($null($test.arguments)) test.arguments = noop end