// file      : libbuild2/script/run.hxx -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file


#include <libbuild2/types.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/utility.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/script/script.hxx>

namespace build2
  namespace script
    // An exception that can be thrown by an expression running function to
    // exit the script (for example, as a result of executing the exit builtin
    // by the below run*() functions). The status indicates whether the
    // execution should be considered to have succeeded or failed.
    struct exit
      bool status;

      exit (bool s): status (s) {}

    // Helpers.

    // Command expression running functions.
    // Index is the 1-base index of this command line in the command list.
    // If it is 0 then it means there is only one command. This information
    // can be used, for example, to derive file names.
    // Location is the start position of this command line in the script. It
    // can be used in diagnostics.
    // Optionally, save the command output into the referenced variable. In
    // this case assume that the expression contains a single pipline.
    run (environment&,
         const command_expr&,
         size_t index,
         const location&,
         string* output = nullptr);

    run_if (environment&,
            const command_expr&,
            size_t index,
            const location&,
            string* output = nullptr);

    // Perform the registered special file cleanups in the direct order and
    // then the regular cleanups in the reverse order.
    clean (environment&, const location&);

    // Print first 10 directory sub-entries to the diag record. The directory
    // must exist. Is normally used while issuing diagnostics on non-empty
    // directory removal failure.
    print_dir (diag_record&, const dir_path&, const location&);

    // Return the quoted path representation with the preserved trailing
    // directory separator. The path is relative if the verbosity level is
    // less than 3.
    diag_path (const path&);

    // Same as above, but prepends the path with a name, if present. The path
    // must be not NULL.
    diag_path (const dir_name_view&);