// file      : libbuild2/test/script/parser.test.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <iostream>

#include <libbuild2/types.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/utility.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/context.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/scheduler.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/file-cache.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/test/target.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/test/script/token.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/test/script/parser.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/test/script/runner.hxx>

#undef NDEBUG
#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

namespace build2
  namespace test
    namespace script
      // Here we assume we are running serially.
      class print_runner: public runner
        print_runner (bool scope, bool id, bool line)
            : scope_ (scope), id_ (id), line_ (line) {}

        virtual bool
        test (scope&) const override
          return true;

        virtual pair<const process_path*, const strings*>
        test_runner () override
          return make_pair (nullptr, nullptr);

        virtual void
        enter (scope& s, const location&) override
          if (s.desc)
            const auto& d (*s.desc);

            if (!d.id.empty ())
              cout << ind_ << ": id:" << d.id << endl;

            if (!d.summary.empty ())
              cout << ind_ << ": sm:" << d.summary << endl;

            if (!d.details.empty ())
              if (!d.id.empty () || !d.summary.empty ())
                cout << ind_ << ":" << endl; // Blank.

              const auto& s (d.details);
              for (size_t b (0), e (0), n; e != string::npos; b = e + 1)
                e = s.find ('\n', b);
                n = ((e != string::npos ? e : s.size ()) - b);

                cout << ind_ << ':';
                if (n != 0)
                  cout << ' ';
                  cout.write (s.c_str () + b, static_cast<streamsize> (n));
                cout << endl;

          if (scope_)
            cout << ind_ << "{";

            if (id_ && !s.id_path.empty ()) // Skip empty root scope id.
              cout << " # " << s.id_path.string ();

            cout << endl;

            ind_ += "  ";

        virtual void
        run (scope&,
             const command_expr& e, command_type t,
             size_t i,
             const location&) override
          const char* s (nullptr);

          switch (t)
          case command_type::test:     s = "";  break;
          case command_type::setup:    s = "+"; break;
          case command_type::teardown: s = "-"; break;

          cout << ind_ << s << e;

          if (line_)
            cout << " # " << i;

          cout << endl;

        virtual bool
        run_if (scope&,
                const command_expr& e,
                size_t i,
                const location&) override
          cout << ind_ << "? " << e;

          if (line_)
            cout << " # " << i;

          cout << endl;

          return e.back ().pipe.back ().program.recall.string () == "true";

        virtual void
        leave (scope&, const location&) override
          if (scope_)
            ind_.resize (ind_.size () - 2);
            cout << ind_ << "}" << endl;

        bool scope_;
        bool id_;
        bool line_;
        string ind_;

      // Usage: argv[0] [-s] [-i] [-l] [<testscript-name>]
      main (int argc, char* argv[])
        tracer trace ("main");

        // Fake build system driver, default verbosity.
        init_diag (1);
        init (nullptr, argv[0], true);

        // Serial execution.
        scheduler sched (1);
        global_mutexes mutexes (1);
        file_cache fcache (true);
        context ctx (sched, mutexes, fcache);

        bool scope (false);
        bool id (false);
        bool line (false);
        path name;

        for (int i (1); i != argc; ++i)
          string a (argv[i]);

          if (a == "-s")
            scope = true;
          else if (a == "-i")
            id = true;
          else if (a == "-l")
            line = true;
            name = path (move (a));

        if (name.empty ())
          name = path ("testscript");

        assert (!id || scope); // Id can only be printed with scope.

          cin.exceptions (istream::failbit | istream::badbit);

          // Enter mock targets. Use fixed names and paths so that we can use
          // them in expected results. Strictly speaking target paths should
          // be absolute. However, the testscript implementation doesn't
          // really care.
          file& tt (
            ctx.targets.insert<file> (work,
                                      dir_path (),
                                      string (),

          value& v (
            tt.assign (
              ctx.var_pool.rw ().insert<target_triplet> ("test.target")));

          v = *ctx.build_host;

          testscript& st (
            ctx.targets.insert<testscript> (work,
                                            dir_path (),
                                            name.leaf ().base ().string (),
                                            name.leaf ().extension (),

          tt.path (path ("driver"));
          st.path (name);

          // Parse and run.
          parser p (ctx);
          script s (tt, st, dir_path (work) /= "test-driver");
          p.pre_parse (cin, s);

          print_runner r (scope, id, line);
          p.execute (s, r);
        catch (const failed&)
          return 1;

        return 0;

main (int argc, char* argv[])
  return build2::test::script::main (argc, argv);