// file      : libbuild2/test/script/script.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <libbuild2/test/script/script.hxx>

#include <sstream>

#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>

using namespace std;

namespace build2
  namespace test
    namespace script
      operator<< (ostream& o, line_type lt)
        const char* s (nullptr);

        switch (lt)
        case line_type::var:       s = "variable"; break;
        case line_type::cmd:       s = "command";  break;
        case line_type::cmd_if:    s = "'if'";     break;
        case line_type::cmd_ifn:   s = "'if!'";    break;
        case line_type::cmd_elif:  s = "'elif'";   break;
        case line_type::cmd_elifn: s = "'elif!'";  break;
        case line_type::cmd_else:  s = "'else'";   break;
        case line_type::cmd_end:   s = "'end'";    break;

        return o << s;

      // Quote if empty or contains spaces or any of the special characters.
      // Note that we use single quotes since double quotes still allow
      // expansion.
      // @@ What if it contains single quotes?
      static void
      to_stream_q (ostream& o, const string& s)
        if (s.empty () || s.find_first_of (" |&<>=\\\"") != string::npos)
          o << '\'' << s << '\'';
          o << s;

      to_stream (ostream& o, const command& c, command_to_stream m)
        auto print_path = [&o] (const path& p)
          using build2::operator<<;

          ostringstream s;
          stream_verb (s, stream_verb (o));
          s << p;

          to_stream_q (o, s.str ());

        auto print_redirect =
          [&o, print_path] (const redirect& r, const char* prefix)
          o << ' ' << prefix;

          size_t n (string::traits_type::length (prefix));
          assert (n > 0);

          char d (prefix[n - 1]); // Redirect direction.

          switch (r.type)
          case redirect_type::none:  assert (false);   break;
          case redirect_type::pass:  o << '|';         break;
          case redirect_type::null:  o << '-';         break;
          case redirect_type::trace: o << '!';         break;
          case redirect_type::merge: o << '&' << r.fd; break;

          case redirect_type::here_str_literal:
          case redirect_type::here_doc_literal:
              bool doc (r.type == redirect_type::here_doc_literal);

              // For here-document add another '>' or '<'. Note that here end
              // marker never needs to be quoted.
              if (doc)
                o << d;

              o << r.modifiers;

              if (doc)
                o << r.end;
                const string& v (r.str);
                to_stream_q (o,
                             r.modifiers.find (':') == string::npos
                             ? string (v, 0, v.size () - 1) // Strip newline.
                             : v);


          case redirect_type::here_str_regex:
          case redirect_type::here_doc_regex:
              bool doc (r.type == redirect_type::here_doc_regex);

              // For here-document add another '>' or '<'. Note that here end
              // marker never needs to be quoted.
              if (doc)
                o << d;

              o << r.modifiers;

              const regex_lines& re (r.regex);

              if (doc)
                o << re.intro + r.end + re.intro + re.flags;
                assert (!re.lines.empty ()); // Regex can't be empty.

                regex_line l (re.lines[0]);
                to_stream_q (o, re.intro + l.value + re.intro + l.flags);


          case redirect_type::file:
              // For stdin or stdout-comparison redirect add '>>' or '<<' (and
              // so make it '<<<' or '>>>'). Otherwise add '+' or '=' (and so
              // make it '>+' or '>=').
              if (d == '<' || r.file.mode == redirect_fmode::compare)
                o << d << d;
                o << (r.file.mode == redirect_fmode::append ? '+' : '=');

              print_path (r.file.path);

          case redirect_type::here_doc_ref: assert (false); break;

        auto print_doc = [&o] (const redirect& r)
          o << endl;

          if (r.type == redirect_type::here_doc_literal)
            o << r.str;
            assert (r.type == redirect_type::here_doc_regex);

            const regex_lines& rl (r.regex);

            for (auto b (rl.lines.cbegin ()), i (b), e (rl.lines.cend ());
                 i != e; ++i)
              if (i != b)
                o << endl;

              const regex_line& l (*i);

              if (l.regex)                  // Regex (possibly empty),
                o << rl.intro << l.value << rl.intro << l.flags;
              else if (!l.special.empty ()) // Special literal.
                o << rl.intro;
              else                          // Textual literal.
                o << l.value;

              o << l.special;

          o << (r.modifiers.find (':') == string::npos ? "" : "\n") << r.end;

        if ((m & command_to_stream::header) == command_to_stream::header)
          // Program.
          to_stream_q (o, c.program.string ());

          // Arguments.
          for (const string& a: c.arguments)
            o << ' ';
            to_stream_q (o, a);

          // Redirects.
          if (c.in.effective ().type  != redirect_type::none)
            print_redirect (c.in.effective (), "<");

          if (c.out.effective ().type != redirect_type::none)
            print_redirect (c.out.effective (),  ">");

          if (c.err.effective ().type != redirect_type::none)
            print_redirect (c.err.effective (), "2>");

          for (const auto& p: c.cleanups)
            o << " &";

            if (p.type != cleanup_type::always)
              o << (p.type == cleanup_type::maybe ? '?' : '!');

            print_path (p.path);

          if (c.exit.comparison != exit_comparison::eq || c.exit.code != 0)
            switch (c.exit.comparison)
            case exit_comparison::eq: o << " == "; break;
            case exit_comparison::ne: o << " != "; break;

            o << static_cast<uint16_t> (c.exit.code);

        if ((m & command_to_stream::here_doc) == command_to_stream::here_doc)
          // Here-documents.
          if (c.in.type == redirect_type::here_doc_literal ||
              c.in.type == redirect_type::here_doc_regex)
            print_doc (c.in);

          if (c.out.type == redirect_type::here_doc_literal ||
              c.out.type == redirect_type::here_doc_regex)
            print_doc (c.out);

          if (c.err.type == redirect_type::here_doc_literal ||
              c.err.type == redirect_type::here_doc_regex)
            print_doc (c.err);

      to_stream (ostream& o, const command_pipe& p, command_to_stream m)
        if ((m & command_to_stream::header) == command_to_stream::header)
          for (auto b (p.begin ()), i (b); i != p.end (); ++i)
            if (i != b)
              o << " | ";

            to_stream (o, *i, command_to_stream::header);

        if ((m & command_to_stream::here_doc) == command_to_stream::here_doc)
          for (const command& c: p)
            to_stream (o, c, command_to_stream::here_doc);

      to_stream (ostream& o, const command_expr& e, command_to_stream m)
        if ((m & command_to_stream::header) == command_to_stream::header)
          for (auto b (e.begin ()), i (b); i != e.end (); ++i)
            if (i != b)
              switch (i->op)
              case expr_operator::log_or:  o << " || "; break;
              case expr_operator::log_and: o << " && "; break;

            to_stream (o, i->pipe, command_to_stream::header);

        if ((m & command_to_stream::here_doc) == command_to_stream::here_doc)
          for (const expr_term& t: e)
            to_stream (o, t.pipe, command_to_stream::here_doc);

      // redirect
      redirect (redirect_type t)
          : type (t)
        switch (type)
        case redirect_type::none:
        case redirect_type::pass:
        case redirect_type::null:
        case redirect_type::trace:
        case redirect_type::merge: break;

        case redirect_type::here_str_literal:
        case redirect_type::here_doc_literal: new (&str) string (); break;

        case redirect_type::here_str_regex:
        case redirect_type::here_doc_regex:
            new (&regex) regex_lines ();

        case redirect_type::file: new (&file) file_type (); break;

        case redirect_type::here_doc_ref: assert (false); break;

      redirect (redirect&& r)
          : type (r.type),
            modifiers (move (r.modifiers)),
            end (move (r.end)),
            end_line (r.end_line),
            end_column (r.end_column)
        switch (type)
        case redirect_type::none:
        case redirect_type::pass:
        case redirect_type::null:
        case redirect_type::trace: break;

        case redirect_type::merge: fd = r.fd; break;

        case redirect_type::here_str_literal:
        case redirect_type::here_doc_literal:
            new (&str) string (move (r.str));
        case redirect_type::here_str_regex:
        case redirect_type::here_doc_regex:
            new (&regex) regex_lines (move (r.regex));
        case redirect_type::file:
            new (&file) file_type (move (r.file));
        case redirect_type::here_doc_ref:
            new (&ref) reference_wrapper<const redirect> (r.ref);

      ~redirect ()
        switch (type)
        case redirect_type::none:
        case redirect_type::pass:
        case redirect_type::null:
        case redirect_type::trace:
        case redirect_type::merge: break;

        case redirect_type::here_str_literal:
        case redirect_type::here_doc_literal: str.~string (); break;

        case redirect_type::here_str_regex:
        case redirect_type::here_doc_regex: regex.~regex_lines (); break;

        case redirect_type::file: file.~file_type (); break;

        case redirect_type::here_doc_ref:
            ref.~reference_wrapper<const redirect> ();

      redirect& redirect::
      operator= (redirect&& r)
        if (this != &r)
          this->~redirect ();
          new (this) redirect (move (r)); // Assume noexcept move-constructor.
        return *this;

      // scope
      scope (const string& id, scope* p, script& r)
          : parent (p),
            root (r),
            vars (r.test_target.ctx, false /* global */),
            id_path (cast<path> (assign (root.id_var) = path ())),
            wd_path (cast<dir_path> (assign (root.wd_var) = dir_path ()))

        // Construct the id_path as a string to ensure POSIX form. In fact,
        // the only reason we keep it as a path is to be able to easily get id
        // by calling leaf().
          string s (p != nullptr ? p->id_path.string () : string ());

          if (!s.empty () && !id.empty ())
            s += '/';

          s += id;
          const_cast<path&> (id_path) = path (move (s));

        // Calculate the working directory path unless this is the root scope
        // (handled in an ad hoc way).
        if (p != nullptr)
          const_cast<dir_path&> (wd_path) = dir_path (p->wd_path) /= id;

      void scope::
      clean (cleanup c, bool implicit)
        using std::find; // Hidden by scope::find().

        assert (!implicit || c.type == cleanup_type::always);

        const path& p (c.path);
        if (!p.sub (root.wd_path))
          if (implicit)
            assert (false); // Error so should have been checked.

        auto pr = [&p] (const cleanup& v) -> bool {return v.path == p;};
        auto i (find_if (cleanups.begin (), cleanups.end (), pr));

        if (i == cleanups.end ())
          cleanups.emplace_back (move (c));
        else if (!implicit)
          i->type = c.type;

      void scope::
      clean_special (path p)
        special_cleanups.emplace_back (move (p));

      // script_base
      script_base (const target& tt, const testscript& st)
          : test_target (tt),
            target_scope (tt.base_scope ()),
            script_target (st),
            // Enter the test.* variables with the same variable types as in
            // buildfiles except for test: while in buildfiles it can be a
            // target name, in testscripts it should be resolved to a path.
            // Note: entering in a custom variable pool.
            test_var      (var_pool.insert<path> ("test")),
            options_var   (var_pool.insert<strings> ("test.options")),
            arguments_var (var_pool.insert<strings> ("test.arguments")),
            redirects_var (var_pool.insert<strings> ("test.redirects")),
            cleanups_var  (var_pool.insert<strings> ("test.cleanups")),

            wd_var (var_pool.insert<dir_path> ("~")),
            id_var (var_pool.insert<path> ("@")),
            cmd_var (var_pool.insert<strings> ("*")),
            cmdN_var {
              &var_pool.insert<path> ("0"),
              &var_pool.insert<string> ("1"),
              &var_pool.insert<string> ("2"),
              &var_pool.insert<string> ("3"),
              &var_pool.insert<string> ("4"),
              &var_pool.insert<string> ("5"),
              &var_pool.insert<string> ("6"),
              &var_pool.insert<string> ("7"),
              &var_pool.insert<string> ("8"),
              &var_pool.insert<string> ("9")} {}

      // script
      script (const target& tt,
              const testscript& st,
              const dir_path& rwd)
          : script_base (tt, st),
            group (st.name == "testscript" ? string () : st.name, *this)
        // Set the script working dir ($~) to $out_base/test/<id> (id_path
        // for root is just the id which is empty if st is 'testscript').
        const_cast<dir_path&> (wd_path) = dir_path (rwd) /= id_path.string ();

        // Set the test variable at the script level. We do it even if it's
        // set in the buildfile since they use different types.
          value& v (assign (test_var));

          // Note that the test variable's visibility is target.
          auto l (lookup_in_buildfile ("test", false));

          // Note that we have similar code for simple tests.
          const target* t (nullptr);

          if (l.defined ())
            const name* n (cast_null<name> (l));

            if (n == nullptr)
              v = nullptr;
            else if (n->empty ())
              v = path ();
            else if (n->simple ())
              // Ignore the special 'true' value.
              if (n->value != "true")
                v = path (n->value);
                t = &tt;
            else if (n->directory ())
              v = path (n->dir);
              // Must be a target name.
              // @@ OUT: what if this is a @-qualified pair of names?
              t = search_existing (*n, target_scope);

              if (t == nullptr)
                fail << "unknown target '" << *n << "' in test variable";
            // By default we set it to the test target's path.
            t = &tt;

          // If this is a path-based target, then we use the path. If this
          // is an alias target (e.g., dir{}), then we use the directory
          // path. Otherwise, we leave it NULL expecting the testscript to
          // set it to something appropriate, if used.
          if (t != nullptr)
            if (auto* pt = t->is_a<path_target> ())
              // Do some sanity checks: the target better be up-to-date with
              // an assigned path.
              v = pt->path ();

              if (v.empty ())
                fail << "target " << *pt << " specified in the test variable "
                     << "is out of date" <<
                  info << "consider specifying it as a prerequisite of " << tt;
            else if (t->is_a<alias> ())
              v = path (t->dir);
            else if (t != &tt)
              fail << "target " << *t << " specified in the test variable "
                   << "is not path-based";

        // Set the special $*, $N variables.
        reset_special ();

      lookup scope::
      lookup (const variable& var) const
        // Search script scopes until we hit the root.
        const scope* s (this);

          auto p (s->vars.lookup (var));
          if (p.first != nullptr)
            return lookup_type (*p.first, p.second, s->vars);
        while ((s->parent != nullptr ? (s = s->parent) : nullptr) != nullptr);

        return lookup_in_buildfile (var.name);

      lookup scope::
      lookup_in_buildfile (const string& n, bool target_only) const
        // Switch to the corresponding buildfile variable. Note that we don't
        // want to insert a new variable into the pool (we might be running
        // in parallel). Plus, if there is no such variable, then we cannot
        // possibly find any value.
        const variable* pvar (root.test_target.ctx.var_pool.find (n));

        if (pvar == nullptr)
          return lookup_type ();

        const variable& var (*pvar);

        // First check the target we are testing.
          // Note that we skip applying the override if we did not find any
          // value. In this case, presumably the override also affects the
          // script target and we will pick it up there. A bit fuzzy.
          auto p (root.test_target.lookup_original (var, target_only));

          if (p.first)
            if (var.overrides != nullptr)
              p = root.target_scope.lookup_override (var, move (p), true);

            return p.first;

        // Then the script target followed by the scopes it is in. Note that
        // while unlikely it is possible the test and script targets will be
        // in different scopes which brings the question of which scopes we
        // should search.
        return root.script_target[var];

      value& scope::
      append (const variable& var)
        auto l (lookup (var));

        if (l.defined () && l.belongs (*this)) // Existing var in this scope.
          return vars.modify (l);

        value& r (assign (var)); // NULL.

        if (l.defined ())
          r = *l; // Copy value (and type) from the outer scope.

        return r;

      void scope::
      reset_special ()
        // First assemble the $* value.
        strings s;

        auto append = [&s] (const strings& v)
          s.insert (s.end (), v.begin (), v.end ());

        if (auto l = lookup (root.test_var))
          s.push_back (cast<path> (l).representation ());

        if (auto l = lookup (root.options_var))
          append (cast<strings> (l));

        if (auto l = lookup (root.arguments_var))
          append (cast<strings> (l));

        // Keep redirects/cleanups out of $N.
        size_t n (s.size ());

        if (auto l = lookup (root.redirects_var))
          append (cast<strings> (l));

        if (auto l = lookup (root.cleanups_var))
          append (cast<strings> (l));

        // Set the $N values if present.
        for (size_t i (0); i <= 9; ++i)
          value& v (assign (*root.cmdN_var[i]));

          if (i < n)
            if (i == 0)
              v = path (s[i]);
              v = s[i];
            v = nullptr; // Clear any old values.

        // Set $*.
        assign (root.cmd_var) = move (s);