# file      : tests/build/root.build
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

cxx.std = latest

using cxx

hxx{*}: extension = hxx
cxx{*}: extension = cxx

if ($cxx.target.system == 'win32-msvc')

if ($cxx.class == 'msvc')
  cxx.coptions += /wd4251 /wd4275 /wd4800

# Setup the build system driver that we are testing (which may not be the same
# as our $build.path). We also need to disable importation using the built-in
# path.
import.build2 = [null]

import b = build2%exe{b}
testscript{*}: test = $b

# Specify the test target for cross-testing.
test.target = $cxx.target