// file      : libbuild2/operation.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <libbuild2/operation.hxx>

#include <iostream> // cout

#include <libbuild2/file.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/context.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/variable.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>

using namespace std;
using namespace butl;

namespace build2
  // action
  operator<< (ostream& os, action a)
      m (a.meta_operation ()),
      i (a.operation ()),
      o (a.outer_operation ());

    os << '(' << m << ',';

    if (o != 0)
      os << o << '(';

    os << i;

    if (o != 0)
      os << ')';

    os << ')';

    return os;

  // noop
  const meta_operation_info mo_noop {
    "",      // Presumably we will never need these since we are not going
    "",      // to do anything.
    true,    // bootstrap_outer
    nullptr, // meta-operation pre
    nullptr, // operation pre
    nullptr, // search
    nullptr, // match
    nullptr, // execute
    nullptr, // operation post
    nullptr, // meta-operation post
    nullptr  // include

  // perform
  load (const values&,
        scope& root,
        const path& bf,
        const dir_path& out_base,
        const dir_path& src_base,
        const location&)
    // Load project's root.build.
    load_root (root);

    // Create the base scope. Note that its existence doesn't mean it was
    // already setup as a base scope; it can be the same as root.
    auto i (root.ctx.scopes.rw (root).insert_out (out_base));
    scope& base (setup_base (i, out_base, src_base));

    // Load the buildfile unless it is implied.
    if (!bf.empty ())
      source_once (root, base, bf);

  search (const values&,
          const scope&,
          const scope& bs,
          const path& bf,
          const target_key& tk,
          const location& l,
          action_targets& ts)
    tracer trace ("search");

    context& ctx (bs.ctx);
    phase_lock pl (ctx, run_phase::match);

    const target* t (ctx.targets.find (tk, trace));

    // Only do the implied buildfile if we haven't loaded one. Failed that we
    // may try go this route even though we've concluded the implied buildfile
    // is implausible and have loaded an outer buildfile (see main() for
    // details).
    if (t == nullptr && tk.is_a<dir> () && bf.empty ())
      t = dir::search_implied (bs, tk, trace);

    if (t == nullptr)
      diag_record dr (fail (l));

      dr << "unknown target " << tk;

      if (!bf.empty ())
        dr << " in " << bf;

    ts.push_back (t);

  match (const values&, action a, action_targets& ts, uint16_t diag, bool prog)
    tracer trace ("match");

    if (ts.empty ())

    context& ctx (ts[0].as<target> ().ctx);

      phase_lock l (ctx, run_phase::match);

      // Setup progress reporting if requested.
      string what; // Note: must outlive monitor_guard.
      scheduler::monitor_guard mg;

      if (prog && show_progress (2 /* max_verb */))
        size_t incr (stderr_term ? 1 : 10); // Scale depending on output type.

        what = " targets to " + diag_do (ctx, a);

        mg = ctx.sched.monitor (
          [incr, &what] (size_t c) -> size_t
            diag_progress_lock pl;
            diag_progress  = ' ';
            diag_progress += to_string (c);
            diag_progress += what;
            return c + incr;

      // Start asynchronous matching of prerequisites keeping track of how
      // many we have started. Wait with unlocked phase to allow phase
      // switching.
      size_t i (0), n (ts.size ());
        atomic_count task_count (0);
        wait_guard wg (ctx, task_count, true);

        for (; i != n; ++i)
          const target& t (ts[i].as<target> ());
          l5 ([&]{trace << diag_doing (a, t);});

          target_state s (match_async (a, t, 0, task_count, false));

          // Bail out if the target has failed and we weren't instructed to
          // keep going.
          if (s == target_state::failed && !ctx.keep_going)

        wg.wait ();

      // Clear the progress if present.
      if (mg)
        diag_progress_lock pl;
        diag_progress.clear ();

      // We are now running serially. Re-examine targets that we have matched.
      bool fail (false);
      for (size_t j (0); j != n; ++j)
        action_target& at (ts[j]);
        const target& t (at.as<target> ());

        target_state s (j < i
                        ? match (a, t, false)
                        : target_state::postponed);
        switch (s)
        case target_state::postponed:
            // We bailed before matching it (leave state in action_target as
            // unknown).
            if (verb != 0 && diag >= 1)
              info << "not " << diag_did (a, t);

        case target_state::unknown:
        case target_state::unchanged:
            break; // Matched successfully.
        case target_state::failed:
            // Things didn't go well for this target.
            if (verb != 0 && diag >= 1)
              info << "failed to " << diag_do (a, t);

            at.state = s;
            fail = true;
          assert (false);

      if (fail)
        throw failed ();

    // Phase restored to load.
    assert (ctx.phase == run_phase::load);

  execute (const values&, action a, action_targets& ts,
           uint16_t diag, bool prog)
    tracer trace ("execute");

    if (ts.empty ())

    context& ctx (ts[0].as<target> ().ctx);

    // Reverse the order of targets if the execution mode is 'last'.
    if (ctx.current_mode == execution_mode::last)
      reverse (ts.begin (), ts.end ());

    phase_lock pl (ctx, run_phase::execute); // Never switched.

      // Tune the scheduler.
      using tune_guard = scheduler::tune_guard;
      tune_guard sched_tune;

      switch (ctx.current_inner_oif->concurrency)
      case 0: sched_tune = tune_guard (ctx.sched, 1); break; // Run serially.
      case 1:                                         break; // Run as is.
      default:                               assert (false); // Not supported.

      // Set the dry-run flag.
      ctx.dry_run = ctx.dry_run_option;

      // Setup progress reporting if requested.
      string what; // Note: must outlive monitor_guard.
      scheduler::monitor_guard mg;

      if (prog && show_progress (1 /* max_verb */))
        size_t init (ctx.target_count.load (memory_order_relaxed));
        size_t incr (init > 100 ? init / 100 : 1); // 1%.

        if (init != incr)
          what = "% of targets " + diag_did (ctx, a);

          mg = ctx.sched.monitor (
            init - incr,
            [init, incr, &what, &ctx] (size_t c) -> size_t
              size_t p ((init - c) * 100 / init);
              size_t s (ctx.skip_count.load (memory_order_relaxed));

              diag_progress_lock pl;
              diag_progress  = ' ';
              diag_progress += to_string (p);
              diag_progress += what;

              if (s != 0)
                diag_progress += " (";
                diag_progress += to_string (s);
                diag_progress += " skipped)";

              return c - incr;

      // Similar logic to execute_members(): first start asynchronous
      // execution of all the top-level targets.
        atomic_count task_count (0);
        wait_guard wg (ctx, task_count);

        for (const action_target& at: ts)
          const target& t (at.as<target> ());

          l5 ([&]{trace << diag_doing (a, t);});

          target_state s (execute_async (a, t, 0, task_count, false));

          // Bail out if the target has failed and we weren't instructed to
          // keep going.
          if (s == target_state::failed && !ctx.keep_going)

        wg.wait ();

      // We are now running serially.

      // Clear the dry-run flag.
      ctx.dry_run = false;

      // Clear the progress if present.
      if (mg)
        diag_progress_lock pl;
        diag_progress.clear ();

      // Restore original scheduler settings.

    // Print skip count if not zero. Note that we print it regardless of the
    // diag level since this is essentially a "summary" of all the commands
    // that we did not (and, in fact, used to originally) print. However, we
    // do suppress it if no progress was requested: conceptually, it feels
    // like part of the progress report and real usage suggests this as well
    // (e.g., when building modules/recipes in a nested context).
    if (prog && verb != 0)
      if (size_t s = ctx.skip_count.load (memory_order_relaxed))
        text << "skipped " << diag_doing (ctx, a) << ' ' << s << " targets";

    // Re-examine all the targets and print diagnostics.
    bool fail (false);
    for (action_target& at: ts)
      const target& t (at.as<target> ());

      switch ((at.state = t.executed_state (a, false)))
      case target_state::unknown:
          // We bailed before executing it (leave state in action_target as
          // unknown).
          if (verb != 0 && diag >= 1)
            info << "not " << diag_did (a, t);

      case target_state::unchanged:
          // Nothing had to be done.
          if (verb != 0 && diag >= 2)
            info << diag_done (a, t);

      case target_state::changed:
          // Something has been done.
      case target_state::failed:
          // Things didn't go well for this target.
          if (verb != 0 && diag >= 1)
            info << "failed to " << diag_do (a, t);

          fail = true;
        assert (false);

    if (fail)
      throw failed ();

    // We should have executed every target that we matched, provided we
    // haven't failed (in which case we could have bailed out early).
    assert (ctx.target_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) == 0);

#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (ctx.dependency_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) != 0)
      diag_record dr;
      dr << info << "detected unexecuted matched targets:";

      for (const auto& pt: ctx.targets)
        const target& t (*pt);
        if (size_t n = t[a].dependents.load (memory_order_relaxed))
          dr << text << t << ' ' << n;
    assert (ctx.dependency_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) == 0);

  const meta_operation_info mo_perform {
    true,    // bootstrap_outer
    nullptr, // meta-operation pre
    nullptr, // operation pre
    nullptr, // operation post
    nullptr, // meta-operation post
    nullptr  // include

  // info
  static operation_id
  info_operation_pre (const values&, operation_id o)
    if (o != default_id)
      fail << "explicit operation specified for meta-operation info";

    return o;

  info_load (const values&,
             scope& rs,
             const path&,
             const dir_path& out_base,
             const dir_path& src_base,
             const location& l)
    // For info we don't want to go any further than bootstrap so that it can
    // be used in pretty much any situation (unresolved imports, etc). We do
    // need to setup root as base though.

    if (rs.out_path () != out_base || rs.src_path () != src_base)
      fail (l) << "meta-operation info target must be project root directory";

    setup_base (rs.ctx.scopes.rw (rs).insert_out (out_base),

  info_search (const values&,
               const scope& rs,
               const scope&,
               const path&,
               const target_key& tk,
               const location& l,
               action_targets& ts)
    // Collect all the projects we need to print information about.

    // We've already verified the target is in the project root. Now verify
    // it is dir{}.
    if (!tk.type->is_a<dir> ())
      fail (l) << "meta-operation info target must be project root directory";

    ts.push_back (&rs);

  static void
  info_execute (const values&, action, action_targets& ts, uint16_t, bool)
    for (size_t i (0); i != ts.size (); ++i)
      // Separate projects with blank lines.
      if (i != 0)
        cout << endl;

      const scope& rs (ts[i].as<scope> ());

      context& ctx (rs.ctx);

      // Print [meta_]operation names. Due to the way our aliasing works, we
      // have to go through the [meta_]operation_table.
      auto print_ops = [] (const auto& ov, const auto& ot)
        // This is a sparse vector with NULL holes. id 0 is invalid while 1 is
        // the noop meta-operation and the default operation; we omit printing
        // both.
        for (uint8_t id (2); id < ov.size (); ++id)
          if (ov[id] != nullptr)
            cout << ' ' << ot[id];

      // This could be a simple project that doesn't set project name.
        << "project: "      << project (rs) << endl
        << "version: "      << cast_empty<string> (rs[ctx.var_version]) << endl
        << "summary: "      << cast_empty<string> (rs[ctx.var_project_summary]) << endl
        << "url: "          << cast_empty<string> (rs[ctx.var_project_url]) << endl
        << "src_root: "     << cast<dir_path> (rs[ctx.var_src_root]) << endl
        << "out_root: "     << cast<dir_path> (rs[ctx.var_out_root]) << endl
        << "amalgamation: " << (*rs.root_extra->amalgamation != nullptr ? **rs.root_extra->amalgamation : empty_dir_path) << endl
        << "subprojects: "  << (*rs.root_extra->subprojects != nullptr ? **rs.root_extra->subprojects : subprojects ()) << endl
        << "operations:";      print_ops (rs.root_extra->operations, ctx.operation_table); cout << endl
        << "meta-operations:"; print_ops (rs.root_extra->meta_operations, ctx.meta_operation_table); cout << endl;

  const meta_operation_info mo_info {
    false,   // bootstrap_outer
    nullptr, // meta-operation pre
    nullptr, // match
    nullptr, // operation post
    nullptr, // meta-operation post
    nullptr  // include

  // operations
  const operation_info op_default {
    1 /* concurrency */,

#ifndef _MSC_VER
  // VC doesn't "see" this can be const-initialized so we have to hack around
  // to ensure correct initialization order.
  #pragma warning(disable: 4073)
  #pragma init_seg(lib)
  operation_info op_update {
    "is up to date",
    1 /* concurrency */,

  const operation_info op_clean {
    "is clean",
    1 /* concurrency */,