// file      : libbuild2/version.hxx.in -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#ifndef LIBBUILD2_VERSION // Note: using the version macro itself.

// The numeric version format is AAAAABBBBBCCCCCDDDE where:
// AAAAA - major version number
// BBBBB - minor version number
// CCCCC - bugfix version number
// DDD   - alpha / beta (DDD + 500) version number
// E     - final (0) / snapshot (1)
// When DDDE is not 0, 1 is subtracted from AAAAABBBBBCCCCC. For example:
// 0.1.0        0000000001000000000
// 0.1.2        0000000001000020000
// 1.2.3        0000100002000030000
// 2.2.0-a.1    0000200001999990010
// 3.0.0-b.2    0000299999999995020
// 2.2.0-a.1.z  0000200001999990011

// NOTE: remember to also update "fake" bootstrap values in utility.hxx if
// changing anything here.

#define LIBBUILD2_VERSION       $build2.version.project_number$ULL
#define LIBBUILD2_VERSION_STR   "$build2.version.project$"
#define LIBBUILD2_VERSION_ID    "$build2.version.project_id$"

#define LIBBUILD2_VERSION_MAJOR $build2.version.major$
#define LIBBUILD2_VERSION_MINOR $build2.version.minor$
#define LIBBUILD2_VERSION_PATCH $build2.version.patch$

#define LIBBUILD2_PRE_RELEASE   $build2.version.pre_release$

#define LIBBUILD2_SNAPSHOT      $build2.version.snapshot_sn$ULL
#define LIBBUILD2_SNAPSHOT_ID   "$build2.version.snapshot_id$"

#include <libbutl/version.hxx>